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File 171020623223.gif - (95.93KB , 640x640 , katana-glorious.gif )
2841 No. 2841
>>2777 got kaputt but nippon steel never dies
Expand all images
>> No. 2842
Wait, what? It's on air again?
>> No. 2844
Oh holy shit it is
>> No. 2845
File 171024162054.png - (43.45KB , 200x200 , 1496221366946.png )
I can't believe this shit.

Really? Grand Reset?

You got a story that started to seem compelling and then you remove everything from it, leaving only the autistic, angsty chilli pepper?

You could do better, fuck you.
>> No. 2846
youre gonna watch this anyway faggot
>> No. 2848
File 171024170125.jpg - (229.23KB , 1000x705 , 1576153359900.jpg )
nth for yuri

yuri where
>> No. 2849
File 171024181321.gif - (4.17MB , 498x323 , ah-shit-here-we-go-again-ah-shit.gif )
>Grand Restart
>> No. 2850
File 171024186111.png - (86.67KB , 580x580 , suicideadapter.png )
No problem, I got other entertainment for you
>> No. 2851
stop bullying dori
>> No. 2852
Fuck you, and fuck your Dori.
>> No. 2853
man i wish
>> No. 2854

Yeah, I'm going to be honest with you, this wasn't really intentional at all. We have no idea what happened since no one had a chance to pull any funny business, but that universe just got all messed up out of nowhere.
Really strange stuff, so that's why we had Dos make Suzuko that offer.
Seriously, don't ask me, I have no idea how that happened, and I'm probably the person who would know before anyone else.
>> No. 2855
Oh, wow... everything goes to shit again. How unusual and refreshing.

Somebody thinks that it's okay to kill everybody and talks with an imaginary friend.

Someone else thinks shouting at a civvie will kill them or cause permament damage.

Yet another plays soldier being unable to even follow simple commands.

And one more thinks that such commands are the ultimate truth and everything always goes according to plan.

This show is like watching a room full of mentally backwards people who wouldn't even be able to make a fucking sandwich together because they would kill each other over the choice between butter and margarine.

Sooo, so original.
>> No. 2856
File 171024290424.gif - (23.68KB , 106x125 , 1673885600341048.gif )
Here's your (you)
>> No. 2857
Uh, shit happened, that's what happened
>> No. 2858
File 171024307289.jpg - (445.96KB , 641x1021 , 1673858280718471.jpg )
who tf are u even
>> No. 2859
File 171024314957.png - (12.23KB , 454x480 , 1526251635443.png )
>I hope we don't see each other ever again
>> No. 2861
>>2855 soldier on keyboard warrior
>> No. 2862
On behalf of Her Highness Great Lady Merana Pelaluna XVII., I assure all parties following these events that the security measures previously put in place by administration and House XIII to protect the prior event universe (X.ADV-38-3-142) have been bolstered by additional measures and personnel from House XVII, generously approved and provided by Her Highness.

The denizens and employees of the Pale Moon Realm have elevated levels of experience with the preservation and protection of contained sub-space-time conceptual objects, and we look forward to aiding administration and House XIII in facilitating continued safe and stable operations within event universe ###-#-#-76, while avoiding a repeat incident of the regrettable fate of universe X.ADV-38-3-142.

We at House XVII have confidence and high hopes for this cooperation, and will dedicate all necessary resources towards the successful continuation and conclusion of operations within event universe ###-#-#-76.

Please direct all urgent inquiries to House XVII, PMR Administration, PR Department.


