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File 145097833511.jpg - (16.37KB , 300x400 , 26230-1-550x550.jpg )
985 No. 985 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
At least to those to whom it's Christmas right now; you know who you are.

Hope you three... or, well, you two (unless there's a fourth one I'm not aware of) have a good time.
5 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 991
wow that was awful
>> No. 992
Not as awful as your face.
>> No. 993
that was even worse
>> No. 994
And still better than your face!
>> No. 995
Repeating a joke doesn't make it better, man.

File 14447332266.jpg - (41.46KB , 407x405 , 9c0db054d7c31458490fbda6a7308808991a1c41710458a126.jpg )
930 No. 930 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
19 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 968
>On an image board
>> No. 969
I'm free like a bird, dude
>> No. 976
File 144864669722.jpg - (363.51KB , 1056x1504 , 1375100792827.jpg )
fly away then.
>> No. 977
She's on her way to neverland on divine wings of bullshit.
>> No. 984

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662 No. 662 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
>Group from Belanaria asking where can they get laid around here
>Point them at Vastician Embassy
I'm waiting for the summary.
7 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 685
You fail even at shitposting
>> No. 692
Oh, redirecting them to someone else is actually a magnificent idea! I suppose I will do that!

... that is, if there was not the problem that the gate between Vasticia and Xantesa is closed right now due to increased war activities near the gate!
>> No. 693
what!? oh right, they wont even make it here!
but i wanted cute girls!! :(
>> No. 957
someone did come to the embassy, yeah
fucking asshole
>> No. 970
i like assholes

File 143620403899.jpg - (182.94KB , 1000x852 , ask.jpg )
764 No. 764 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
hey, so
i had this idea for a little game we people from different world could play!

- ask a question
- the next poster answers it
- and also takes any ONE word from the previous question and makes a new question with it

you gotta say which world's people you're asking, of course :)

thought this might be a funny idea :D
hope you like it

i go first
ahdunno, something super random...

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13 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 816
chłopak i dziewczyna normalna rodzina chuju
>> No. 817
File 14363968689.jpg - (224.52KB , 850x1278 , 1434748605007-3.jpg )
I'm sorry, I don't speak faggot.

Was that by any chance "Post more hussy pls"?
>> No. 818
wow, me feelings are hort and sore.jpg

me of course! :D me

cool story bro
whens the part where you learn english? :D
>> No. 958
> whens the part where you learn english? :D
nuvid niidrev vec d remneo
>> No. 959
haha, tiduin cudu ve :D

File 143636494229.gif - (921.74KB , 640x360 , 1434367975353.gif )
809 No. 809 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
i dum lol
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 813
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>> No. 820
That is very low of you.
... I am proud of you.
>> No. 843
howis it loe to make fun of yourself
>> No. 850
File 14383261605.gif - (1.08MB , 480x270 , urafaget.gif )
>> No. 956
I agree

File 143629563546.jpg - (11.34KB , 280x340 , Adex.jpg )
777 No. 777 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
If thos post is a trip Gretel showa us her exposed tits or gtfos this board forever
46 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 945
get a room
and a chat client
i mean, seriously, what the fuck.
>> No. 946
No chance. These two will never change.
>> No. 950
Yeah, you'd probably assume that people dun really change anymore after some million years, cabbun ovvus
>> No. 951
I changed my hairstyle lately. Don't throw me in the same pot as you two.
>> No. 952
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File 143852736085.jpg - (22.99KB , 400x300 , lolipride.jpg )
852 No. 852 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
i want to make a loli brigade for the war over here! lolis everywhere!!

i need every strong loli out there to come over here and then were gonna totally fuck up Nana and Hannah so they know theyre the shittiest lolis in the WHOLE FUCKING multiverseworldthing!!

and i count too because im short and flat, so shut up
anyone who says im not a cute loli dies :( dies

so come over here!
lets pick a time and a place and then were gonna go fuck up the stupid fake lolis who think theyre better than us!!
cus they suck! suck hard! hard!!

