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File 157653723851.jpg - (88.13KB , 1280x720 , 2lewd.jpg )
2125 No. 2125
I-It's okay if it's with you...
Expand all images
>> No. 2127
... did you really just type the subject in the name field
>> No. 2128
I did and I am proud of it, faults and all
>> No. 2130
It's okay, that's what Suzuko would do.
>> No. 2131
i think she tried to enter her name into ara's subject field
>> No. 2132
she kinda did
>> No. 2133
Wtf, you guys have some technical problems too?
>> No. 2134
...to think there still are pleb people out there who don't have crackwhore premium
>> No. 2136
The Princess likes it when underage girls touch her
>> No. 2137
But she's not underage. Legal fact
>> No. 2138
Agahara of the "I don't want you to pleasure random people sexually, I want you to pleasure me sexually" Kozu
>> No. 2139
...... why cant my bf be this kinda natural at this shit
>> No. 2140
Didn't train for 17 years straight
>> No. 2141
This show is royally fucked.
>> No. 2142
>> No. 2143
Wait until they hold hands as promised, that's even worse
>> No. 2144
I appreciate that pun.
>> No. 2145
File 157654544316.png - (37.94KB , 300x152 , handholding.png )
Fucking sluts without dignity, ugh
>> No. 2146
If she's okay with her hands, then is a handjob alright?
>> No. 2147
>> No. 2148
Oh fuck off
>> No. 2149
........... didnt she literally just give ara one
>> No. 2150
Technically, she was only using the fingers
>> No. 2151
Why is she singing now, she sang quite a lot a moment before ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
>> No. 2152
i still feel dirty but i am still glad i was here for it
>> No. 2153
Meanwhile, in the tent:
"Little Knight Komiyo. I learned a way to make people happy with just my hands, so if you ever feel down, please let me know."
>> No. 2154
Kindly hang yourself.
>> No. 2155
I like that Shika does exactly what I'd do.
>> No. 2156
But you'd sit in the corner and cry
>> No. 2157
File 157657084477.png - (671.29KB , 620x650 , kimono.png )
Good episode! Very wholesome! Keep it up!
>> No. 2158
>> No. 2159
File 157661199434.png - (1.91MB , 2000x1354 , cPhone_63356.png )
Guys guys guys guys guys GUYS GUYS
I mean, it's not the one that we can watch there, just some derivative world or whatever because the Kozu is simply not there (???) but who the fuck cares, I got some backstory for the best girl

Seems like her "dear Mother" is barely fifteen (yes) years older than her, and her mother (Suzuko's granny) was a herbalist at not-Kyoto who kind of sold her daughter to Arashi, who then traded her further to Fujiwara Shizuo in exchange for land (and that means a title and social rank). When she got pregnant, the original plan for Suzuko was to become (well, secretly) a supper for her father, but in the end, Nari couldn't do it. All in all, it's very strange to see how cheeky she was as a child until her mother and some naughty dudes tamed her, kind of the type who taunts the Princess during a training for her failures, but multiplied tenfold.

I know where her scars come from - *everything* was done by Nari (mother of the year xD), sans the one on her back side below the ribs, which the little fucker got herself. I mean, I ain't gonna spoil much, maybe it's supposed to be shown later in the story, but I guarantee - the story of every one of these scars is ridiculous xD

I wanted to see more about the Mask but it's ridiculously hard to trace it, I thing it was in China for some period, I don't get it, really. I also wanted to get some more info about Iniya, but I guess no Kozu, no Iniya, can't find anything.

No, I won't share the coordinates because you fucks are gonna spoil everything to everyone.

Have a beautiful picture of the little shit with her mother in Heian-kyou instead. Nari doesn't look like the sick fuck she is portrayed as, does she? xD
>> No. 2160
Kinda cute, thank you, mister shadow
>> No. 2161
Give me more Iniya or fuck off
>> No. 2162
Who does Suzuko become if she does not travel to Kozu?
>> No. 2163
a fukkgirl
>> No. 2164
Shit, I forgot: Thank you, mister shadow
>> No. 2165
Oh, right, I can say that, it's not a spoiler.