Yosuya (EA, CIC)
House XVII, PMR Administration
>> No. 2863
The shade, lol >>2862
>> No. 2864
>>2862 tryhard
>> No. 2865
cool story sis
>> No. 2866
I love how casual everyone is about a whole universe hitting the shitter
>> No. 2867
File 171024496218.png - (229.50KB , 900x750 , 1496247507954.png )
>> No. 2868
Eh, it happens sometimes.
>> No. 2871
can we get to some fights pls
>> No. 2873
File 171024538828.png - (497.33KB , 897x537 , Doribumpers.png )

>> No. 2874
Fuck, I wish.
>> No. 2875
you fuckin wish mate
me too
>> No. 2877
>> No. 2878
I just want more Suzuko and Narame being cute together
>> No. 2879
File 171024560324.jpg - (59.70KB , 1136x640 , 23675060_1604724319584556_7109848233464659759_o.jpg )
Get your horny ass out of here.
>> No. 2880
File 17102510241.jpg - (22.07KB , 396x286 , 1495484387563.jpg )

>> No. 2881
Your waifu doesn't love you
Your waifu doesn't know you exist
Your waifu would be disgusted by you
Your waifu wouldn't give a shit if you died
>> No. 2882
Stop shitposting. Your insolent behavior makes you no better than the people you deem yourself oh so morally superior to.
>> No. 2885
Wrong chick, bud
You want the one with the big hat and the books
>> No. 2886
guys guys guys guys i forgot my passwooooooooooord what was my password help me i'll so love you!!! i'll give you fucks and snugs if you're a cute girl!!
>> No. 2887
this whole thread took all of five seconds to turn weird
not complaining tho
>> No. 2888
I can only find myself wholeheartedly agreeing with the girl. Common animal blood is positively detestable, a truly lousy emergency measure I am blessed enough to not have been forced to take for millennia.
>> No. 2889
Sure, sucker
>> No. 2890
Why are they not hunting vampires, anyway?
>> No. 2891
You mean in Kozu? There are not many around in most time periods in most universes, it's nothing many people ever even get to see. So it's nothing a population would develop some widespread mob mentality about.

It's more of a thing in Europe in some universes, though. Have also been to one where there was a major anti-vampire movement in China, complete with some pretty messed up stuff like burnings.

And in this case it's also their future queen's protégée, and all that. All vouched for by royalty, so people are probably still unsettled by her, but wouldn't dare do anything.
>> No. 2892
For those curious about the "Little Knight" and what she is... Asividan vampires are quite unusual among most species the term is used for!

They are not undead, first and foremost. Instead, they are a bit of a, how to say, evolutionary sidestep!
The mixing of the human and Evonnan species (which affects all Asividan humans, as I once explained here on 9chan) has no other effect than enabling one to awaken to Endora manipulation abilities as a Stista - usually!
The Endora-related genes responsible for sprouting wings at will during a state of heightened ability for Endora manipulation actually exist in (near-)duplicates within Asividan humans, both inactive at birth.

One set will become active upon awakening fully as a Stista; funnily enough, normally inactive genes related to birds found within plain humans are involved, causing Stistas to grow feathered, bird-like wings instead of ones that would match Evonnan wings. Yes, that means we are technically bird people...!
Evonnas meanwhile sprout wings very aesthetically similar to those of a bat (or what many cultures might label as "demon-like" wings) - and this is where the mentioned duplicate set of genes becomes relevant!
In Asividan vampires, that duplicate set is active. It does not make them able to sprout a second set at will, but rather makes them carry a chance to be born with a set. (Were they to awaken, they would still be able to also sprout a set of Stistan wings at will, mind you!)

Furthermore, the wings we sprout in that state are actually the organs responsible for the mentioned heightened ability for Endora manipulation.
This is why winged vampires tend to have great natural potential, as they have one set of such wings as part of their bodies by default - and why Narame, sporting a second set due to a genetic defect, has particularly prodigious potential!
The downside is that maintaining that heightened state continuously expends something known as Native Bodily Endora, a form of conceptual energy related directly to the minds of living Asividan beings; losing too much of it leads to first mental, then physical deterioration, and eventually death.

If you now think that this would be a problem for winged Asividan vampires due to constantly bearing wings... you would be correct!
This is precisely why, within the vast majority of universes, Asividan humans evolved to not merely potentially bear the wings of an Evonna if that duplicate set of genes is active, but also bear the other traits you see in Narame; extendable fangs (which actually sport a suction functionality to more easily extract blood), a conscious hunger for blood separate from hunger related to common food, and an altered internal organ structure enabling the proper processing of consumed blood.
And if this, then, makes you guess that this is because blood is the physical component of an Asividan lifeform that carries the highest concentration of Native Bodily Endora, and maybe even that its concentration in animal blood is very low...