were better lolis for days! especially me!!

all come :D come!!
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>> No. 876
Eh. More like a sci-fi fantasy mix with heavy fantasy part, really.
>> No. 877
File 144010355627.jpg - (21.21KB , 560x268 , gandalf_laughing.jpg )
This nigga gets it
>> No. 891
MC GabbaGandalf up in this bissatch!
Spit us sum rhymes
>> No. 903
I'm not him, but okay

Now, this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became a mage in Kent'er

In east Bumblefuck born and raised
On the wheat field was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out plowin' herdin' all cool
And all shooting game right out in the woods
When a couple of guys who were up to no hula
Started making trouble in my tula
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>> No. 914
Aw yea, spittin dem sick rhymes right up in yo muthafukkin ayuss like a bowz

File 142861949359.jpg - (39.94KB , 553x484 , im-not-saying-ive-got-a-boner-but-ive-got-a-boner.jpg )
326 No. 326 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Dear /int/ how do I fuck these girls from this new world. Also stories of your interdimensional fucks/general

>Which world's girls are you favourite and why

>What was your best lay

>What was your worst lay

Also, my sister's telling me that Shinrae's tongue skills are out of this fucking multiverse
82 posts and 16 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 830
Well, help me out mate!
>> No. 831
You sure?
She's from QD :^)
>> No. 832
>> No. 833

>> No. 851
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752 No. 752 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
This is not supposed to be anything particularly "fancy", and I do not have much time either.

But since people seemed to be disappointed by the fact that there would be no broadcasting, I decided to at least release some minor information here, at least every now and then.

For now, Terren, Hersanna, Elly, Smiley and Horatio began investigating the first murder case in the plot line of the game.

There has not yet been any major development in favor of any side.

I hope you will find this occasional information feed a bit interesting.
15 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 804
Oh well.
I thought it was a good idea. But in that case, I will not post anything further here.

Overall, not using this board any further right now really seems to be the better idea.
>> No. 805
hey, dont be down now :/
theyre not your friends AND they dunno whats going on, so just ignore them

mine are small, but you can see mine if you want
see mine
>> No. 807
It is fine. To be honest, spending some time here, on this board, even especially at this time, is entertaining in a way and also a reminder of the colorful place that Xantesa is, and what I like about it.

So thank you for your concern, Laputi, but I am fine, really.
>> No. 808
Well, what are you waiting for? Post them!
>> No. 819
if youre a girl and cute then come over here and you can touch them :O
but only if i can touch yours
ill kill you if youre actually a guy or ugly tho, so dont come if youre not a cute girl

File 142853775447.gif - (57.77KB , 350x369 , loveandpeace.gif )
151 No. 151 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Since the existence of this board is so absurd anyways, let's have the topic it deserves.

I love beans!
60 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 751
>> No. 760
I took some time alone to think about it, but I think I made up my mind:
>> No. 761
why do you hate me... :(
>> No. 774
I'd your pillow
>> No. 803
Id my pillow too :D

File 143540722531.jpg - (41.61KB , 900x506 , XantesanPride.jpg )
698 No. 698 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
What the fuck are those increased war activities I keep hearing around, and why do we keep the scoundrels who increase them?

Come on, since when do we allow anybody to push US around? We are the heroes of Xantesa, we are the legion.

If we don't do anything, soon it will be too late and we will never have those happy days at Messy Hole again!
29 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 730
Fucking kill yourself
>> No. 731
This isn't exactly worthy of a newsflash, there's always war over here... ya, at the time there's a bit more going on near the gate, but that thing is guarded about as heavily as the Palace.

All that's different at the moment is basically that bringing guests here is lots more dangerous, but that's it.

I might just be inclined to agree with you.

For the few guys who actually DON'T know and worry: This has been going on forever, and them breaching the protection around the gate (or the Palace) NEVER happened, and it likely never will.