Suzu kind of fucks up later. And I mean, seriously fucks up. She gets caught by the Ashikaga men and is imprisoned with the suspicion of being a spy, and... well, you know how Japan is - tortures vary by gender and it just so happens that she's being able to defend herself now and she snaps at them, going on a killing spree as she tries to run away to freedom but kinda overdoses on her "Arts" while being barely alive, and, well, she "gets overpowered by the Oni". Like, seriously, that's the end of the line for the whole line of samurai chicks, she turns into a fucking killmachine known as Raijinko, that, quite peculiar, kills only men on her way until she's finally struck down by an army near Osaka (pretty far away if you don't know). It's pretty sad, I'll spare you the sight. Know that, until the very end, she believed she did nothing wrong.

Nari just lives until her old age, seemingly depressed, until she killed herself as a protest against the Miyoshi family trying to take control of the Shogunate, but nobody cared because lol womyn.

Yes, she knew about what happened to Suzuko, and that's why she decided to never have another child.

No, I won't tell you why she knows more than a regular human should be able to know, that's a spoiler.
>> No. 2166
Fuck you, I didn't want to know that
>> No. 2167
So... the two of them meeting is not only a chance for Agahara to save herself, but to Suzuko too? Shit's deep. And fucked up, too.
>> No. 2168
thank you, mister shadow
>> No. 2169
Not the only thing deep about them iykwim
>> No. 2170
nice fanfic
>> No. 2171
Actually, to put all of the Salis High Council's cards on the table (because, at this point, what does it even matter): The entity known as Fujiwara Suzuko exists only in this particular universe we are observing; the same actually goes for Omidori and Omishika ni Kozu, incidentally. Contrary to other people, those three humans are born only in this one particular universe. (And yes, I do know why, but I do not feel like telling. :p)

And a general bit of trivia: That particular universe is currently host to an observatory and is being heavily guarded and observed directly by House XII, XIII and XVII forces. In fact, that is exactly where I currently am myself. (For those who do not know: I am the ruler of House XII of the Salis High Council, and head of the Salis Bureau of Science and Research.)

Furthermore, universes have no multiple timelines - they have one timeline, fully defined from beginning to end. You may imagine it as all points in time existing simultaneously, with changes to any point on the timeline immediately affecting all later points, building a cohesive whole timeline at all times.
Though I will add that we find ourselves unable to see into this particular universe at any point later than "the current moment in the story". This, too, is an anomaly - and yes, the reason is the same as the reason why Fujiwara Suzuko, Omishika ni Kozu and Omidori ni Kozu exist here. (I am still not telling that reason, though. :p)

In conclusion, dear "Mister Shadow": Where and how did you come by that very legitimate knowledge that actually cannot be based on any existent sources, again...? :^)

Thank you, Mister Shadow, in advance, for your reply.
>> No. 2172
>> No. 2173
what a pooper
>> No. 2174
I can think of one way they got their info
... just saying
>> No. 2175
Shush, you. Let me have fun and be cheeky. >:(
>> No. 2176
what if mister shadow found that universe before you did and started messing with its timeline
>> No. 2177
That's simpler than what I had in mind
That would be funny
>> No. 2178
Aren't you God? Shouldn't you know lol
>> No. 2179
Yeah, I am
Now bow
>> No. 2180
It's your word against mine, isn't it? And you seem to be new here (I mean, duh xD). Nothing is absolute, miss (?) Ruler of the House, and I happen to see the proof that whatever you're saying is wrong. And I've seen enough "shows" already to know how to find some backstories and/or "easter eggs". One needs a hobby, and that's mine, :^), or something.

