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File 157779791731.jpg - (17.16KB , 480x360 , hqdefault.jpg )
2461 No. 2461 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Stop shitposting. Your insolent behavior makes you no better than the people you deem yourself oh so morally superior to.
10 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2478
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>> No. 2480
Replying to it is arguably the best way to provoke more posts from the same person, is it not? :^)
>> No. 2483
This is so perfect
>> No. 2486
My point was proven and my goal reached even faster than I thought, yes. x)
>> No. 2490

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2125 No. 2125 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I-It's okay if it's with you...
201 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2388
Stop naming Suzuko that way
>> No. 2389
Why is she coming with the twins, anyway? If they need someone to capture the target, wouldn't just some Oreishu be enough? Or, fuck, Shizu, if she's really a trained assassin?
>> No. 2390
dunno... ara's plan of picking up more assistance from the northern provinces and surprise-buttsecksing dokaiya isn't bad
from there they can cut houko off and then scissor it from north and south
makes sense to me
>> No. 2392
Wasn't Shizu a spy / investigator, not an assassin? Also... eeeh, in a world with so uncannily many Mages (yes, it's unusual), you never know what you'll find.
>> No. 2394

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2256 No. 2256 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
27 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2292
If I wanted THAT kind of stuff, I'd just go to that one fucked up world and start worshipping Slanash or whatever it was called
>> No. 2293
yknow theres porn on the internet right
>> No. 2294
Xangle doesn't bring anything up when I search for "Vastician lewds" or "Naked Vastician girls"
>> No. 2295
Laputi don't you fucking dare spoonfeeding him
>> No. 2296
i mean general porn
you wont find any nudes of celebrities from here and other than that its just random people and at that point just go look for random porn

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1992 No. 1992 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
watup bitches we taking ur shit
3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1996
lol dont jinx it
>> No. 1997
You know it's true tho
>> No. 2006
get your ass out of your head
>> No. 2008
but its so warm and cozy in here
>> No. 2119
bumpin' so people have it harder to follow the lewds

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1900 No. 1900 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Prepare To Cry edition

Slept with Dori: >>1013

Let's make a petition to rip Suzuko out of there and have a battle royale over her. I mean, we all know that that Princess woman does not deserve her and Suzu only shows her any affection because she was the first one to show her some kindness - I know I can protecc better and make better sandwiches anyway

Also, get for Iniya is going to ask to heal Shizu's leg, calling it first
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>> No. 2115
I mean, nice - they masked the porn as adventure movie by giving it some unusually long intro
>> No. 2116
It wasn't supposed to *leak* at first, but as it did, they now go with the *flow*
>> No. 2117
they should really get to the leaking and flowing already YES!!!! should
>> No. 2118
Does it matter? This thread is at the top anyway
>> No. 2122

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1013 No. 1013 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Bet you don't know, nippleheads, but there's a new transmission coming from the deadlands xD

A harem story, I'm calling it
Protag looks like a decent douchebag
273 posts and 24 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1896
Well, Agahara's depression and desperation stem from the burden she puts on herself in the many acts of violence and killings she commits. She seems to feel awfully inhuman and distanced from everyone around her.
On one hand, yes, she gets to fight this one way by being there for her daughter. But more than just not (fully, in all ways) getting to fight this the other way around with Suzuko, I feel the thing that makes it even more problematic is that Suzuko actively feels in a negative way about Agahara's wish to be close to her; it is a form of rejecting affection, a subconscious implication of fear or dislike of Agahara's "neediness".
Mind you, Suzuko cannot be blamed for it, surely. But that does little to make it much better.
>> No. 1897
Excuse me what
Want me to go all over the footage of her saying "it's fine, use me" or whatever and post it here for you?
>> No. 1898
i mean it just attentionwhoring right she could see that other chick trying to overcome it and shes still like uwu nobody lowes me i want touch
>> No. 1899
Are you a functioning retard?
>> No. 1901
new thread ye bongal moshnas

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1170 No. 1170 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You got questions, I got answers. Proper Answers. Big answers.

Or you can just peck off and let me do whatever I'm doing.
198 posts and 48 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1747
you can step on my face :)
>> No. 1748
Some guy came for that, she rejected him as my sources informed me
>> No. 1749
I believe there's a difference between simply being a member of some worse race and belonging to VC, the latter is uncurable
>> No. 1751
>> No. 1753
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1105 No. 1105 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Hello, dear off-worlders!

