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File 15686204219.jpg - (55.40KB , 720x720 , honesty.jpg )
1170 No. 1170

You got questions, I got answers. Proper Answers. Big answers.

Or you can just peck off and let me do whatever I'm doing.
Expand all images
>> No. 1171
she acts tough but in reality shes a pesh-pesh :)
>> No. 1173
File 156862165230.jpg - (29.35KB , 848x480 , eh.jpg )
How about you commit not-alive, Caltor.
>> No. 1181
do you use any currency
i never went to the hub but i heard you just trade goods
and hows your time measurement
>> No. 1183
File 156863004336.jpg - (32.92KB , 848x480 , hm.jpg )
No, we don't. Different people price things differently and a single currency wasn't doing it justice. We reverted back to simple countertrade and no longer hear complaints about "why is X more expensive than Y".
Good for shooing dumb folk away. If you got goods to sell, you get to say what exactly is valuable to you and what isn't - Tell them that and they're content.

There is no time. Or rather, it's not consistent and will be different even for two people stending a few meters away staring at each other. the only thing certain about it is that it goes forward.
We mark the progress with Beats. Name comes from literally striking a bell on top of the Hub. Beat is a full cycle of stories. You know how the registered heroes go to various worlds to take part in their tales? We wait for them, and once everyone is finally back (or is confirmed not to ever come back), that's the end of the cycle. There's a festival up here on the square by the park, dancing, drinking, sometimes weddings - you get the idea. Ending the ceremony, there's some announcments for a new Beat and then the bell rings. Boom, a new Beat. We're near the end of 330th one.

It's so simple, even Caltor understands.
>> No. 1184
Do you have systems for families and the like, similar to other civilizations? Marriage, childcare, and so on.
>> No. 1187
where them hoes at
>> No. 1189
>> No. 1190
File 156863079682.png - (105.66KB , 240x240 , dotto.png )
I just mentioned marriages. You even reading the answers or just wasting my time for fun?

Most of the people don't want families. Not only because of being loners, but because of a job that does not guarantee them coming back home, because of difficult experiences, because of guilt complexes or because of being dumb losers like Caltor.

When they do start their families, that usually means they're no longer serving Xantesa. They move out, they live their own life somewhere else. There's only three exceptions but I'm not gonna enlighten you on that one. If you beg, maybe.
>> No. 1191
File 156863089340.jpg - (99.64KB , 1200x675 , feh.jpg )
Your parents' room.
Ba - doom - goddamn - tshh.
>> No. 1192
I understand that Xantesa is not one singular world, but rather a network or amalgamation of worlds? Correct me if I am wrong here.

Are all those worlds of similar or identical origin? And regardless, are they of similar or identical nature and structure (singular universes, multiverses, higher-tier spaces containing sub-worlds, universes or a multiverse, etc...)?

In essence, I am interested in what, in more specific terms, Xantesa is and how it functions.
>> No. 1193
hey don't hate me now because i gave you something to do
>> No. 1196
ah dimar, SUVI agot
>> No. 1197
Or just a citizen with some interest in science.
Not that I expect a simpleton to comprehend the mere possibility of such.
>> No. 1198
File 156863246140.jpg - (18.57KB , 250x250 , meg.jpg )
True, but not true. Xantesa isn't even a world. There's some places of residence thaat can be considered "worlds" connected to the Hub, but I wouldn't go as far as to claim them to be part of Xantesa. Xantesa are people, not a place, though the word is used for both. Hub isn't a world either, really, but I'm not the one to teach about distinguishing various kinds of places from each other by how they are created, progressed, yadda yadda - ask someone else for that.

