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File 14284631217.png - (704.81KB , 1272x720 , mpc-hc 2015-04-08 02-20-11-98.png )
24 No. 24 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
22 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 235
... yeah, right
>> No. 236
Who I am?
Dunno. Go upstairs and find out
>> No. 243
Aaand fuck you too ^^
>> No. 294
File 142861374469.jpg - (37.51KB , 500x376 , 1273971564317.jpg )
So, are the pics ready yet?
>> No. 474
veeeeery dead. yep

File 142853125031.jpg - (352.84KB , 1415x1420 , Interspecies_crossbreeding.jpg )
67 No. 67 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Being friendly to all outsiders, I want to share with you this basic knowledge that might save you some... unexpected problems. No thanks needed, newfriends!
9 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 93
File 142853324984.png - (44.22KB , 429x750 , 1427358999227.png )
It's okay. ;_;
>> No. 105
File 142853406792.png - (227.28KB , 518x331 , 1398469770435.png )
>dragons can fuck anything
>but Sariel won't fuck me

>> No. 107
Lah'ra mated with a lizardfolk
>> No. 263
And yes, looking a bit lower on this page was a mistake...
>> No. 473
dead board is dead xD

File 142612707718.png - (588.61KB , 733x733 , 1407870397103.png )
1 No. 1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
A board for our friends from far away. Since they cannot into our common speech this is the language that will be used here.

No shitposting.
No insulting.
No I'm joking, do what you want :^)

127 posts and 25 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 279
File 142854859485.jpg - (184.05KB , 1280x1444 , 1317405308811.jpg )
>> No. 285
Oh, now I got it. You failed to reply correctly, just as you fail as a creator, a person, and a being who should be allowed to live.
>> No. 286
File 142858661857.gif - (896.87KB , 320x240 , oh_snap.gif )
>> No. 303
File 142861706127.png - (121.14KB , 240x249 , 1273970582026.png )
>> No. 455
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Check out my dubs, newfags.

File 142854066328.png - (14.59KB , 400x400 , blud pliss.png )
190 No. 190 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

I only recently, about a hundred years ago, ascended from being locked into my universe of origin and found out about worlds beyond the one I know, and now I found this neat inter-world message board.

Seeing as how there are countless different races throughout different worlds, I would like to ask if anyone, of course preferably of a non-human, interesting race, would be interested in donating their blood for taste-testing.

And, of course, if your particular blood tastes good, it would be appreciated if you were to be available as a permanent donor.
A reward or payment for your donations would then be discussed individually.

My thanks in advance to anyone interested."

- Yosuya Souku, Witch of Trickery and Agent / Ambassador of the Pale Moon Realm
On behalf of Merana Pelaluna, the the Vampire-Witch of Chaos and Mistress of the Pale Moon Realm
52 posts and 16 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 447
Oh, don't be so negative.
Tell me how to brighten your day, sweetie.
>> No. 450
Well, I don't know. Why don't you just, like, die?
>> No. 451
she just left without me :(
if you see a short winged vampire in xantesa, then tell her i hate her :|
>> No. 452
whoever you are
>> No. 453
i guess i'd be called the gatekeeper of the pale moon realm
tho it's kinda pointless; back in the mansion there were sometimes vampire hunters i would kill or so, but here - nothing, i just sit around all day
not complaining tho xD just a bit boring sometimes

and hey
if you see yo with mera when they arrive in xantesa... yo looks a bit beat up to say the least, don't rub it in her face... ._.

File 142861693734.jpg - (29.97KB , 600x400 , 1265723458662.jpg )
300 No. 300 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Dat Ass get
48 posts and 19 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 443
we can fight?? yay :D
but ill maybe kill you accidentally
dont get mad, ill help bring you back if it happens :O
>> No. 444
Oh my, I almost missed this.
Would you mind if I come too?
I guess I could then let Yosuya out of that closet so she can hold my parasol.
>> No. 446
>It all started with an ass
>> No. 448
File 142889105746.jpg - (78.57KB , 640x480 , 1423242723512.jpg )
Oh, I forgot the image.
>> No. 449
you put here in that closet!?
thats... a little harsh

but can i come to mera? pls pls pls :D

No. 298 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
  Interdimensional music thread!
7 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 319
Damn, I wish I was there
>> No. 410
Hmm... really makes me wanna play in Xantesa again. Kinda
Last times were really nice
>> No. 414
You the one back from the market? Hey, I remember! :D
>> No. 415
Ha, seems I go to Xantesa now anyway
Maybe I'll find a place for a lil' gig or so. Any bands there atm I could play with?
I forgot the name of the one I played with last time >.>
>> No. 418
And yeah, I played at the market a few times
Guitar and singing - so if you remember me for that, then that's me :)

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