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File 156932603873.png - (240.80KB , 688x664 , stopaskingquestions.png )
1752 No. 1752
Derailed by idiot anons >>1170

I gues you're allowed to ask some questions about the Outer Worlds here. Feel free to not ask anything at all and leave me to my tasks.
Expand all images
>> No. 1755
don't ignore me
>> No. 1757
ignore him
>> No. 1758
Recommend me a place where they serve (good) exotic food, please. Especially meat and the like.
>> No. 1759
File 15693423747.jpg - (12.50KB , 236x248 , hah.jpg )
Messy Hole.
>> No. 1760
wow self-advertising much huh
>> No. 1761
Ha, alright. I must admit I haven't been to the Hub as often as I would've liked; work generally only lets me visit when it's on business.
I'll make sure to drop by the Messy Hole next time I'm over on a more leisurely visit then!
>> No. 1762
why are small boobs the best thing ever no matter what world yer in? there's gotta be some mad science behind that
>> No. 1765
thats only natural right
>> No. 1766
File 156952391058.jpg - (137.64KB , 1280x720 , ahah.jpg )
I don't know, why? It's got to have something to do with preferences. Or, they just simply are.
>> No. 1767
>> No. 1786
Especially among men.
>> No. 1787
i'd prefer men to have no tits at all to be honest
>> No. 1788
Yeah, it's usually better to call them dickgirls
>> No. 1789
here my ask
u a chungi boi?
>> No. 1790
File 156979297632.png - (94.78KB , 228x242 , ehh.png )

>> No. 1791
do you look like those images
>> No. 1792
>> No. 1793
File 156981362955.png - (102.64KB , 245x243 , naw.png )

Now stop and don't post here anymore. Ever.
>> No. 1794
wait wait wait im not the chunky boy person if you think that D:
i was really just wondering since you use them so much
>> No. 1795
Yeah, right
>> No. 2123
Why are you gay?
>> No. 2124
File 157653721598.gif - (152.09KB , 848x480 , PeskyDaringAnaconda.gif )
Shut the hell up, I'm watching a show.
>> No. 2126
Well, stop and start fucking working lol
>> No. 2129
>watching a show
>> No. 2229
Hey Pecker, what are different maid's favourite sweets?
>> No. 2231
File 157753908716.png - (73.68KB , 190x191 , urgh.png )
I wouldn't know which one is *different*, since I'm *normal*, you know. I'm *human*, after all.
>> No. 2233
Okay then - what's your favourite, since you are kind enough to give us your attention in this thread?
>> No. 2235
Your short hair makes you look like a fucking tampon, grow it out you slag
>> No. 2237
File 157754001786.png - (116.08KB , 472x430 , hmph.png )
My favourite is Sweet Silence. You know, the one when nobody bothers you and you can do wnatever you're doing freely.

I don't care about sweets, give me some better coffee or douval
>> No. 2240
Good. Don't let those plebeians bother you with their sweets and candies, and instead tell me about the best coffees and teas you got over there.
>> No. 2250
File 157757303546.png - (72.00KB , 183x256 , www.png )
I'm not one for tea, it only gets me pissy. For caffee, either black dornalian/seica or one of these we recently got from Kirth that I keep forgetting the name of. To be honest, I really prefer a seasoned douval more.