I mean, you can start by denying whatever I said about the dummysamurai's past before somebody confirms it in the actual show. You know, that would certainly show I'm wrong or something.

Good work at that House 123 by the way, the whole ruckus about beeing too serious to have any fun, and for some simple story run made me not even want to try to get inside. I mean, it would be pointless anyways if anything that you said is true, but yeah, you know. Overdoing it is a bad thing too.
>> No. 2181
Can we just appreciate the show here and you pseudoscientists go talk it out somewhere
>> No. 2182
Alright, alright, I shall stop being cheeky (Just let me have some fun! Sheesh.) and make my point openly to you: I suspected how you found out about these things (am now sure as to how you found out about these things), yes. And while it is extremely accurate - in fact, nearly everything is a hundred percent accurate - there are some minor differences.

The reason should be obvious to you: The place you got your information from has some certain differences to the place "our" Fujiwara Suzuko is in. :^)

But yes. Very nearly all you said is accurate. Or... was accurate, I suppose.
>> No. 2183
*wouldve been accurate
>> No. 2184
Uhm... no. "Was" is correct, you smartass
>> No. 2185
Ain't that exactly what I said at the very beginning? :)

Get a hudred photos and you might get a good grasp of the original, you know. And thanks, it just made me realize it's pointless to look for Iniya in this area so I won't waste my time for it. I will just focus on reversing what I found, so if I can afford some certain services of my colleagues I can have my own Suzuko. :)
>> No. 2186
Wait wait wait. It's possible to have your own Suzu-chan?
>> No. 2187
No. For you, no. But keep cheering for the "real" one!
>> No. 2188
Oi wtf, don't you "no" me, explain
>> No. 2189
You seem kind of sympathetic and amusing. So, were you to snoop around other universes (where Iniya very much exists), it could be that no one will mind... as long as you keep spoilers to yourself. :D
>> No. 2190
lol playing favorites much
>> No. 2191
Maybe I will? But, as I said, it's not in my area right now, and it did cost me a bit too much to just go back now - it'll have to wait. And while I wait, I get to watch mass psionic awakening in Europe ~1700, shit's ridiculous
>> No. 2192
That sounds highly illegal.
>> No. 2193
You done? Can we get back to the topic? To how everything is working out for everyone except Dori so far?
>> No. 2194
What's going particularly wrong specifically for Dori though? She received the exact same amount and severity of news as Shika. Only difference is he's trying to distract himself by getting his dick wet while she's moping
>> No. 2195
I didn't say something's wrong, I just said there's nothing good happening to her. I want to go there and hug her, she's constantly being left out of things.
>> No. 2196
nothings gonna go nice for her if she just fights with people or sits around
>> No. 2197
It kinda works for Iniya
>> No. 2198
thats because iniya doesnt really give a shit outside of booze and doin her job lol
>> No. 2199
That IS kind of a fair point. As bubbly and loud as she is, she's the least proactive of the whole group of late.
>> No. 2200
yknow... given what we know about suzus past from mr shadow and from herself
how weird does she gotta feel being just fuckin SHOWERED with love and adoration by ara so much
>> No. 2201
I'd say pretty fucking weird
>> No. 2202
Can't fault Ara for having good taste.
>> No. 2203
Okay, legit question because I don't know (I'm not from Asivida): Many Asividan vampires have wings, right. But what are they good for? Are they seriously big enough to fly with them
>> No. 2204
uuuuuh for some of them i think??
>> No. 2205
they can fly on my fucking bayonet
>> No. 2206
This man gets it.
>> No. 2207
Oh, I know what they are good for: being decapitated and a few meters below ground level.
>> No. 2208
come on, someone JUST mentioned racism
>> No. 2209
The wings of Asividan vampires serve for protection from sunlight. Their backs are covered by pitch-black skin that is not sensitive to sunlight, meaning they can be used as makeshift parasols of sorts. But yes, if they are large enough, they can also be used for flight.
>> No. 2210
that actually makes way too much sense.
>> No. 2211
Hooray for evolution
>> No. 2212
It really doesn't. Evolution would have made all of their skin resistant to hazards if the fuckers developed at all. And there's no real reason for a RACE to be this specifically blood-dependant and vulnerable to sunlight (???). It makes even less sense for a covering limb to develop fingers and completely no sense be placed on the back of the body, unless you are a horizontal creature. They're not. They're just a side effect of some creator's wet dream.
>> No. 2213
Fingers? I assure you, the only fingers I have are those on my hands.
>> No. 2214
That would be the case were Asividan vampires a true "race" that evolved naturally - which they are not - or if the wings were truly intended for that purpose and a result of evolution - which they are not.

