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File 171188810782.jpg - (179.08KB , 1024x1024 , Kaminari.jpg )
3065 No. 3065
Fucked-up Japanese Edition

Got drown in the sea of murder-horniness >>2841

In this thread we discuss why Suzuko is the best girl in this show.
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>> No. 3067
Well, that's because she totally isn't, give Dori back on screen
>> No. 3068
Fuck you. Suzuko is the best
>> No. 3069
ITT: virginfight
>> No. 3070
that's every thread on this board, anon
>> No. 3071
I didn't, actually. She doesn't have Suzuko's name from me. Not from Shi either.
>> No. 3072
It isn't unprecedented for this sort of thing to occur. I don't think it is anything to be too surprised about, although I agree with the anon who cautioned against taking this as blanket confirmation that Agahara remembers all the events from X.ADV-38-3-142.
>> No. 3073
File 171195325554.jpg - (6.51KB , 360x360 , ffi.jpg )
Agahara be like
>> No. 3074

>> No. 3075
>>3074 right now its suzus blood thats flowing
>> No. 3076
Hot damn, sudden Narame rage
I'm a fan of that
>> No. 3077
File 171196455288.png - (618.18KB , 564x626 , Mark_of_Khorne.png )
He didn't specify though

Any blood is good as long as it keeps flowing
>> No. 3078
How about they all die and we go back to Emerald Rovers?
>> No. 3079
How come the Kansai dudes have such a numbers advantage despite being just butchered in their sleep?
>> No. 3080
Kozian girls are all lesbians and don't reproduce
>> No. 3081
File 171196860871.jpg - (24.29KB , 400x400 , hmmm.jpg )
>> No. 3082
You just answered the question as to why said sleep butchering was necessary for the Kozians to have a chance
>> No. 3083
Hahaha get wrecked
>> No. 3084
dey not ded yet?
>> No. 3085
Anon, are you lonely?
>> No. 3086
Suzuko should've died.
>> No. 3087
i mean obviously agahara is the WMD here
but tbh narame lowkey MVP
seriously this is probably the scariest thirteen year old ever
>> No. 3088
Can you all stop simping and admit that that general was pretty cool?
>> No. 3089
Did admit his mistake in the end. Chose to go out with some honor, I guess. I'll give him that. Good fighter, too.
>> No. 3090
nice to see agahara has mental health problems no matter what world shes in. feels bad man
>> No. 3091
Aaalright, so she does and doesn't remember! Everyone gets to be right.
>> No. 3092
I know what will make her remember ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
>> No. 3093
... honestly still got no fucking idea how or why those "private moments" were broadcast. Bet your ass I'll get that censored to hell next time.
>> No. 3094
first time?
>> No. 3095
Is Suzuko mad... at the fucking mask? Really?
>> No. 3096
In case you somehow missed it, Sherlock, she's convinced that all her powers are some sort of Japanese mythical demon lending her his strength, and apparently she thinks it lives inside the mask
>> No. 3097
Wow, she's Big-S Stupid.
>> No. 3098
The ironic aspect to it is that, should she develop enough in her powers and not lose this belief, she may accidentally create such a being, given a substantially long enough period of time.
I would not say that this is something that might happen in any near future, no. But in the (very) long term? Why, yes, that is a possibility. To will one's imagination into reality is how these powers work, after all.
>> No. 3099
I'd say more superstitious than stupid. I mean, it's not uncommon for folks from that time period - heck, even hundreds of years later you still get whole continents of people believing in gods and spirits and demons and angels and whatever, so eh.
>> No. 3100
Also, I think it's fair to mention that it's all what her mother taught her, she didn't make it up xD
>> No. 3101
i mean we extrauniversal asividans pretty much qualify for gods in japanese mythology soooooo...... fair?
>> No. 3102
I have it on good authority
This particular red god is a total faggot
Trust me
This shit is peer reviewed
>> No. 3103
This is honestly as funny as it is adorable
>> No. 3104
suzu being blunt like a club
ara being like a teenage girl
i missed those two being dumb together this is great
>> No. 3105
Yeah, it's kind of funny how this girl conditioned into servitude develops a fascination to the first person in her life who has shown a little bit of kindness and then turns the other to be affectionate to her as well by shooting the truth out of a 380mm cannon