... then congratulations! You paid attention. Class dismissed! : )

PS: The much heightened susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation is a genetic defect common to all Asividan vampires, and their potential wings functioning as "sun shields" is a blatant evolutionary adaptation to this.
We are not actually one-hundred percent certain as to the exact specifics and causes of this particular defect; it is still a subject of further research to this day.

PPS: Yes, all this means that Asividan vampires without wings would not technically require the consumption of blood, but would still develop an unbearable level of hunger for it were they to avoid consuming any.
>> No. 2893
>>2892 Why is it always novels with you...
>> No. 2894
love you though <3 love sometimes
>> No. 2895
why not hunt humans instead >>2890
>> No. 2896
oh for fuck sake include some tl;dr
>> No. 2897

TL;DR (as much as possible):
Asividan vampires are not undead, they are a side effect of mixed human and Evonnan genetics triggered by a normally inactive set of genes.
Some Asividan vampires have no wings, some have two. Narame has four due to a genetic defect.
Those wings are the same kind of organ as the wings us Evonnas and Stistas here can sprout temporarily to amplify our abilities.
Those wings being present expends a certain type of vital energy in Asividan bodies while they are, making winged Asividan vampires expend it constantly.
This vital energy is most highly concentrated in blood.
This led to an evolutionary adaptation causing Asividan vampires to develop additional internal organs, altered jaws and teeth, and a second hunger sense for blood.
We are not fully sure why exactly they are harmed by sunlight, but their wings' ability to function as sun shields is an evolutionary adaptation to it.

The extremely short TL;DR:
Asividan vampires are not undead, they are a direct evolutionary sidegrade from Asividan humans with a blood dependency born and different anatomic and biological traits due to an evolutionary need for a vital energy type most highly concentrated in blood.
>> No. 2898
Bitch I can't read all that
>> No. 2899
dude theres a real short one at the botom just read that r you stupid
>> No. 2900
I want Dori to hit the paprikaface
>> No. 2901
>>2900 ... hit what now
>> No. 2902
>> No. 2903
>> No. 2904
fuck war give me more cute girls doing cute things
this is slice of life now
that time i got reincarnated as an oni i couldnt believe my little vampire could possibly be this cute
>> No. 2905
Give it 24 to 48 hours I guess, then you get your violence
>> No. 2906
File 171045903531.jpg - (282.16KB , 462x1045 , 1495484740580.jpg )
>> No. 2911
You really got wrong tags on the cover
>> No. 2912
ABCs with Narame and Suzuko
>> No. 2913
Joke's on you
There's no tags
>> No. 2916
Haha welp, there goes the friendship smoochie
>> No. 2917
I feel awful for both of them. : (
>> No. 2918
Good, you should feel awful.
>> No. 2919
File 171064550031.png - (339.38KB , 562x516 , 1576131624757.png )

Can anybody bring me up to speed: What the fuck happened?
>> No. 2920
red girl no like touchy
>> No. 2921
File 171064670625.jpg - (45.30KB , 614x480 , 1576125223606.jpg )
That's a bit of an overexaggeration.

And... nobody even touched her?
>> No. 2922
Wow, it's been five minutes and we're back to cuddling? Fuck this, I'm out.
>> No. 2923
>> No. 2924
>>2922 are you always this eleven years old
>> No. 2925
Oh no, not you! What are we going to do without... you, you? Yooou! No!
>> No. 2926
I want Dori to tell me to be quiet
>> No. 2927
Wow, look who's back.

PS. Be quiet.
>> No. 2928
the lil girl is kinda impressive tbh
but am i the only one whos a bit worried shes going to be the adult in the duo way too much
wheres her mom
>> No. 2929
You mean the mom who had to use her as emotional support for depression in the other world?
>> No. 2930
wait yosuya
isn't the one from house 17 kozian too
so is that a different universe one of the same person????
>> No. 2931
File 171071915678.jpg - (61.33KB , 334x512 , sherlock.jpg )
>> No. 2932
... dude, really
>> No. 2933
That's the one
Only functional families here
>> No. 2934
I want Dori to do the happy strut with me
>> No. 2935
I want Dori to hold hands with me
>> No. 2936
>> No. 2937
What the fuck, this didn't happen before, right?