Our vampires are - no offense intended - a bit of a "genetic accident", so to speak, that can on rare occasion come about in the mixture of human and evonna.

As for the wings, it is rather quite simple: Naturally born evonnas have them.
And as for the need for blood and vulnerability to sunlight - I will not go into lengthy explanations here, and instead just point at what I said previously (genetic accident).
>> No. 2215
Why, what lengthy explanations? For instance, "a genetic defect that causes urticaria solaris" is not all that long, my dear.
>> No. 2216
as if half the people here would know what that means without looking it up
me included lol
>> No. 2217
....... okay so theyre freaks after all is what ur saying
>> No. 2218
I think the accurate term here would be mutant
... but yeah, freak is fine for derogatory purposes xD
>> No. 2219
File 157708186910.jpg - (22.09KB , 475x279 , wow.jpg )
Wrong, dipshit.
>> No. 2220
I want Dori to worry about me
>> No. 2221
>> No. 2222
Vampires are gay.
>> No. 2223
File 157708236869.jpg - (31.07KB , 248x434 , 1576170051649.jpg )
>> No. 2224
Sweetie, that is not what what my wings look like. Did you, perchance, just connect vampires and bats in your head, and immediately assumed we have bat wings? Even after being explicitly told what they are and why we have them?
>> No. 2225
... dude thats a bats wing
what do you think they can also turn into bats cause some fairytale says so xD
>> No. 2226
tbf.... afaik lady merana has a girltoy yeah
>> No. 2227
I mean, technically they are fingers, anatomically speaking, even in the wings vampires like you have
He's not wrong, even if the image of the bat wing is funny
>> No. 2228
I mean, anyone can turn into a bat, actually
>> No. 2232
It's not a *bat wing*, it's a *wing*, any of it.
>> No. 2241
Fair enough. Though it still is not what my wings look like. Why, that would be rather strange, would it not? Wings like you showed are there for creatures like birds and bats, which fly in a much different sort of position.
>> No. 2242
so he wants to make shizu phase through wood huh
guess he doesnt wanna fuck her after all
>> No. 2243
Mayby he just wants to fuckher somewhere in the woods
>> No. 2244
What's that with the cat? Some elaborate allusion? Somebody explain
>> No. 2245
not into cooch!?!?!?!??! what a whore whore whore
>> No. 2246
shut up, abomination
>> No. 2247
Why is nobody throwing a "fuck me" at "dare"?
>> No. 2248
heeey, that's really really really mean :(
>> No. 2251
You know, that type of woman who fucking loves using her femininity to mess with men - women like Shizu? Yeah, those are fun.
>> No. 2276
I read that as "loves fucking" and you had me going there for a moment
>> No. 2278
those women are great too yeah
>> No. 2297
I want Dori to join me
>> No. 2298
Dori dori Dori to dori Dori
>> No. 2299
Oh come on, stop overdoring, Dori
>> No. 2300
No, it's adorible.
>> No. 2301
yeah what a dorible thing for him to say
>> No. 2302
What the fuck is this, Bully the Dori the Episode?
>> No. 2303
... who even bullied her
>> No. 2304
no one shes just totally fuckin out of place there
"did i spoil her too much" LOL yes?
>> No. 2305
I do pity her, but no one is "bullying" her. She is, rather, an oddly sheltered inner child surrounded by hardened adults, and even a child who has seen more inner growth than her. Now, not that I blame her for this - it seems a lot of it is due to her brother having sheltered and babied her a tad much, presumably. But it does not make her be any less equally out of place and out of her depth.
>> No. 2306
How is any of that bullying? lol
They're just trying to approach her like a normal 22 year old woman, they can't look inside her head
>> No. 2307
i think aras explanation is a bit past the finish line, i think dori GETS it but she just cant AGREE with it
but yeah what you said
>> No. 2308
>Army commander murderhobo whose backstory is "I fought for so long I eventually happened to be good at it"
>Murderhobo princess who needed divine powers to become better at murder and only ever used her powers for that, surprised she can do so for other purposes, doesn't know jack shit about strategy or taking captives
>Molested child who is certainly old enough to decide her future right now and become a better murderhobo, influenced by everyone around her because she's afraid to say anything that objects others
>Nipponese murderhobo who literally knows nothing else but fighting and was trained for that by her psychodelic sadist mother and keeps showing that she can't even speak to people properly