I don't know if this is a drama, a comedy or a psychological horror
>> No. 3106
Perhaps it is right to say that, in one another, they have found what they have unconsciously craved and needed for the longest time, no?
Suzuko, sincere and unconditional affection and gentleness; Agahara, someone who loves the person behind the royalty and the power.
>> No. 3107
I mean, it really seems he hates women
>> No. 3108
File 171209126787.jpg - (46.54KB , 512x529 , snugsmug.jpg )
>> No. 3109
Oh here we go again I guess
>> No. 3110
>> No. 3111
>>3110 id watch that
>> No. 3112
trips nowadays aren't how they used to be
>> No. 3113
She didn't use her sword even once, 0/10
>> No. 3114
She cut a path of friendship. And of tasty buns
>> No. 3115
How can someone this romantically inept and emotionally scarred so consistently come up with the most diabetes-inducing flirt one-liners
>> No. 3116
I think it's precisely because of her lack of horniness that she thinks up other means of showing affection.

Even being used more than your mom, she remains the most pure there.
>> No. 3117
Meanwhile Agahara is so used to physical things being violence that she's like a starving animal for physical affection lol
>> No. 3118
>> No. 3119
no, just drama
>> No. 3120
You were saying
>> No. 3121
File 171236065148.jpg - (67.32KB , 1920x1080 , agaharachan.jpg )
>> No. 3122
I swear. If this is the freaking small one and the bluehead fucking with my ability to stop this broadcast, I'll think of something to get back at them.
>> No. 3123
Good luck with that
I am not the hero these anons deserve
But I am the hero they need
>> No. 3124
How about your ability to fuck off, please
>> No. 3125
good ending
>> No. 3126
>> No. 3127
Oh wow, again?
>> No. 3128
Why not?
>> No. 3129
Do they know they're on TV?
>> No. 3130
They don't, and I can't stop this fucking broadcast.
>> No. 3131
I don't think they even know what TV is
>> No. 3132
well then dont
>> No. 3133
So what now, we reset again and go through everything a third time so we can still pretend it's not lesbo porn?
>> No. 3134
>>3133 ur aware these are actual people right
this aint a show even if yer watching it like one
>> No. 3135
So are people in a movie, so what?
>> No. 3136
You're cute to think it's be a first time when people fuck with other people just for show.
>> No. 3137
>> No. 3138
Yeah, uh. No. This isn't a "show". Everything happening there is very real. Figured that was pretty clear.
>> No. 3139
Yeah, that will teach her to joke around suzuko
>> No. 3140
Woow. Reaaally?

Nobody cares. I don't know how new you are here, but commercializing lives of others hardly surprises anyone. Most of the people here probably was on that other end already. I know I was. Several times. And? Why should I care? Show must go on.
>> No. 3141
>>3140 commercializing means theres financial gain you dumbass which there isnt
>> No. 3142
Sounds like words of somebody absolutely oblivious to the vast amount of unofficial merchandise for dumb waifufags circulated around the Hub
>> No. 3143
i saw three 'authentic' totsuka-no-tsurugis so far
>> No. 3144
Hey, that was genuinely nice of her. I dare say Agahara doesn't deserve Suzuko. This one is even more demanding and arrogant than the last one.
>> No. 3145
It's the same Agahara, you visible fart. Stop projecting yourself on her just because you think "ooh I could be nicer to m'lady Suzuko Fujiwaifu"
>> No. 3146
I never said anything like that you stale cracker. I don't even swing that way.

Suzuko seems like a really good, pure person who is opening her heart for the first time in her life. Agahara is already exploiting that to make her dance on her hand.
>> No. 3147
"No, you can't hurt yourself" is exploiting to you?