No, they're not of similar origin. I mean, some of them may, but it's nothing more than a coincidence.
It's mostly "firsties" - the places that members of Xantesa were born in, the "first worlds". Hundreds of them. Out of sentiment, some of the folk are still living there gaving a gateway to the Hub in their basement or whenever, depends on if they hide its existence or not. Literally have their houses in their firsty connected to the house in Hub. Permits required. Complicated topic, too tiring to be bugged to explain.
Other worlds are just empty, uninhabited (yet or anymore) places that are nothing more than places of relax and recreation to anyone with the pass. Whoever can go there, can also do whatever they want there - sleep on a tree, build a house or a castle, train with friends or even destroy it if they're bored. Though that doesn't happen enymore. They mostly grill fish. Don't ask.
Then, there's a few that are connected by embassies, with societies considered mostly "equal". Lasteria, Liisyr, Vix Castellum, yadda yadda, and that place of yours, whatever /int/ stands for.
>> No. 1200
File 156863262745.jpg - (191.83KB , 840x1200 , heh.jpg )
I'm getting the 1200 so nobody else can.
>> No. 1227
Is Xantesa or the hub or whatever open to ANY visitors from Asivida? Like, normal fuckin' civilians and shit. Guess what I'm asking is if yer open to general common folk tourism.
>> No. 1228
Why are you making so many typos
>> No. 1229
File 156864081585.png - (107.00KB , 302x301 , gay.png )
Well, whoever you let through your excuse of an embassy gets on the Central Market in the Hub, no problem. But they can't get out of the Market without registration, and you can only be registered if you have an... endorser. Until then, nothing outside the Central exists for them and Xantesa is nothing more than that crowded square with weird people and even wierder buildings. Something, something, Will's Perspective, Imagined Reality, I don't know, go ask about details the magic people you won't find on 9chan.

Because my phone was thrown into a pot by some cretin, because some idiot at Celom thought it would be a great idea to manufacture phones without keys, and some other moron somehow figured these phones would serve as great replacements for the "old" ones. Get used to it, 'cause the delivery of the usual stuff isn't even scheduled yet.
>> No. 1232
What, you can't handle a smartphone? xDD
>> No. 1234
File 156864113573.jpg - (21.51KB , 320x320 , geh.jpg )
Just because it's smarter than you, doesn't mean it's smart.
Also, imagine their "progress" being a second camera but less functionality.

And shut the hell up, I'm trying work on something else.
>> No. 1235
dont listen to her shes trying to balance a waffle on top of a muffin tower

nice number btw
>> No. 1240
You don't make your own technological innovations? One would think a place like Xantesa would have evolved past twenty-first century smartphones.
>> No. 1245
File 156864268967.jpg - (25.14KB , 338x338 , hr.jpg )
Celom does that, so why would we? Who would do that? Where? It's called a land of heroes (cringe), not a land of scientific basement dwellers.

And - oh dear me please be patient - 21st century of where? Kirth? Sigma18? Nurniel? Sol3? Lasteria, Geirl, 60N-Nether? It's already way past these mentioned, and none of them even support connections between worlds. But yeah, one would think any thinking creature would quickly evolve past thinking a phone without keys is an idea on par with slapping wet cheese on Desven's face (which is a Caltor-tier idea btw).
>> No. 1250
Oh, excuse me. I was referring to the most typical twenty-first century Earth standards. Forgive me, I sometimes let it slip my mind that not every world out there necessarily has any relation to or even knowledge of that planet and its most typical history.
>> No. 1262
shes got that cv6 model i dont know if you use these but basically shes angry because she cant play xanbowl without physical keys and also cant hide the holographic display from her boss because the virtual keys ar on it
>> No. 1263
File 156864530354.jpg - (81.41KB , 1200x675 , d.jpg )
I'm gonna spit in your next drink, Caltor.
>> No. 1264
dont i dont want to get sick haha
>> No. 1275
I'm the proprietor of a popular pub in Avonma... always on the look for exotic drinks from other worlds :)
Are there any good traders for that kinda thing in the Hub? Any recommendations? Have plenty to trade back from various worlds :)
>> No. 1279
File 156864697360.jpg - (21.17KB , 250x250 , mo.jpg )
Woodie has quite a collection but he's an old smelly alcoholic who won't share unless you bring him something he hasn't.
Mr. Coolstone (cool guy, a rare thing!) can bring you some luxuries and in large number too (we have an ongoing deal with them here in Messy Hole!), but his services are very expensive. Most folk here can't afford him and I wouldn't describe them poor.
>> No. 1286
Does your domain have any noteworthy prejudice against vampires?
Furthermore, is there prejudice against non-undead vampires?
Furthermore, given the answers to previous questions are positive ones, are there any establishments one such vampire might wish to visit?
And if so, are they unsafe or at least unadvised or unwanted for non-vampires to visit?
>> No. 1292
File 156864849683.png - (319.16KB , 430x506 , yea.png )