Who allowed the bloodsuckers to have a say in this?
>> No. 2938
File 171076584187.jpg - (12.41KB , 474x473 , 1515417288395.jpg )
>sweaty, unprotected handholding
>> No. 2939
File 171076804699.png - (37.75KB , 500x405 , you-have-been-visited-by-gopnik-skeleton-say-cyka-.png )
ANOTHER kid vampire using white-and-red colours scheme? How fucking original. That's a third in this metaverse already! Find someone new ffs.
>> No. 2940
cyka blyat
>> No. 2941
I see the meddler is meddling a little once again, as usual... and making a big stupid show of it while she's at it, also as usual. Good to see some things never change... -.-
>> No. 2942
dude thats more than a little not trying to be an edgy rebel but is she allowed to do that
>> No. 2943
Your definition of "a little" is funny
>> No. 2944
Yeah, she is. This jazz is legally in XVII jurisdiction as well now, so Mera's totally within her rights to do this as long as she didn't screw Dos over on it. Which she didn't!

She's totally making a big dumb show of it though, that's 110 % true. Pfft
>> No. 2945
...what the fuck? another cheeky childlike bloodsucker female ojousama bearing a white-and red color scheme? How fucking original, that's the fourth already? Are they clones who just changed the face?
>> No. 2946
How do you even know that's a female?
>> No. 2947
Stop samefagging retard, nobody cares
>> No. 2948
Idea for a new show - put that Merana dudette and Pati crone in the same room and have them compare who does the more pretentious 'hmph' thing, we can have the viewers vote and stuff
>> No. 2949
It's Dori time.
>> No. 2950
Oh, excuse me, I am so very sorry. Not all of us can act the bumbling everyman before commoners and mortals, but I will rest easy knowing you cover that particular role splendidly for the rest of us.

Why, you are invited to pay me a visit and enlighten me as to just how exactly I am childlike, brave anonymous loudmouth. Even a woman my age never ceases to learn, after all. You shall be met with a very attentive listener, I assure you.

I dare say that my physique might have given it away. Then again, I do suppose there are those whose gender configurations are a touch more complex and less obvious. Not that I am judging, of course.
>> No. 2951
don't listen to them mera your boobs are AWESOME awesome!!! love love love and guys PLS help me i can't find my password i wanna log in pleeeeeeeeeeeeease help mmmmmeeeeeeeee
>> No. 2952
Have you tried turning your brain off and on again?
>> No. 2953
I want Dori to seek me
>> No. 2954
Well fuck me sideways, I was sure that *is* her just cosplaying someone again like on that last /vers/ meeting
Only after reading about it here I realized that Pati crone would never drink blood that's not straight out of a living creature, even for the sake of getting into character
That makes me think, actually (I know, wrong thread) but why isn't she in the gamer nine?

go engage the unalive protocol
>> No. 2956
What if I'm already dead?
>> No. 2957
nobody wants her in the nine, she does chaos only for the sake of chaos and her own amusement

nobody wants her anywhere for that matter
>> No. 2958
Isn't unbridled chaos... precisely why there's nine of them, every one with extremely different beliefs and alignment?
>> No. 2959
well... shit you're right

still, fuck off to >>>/vers/
>> No. 2960
I want Dori to cuddle with me
>> No. 2961
Oh my god, is the next sex scene going to be a threesome?
>> No. 2962
Wasn't she turned off by that last time?
>> No. 2963
Actually, fuck it, bring Iniya and make it a double wincest
>> No. 2964
>>2963 i like to think iniya having sex is a pleasant form of violence
either that or she lies around bored
could be either
>> No. 2965
> Two women cuddling with each other
Holy fuck
It smells like virgin in here
>> No. 2966
First time here?
>> No. 2967
Just still not used to idiocy I don't know beforehand
I'll manage
>> No. 2968
Me too, Anon...
>> No. 2969
I want Dori to multiply...
>> No. 2970
File 171112016116.gif - (1.51MB , 600x600 , spin.gif )
>> No. 2971
okay we get it samefag
>> No. 2972
I like this reboot thing more, there's more of Dori
>> No. 2973
I want Dori to... to be happy and enthusiastic with me
>> No. 2974
That is way too flat to be Dori.
>> No. 2975
Awww, Shika's such a nice shithead
>> No. 2976
*checks if there's been some killing already*