Also, stop samefagging, 2233.
>> No. 2252
Where would I be samefagging?
>> No. 2253
File 157757717232.png - (263.37KB , 371x468 , wwww.png )
Here. Where else?
>> No. 2254
I do not "samefag" anywhere. You wound me with your accusations.
And there is no harm in enjoying a conversation with a nice lady, is there?
>> No. 2255
File 157757775510.jpg - (10.60KB , 225x225 , images (1).jpg )
Found your picture anon
>> No. 2257
I think I'm missing the joke here
>> No. 2269
You *are* aware that it's just a matter of time before your little socialist utopia crumbles down due to typical greed and humans being humans, righ?
>> No. 2274
>> No. 2275
I think that's a stab at the land of heroes
>> No. 2279
File 157757980268.png - (66.95KB , 180x257 , wwwww.png )
Okay, boomer.
>> No. 2280
"Hey, Pecker, put away your phone you lazy fuck"
"Wait, what's that theme-"
>> No. 2412
Why are you wearing pads
>> No. 2414
File 157779464918.png - (77.25KB , 181x268 , wwwwww.png )
I don't, dummy, I'm proud of my modesty.
>> No. 2415
You forgot your trip.
>> No. 2416
why do you even have those things on your clothes then, makes you look like you have flat, slightly square tits
>> No. 2417
File 157779489236.png - (77.44KB , 178x257 , wwwwwww.png )
Haha, you're right! Also, fuck you.
>> No. 2418
1. Shikae v Shinrae - who wins?
2. Why is that druggie in charge?
3. Magnets, how do they work?
>> No. 2420
How did you become a maid? Did you apply for a job or what
I'm looking for a job, not a trick question!
>> No. 2421
Hi I'm from Lodor! Or was, that is.
Is that true you're Frinna?
>> No. 2422
tfw everybody keeps saying those two are so powerful, but they still didn't show up at any tournaments over here D:
People tease them so much, I wanna see them in action
>> No. 2423
> people tease them so much
lol thats not ambiguous at all
>> No. 2424
File 157779522537.gif - (675.38KB , 245x245 , giphy.gif )
Is this one guy writing all these posts or did we suddenly get an influx or newfags?
>> No. 2426
File 157779538921.png - (96.86KB , 245x279 , uwu.png )
I would answer this question if it was written by a sapient person.

1. In drinking - Shikae.
2. Because majority wishes so.
3. If you believe hard enough, everything is possible.

I was born a servant, I just switched uniforms over time until this one became my second skin. If you wish to apply for it, just visit the administration building at Central in Hub. Make sure you're not a majick person before not to waste somebody's time.


Keep looking, they usually stand up where the organisation staff is, making sure no idiot goes berserk at the public.
>> No. 2428
Why no magic users
Not the one who asked btw
>> No. 2432
Because any way of living that isn't precisely conform to some certain standard applicable to a certain form of ego- and pride-polishing is not acceptable. Gotta measure them dicks, mate! By any means necessary.
>> No. 2433
I keep reading your posts, what's with you and measuring dicks
Are you ok
>> No. 2434
you can do something with magic?? well HA i can do it without and my mom says shes proud! ur so impressed right now ah my balls feel so good
>> No. 2436
Stop shitposting. Your insolent behavior makes you no better than the people you deem yourself oh so morally superior to.
>> No. 2437
show tiddies and vagena
>> No. 2438
ok Granny
>> No. 2439
iNsOlEnT bEhAvIoR
>> No. 2440
I feel that would be quite meaningless, I am afraid. I doubt your miniscule self could actually stretch its neck up enough from beneath my toes to see anything interesting.
>> No. 2441
File 157779645797.png - (285.75KB , 364x440 , uguu.png )
Wasn't it explained already on /9/?

Because that's how the Corps were born. Back when 'Raynee' totally didn't want to get rid of all "untalented" people we got put to die in agony defend this goddamn place against he with nothing but sticks and stones while all the almighty muggies got better things to do. Well, we survived. Terren took command and got us through it, making sure that a place called "Hub" (doesn't really) exists. It took time before the Corps became what it is now, but you can assume that it's a hatred-based tradition not to allow any "supernatural" person in the ranks in memory of those we lost. Yes, it's that simple, fuck you all (including you, smalldick anon). We don't need you. History shows you need us.
>> No. 2442
File 157779655565.jpg - (46.55KB , 780x538 , 1_0pRmGWUQNzNUOGIy8mfX4g.jpg )
Stop shitposting. Your insolent behavior makes you no better than the people you deem yourself oh so morally superior to.
>> No. 2443
File 15777966399.jpg - (33.65KB , 600x429 , 1.jpg )
>> No. 2447
Fuckin' hell, this entire board is nothing but children with too much time
I thought it'd be interesting here, a way to make some off-world acquaintances and find out more about the places they live in
But... just fucking hell
Serious question, no joking or taunting intended: Is this just how people act in your world(s) all the time
>> No. 2449
> online board
> assuming its a nice place
>> No. 2451
File 157779734535.png - (743.60KB , 562x844 , sigh.png )
If you knew anything about ways of life, you'd know that this is how people behave around places where they think they are anonymous.
>> No. 2455
Dunno. Guess I heard "land of heroes" and had higher hopes than I should
>> No. 2456
Yes that's how we all behave
Ask your mom
She's been everywhere :)
>> No. 2457
File 157779775569.png - (81.33KB , 500x475 , goldstar.png )
>> No. 2458
File 15777977781.png - (102.62KB , 211x304 , oho.png )
Assuming that this network is restricted to Xantesa is critically wrong, too. I'd say it's rare to find an actual snowflake here.
>> No. 2459
That would at least explain a lot and give me a modicum of hope
>> No. 2470
I hope we all die today
>> No. 2474
File 157779845654.png - (233.27KB , 360x558 , yes.png )
Follow your dreams, anon! Be the first!
>> No. 2479
Earlier. Did you imply there's tournaments in the Hub? If yes, tell some.
>> No. 2494
File 157779925476.png - (244.39KB , 407x497 , oh.png )
Did you mean some other tournaments?