There's racism and prejudice against anyone, everywhere. But anyone who tries to attack you or anybody for that matter is gonna get their butt whooped by me and other girls.

There's the Rosen Palace but its master is a huge buffon who won't let anyone close unless they bring a grand gift or are there to serve her. And that's the only registered vampire. If you seek walking corpses, there's way more zombies and hetles, some even in the XMC.
>> No. 1294
haha shes lying again its just few people who are too edgy to like anything
>> No. 1295
Oh, do not mistake my servant's questions as stemming from fear or worry.
It merely is not, how would you say, the most pleasant of experiences to try and enjoy a drink in a fine establishment with her there only for one of us to have to deal with the antics of a racist, or those of an overly eager and unruly fellow vampire.

That aside, oh my, what a disappointment. I most certainly do not plan to bring gifts or degrade myself before a stranger just to have a drink while on vacation.
I suppose I will have to stick to my existing vacation destinations.
>> No. 1298
I mean to be fair you're asking about how well a bustling place full of lively people accommodates someone who prefers classy environments so... :p
>> No. 1299
haha why are you house 17 chicks so active onliiiiiine why why :D
are you all on break at the same time
>> No. 1300
Mera is planning a vacation for the whole bunch of us and wants us to help research a good place so yeah I guess we're all on break :D
>> No. 1301
File 156864998660.jpg - (44.05KB , 500x500 , mhm.jpg )
If you're so sensitive about it, just don't come to the Hub. This is the freedom "everyone" fought for. No matter who you are, everyone is assumed to be equals here (sans authorities) so it's certainly not uncommon for angry humans to shout at literal gods an the like. You can't demand respect for whatever you are, you only get what you earn here. Nobody ever says a bad thing about Vera, for example. Or maybe I didn't hear it.

So yeah - it's either you have some personal invitation to a place that's not in the Hub, or you gotta blend in with the people. Of all kind. No ojousama act, that brings the hate.
>> No. 1303
> Merana
> No ojou-sama act
... right
She invented that shit
>> No. 1305
And who would you be to talk about me in that manner? Do you have an inkling who you are talking about, vermin?
>> No. 1306
Forgot to put in my nick
You were saying
>> No. 1307
File 156865038119.jpg - (7.22KB , 300x168 , greatlydisappointed.jpg )
Cool, now that's something they have in common. With the Rosen Pati-crone, I mean.
>> No. 1311
I mean
I like the Hub for that
You can just be a random fuck there
Which is neat
>> No. 1315
.....who the fuck are you that lady merana stopped replying lol
>> No. 1318
File 15686518224.jpg - (37.62KB , 540x540 , gr.jpg )
Then you can come and take that monkey Caltor away, he's interrupting my work
>> No. 1320
yeah i took the waffle haha
>> No. 1321
Give me and the wife a drink on the house
Then I'll swing by
And have her deck him for you
How is Naruto btw I mean Dylarius
>> No. 1322
Your mum
>> No. 1323
File 156865233427.png - (349.34KB , 530x480 , wth.png )
Anything in Messy Hole is "on the house", the hell.