*closes the stream*
>> No. 2978
Onimonogatari, the show about talking
>> No. 2979
...I'm kinda surprised Suzuko can do more than talk cinnamon quotes
>> No. 2980
is this kid actually kinda keeping up with suzu-nyan rn
>> No. 2981
...is she though...?
>> No. 2982
fuck your suzuko, where's dori
>> No. 2983
>Fuck your Suzuko
>> No. 2984
For a kid? Yeah, I'd say so.
>> No. 2985
Well, I guess... it still looks like smashing a head against a wall, and it makes me feel bad for the little vampire
>> No. 2986
You should not feel that on behalf of this abomination, this twisted image of a man sullied by blood of demons.
>> No. 2987
well you should fuck off
>> No. 2988
You know things don't become any less literally untrue or any less mindfuckingly braindead just because you say them out loud, right
>> No. 2989
>>2986 still not a demon u fuckwit we dont even have those here
>> No. 2990
Man. The sad thing is, she really did well at times. Especially towards the end. Suzuko is right in what she says. She shouldn't beat herself up like this.
>> No. 2991
It's weird - she's definitely more capable than the old Komi, and yet much less content with her performance.

Should Suzuko just let her hit her, or would that be going easy on her?
>> No. 2992
of course that would be 'going easy', duh

still should have done that
>> No. 2993
She simply asserted dominance. She proved she lives up to her words. Komiyo might be sad now, but she will be more inclined to look up to Suzuko in the future.
>> No. 2994
'twas a training against a child, what dominance, bro
>> No. 2995
Against a child wielding powerful magical powers and a being more capable than a human, 'bro'
>> No. 2996
A vampire spawn is less than a human in every regard.
>> No. 2997
I told you to fuck off
>> No. 2998
oh yeah no doubt the girl would probably mess up any plain human you could throw at her one on one
for her age she's kind of crazy good
>> No. 2999
Eh, I think someone as top-end skilled as Iniya would give her a challenge regardless, but yeah
Girl is what, 13, 14? For her age he's unreal tbh
>> No. 3000
i mean, she's a kid, she's real ambitious, she's used to keeping up with damn good fighters around her despite being FUCKIN 13 YEARS OLD
she's probably just struggling with the idea that suzu is the one who can save her mommy and she can't, and now she got proof that suzu really is better, so that i get it
>> No. 3001
>>2999 she*
>> No. 3002
Fuck off grammar Nazi
>> No. 3003
I don't think it's just "Oh, Suzuko's better" - she fucking wrecked that girl who had an advantage of flight WITH HER EYES CLOSED xD
I'd be kind of sad too
>> No. 3004
Oh and nice get btw
>> No. 3005
>> No. 3006
And she even has a mood sword
Just so it's 100 % clear that she's happy
How nice
>> No. 3007
The hell is she doing
>> No. 3008
currently discovering what being happy without reservations is like
>> No. 3009
weird, huh
>> No. 3010
File 171150625170.jpg - (22.65KB , 640x349 , hereitcomes.jpg )
>> No. 3011
that is one overprotective little girl, man
>> No. 3012
Which one?
>> No. 3013
point taken, pleasant day, good sir
>> No. 3014
I want Dori to dominate the world
>> No. 3015
File 171162401172.png - (285.91KB , 587x393 , destroythechild.png )
>>all the others

