No. 3306
The titles given to Endora users - such as my titles of Logic, Thinking and Life - refer to conceptual categories in the usage of our powers within which we are particularly proficient. The default color of an Endora user's visible psionics corresponds to these specialties.
... and now I wish I could tell you why those colors are blue, red, gold and green, but I am afraid we do not actually know, as disappointing as that may be. : P
It is a matter of continued research, but the generally accepted theory is that it might have to do with particular configurations of the energies produced in us and involved in Endora usage.
Another, less popular theory posits that it might be a memetic type of long-term change in the natural laws of our world; thinking about it, if one imagines magic in terms of visual themes... blue is a very nondescript color, red is easily associated with things that manipulate environments or other living beings, gold is easily associated with life or sentimental themes, and green is easily associated with sickness, venom, decay, what have you.
So that particular theory suggests that, as a result of these color-themed patterns emerging and persisting over eons in Endora users, the natural laws of our world (which are very much subject to manipulation and change under certain specific circumstances) might have adjusted to those "unconsciously manmade" patterns to become a default.
It is, though, so should be mentioned, perfectly possible to make one's Endora psionics appear however one wishes. It is merely that the corresponding color emerges when no effort is put towards deviating from it.