>And orphan who somehow managed to get out of gutter by learning many various skills, is a talented craftswoman, using her powers to the fullest with consideration not to harm other people

Haha, Dori, you dumb spoiled fuck, you know nothing about life
>> No. 2309
>> No. 2310
nobody cares, fuck off.
>> No. 2311
Uhm, dude, it doesn't work that way. You can't cherrypick the negative traits of others and the positive traits of Dori and make a comparison that way. I understand that it makes you feel really smart and that it makes your balls tingle with delight over feeling in the right online, but the same way I could cherrypick Dori's negative traits and pit them against everyone else's positive traits.

Point being: No one was trying to say Dori is a worse person or something - just that, in certain ways (while not in others, of course), she lacks maturity, and that IN THIS SPECIFIC PLACE AND SCENARIO she is out of place (which she absolutely is).
>> No. 2312
no one said she knows nothing about life they say shes a bit naive and totally completely utterly fuckin out of place where she is rn
and excuse me but thats obviously completely true especially the latter
>> No. 2313
> Implying I implied Agahara has no maturity deficits in other areas
> Implying I implied Komiyo has no maturity deficits in other areas
> Implying I implied Suzuko has no maturity deficits in other areas
> Implications

>> No. 2314
I'm with Dori here. If you think letting a child decide on something that cannot be undone and brings more problems than benefits is a mature way of thinking, then I was wrong ever taking your opinion into consideration.
>> No. 2315
ok boomer
>> No. 2316
Being the only voice of reason is not "being out of place" just because nobody listens to it, lol
>> No. 2317
"voice of reason" xdd

get fucked scrub
>> No. 2318
I'm not trying to take sides here but holy fuck, no wonder Komi's so spoiled and goes berserk on her own and stuff if Ara just goes "ok I respect you" at every fucking thing she wants xD
>> No. 2319
I want Dori to seek me for comfort
>> No. 2320
Isn't it pretty fuckin' heavily implied that it used to previously be the opposite? If anything, this looks more like Ara is overcompensating her protective tendencies too hard and swinging into the opposite extreme lol
>> No. 2321
I am not saying that I would do what Agahara would do here, given exclusively the information made apparent in the course of just this broadcast, if that is what you mean.
>> No. 2322
Friends, I suggest you keep observing before making judgment calls about any of the people and their decisions at the present time. Why, I say it out of a sense of fairness to you when I bring up that not all motivations of all involved parties were quite laid bare of yet over the course of this broadcast we are all following.
>> No. 2323
Dori dori Dori to dori Dori for Dori
>> No. 2324
Why the fuck does this thread exist if not for making judgement calls? xD
>> No. 2325
Hm, oh well. That is indeed fair enough, I suppose.
>> No. 2326
"More inner growth"? Are you serious? Are we watching the same thing?