Fucking WOW. It shows that she has no empathy at all. Yes, training, sure, but she could at least make it somehow fun for the kid. But no, gotta show how perfect she is, muh Agahara-chan protecc, holy fuck I hate her
>> No. 3016
I think you mistook the term 'training' for 'play'
>> No. 3017
Let's Vampblaaade. Cute
>> No. 3019
...the hell was that now xD
>> No. 3020
>>3019 Couldn't you tell? She rung the bell. Rin, rin. Just like she rung the princess's little bell. She's got experience with this, just trust her.
>> No. 3021
>>3020 you all need to touch some grass
>> No. 3023
She is the bell that is approaching
Rin-rins of isolation
>> No. 3026
Well, this is going amazingly well
>> No. 3027
ooooooooooh no
>> No. 3028
What is this sassy... lost statue?
>> No. 3029
File 171173812388.jpg - (167.50KB , 800x837 , komainu.jpg )
Oh, this? Yeah, this belongs here.
>> No. 3030
This is so stupid, how are the kansai dudes this dumb and still on the offensive
>> No. 3031
...not everybody knows about magic, you know. Or the extent of it.
>> No. 3032
if no one else will give shizu kudos here then i will
that was fuckin hot
>> No. 3033
... she just brutally killed a dude, and you think that's hot. Is there really no hope for the internet? Do you people think EVERYTHING is hot?
>> No. 3034
Medieval Kozu has pretty varied beliefs
Small local religious cults
Not strange for places to have unique icons tbh
Source: I'm Kozian and didn't sleep in history class
... not always anyway
>> No. 3035
Who tf needs magic when you can absolutely fucking delete a guy with a knife and an arm
Of course that's hot, when are athleticism and martial skill ever not
>> No. 3037
oh sorry i missed the comedy tag
>> No. 3038
She's not wearing a tight bodysuit though...
>> No. 3039
>>3038 as if her ass could ever compete with snake's godly buttocks
>> No. 3040
Oh shit something happens
>> No. 3041
>> No. 3042
And then go back to being all cuddly with Narame
>> No. 3043
File 171177161198.png - (75.88KB , 300x300 , 1496220258715.png )
What would princess say if she saw that?
>> No. 3044
Probably "kyaaa Suzu-chaaan"
>> No. 3045
>>3044 Tbf, I think she'd legit take issue with some of Suzu's attitude there
But also prolly would've liked that she let that young mother go and offered the other one to leave too
>> No. 3046
Take it from someone who has to kill a whole damn lot: It doesn't mean you don't have a soft side, man.
>> No. 3047
Lol that islander ain't normal
>> No. 3048
File 171180313839.jpg - (47.34KB , 960x640 , duh.jpg )
She's been physically, mentally and sexually abused and told to 'hold it it for the Oni' for the most of her life.

Of course she ain't normal.
I feel bad for her. I hope Agahara can fix her before she loses herself completely.
>> No. 3049
i hope nobody fixes anyone
this is hot
>> No. 3050
I mean, if Agahara is anything like in the old world, you should say "hope they can both fix each other" tbh
>> No. 3051
I though Suzuko was averse to gangbangs
>> No. 3052
It's okay when they hold a sword
>> No. 3053
She's doing... fine?
>> No. 3054
I hope Iniya gets pissed at her
>> No. 3055
...She's a bit wrong in the head, isn't she?
>> No. 3056
Congratulations, you noticed!
>> No. 3058
File 171185871424.png - (15.12KB , 200x200 , OhayoMarisa2.png )
>It really is you, Suzuko
She remembers everything, mark my words
>> No. 3059
>>3058 shit i hope thatd make things a lot simpler
........ and a lot more complicated but eh
>> No. 3060
I wouldn't take this as a clear sign she remembers everything; after all, Narame was in contact with Agahara, even during the trip to that place. I wouldn't bet on her remembering all of it, but SOMETHING fishy is up, yeah.
>> No. 3061
The 'master' just left her a note

>Suzu-chan loves you and you fucked already
>> No. 3062
Better yet, she left her a picture xD
>> No. 3063
File 171188763090.jpg - (8.24KB , 300x168 , loff.jpg )
>> No. 3064
>> No. 3066

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