And if Dylarius was that "I'm not Devolia" guy, then why the hell would I care, either go find him and ask him yourself or talk with one of the social stalkers
>> No. 1324
Fuck it
I'll grab the redhead and swing by for a drink or two
Tell your friend to wear a helmet
>> No. 1325
how do you even manage giving out free stuff exclusively
i mean you have to get it somewhere right
and if your place is free why would anyone ever go to any other place
>> No. 1326
First off, why is this alive
Secondly, OP ghosted me on a dating app when she found out I'm from Vix Castellum

>> No. 1327
File 156865380245.png - (74.47KB , 189x169 , deh.png )
Yeah no brawls, I'm not in the mood of separating people.

We get the thing and we give it away.
We get it by trading our work.
Because some people you don't like are inside.

Don't start another VC Januszex Raid or I'll break your limbs and throw you for Bazasa to eat.
>> No. 1328
File 15686539322.jpg - (79.87KB , 947x528 , disgust.jpg )
...Yeah, speaking of VC.
>> No. 1329
And we were really hitting it off until you've asked THE question, too.

>> No. 1330
How do you guys deal with crime?
Like, actual, serious crime. Surely you can't stop everything?
>> No. 1331
Why don't you get to your job already?
>> No. 1333
That would mean she's capable of more than smug shitposting
>> No. 1335
>> No. 1336
File 156865595334.jpg - (14.02KB , 236x314 , losingpatience.jpg )
No. Piss off.

With force. That's what I, among other girls, are here for. XMC, at your service.

This is my job.
>> No. 1337
Fine, I'm coming to see you fave to face.
>> No. 1338
You can't even spell sir Ghost'd of Cheaterland :^)
>> No. 1339
The triple threes have spoken
>> No. 1340
Heard VC passports are outsourced to Ketiadaan for cheap bureaucracy
Enjoy getting it by your retirement
>> No. 1341
File 156865688996.jpg - (96.29KB , 1200x675 , shoo.jpg )
Leet post, dude. I'll spit in your drink too.
>> No. 1342
wait what do you mean by too
>> No. 1345
Looking forward to seeing you too, cutiefringe.
>> No. 1346
actually she has her sidetail again because she couldnt handle hair getting in her eye :) its just shorter now so much of trying to cosplay your favourite character i guess haha
>> No. 1347
Who the fuck are you and who the fuck is this Caltor guy you keep flirting with
>> No. 1348
File 156865980928.jpg - (38.01KB , 848x480 , true.jpg )
I am the best of all maids and Caltor is a drunk idiot who can't go home. Hope that answers your question!
>> No. 1349

>> No. 1350
haha he got here mad lad and brought some fruit
>> No. 1351
You think she'll ever notice?
And have a bit of that Tchea, it's good for you.
>> No. 1352
File 156866643672.jpg - (25.60KB , 400x400 , gah.jpg )
You're off-topic, get lost.
>> No. 1353
We're having fun here at Messy Hole. Care to join us, cutiefringe?
>> No. 1354
File 156867885696.gif - (176.22KB , 848x480 , mild.gif )
Get off me, you shinto bell rope.
>> No. 1355
Fell asleep
We'll drop by some other time
>> No. 1378
why do you have so many elf racists, or is that just because the xantesan side of this site is 90 percent virgins
>> No. 1379
File 156872388840.png - (88.70KB , 250x250 , huh.png )
I don't know, I'm not an elf. I mean, they always act like they're better than other but I'm not sure if that qualifies as "racism". I've seen worst cases.
>> No. 1380
oh wow. i meant racism towards elves. what's so bad about having pointy ears(?) and pale skin(?) and longer fingers(?)
>> No. 1383
File 156872456489.png - (161.37KB , 300x415 , oh.png )
...Oh. I don't know. Well, being bigheads comes to mind. It's not hard to find a reason against, well, anybody, you know.
>> No. 1387
ahdunno. maybe i'm overreacting to online mouthbreathers, elf racism just fucks me up
>> No. 1388
... well, talk about people I didn't expect to see here.
And don't worry. Xantesa is strange. But in a charming way. Anytime I went there it was actually a rather good time. Strange, but good.
>> No. 1389
File 156872643553.png - (288.04KB , 700x394 , yesyouare.png )
If you believe discriminating other races is passable, but it's wrong when it mentions elves, then you're a racist yourself.
>> No. 1391
wait what, where did i say i think any racism is fine xD
>> No. 1392
elf racism just fucks me up because i'm a half elf and cause uh
let's say my world has a couple places where racism's bit of an issue
>> No. 1394
File 156872736846.png - (454.64KB , 514x685 , likethis.png )
Well, you only specifically mentioned elves in you messages, making it seem like you're not bugged by anything else.