I hope your gene pool ends with you, although it could use more chlorine
>> No. 3148
No shit, you part-time Sherlocks. This whole relationship is nothing but mutual wish fulfillment and escapism. Agahara found someone who showers her with affection and lets her experience physical intimacy to help her cope with all the violence and feelings of isolation from her status and abilities, and Suzuko found someone strong yet gentle that she can idealize to cope with how she got abused and mistreated for most of her life. This isn't love between two adult women, this is just escapism. And if any of you think this relationship will survive the moment either of them grows up and realizes this, then I have a suggestion: Stop watching anime, leave the basement, and touch some fucking grass.
>> No. 3149
>>3148 how many friends do you have be honest
>> No. 3150
i don't think either of them really exploits the other
i just think they're both in a crazy situation and found someone who helps them cope in each other
not sure how much of that is real love and how much of it is just copium but i don't think that means it's wrong either
they can actually say real things they love about each other personality wise which is more than the average couple tbh
>> No. 3151
Love can blossom in many ways, and all of them can be as true as any other.
Perhaps a relationship may start by finding coping mechanisms and a form of escapism in one another, but that does not mean that it cannot equally have very earnest components to it all the same. And neither does it mean that it cannot mature into something more substantial, with strong feet planted firmly on the ground, so to say.

Personally, I find myself in agreement that Agahara and Suzuko, however consciously aware of it they may or may not be, have very much set themselves up with an arrangement of sorts in which they provide each other mutual escapism. I would not try to deny this; it is quite plainly observable.
Yet I also feel that there is a more substantial aspect to it as well, as they very clearly admire and love traits in the other that have little to do with that escapism. And, why, I see no reason at this point in time as to why this more substantial aspect of their relationship should not grow, mature and help both of them grow as time passes.

In this light, I also do not think that helping one another cope the way they do is necessarily anything bad. If that is something they need, then so long as that is not all their relationship is (which, as I said, I do not think is so), I believe there is nothing wrong with it.
And beyond even that, the two of them simply have to be excused for living in the age and the complicated situation which they find themselves in. Would it be favorable if both of them sought out a psychological therapist, or were not pushed into the rather extreme state of codependence which circumstance forced upon the two of them? Why, obviously. But those are not options available to either, I dare say.
>> No. 3152
Haha, she said it, that dumb fuck
>> No. 3153
>> No. 3154
No. Read it or do not, it is not my problem.
>> No. 3155
yknow i kinda get narame and haana tbh
>> No. 3156
I just said I didn't read you pineapple bread
>> No. 3157
Yeah, they're the first ones to just give up and rely on others
>> No. 3158
Okay, brave internet warrior living a cushy enough life to have access to this site
Your wise insight on the situation of these people is valuable and noted
>> No. 3159
I think dancing Suzuko broke Agahara
Send her in for repairs, she's leaking
>> No. 3160
I want Dori to learn this dance
>> No. 3161
Oh... I have a feeling she absolutely will
>> No. 3162
I have a feeling that Komiyo/Narame will insist on sharing that with both the siblings.
>> No. 3163
Well, maybe that will make them not hate Suzuko, a little bounding moment
>> No. 3164
You mean... *bouncing* moment
>> No. 3165
for how serious that girl is half the time when you really let her be a kid shes REALLY being a kid
i guess compensating
>> No. 3166
Oh wait wow, they're actually talking about the exact thing
Didn't expect that
>> No. 3167
ok so she IS aware of it. neat
>> No. 3168
huh what? bout what?
>> No. 3169
Came up earlier, the whole thing where those two might be slipping into kind of a toxic copium relationship
Didn't think either would notice let alone be concerned and talk about it
>> No. 3195
I will die of diabetes
>> No. 3196
I already did. I seek reparations from the stream owner.
>> No. 3197
Let's bet: how long until the next time we see some action?
>> No. 3198
You mean fighting, or...
>> No. 3199
Suzuko's clearly an assassin class. She debuffs the target first, then comes close for strike when it is weakened.
>> No. 3200
It's like she's a fighting game character
She true comboed Agahara to 0 from full and got the special finish
>> No. 3210
I would say "go fuck already" but that already happened, hm.
>> No. 3211
dunno how to tell you this but when two people like each other very much then they might have sex more than once
>> No. 3212
Right, sooo Agahara has an alcohol problem in this new world
That's... fantastic
>> No. 3213
If only that autistic nippon roll knew what does that even mean
>> No. 3214
really? you think suzuko doesn't even know what alcoholism is? that'd be wild
>> No. 3215
Did you see her react in any way to what she heard? I didn't. And before, when Agahara hit her toe or something, she nuked her with a healing bomb.