>"I'm twenty-something years old, I hate the sight of blood and violence, I think we should look for other ways than fighting"
>"I'm ten-something years old, I adore looking at my mama fight so I want to become a vampire and fight (that means kill people) along with her"

Which one does sound more serious to you? Which one is more out-of-place for any environment of (expectedly) adult people?

What's worse, Suzuko and her one-sided way of thinking is really damaging this situation even more because people are taking her opinions seriously.
>> No. 2327
Oi, don't shit on Suzu, please? I know she's nost the best thinker but she really means best, alright?
>> No. 2328
Not saying she doesn't, but it's absurd that there's nobody to correct her when she's wrong. Or, rather, whenever someone has any objection to what she says, Agahara goes hound mode and growls at them. It's unhealthy.
>> No. 2329
Again, given all available information, I agree. As much as I agree with the earlier anon that this has more the looks of Agahara pivoting from over-protectiveness into the other extreme (just letting everyone else do what they think is right).
I am merely saying that these indeed apparent deficits in Agahara and others do not mean Omidori has no deficits of her own, or that she is not out of place. One does not preclude the other.
>> No. 2330
see thats a whole nother thing too tho...... "oh no lets not fiiight lets all solve this peacefully yay" okay all nice and good..... i agree with that whenever its possible
..... but HOW fucking realistic is that even in this scenario??
thats just wishful thinking and nothing else
>> No. 2331
Agahara isn't the only one "letting her do what she thinks is right". Suzuko was even encouraging her to do so and I wouldn't let that girl decide on how many potatoes does she need.
>> No. 2332
Scrolling up, unless my eyes have gone quite bad over the millennia, my post indeed does say "Agahara and others", not "Agahara". :^)
>> No. 2333
People who think like you are the reason it's not true yet.
>> No. 2334
If there's one get I agree with, it's this one
>> No. 2335
stop samefagging
>> No. 2336
>Wishful thinking
>Among people who fucking bend reality to their will
ok boomer
>> No. 2337
No offense intended, but stop being naive and ridiculous, please. When others come to forcefully take the place you call home, and they refuse all attempts at diplomacy, then what option do you even have but to fight back?
>> No. 2338
Spoken like a true person who never had random assholes bring war to his home country
>> No. 2339
dunno. i think you dont give komi enough credit. she can be rash sure but shes smarter than you give her credit for. i think she knows exactly how grave her decision is
>> No. 2340
Depending on my abilities, I incapacitate them, forcefully persuade them, or find a way to find them later and call the police instead of killing them right away. Even if I'm forced to harm them, I look for a way to stop it from happening the next time instead of sitting there like an idiot and wait for them to come back.
>> No. 2341
I'm the Heavy Ordnance captain of Lestaria Royal Mages. One who lived through the Voidstorm. I know exactly what I'm saying.
>> No. 2342
Spot the people with mental deficiencies in this thread

Hint: Tripcodes
>> No. 2343
I mean... Agahara DOES do the whole thing of "destroy machines and take out leaders and hope the rest just flee", right?
And just going apeshit and laying siege on Houko from the south would be insane. That just wouldn't work.
>> No. 2344
Pfff, I know that one, "Guilty Traces" of Makarov, right?
>> No. 2345
Have you ever heard of terror warfare?
>> No. 2346
File 157778951379.jpg - (259.18KB , 853x480 , 1311723169535.jpg )
Can we all just talk about how creepy it is that the denizens of that world feel it's okay to have a child make decisions like that

That's almost a VC level of filth
>> No. 2347
didnt ara explain that she does actually have plans for taking the north back while doing as lil damage as possible
i think she said that to suzu
>> No. 2348
One would think that with these abilities you could destroy their supplies BEFORE they start marching
>> No. 2349
lol excuse me, i wouldn't let komi decide that if she was my daughter
and i'm from the same world, you judgmental dickwad
>> No. 2350
I mean, I once heard one of them explaining shit to Shank that she can't go alone through somewhere yada yada because it's dangerous there