I will also reinforce what I said before - being half-elf, it's the elven hate toward humans that's far more evident and applicable to you than the other way around. Here, at least, you can expect being granted a noble title of "half-breed" whenever met by their race representant ("-that isn't Arientheril", to give an exception from the generalisation).
>> No. 1396
are you from pink rooms
>> No. 1397
File 156872948850.png - (118.28KB , 305x307 , yah.png )
No. Imagine having a home. What a way to be successful at life.
>> No. 1399
Tough luck elfboi, enjoy being a sissy
>> No. 1400
File 156873065479.png - (765.41KB , 720x720 , Steampunk-Heart-Necklace-Steampunk-Picture-Locket-.png )
You don't let a treasure go once you have it in your grasp!
>> No. 1401
fuck that's cheesy
>> No. 1402
Can someone bring me up to speed with this cause I feel like everyone but me knows what's going on with this bullshit in the thread
>> No. 1403
I'm as clueless as you are m8
>> No. 1404
File 156873127735.jpg - (25.54KB , 640x600 , 430.jpg )
Basically some keyboard warrior is hitting on our shit tier meido.
He doesn't know that her being a massive dick is not just a figure of speech, she actually sports one
>> No. 1405
last time i checked i didn't have a dick, pipsqueak
>> No. 1409
boipucci then whatevs
>> No. 1411
I mean, that's literally in the nickname
>> No. 1413
if you're mean to lil marin then i'll hate you >:(
hate hate hate
the way she slices things up is suuuuuuuper cute <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
>> No. 1419
haha hes cool i think had some fruit that tastes like a wheat field
>> No. 1420
Fuck off, hobo
>> No. 1421
it's common knowledge he's a trap lol
poor sod
>> No. 1422
are you high or sth
>> No. 1426
you suck aaaaaaass
>> No. 1432
what kind of fucking flavor is that
>> No. 1433
I do, ladies love that
>> No. 1435
How would you know
>> No. 1440
I am one
>> No. 1441
I ran into that one
Fuck not knowing things
>> No. 1442
Damn you're sleek, Feather.
>> No. 1445
Pick no more than one
>> No. 1449
You are what you eat
>> No. 1451
>> No. 1452
Can I buy a maid slave at Messy Hole
>> No. 1453
File 156873470493.jpg - (39.69KB , 600x600 , inu.jpg )
Okay, nice one
>> No. 1454
She was ladylike all right during that one visit in Tes Aman
>> No. 1456
Yeah, gotta act to get under te dress
>> No. 1457
Do you really have a mega pecker?

Asking for a friend
>> No. 1459
File 156873537180.png - (229.21KB , 440x436 , eh.png )

Compared to you? I bet.
>> No. 1460
>> No. 1463
Why do you pretend to be a grill tho
>> No. 1464
why not
>> No. 1465
Binary plebs please go and stay go
>> No. 1466
Asking OP not you
>> No. 1467
this is public space i do what i want
>> No. 1468
File 156873711967.png - (864.65KB , 925x840 , why.png )
Why do you pretend to be an intelligent creature?
>> No. 1469
Yea she is a girl what the hell people
>> No. 1470
File 156873793714.png - (320.19KB , 433x523 , dont.png )
I can see you staring at your phone instead of working, Grit.
>> No. 1471
Oi wtf youre doing the same thing
>> No. 1472
Woman confirmed, lmao
>> No. 1473
I know words are lost on you lot but you do realize Cutiefringe has feelings too?
This isn't /9/ so at least show a tiniest bit of respect guys!
>> No. 1474
Megapecker is a cunt who steals people's phones
>> No. 1475
Oh no wait she's a dick haha
A pecker
>> No. 1476
>> No. 1477
but is it big and juicy like Kari's?
>> No. 1478
oh yuss plsss
>> No. 1479
Not this again
Kari wypierdalaj
>> No. 1480
And a wypierdalaj to you too, my good man!
>> No. 1483
no u
>> No. 1484
>no filter on /int/