Yes, there are games that don't have a fixed name so people just call them bloodbowls or whatever. Very popular since the last Beat, so, pretty recent. A new way for the snowflakes to discharge their frustration. They played basketball at first, but since they started killing each other during matches, it evolved into something you'd usually only see in virtual games. Flag capturing, securing objectives, throwing a 100kg iron ball around. And killing each other, of course. Fun, fun, yes. Very.

We - the Corps - recently organised Olympics (yes, on mount Olympus) for snowflakes and visitors to take part in. Only around 30 people came. As expected, everyone was wrecked by some silent librarian and a tiny mouse. We'll probably do it again next Beat.
>> No. 2495
Is your phone model working on 9g?
>> No. 2500
Hey Hersy, you prefer that coffee roast light or dark?
>> No. 2501
Hey Hersy, you prefer that coffee roast light or dark?
>> No. 2502
Double post, my bad!
>> No. 2503
Our worlds' timescales differ. And we don't go by Beats. How do I know when's the next one?
>> No. 2504
Read /9/
>> No. 2507
File 157779968975.png - (310.78KB , 537x559 , stop stalking.png )
I prefer it alone in my room, watching another silly show about people thinking they're smarter than people. The silence flavor.
>> No. 2511
File 157780011680.png - (281.48KB , 680x460 , 2vo6n0.png )

You don't, we don't. Well, if you hear something about the festival coming, it's soon.
>> No. 2514
Sounds convoluted. Guess I'll stick to ours. Thanks anyway.
>> No. 2521
>Sounds convoluted
No wonder they can't solve some berserker issue xD
>> No. 2522
It is convoluted. "Next Beat. Don't know when that is. Maybe soon if you hear about festivals." That's impractical.
>> No. 2542
File 157781647880.png - (264.34KB , 640x480 , c4d.png )
Why do maid corps hire trannies?
>> No. 2543
Stop shitposting.
>> No. 2544
File 157781668881.png - (87.21KB , 239x272 , disappointment is my face right now.png )
Wow, and here I thought we're past this one already.
>> No. 2545
That's not an answer
>> No. 2546
File 157781822018.png - (135.37KB , 281x348 , really.png )
I'm leaving you to believe what you want. I'm here to answer questions about Outer Worlds, not explain your inner fantasies to you.

Don't worry, no amount of former male representants of any race at our ranks could ever endanger your position as the most embarassing male-born cunt.
>> No. 2547
So you do have trannies then
>> No. 2549
why not
>> No. 2553
Oh hey, look, one of those sexually confused homophobics! Don't go too close, you'll scare it away. Let's observe it in its natural habitat, its mother's basement
>> No. 2684
I know this sounds like a shitty anon fetish question, but it's genuine

When you live in hub and the time is relative, and everything is so fantastic, do you still do stuff like toilet breaks, and do you have periods?

Once again, I am 100% serious
>> No. 2808
File 158166902872.jpg - (20.20KB , 225x350 , gah.jpg )
Well, it's a better question than most of them here.