Yeah, I reckon if Suzuko knew what that means she would react quite differently.
>> No. 3216
fuck royalty get nobility, sweet deal for suzuko lol
>> No. 3217
there's hope shes gonna get rejected
>> No. 3218
>> No. 3219
File 171537022853.jpg - (462.20KB , 1700x2274 , 272b1d972ab67803258a73f25325b170.jpg )
Oh, A duel
>> No. 3220
>> No. 3221
thats reserved for the princess-sama
>> No. 3222
You know, far as the idea of mortal Mage versus mortal non-Mage goes, this was probably close to as good as it gets
>> No. 3223
Just a shitty mage lol, she probably could just make Iniya blind on that spot and then tap her shoulder three times
>> No. 3224
nnnaaaawwww, muh honoroburu baturu
>> No. 3226
and thats why mortals without endora have no damn chance in whatever hell your religion believes in against someone who can do that lol
>> No. 3227
And then there's Agahara, who could simply fly up and shoot spells down at helpless enemies until they give up. Yeah, most plain humans have no chance against an Endora user one on one. Even Narame could probably take Iniya one on one if she went about it the right way.
>> No. 3228
Meant to tag this one.
>> No. 3229
"Even Narame" xDDD
>> No. 3230
whys that funny shes weaker than suzu
>> No. 3231
Well you sure make it sound like she's the very bottom of the power ladder
>> No. 3232
Among the Mages she is, isn't she? I mean, as long as you don't count the twins, who aren't fighters at all.
>> No. 3233
Excuse me, Dori would absolutely wreck Narame
>> No. 3234
>> No. 3235
She would mind trick her into giving up and then hugged the shit out of her
>> No. 3236
as wholesome as youre trying to be hugging the shit out of somebody does imply something quite brutal
>> No. 3237
Her again? Ban her already
>> No. 3238
huh> why>
>> No. 3239
Because> she's> fucking> annoying>
>> No. 3240
haha fucking lmao, losing cool in a talk with a literal child, some lady she is
>> No. 3241
Behave yourself.
>> No. 3242
? ? ? ?
>> No. 3243
File 171600028092.jpg - (34.61KB , 736x809 , 198bfbde11c4064db3100b7a8e948e62.jpg )
Suzuko is such a chad
>> No. 3244
There we go, simps have woken up
>> No. 3245
How so?
>> No. 3246
She's the one to get offered a billion dollars and go "nah, I don't need that"
>> No. 3247
i love how lady merana can just do whatever tf she wants and she gets away wth it lol
>> No. 3248
simps never sleep.
>> No. 3249
That's pretty on brand, I'd say
>> No. 3250
That's not Chad, that's stupid; just accepting it is nothing but smart, worst case you can just donate it all to something good.
>> No. 3251
i just think it's nice to see her publicly speak like that about her motivations and stuff :))) people say shes a little cold or nasty or smth but theres a reason shes lady of a great house and theres a reason we follow her!! <3
>> No. 3252
People can say what they want about her, but
1. the woman has her heart in the right place or she wouldn't have her title
2. the woman doesn't waste time on bullshit, she just gets shit done
>> No. 3253
>Doesn't waste time on bullshit
>Pointlessly makes everybody walk up the same set of stairs and halls before speaking to her
>> No. 3254
depends on your interpretation of what's a waste of time
I'm guessing that those dream talks don't really take time, so she's probably indulging lol
>> No. 3255
Never said she can't be kind of pompous and condescending, just saying she's a doer
>> No. 3256
Oh god, now they're "no I love you more"ing
>> No. 3257
can we go back to cool knights and swords pls im getting diabetes here and probably some kinda epilepsy too
>> No. 3258