>> No. 1485
holy shit your right
>> No. 1490
what about my right
>> No. 1505
It's reserved
>> No. 1519
>> No. 1566
What do people in the Hub know about Creators
I mean
On average
Basic idea, no clue, educated
Any hush hush at all
>> No. 1569
Well we know they're cunts
>> No. 1570
They're calling for you again you little shit do your job for once
>> No. 1571
One owes me money.
>> No. 1572
Why, you don't know shit yourself? xD
>> No. 1573
... what
Why would they need money
Unless they're Jedius and it was just for shits and giggles
It was Jedius, right
>> No. 1574
do you
>> No. 1576
File 156882657239.png - (188.78KB , 300x300 , potato.png )
All of it. You can't generalize the snowflakes.

What kind of question even is this?
>> No. 1577
Well I know enough to recognize a filthy Ervanite pretending to be one
>> No. 1578
Cool, write a book about it and don't forget to ask to like and subscribe every page
>> No. 1580
Go back to peeling, servant girl. Your place is in the kitchen.
>> No. 1581
File 156882689587.jpg - (328.59KB , 1280x720 , er.jpg )
Yours is under your dad but you don't see me complaining.
>> No. 1582
It's a normal question
Was curious, who cares why
> All of it
And I'm supposed to know if you saying that know all of it... how
>> No. 1583
whos pretending to be one
>> No. 1584
Your mom pretends to create you but in reality you were just shat out
>> No. 1585
File 156882811848.png - (608.95KB , 555x600 , kill.png )
I meant all of your examples being an answer to the question, dum-bo.
>> No. 1586
Misunderstood that
Okay, so
This is going to sound stupid
Humor me
Any places in the Hub where Creators go?
And any where people have no idea what they are?
>> No. 1587
are you eleven or smth
>> No. 1589
doooooo you have video games :D
>> No. 1590
i bet only maid ups
get it, because made up and shoot em ups :)
i'll show myself out now
>> No. 1591
i was asking the lady with the pecker!! was was
fuck ooooooooff
>> No. 1592
File 156882891210.png - (95.98KB , 239x232 , uhm.png )
Why would I know that? I'm not really interested in what others are doing in the Hub as long as I don't have to intervene, I got mu own job. You can randomly meet them anywhere or never meet them at all and don't believe anyone that someone like that exists.

If you really want to boost your luck, get a ticket to one of these something-bowl-arenas where people kill each other for fun, that's the most popular trend lately and your best bet to meet one of them - but that's not a part of the Hub anymore.
>> No. 1593
>Pretending not to be a giant stalker
>> No. 1594
I guess that's some game format
Might do that
And about my question... eh, alright
Thanks anyway
>> No. 1595
but do you have video gaaaaaaaaames do you do you do you do youuuu
>> No. 1596
File 156882924351.png - (226.91KB , 394x392 , oho.png )
Yes, I play on the cJoy when I have some time. I'd still rather get to travel where I was not before, but it's hard to make it true with my employment terms and conditions.

Fuck off.
>> No. 1597
I'd rather appreciate you fucking off thank you
>> No. 1598
so tsun tsun this is cuuuute :D
>> No. 1599
Have you tried time dilation? Could squeeze in "longer" breaks
>> No. 1600
File 156882959711.gif - (71.33KB , 220x199 , phmpf.gif )
Funny that you're repeating what a certain Castillonian moron just said, but you're clearly mistaken.
>> No. 1602
yeah its not like you like him, w-what an i-idiot
>> No. 1606
File 156883007125.png - (214.08KB , 407x600 , aha.png )
Yes, but I need to have breaks in the first place. It's complicated and confidential, don't ask.