It's not as fantastic as you'd think and yes, we do. Anything that you'd classify as a metabolic hazard does exist in the Hub and you still need to take care of your bodily needs as usual. The thing that's associated with passing time and what the Hub is devoid of is something with a stupid name like "spiritual saturation fluctuation". You don't get older with time, you can't advance pregnancy and can't naturally heal most injuries (at least assuming you're human).
>> No. 2809
File 158167414738.png - (86.98KB , 500x389 , aww-yiss-aww-yiss-memes-52349477.png )
>When you can indulge in your pregnancy fetish forever
>> No. 2810
Always strange to see "normal" physical realms without time. Causes all sorts of weirdness. As the Hub proves. Asivida doesn't have time either. Yeah. But it's also all conceptual. So the usual rules don't work anyway. But the Hub's different there. Normal space. But no time... weird.
>> No. 2835
Do you have a gf? Did you ever have one before?
>> No. 2860
File 171024353669.jpg - (80.54KB , 736x1104 , 3b8e5a8280f4501dd4a880f77404216e.jpg )
Oh, THAT's what woke me up.

It's possible, but not your business.
>> No. 2884
Okay, I'll ask the real question
Would you date a fiery phoenix girl with attitude
>> No. 2907
File 17105041294.jpg - (17.21KB , 360x360 , 306390.jpg )
No. I'm the one 'with attitude'. It wouldn't work.

Also, this isn't a thread to be asking questions about me, you horny mongrels.
>> No. 2908
In most highly multicultural spaces, one tends to observe the forming of groups, often even naturally organizing themselves into blocks and districts within cities.

Why, given how multicultural the Hub is, can such group-forming and different cultural flavors in different areas be observed there as well?

I must admit that my trips there have mostly been limited to just the same old popular locales, so I am a little curious.
>> No. 2909
If there were two guys on the moon and one of them killed the other with a rock would that be fucked up or what?
>> No. 2910
Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?
>> No. 2914
>>2910 holy shit that was bad. kys
>> No. 2915
File 171054620459.png - (1.22MB , 1080x1080 , ramram.png )
It depends.

The Hub is actually divided into many areas. The most commonly known one is the 'Central'. The name isn't very bright or innovative, but it really is the center, both by location and logistics. Most of the embassies, passages, and even Celom connections are located in the Central. Many entertainment centers, too. And the Market is there. Why? Because it is the only area accessible for people that are not registered in the system (NOOBs) - they don't have a 'snap'. Nothing outside the Central exists for them while they're in the Hub, and they won't even remember anyone who left the area. Don't ask me about the details, it's some kind of magic, not my thing.

Because of that, the Central is not very divided by itself. Every time you visit this place, there will be a different pool of people present, from many different, often very obscure worlds. This is constantly changing. People won't divide into groups because it's barely possible to meet the same person more than once unless you deliberately search for them.

Outside of the Central, it is a little bit different, yes. Since only snapped people can be there - and there's simply not that many of them - everybody knows each other and obviously, some groups form. There are two ways about it - some groups are so extremely different, they migrate to completely different districts of the Hub. Henna is the best example. These people are so weird - sorry, guys - that they created a place for themselves almost completely separate from the rest of the Hub, with only a single possible entrance. Nobody ever goes there to socialize, only some individuals sometimes enter Henna with some business already in mind.

The 'other way about it' - people don't care enough to organize. Too much. Even if they have houses in the Hub, they're barely present there, so there is no point in trying to change where they live. They spend their time mixed like everybody else, and when more of them gather together, there's often some kind of ideological clash - and the only result is that they soon get their ass spanked by me and the other girls. No gang wars, no ghettos.
...To be honest, every snowlake tries to be so unique that it's easier for them to be hating on everybody than find allies to group with. Most conflicts are individual, not group-based.

Same with 'cultural flavors'. Most of it is individual. When the Beat comes, we have a festival, and everybody brings a part of their cultire; (almost) every Xantesan resident has a stall with some stuff for everybody to try or take part in, be it food, clothes, dances, activities. Snapped guests come, participate. All fun as long nobody is fighting which forces me away from the Kanyan coffee stand.

tl;dr other than some extremely incompatible groups people are too far up their asses to create a 'culture'. Outside the Center, every house might as well be a different country.

Yes. Smashing a rock through a reinforced space suit would be quite 'fucked up'.

It's actually short for 'overtryhardernexttimen'.
>> No. 2955
So this might be a question for these fgs playing their creator games buuut you seem to be the only one who actually answers questions even if in a snarky way
You know how they use those funny words and the world does stuff

If I went to another human infested hellhole like Liisyr or one of those con artist vc worlds is it same to assume they would be saying the same funny magic words to make world do shit?
>> No. 2977
File 171127407349.png - (297.36KB , 563x563 , stopaskingstupidquestions.png )
I'll tell you: I don't know.