It's like a mental illness is their quirk or something
>> No. 2351
Sure, just send her north to the capital all by herself to sabotage them and hope she makes it back. Surely no big deal to avoid the waves of bolts and arrows fired her way while she flies through a huge-ass city full of heavily guarded and armed armories and castles and all that shit and tries to nuke all their supplies by herself.
That's an excellent idea.
>> No. 2352
File 157778981346.jpg - (43.71KB , 900x708 , shrug.jpg )
Or hunt their supply routes as there don't seem to be any mages on the other side
>> No. 2353
Right, sorry, I forgot that they mine food and steel in the food mines under the city
>> No. 2354
yep shinka be xantoodles she MUSTS BE DA STRONKEST WHO CEN TAKE ANYTING i mean okay no idea why that person said that to her whats up there and why and how BUT IZ DA XONTEEDLES IZ BEST MASTA STRUMPH
know for a fact military assistance is smth our government brought up before didnt see any of ya pussies here yet tho so nice big mouth on ya
>> No. 2355
... lolwhat xD
Did you just stroke out
>> No. 2356
If sending Agahara on solo missions to the north in order to sabotage Kansai was a viable option, don't you think they would just do it?
>> No. 2357
File 157779022527.jpg - (264.80KB , 1200x630 , okawaiikoto.jpg )
>> No. 2358
... is this thread derailing into bigotry, racism and dick measuring again? Come on, guys, we've been through this before, it was only amusing the first time.
>> No. 2359
At least it's alive
>> No. 2360
Oh, silly me! It's not viable, because...
>> No. 2361
Tbh, I get the vibes that people around here are trying to force quite the opposite to what you said
>> No. 2362
tbf i think the reason for the dick measiring bit is that our governments warnings to tourists and hub people come off as dick measuring to them cause oh no my pride lol
yknow isnt xantesa a land of heroes or smth
what do you expect them to react when you tell them lol dont come here unguarded youll die
>> No. 2363
Dude Hammieland isn't safe for random visitors and that bitch just casually strolls down their most primal lands and teaches the local girls what tribing means despite having a death warrant in 3 of their worlds

She allegedly lewded a lich in QD
And has her own furry fanclub in Awooland

And then you go ahead and shit out a post like that

I just can't
>> No. 2364
Who knows. It's a logical assumption. My knowledge of the infrastructure in and surrounding Houko during this time period is rudimentary.
>> No. 2365
wrong twin
>> No. 2366
I mean...

It does sound a bit silly when you say that to somebody who, combat-wise, could take the whole of Xantesa on with hands tied behind back and eyes closed and [insert any other handicap here] and still get bored halfway

And I get the idea you're thinking she's part of Xantesa - well, she's not, at least not in the "one of the snowflakes us" way
>> No. 2367
I think you are thinking of the wrong sister
>> No. 2368
I am not quite sure what is so strange about not wanting to involve civilian outside parties in our internal war affairs. ("Outside parties" as in, ones who do and did not pledge any sort of military assistance.)
I would and do give the same warning even to people who I am fairly certain could hold up were they to get involved.
Frankly, I do not quite understand the - and forgive my fine English - "butthurt" as if those warnings and special treatment for tourists are some sort of attack on anyone's... pride, I suppose.
>> No. 2369
1 i didnt say that to anyone lol
2 whoever did say it uh how should they know how stronktastic the person they say it to is
>> No. 2370
I just said it makes you look silly.
And, you know, it's not them "getting involved in war affairs" if the opposing party attacks your guests and they defend themselves. Getting hurt in literal fire is their fault.