Yeah, whatever. I'm gonna comfort you and say that he's an idiot. Rating really low on the methods and pick-up lines list too.
>> No. 1609
is that sincerety why you dig him
>> No. 1610
File 156890710826.png - (78.47KB , 202x223 , err.png )
No, I don't carry a shovel around.
>> No. 1656
What the hell is that registration thing and why do I need it?
>> No. 1657
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It's a beautiful "Noob" (No-ordinary-outsiders barrier - yes, I'm serious) system against Liisyr cretins and other temporary visitors that are mostly unaware of interdimensional reality.

I don't know the technical mumbo-jumbo as it got something to do with "perceived existence", but imagine it working like an illusion (even though apparently it's not, shut up, Vera). Whoever is not registered in the system, can only ever enter the Central Market area, as nothing else seems to exist for that person. They won't be able to spot anything unusual for them (for example, a mundane human who has never seen a fire elemental will see said elemental as another human), will never spot the exits from the market (whoever leaves it while they are looking at them will simply cease to be for them, as if they were never there, so they won't question it) and won't be able to access embassies they are not familiar with. That's also the reason why supernatural actions are prohibited in the central Hub - the system is still not perfect and does not mask absolutely -everything-. Advanced electronic devices are allowed if you bring them to any administration buildings first to include them as a masked device.
>> No. 1659
Wow, that pic is almost as flat as you
>> No. 1661
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Want to fight?
>> No. 1666
You're here to answer questions, not ask them.
>> No. 1670
>> No. 1672
Yeah you better behave, Bigdick, the trips had to come to lecture you
>> No. 1681
I enjoy the sight :)
>> No. 1682
u gay
>> No. 1684
small boobs rule
>> No. 1723
there any recurring music festivals in the hub or so? :) and can artists from other worlds perform?
>> No. 1728
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Laevateinn (a band) are regular performers around here. Occasionally, other musicians do present their art on the Market or up on the Square of Untouched, but it's rather unplanned and not what you'd expect of what is expected from a word "concert". Artists are also welcome in the Messy Hole - the little stage here is always available for you (well, unless already occupied and you don't know how to share).

There are no purely musical events organised by us, but it's not unusual for Laevateinn members to create "song competitions". Also very spontaneous.
>> No. 1729
niiice :) messy hole a good place to jam with fellas, yeah? any style and genre limitations?
>> No. 1733
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Yes, Messy Hole is a place for everyone and we try to keep it as friendly as possible.

There is no genre limitation as long as it does not provoke people.
>> No. 1737
>As friendly as possible
>Some lich girl did nothing more than throwing a chair at somebody and a second later she was about to be torn to pieces
Yeah, start with yourselves, racists.
>> No. 1739
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Shouldn't have thrown the chair, moron.
>> No. 1742
That would make too much sense. Therefore, it cannot possibly be the reason. :^)
>> No. 1743
So did you go on a date with this guy from VC or what
>> No. 1744
Shouldn't have provoked the fucking lich
>> No. 1745
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I don't care if you're a lich, an ordinary human, a walking legend, a literal god or a simple moron like you - if you seek trouble, that's precisely what you're gonna get. You try to fight back an I'm gonna personally step on your dumb face and slap deportation on your ass. It's that simple.
>> No. 1746
wait, someone who doesn't give a fuck about race and status and thinks the way you act matters? i like you, miss megapecker
please produce offspring. you're an endangered species
>> No. 1747
you can step on my face :)
>> No. 1748
Some guy came for that, she rejected him as my sources informed me
>> No. 1749
I believe there's a difference between simply being a member of some worse race and belonging to VC, the latter is uncurable
>> No. 1751
>> No. 1753
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