We have gone through a lot of data on off-world relations in recent times - communication, language barriers, tourism, the long Asividan inactivity on this site, and so on.
In doing so, we have come to clearly see and identify many inefficiencies and unfortunate decisions, past and present.

So, given the present data regarding preferred methods of communication across worlds among the general public, we considered a more casual and, most of all, a more comfortably accessible approach for getting to know us and our world (for those who are interested in it), and for us to not just get to know more about you and your worlds, but also hear things from you that might inform our decisions regarding off-world relations and tourism a bit better than in the past.

And as controversial as the decision was at Etasa, this site honestly seems like the ideal place for that in our opinion!

So for a start, with this, we would like to simply start a kind of AMA thread.
You, dear off-worlders, may ask or bring up whatever you like (don't worry, we have no noble delusions about this staying civil or safe for minors), and any of us over here may feel free to chime in with whatever they have to say.

We hope you like this idea, and hope you will take part in any future threads or surveys we may put up.

Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
206 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1683
Yeah. That's the misunderstanding here. Endora isn't magic. We don't have spells for everything that just do shit for us. It's manual and takes effort.
Thinking of a good way to say it...
Think of a "version" of magic or psionics that's subject to all that. Doing it manually. Muscle memory (equivalent, not literally). Different methods. Practice. Proficiency at different tasks. Gets better results if it's complex, so effort and practice and taking your time = better results.
Kinda like that.
>> No. 1685
I said iT'S SAGED
>> No. 1686
i mean we can make spells that do one REALLY specific thing which is more efficient then
but thats obviously not very universal
more like a tool to make a task go better
>> No. 1688
Dude, calm down. lol
Fellows at SUOVE will make a new one soon enough
>> No. 1740
New wan because these morons can't fucking link

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997 No. 997 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
>fiddle around with my crystal ball because I'm bored
>accidentaly tune in into some obscure QD frequency
>That skeletal faggot unleashed a deadly plague on some world
>Invited Vastyfags to watch

If anyone needed proof that the undead are degenerates who need purging, here you are

Race war fucking when
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1004

My interest in the game is ded as fuck
>> No. 1634
The game is truly ded now cause it actually got finished
>> No. 1635
> Actually got finished
I was there
I know it's true
And I still call bullshit on that
Has to be black magic
>> No. 1636
Even games find their end in Qual'Doman

>> No. 1637
... I'll let you have that one
I smirked a bit

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1601 No. 1601 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Fish gets the 1600!
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>> No. 1605
I will do everything in my power to get 1999. (... not really, but I will at least try.)
>> No. 1607
gl trying to get the nines away from the red shit
>> No. 1608
I am after him and he knows it.
>> No. 1616
careful with the wording
>> No. 1619
Oh shush, you. xD

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1201 No. 1201 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

33 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1543
We really do not require a thread like that, as far as I am concerned.
>> No. 1552
Pff. You should meet her at council meetings. She turns into the most calm and boring politician you could imagine.
>> No. 1555
doing your job good is nooooooot boring it's goooooood
good good good good good
>> No. 1579
oh baby a triple
but know what's really good?
>> No. 1588
i know all the good things!

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666 No. 666 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
50 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1199
Wait, what? I thought it's just that Hern bitch that changed her name
>> No. 1206
It is, you moron, just fused with the metal, what don't you understand?
>> No. 1207
I don't understand how
>> No. 1528
That sounds like an arbitrarily complicated way to... make a person
>> No. 1530

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878 No. 878 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Elf slave.

Wat do?
60 posts and 13 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1443
Ignore previous posts. And I don't think he likes either.
>> No. 1446
elf slaves
elf racism
angry elves
arguing elves
chains and latex
were on a journey ladies and gentlemen
>> No. 1447

>> No. 1448
uh did you mean to reply to the post below me lol
>> No. 1450

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834 No. 834 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
ded board
28 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 996
ded board
>> No. 1012
ded never changes
>> No. 1265
Seems pretty lively to me
>> No. 1266

Come to the Hub for your Archeology degree!
>> No. 1297
Congrats. You mastered necromancy.

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1010 No. 1010 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
>> No. 1011
NO. Go away.
>> No. 1100
Get for a 1's and 0's thread only
>> No. 1101
>> No. 1103
thats nooooooot how you use pillows
you sit on them fucking moron haha

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