Move along, nothing to see here.
>> No. 735
the oh so super awesome mega boss said it, so IT MUST BE RIGHT
>> No. 742
Wow, are you still pissed at me?
>> No. 750
fuck you

File 143429585585.jpg - (199.91KB , 768x667 , 1401966964397.jpg )
545 No. 545 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Guess the alignment game!

Here, we use the old, rusty alignment system of ancient games to guess what sort or personality fits what character

I only saw a handful of'em recently, but my guesses are

>Gretel - True Neutral
>Esterina - Chaotic Stupid
>Terren - Lawful Stupid
>Hersanna - Chaotic Good
>Elly - Neutral Good
>Mr. All Smiles - Chaotic Hungry
>Horatio - Neutral Evil
53 posts and 13 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 661
get out !!
this s our bord now :D
>> No. 663
I know, right. It's very amusing to watch at times.
>> No. 664
File 143534135352.jpg - (143.66KB , 580x710 , 1424052487804.jpg )
It sure is!
>> No. 667
You're a board.
>> No. 673
shes flat as a board, yeah

File 142848156364.jpg - (58.31KB , 591x694 , 1409694031505.jpg )
27 No. 27 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So, where are you guys from and do you observe the Vers game? If you do, who is your Vers waifu?

I'm from Qual'Doman and like Marianella the most.
47 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 454
Congratulations! You won a [nothing].
>> No. 472
Sorry, your reply and everything else was boring, so I slept for a while again.
And yes, okay, I won a nothing. What's in it?
>> No. 632
stop being everywhere
>> No. 634
Only if you stop necroposting
>> No. 636

File 143239140738.png - (202.84KB , 500x375 , TerrenMontana.png )
456 No. 456 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Boss preparing to another game, lol
Comin' wif me
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>> No. 590
ya ya ya okay that was a lie, im not, like, evil atm
but i totally could be, so it counts :(
and i ate someone once! was awful, but that counts as devouring!!
>> No. 591
... I don't even
>> No. 593
Wow, this escalated quickly.
>> No. 600
So... I assume no one actually has any idea how their game is going?
I hope Gretel will share some details on the post-game party.
I really think this should have been broadcasted inter-world.
>> No. 631
wow youre everywhere

File 143424787968.jpg - (109.87KB , 625x938 , 7359ebb1bfbe54c9917f7d8c976c55d479bd3eecb074931cf6.jpg )
490 No. 490 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
hey, all you fagets :D
so, like, your terren person and some other people came her and theyre playing a game against our gretel (who is totally my waifu btw)

its a reasoning game and all that stuff
logic and so on
probably fucking boring

sooooo who do you think wins? cmon lets make bets :D
xantesas and QDs terren, some multimouth guy, two more maidos and that other guy?? i hear terrens pretty smart, and they all got tested before they started too, so none of thems dumb or anything!
or gretel? shes the witch of logic and thinking and all that good stuff, never lost a game, only had a draw a single time against the red jerk!

ill take bets, lets think of a fun penalty game for the losers :D

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>> No. 612
Who's even playing
What's the game
Where/who are the pawns
How can we bet not knowing anything, that's stupid
>> No. 617
It is a reasoning game about a story during which several crimes happen. The players follow the story and are able to visit and investigate scenes on the game board.

This of course means that abilities and personal attributes like intelligence, perception and logical thinking are essential.

The goal is to find the truth behind the plot of the game board.
... currently, the game is in its very early stages and there was not yet any development in favor of any side.

The game board itself is a small world I created on a lower level, and the pieces are, of course, living beings inside that world which are under my control.

I hope this answers all of your questions.
>> No. 619
correct me if im wrong, but
i think youre supposed to be playing a game right now o.o game
>> No. 620
The guys who play against you are Terren, Hersanna and Elly from Xantesa as well as "Smiley" (an odd thing with mouths all over the place) and Horatio from Qual'Doman.

You forgot to mention that one.
>> No. 630
again, who are you?
how do you even know that o.o know

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