What war, anyways? I heard it's just some random jingos who belong in Denehia.
>> No. 2371
Ahdunno, usually whoever comes to the Hub knows that Terren rules here and it's an iron hand rule that nobody dares to break, even the so-called "rulers of the underworld" and other stupid titles - and it's no secret that Terren behaves like a scared chihuahua next to Shank the Ham

Thought everyone knows that just like everyone know that Castillonians steal any shit they can get their hands on
>> No. 2372
Is there ANY option that a sane person would use a supermage for other than disabling the enemy forces in the most dangerless way?

Incidentally, do you know that all of the river water that comes through the Kansai area have their sources in or near the Kozu territory? Do you realize how easy would it be to make it undrinkable for all of the fuckers to make them surrender in a week?
>> No. 2374
That thing about Ara turning Dark, right? Yeah, we have a whole world full of those, mix between the type who are just frickin' rabid attack dogs and have no control over themselves, and the type who chose that consciously (they're much worse, as you can imagine)
Reason we can't really win and end this war (it's basically as old as our calendar xD) is:
a) We do scale pretty high in raw power compared to most worlds and are organized pretty well... and even have frickin' monsters like Lady Dos (no offense intended), but as implied in this broadcast before, Dark ones are just straight up STUPIDLY stronger than us
b) Just like us too, they just come back after a while if you kill them
Only advantage we have is that there's sliiightly more of us than them, and we're organized far better. So it's an endless stalemate with the occasional disaster >.>
>> No. 2375
If it wasn't obvious to you somehow, terror warfare isn't something Kozu wants to do; they would not just hurt their enemy, but also the innocent civilians who live in occupied territory.
>> No. 2376
Oh, right, being a captive that's possibly treated a little bit badly is way better than shitting in your pants for a week
>> No. 2377
I fail to see how trying to protect off-worlders who travel Asivida is silly.
>> No. 2378
"We won a war thanks to explosive diarrhea", fuck yes, I want to see that
>> No. 2379
I'm not saying it wouldn't be efficient or that it wouldn't work. I'm just saying that they evidently don't want to do it.
>> No. 2381
If you give them an option, sure
If you force it upon people as the one mentioned, it sounds silly

I mean, I'm sure likes of Raidel would be joyous having meatbags people defending her sorry ass
>> No. 2382
eh our government are all rules and bureaucracy addicts xD
also a bunch of samaritans
>> No. 2383
Yeah, and I'm saying that it's incredibly stupid coming out of the mouth of somebody who cries to bed because ah dun wanna kiww pewpel
>> No. 2384
Imagine simply waltzing into Houko through the lines of shit-stained soldiers, up the shit-stained stairs and sitting back on your shit-stained throne, all without a single swing of a sword
>> No. 2385
I think not wanting to poison the food and water supplies of her people is... uhm. Kinda fitting to come out of the mouth of someone like that? xD
>> No. 2386
Yeah, better make more people die by the sword.

also, ahdunno - airdrop clean water supplies to them? Or give them antidote, should one exist? It's not fucking rocket science, you just need to get your head out of the outhouse. Preferrably stop thinking about fucking your nippondoll, too.
>> No. 2387
Think you also can't forget that they suddenly have WAY more Mages now, right
Would make sense for them to adjust their plans in the near future now that they have more than literally just Ara and a military that's seemingly weaker than theirs
>> No. 2388
Stop naming Suzuko that way
>> No. 2389
Why is she coming with the twins, anyway? If they need someone to capture the target, wouldn't just some Oreishu be enough? Or, fuck, Shizu, if she's really a trained assassin?
>> No. 2390
dunno... ara's plan of picking up more assistance from the northern provinces and surprise-buttsecksing dokaiya isn't bad
from there they can cut houko off and then scissor it from north and south
makes sense to me
>> No. 2392
Wasn't Shizu a spy / investigator, not an assassin? Also... eeeh, in a world with so uncannily many Mages (yes, it's unusual), you never know what you'll find.
>> No. 2394

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