Only after the whole /vers/ thing started they instructed us not to pass these around and that these will be exempt from Nivilis. So, I guess these don't exist in other places. Or are different words.

Ask some magical guru, not me.
>> No. 3018
If you'd have to describe ten most important outer worlds, what would they be?
>> No. 3022
all ten territories of your moms giant fuckin ass
>> No. 3024
pictures pls
>> No. 3025
File 171172952130.jpg - (10.27KB , 206x244 , reiterate.jpg )
Important for what, anon?
>> No. 3036
Important for the multiverse as a whole?
>> No. 3170
File 171321983787.png - (374.81KB , 399x689 , aha.png )
I will exclude the worlds associated with beings known as Creators for political reasons and the answer is simple: None.

None of the world is irreplaceable, none is important enough to make a difference. They keep appearing and disappearing. Almost every one of them has billions of slightly different copies. You can't even foresee if the one you wish to spend your holidays in will exist at that time.

No trade deal is eternal either, and none is essential enough to be considered 'important' on the multiverse level.

Culture? The same thing. There isn't enough influence, not even close.

I can't even bring any other aspect up because nothing else really affects others on an interdimensional scale.
>> No. 3171
Yeah, hey, hi there, ruler of a verse here (one that has Creators, too), just giving my two [your currency here] about this, since I'm a politician and all that. This woman's correct!

I think there are many people who confuse these different verses as part of some sorta collective big world. They're not, and to even be at a point where the people in a verse figure out super-reliable cross-verse travel, 99 % likelihood says they're at a point of development (science, tech, magic, doesn't matter in what way) where they couldn't get into a real state of dependency on another verse if they tried. I mean, at least not without some real fucked up verse-scale disaster or something.

You know, take even relations between our verse (Asivida) and Xantesa, our closest ally and obviously a really important one, and both of them verses that sorta set themselves up as transit points between various verses, right?
Yeah, see, nothing much would actually happen if contact somehow broke off completely even between us two. Yeah, sometimes we help each other out in more direct ways, and there's plenty verses only reachable for one side via the other and vice versa - but for the most part, honestly? Most both sides would lose is luxury imports and tourism, and many people would lose some friends from other places.

So... yeah, those are handy and nice things, would suck to lose them, but neither side would suffer from it in any real and big way in the long term. So the whole importance question is totally relative.
The only thing I'd add to her answer is - if you mean culturally or for tourism and things of that sorta nature, then the answer is just "the verses that see the most cross-verse traffic".

And just because you people keep bullying Gretel, you won't get a TL;DR. lol

Just kidding, TL;DR: She's right, unless you mean specifically cultural exchange and tourism and that sorta stuff, then it's the ones that have the most cross-verse traffic.
>> No. 3174
Shut up or some Celomfag will come and say they are mega important 'cuz there'd be no arcatechnology without them
>> No. 3175
Celom's not a world, retard
>> No. 3204
>> No. 3205
Celomfags fuck off
>> No. 3206
>"Celomfags fuck off"
>In the web created by them
>Probably using a device manufactured by them
Way to go, Anon
>> No. 3207
do you suck dicks?
>> No. 3209
Serious question
And I mean I'm deadly serious
I know a lot of horny dipshits here would ask this question stroking their pricks and laughing at how funny they are, but I'm actually genuinely serious

Messy Hole.
Was that innuendo intentional?
>> No. 3225
File 171547119471.jpg - (66.61KB , 600x501 , ramram.jpg )

Believe it or not, this place was nothing but a joke. Well, some believe it still is.

Many beats ago, the Central was lacking any place like that, so two drunk guys argued about how to change it. A bet was made, and two places opened - Wayfarer Harbor and Messy Hole. The bet was about which would be more successful - a proper place with a proper name and presence, or something as ridiculous and uninviting as possible.

Since only one of those is still standing, can you imagine who won? And not just by a minuscule amount, no, the other place had to be closed because it only made losses.

Anyway, it was sold to XMC after Terren took over the Hub, as the original owner had no intention to actually maintain such place after he won the bet. And here we are, the best-named restaurant in the whole multiverse with the cutest girls and tastiest cuisines!

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