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File 156909372864.png - (109.20KB , 500x554 , ama.png )
1689 No. 1689
continuation of the old ama thread
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>> No. 1690
do you have hamsters?
>> No. 1691
>no link to the old thread
>> No. 1692
>> No. 1693
We have that animal in our universes, yeah
>> No. 1694
... okay, you serious? Why can you SUOVE fuckers never get your shit together, what even is this OP
>> No. 1695
pfff lol
>> No. 1696
can you cross-breed with them?
>> No. 1697
http://xantesa.net/9chan/int/res/1105.html theres your link
>> No. 1698
... no
>> No. 1699
... I shall encourage my mistress to petition a restructuring of your office. This is getting ridiculous.
>> No. 1700
File 156909428663.jpg - (26.41KB , 429x410 , 1325295198001.jpg )
>> No. 1701
why? you claim to be so powerful and you cant even breed with hamsters?
>> No. 1702
Let me rephrase it
I said "no"
What I meant was "I want to say no at all costs"
>> No. 1703
yknow i bet someone somewhere at some point tried that
>> No. 1704
Stop, please
>> No. 1705
File 156909480471.png - (108.06KB , 250x218 , vntti.png )
>> No. 1706
i tried and i think the only reason we cant is because they die in the process
>> No. 1707
I have a hamster! :) Her name is Wiggles
>> No. 1708
oh god no go away
>> No. 1709
>> No. 1710
exercise this devil among us
>> No. 1711
... *exorcise
>> No. 1713
Come on, she's not hurting anyone who doesn't want to get hurt, she's not doing anything wrong
>> No. 1714
I'm exercising already
>> No. 1715
>> No. 1716
>> No. 1717
spoken like a regular id say
>> No. 1718
stop it
i'll be nice
>> No. 1719
>> No. 1720
She's a chick called Delora, owner of a...
... place...
... in Damaseda
>> No. 1721
Come on! :( I know there's really bad people saying mean things about me and my establishment, but I prooomise it's not true :(

Come by and check it out for yourself! You get the first one free and there will be a theme night soon :D
>> No. 1722
Hissss hissss
>> No. 1724
u fuk or do i have to date u first
>> No. 1725
Delora's Pleasures is indeed a brothel, the finest and classiest you'll find anywhere! :) Me and my girls will give you the time of your life, so swing by <3
>> No. 1726
>> No. 1727
File 156909730810.jpg - (78.99KB , 1280x720 , itsatrap.jpg )
>> No. 1732
do you also pay for the therapy afterwards
>> No. 1734
For someone who brag about being so so powerful you really sound like a bunch of pussies who can't handle a bit of excess
>> No. 1736
Okay, feel free to pay Delora's Pleasures a visit then
Make sure to tell us how it was afterwards
>> No. 1738
While I... may personally not particularly enjoy the particular kinds of "activities" that take place at her establishment... well, I do have to agree that nothing illegal or objectively bad happens there.
Live and let live.
>> No. 2120
bumpin' so people have it harder to follow the lewds
>> No. 2373
Not him but what fucking war is everyone talking about
>> No. 2380
Your question was answered - albeit in a simplistic manner - in the other thread.
>> No. 2391
Didn't someone say that you only "come back" because somebody thinks about you (dawww)? How is it the case for some rabid bimbos?
>> No. 2404
wat no xD
that just makes it easier but we arna and evonna folk are all strong enough to come back on our own
and yknow them being so much stronger than us they can do it pretty easily

which like for reference... imagine ara being a 1
then i (im an average evonna) would maybe be a 150
and if im a 1 then lady dos would be a 10 or maybe 15
and if lady dos was a 1 then that fuckhead alexander (he a strong baddie bad) would still be a 3
or simpler if ara is a 1 then even a totally run of the mill dime a dozen average darkly fuck were at war with would still be a 1000 or so

yknow... cause you guys wondered why our government is so fuckin touchy with warning and guarding tourists lol most worlds we make contact with are nowhere near that and there was too many incidents in the past so now officials here are simply NOPE.JPG DONT EVEN START and be done with it
>> No. 2405
You spell it "Arsta" in English, you moron
"Arna" is what YOU are
>> No. 2406
>> No. 2410
Turn them against each other? Gee.
>> No. 2411
If that was the only way his vocabulary in that post is fucking weird as shit, then I wouldn't be as confused as I am.
>> No. 2413
We do
>> No. 2419
We do that whenever possible, but they have a couple ones among them who developed an uncanny talent for leading the more brainless ones
The other problem is that two of our kind fighting can have pretty awful consequences on the surrounding spacetime even when it's not Dark ones
So we gotta get them to be hostile toward each other and then manage to lock them away in an Arena (that's a spell that creates a sorta pocket dimension, to give you a basic TL;DR) so they don't cause any damage
>> No. 2444
Guys, please tell me I'm not the only one seeing this
>> No. 2445
Nice fours
>> No. 2446
Why, did I say anything weird
>> No. 2448
Have you--
Wait, let me think it over... no, it can't be it, right?
Have-- have you thought... haha, that's just too silly, right?
...thought of... you know?
Locking people in the arena so they don't cause damage, right... but, but just- just how about, you know...
...not letting them out?
>> No. 2450
Two answers to that
1) We tried that with some success and still sometimes do it with weaker foes, but they just end up killing themselves and reincarnating, so it's not a permanent solution
2) It's not exactly easy to force such a strong spell on someone who's not just as strong as you, but likely to be stronger
>> No. 2453
I do it sometimes. On the small fry. Hard to do the stronger they are. Has to do with how our powers work. And counteract each other. If you're stronger than them then it's doable. Still not piss-easy.
>> No. 2487
i want to father your children
>> No. 2492
What the fuck.
>> No. 2496
He wants to fuck
>> No. 2525
Okay. I don't.
>> No. 2526
Understandable, have a nice day
>> No. 2530
but no one wants to mother yours
>> No. 2532
I want Gretel to choke on a dick, can be even Aki's for all I care, as long as it happens
Can you make it happen please
>> No. 2550
Unlikely. Neither has Akiizu a penis, nor am I sexually interested in people who have them.
>> No. 2551
I mean
I could have one
If I wanted to
>> No. 2552
Thank you kindly for the mental images. x(

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