Yeah, I think this edition is even more sugary than the previous one
>> No. 3259
Even more sugary, but also way more fucked up? If I didn't misunderstand, a whole damn universe got wiped out in PTSDtastic ways. Also ramming swords into people's eyes and throats.
>> No. 3260
down the throat through the whole body actually ftfy
>> No. 3261
File 171648466623.jpg - (25.73KB , 533x300 , tehepero.jpg )
It's okay, she said she won't do it anymore tehe~
>> No. 3262
Well it really shows that nipponese have war crimes in their blood
>> No. 3263
this is one horny princess, she need it every day or what
>> No. 3264
This is so fucking wrong, why is this being broadcast?
>> No. 3265
We don't know what's going on. It's been a problem this whole time, we can't cut the broadcast. So if you people have some sort of decency, you'll just not watch. But let's be real, that's hopeless.
>> No. 3266
Apparently the vampire watched it too
>> No. 3267
Which one?
>> No. 3268
>> No. 3270
Why, I assure you that I was, in fact, not watching whatever the two of them were doing. I do not happen to be as desperate as the average terminally online person on this board.
>> No. 3272
Let's be real, it's not like Ara and Suzu even did anything unusual. But yeah, to a thirteen-year-old (or to Suzu, I guess) it's going to leave kind of an impression.
But even then it's not like she's the first or the last kid to ever walk in on her parents (or her mom and her girlfriend). Just talk it out properly and it'll be fine.
And maybe stop having noisy sex when there's people around, that could be a cool idea.
>> No. 3273
good job outing yourself as having watched
>> No. 3274
Who are you leaving this tip to?
>> No. 3275
Wait, there was another fuckscene? I'm in
>> No. 3276
I want Dori to try new things with me
>> No. 3277
your mom
>> No. 3278
Oh there he is. Did you sleep well?
>> No. 3279
Your Dori doesn't love you
>> No. 3280
I know.
>> No. 3281
oh no
>> No. 3282
Oooh fuck... that's uhm yeah...
>> No. 3283
That's an 'oopsie'
>> No. 3284
no THIS is an oopsie wtf this is REALLY bad tell me lady merana will do something about this shes going to fucking kill agahara
>> No. 3285
Is this actually going where I think it is!?
>> No. 3286
You can't be for real. It's been two fucking days. She can't seriously be going Dark right now.
>> No. 3287
>> No. 3288
Well that surely escalated quickly, they were just giving compliments to each other
>> No. 3289
oh thank fuck
>> No. 3290
Holy shit good, someone did something
>> No. 3291
Is that not a breach of the no intervention policy?
>> No. 3292
I think I speak for Mera right now when I say: "WHO GIVES A SHIT?"
>> No. 3293
i think you speak for everyone with that
>> No. 3294
Well it would be a pretty short show otherwise, only a single combat and shit
>> No. 3295
Still not a show
All that shit is 100 % legit happening right now and I hate it
>> No. 3296
Oh fuck off and get your poptart or whatever shit you eat there
>> No. 3297
"I threw up"

Can you imagine a super evil dark-powered vomit?
>> No. 3298
Sooo uuuuh, funny story that...
>> No. 3299
that's a thing that exists and it's as disgusting as you think it is lol
>> No. 3300
Sounds cool, tell me about it
>> No. 3301
"I am stupid"

Haha, she fucking told her, bet that Shizu feels silly now
>> No. 3302
So y'all just Hulks? You turn green when you're angry?
>> No. 3303
>> No. 3304
shizu is underrated
where are the shizu fans
she even has a cool eyepatch now she can be solid shizu
>> No. 3307
I want Dori to feed me dumplings
>> No. 3308
>> No. 3312

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