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File 171324820786.png - (647.41KB , 927x670 , TheBestQuestions.png )
3172 No. 3172
Was really dumb: >>1689

'sup, anons!

You probably remember we had AMA threads here before. And maybe you even remember how that second one was a shitshow for a while because of how this office used to be run-*cough*

... yeeeah anyway. Got people with more brain cells in charge here now, and they even figured out that you can't treat a 9chan board like a political panel! WEIRD HUH.

Whatever, been a while, plenty people checking out the Kozian Cozy Times rn, let's have another one of these. For the people in the back, your tldr is ASK STUFF ABOUT ASIVIDA!

Or I guess just post memes idc, have fun!
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>> No. 3173
Who is gay?
>> No. 3176
File 171330644236.jpg - (3.06KB , 258x195 , yag.jpg )
>> No. 3177
Is Greta still butthurt about shitposting
>> No. 3178
Top 5 restaurants, go.
>> No. 3179
actually half of our rulers lol
>> No. 3180
1. Ristorante Cael in downtown Taredis in Damaseda is way overlooked, they make fucking amazing Italian stuff
2. Yeah it's mainstream as fuck but the Parkview Restaurant in Kaeyaka Tower is popular for a reason, crossover kitchen (Kaeyaka Tower is in Landais in Damaseda duh)
3. Alegnisa (the city you probably travel through when you come from another verse through Xaneta) has this little Dolhairan restaurant that I can never remember the name of, it's in Voidport 5, they're awesome
4. Downtown Arveis in Damaseda, place is called Eat Your Veggies, just trust me and thank me later
5. Lower Semyonovich Park in Damaseda near Udica Spire, small family business called Rodir Oreca, one of the few places where you can get authentic Laed food and it's the best one (though maybe learn basic Asividan if you want to eat there, their owner gets huffy at English)

Honorable mention to the restaurant inside Mazzoni National Theater because it's rarely open but it's insanely fucking good, lots of Italian stuff with some crossover
>> No. 3181
Seven. Half of seventeen isn't seven. Five more if you count all Six Sisters. And half of twenty-two isn't seven either.
>> No. 3182
> mentions parkview
> doesnt mention nalesas eatery
fucking pleb
>> No. 3183
That list is good, but the other guy is right, Nalesa's Eatery is fantastic. It's a cute as hell maid-style restaurant in Damaseda (Merino Valley), and their head chef learned under Great Lady Mazzoni - who goes there herself, too, so you know it's good.
>> No. 3184
>>3180 you mean gacon dellier de neveille with the one in alegnisa
>> No. 3185
>>3181 isnt merana gay too lol
>> No. 3186
You really shouldn't have mentioned this.
>> No. 3187
we xaneta now
>> No. 3188

And while we're at it, gimme your top 5 poison to get wasted.
>> No. 3189
Xaneta is not a typo! Rather, it is the location within Asivida which contains the Xantesan Gate as well as the gates to all other verses which ours is directly connected to.
>> No. 3190
Oh my, am I now?
>> No. 3191
the fuck is italia?

is any of these salty?
>> No. 3192
There's a planet called Earth. Inhabited by humans. For some reason it shows up in tons of verses. At least in some form or another. It's the planet with human life in Asivida's many universes too. Italy is a country there.
>> No. 3193
>Planet called Earth
Not this shit again
>> No. 3194
>>3193 okay so its not just us who find it fucking everywhere
>> No. 3201
>> No. 3202
You mean alcoholic drinks? Fuck, we got so many, you can ask a hundred people and get a hundred different answers.
Depends a bit where the person you're asking is from. In different cities and even different districts in cities (at least the really huge ones like Damaseda) you have different cultural circles for anything, including drink preferences. Heck, that's not even mentioning whether you're asking someone from Salis, Lavon or Laed.

If I had to name some stuff that's a recurring theme... hmmm...
1) German beers, French wines, the usual stuff for any verse with (an) Earth(s) in it.
2) Southern Lavon has a pretty strong spirits culture, so that stuff is pretty popular across the board.
3) Dainisan whiskey and and scotch are pretty famous. (Dainisa is an inner-ring district in Damaseda that's a real mix of Salis and Lavon culture.)
4) Stuff from other verses. No, yeah, just trying new stuff from off-verse got real popular in alcohol enjoyer circles after Xaneta started booming.
5) The people of the Pale Moon Realm brought their (I shit you not, promise) alcoholic blood beverages to wider Salis and Lavon when they joined us, so that stuff got popular among vampires real damn fast.
>> No. 3203
I mean... I would call 'alcohol' as one answer unless there's something *vastly* different. Maybe I can count this blood thing as that, but it's not my thing anyway.

You really don't have anything beside that?
>> No. 3208
we got some legal recreational drugs and hypno trips and were also pretty chill about the sex industry so yeah theres more stuff than booze
>> No. 3269
if there were two people on the moon
and one killed the other with a rock
would that be fucked up or what?
>> No. 3271
not as weird as your moms ass
>> No. 3305
Why green?
>> No. 3306
The titles given to Endora users - such as my titles of Logic, Thinking and Life - refer to conceptual categories in the usage of our powers within which we are particularly proficient. The default color of an Endora user's visible psionics corresponds to these specialties.

... and now I wish I could tell you why those colors are blue, red, gold and green, but I am afraid we do not actually know, as disappointing as that may be. : P

It is a matter of continued research, but the generally accepted theory is that it might have to do with particular configurations of the energies produced in us and involved in Endora usage.

Another, less popular theory posits that it might be a memetic type of long-term change in the natural laws of our world; thinking about it, if one imagines magic in terms of visual themes... blue is a very nondescript color, red is easily associated with things that manipulate environments or other living beings, gold is easily associated with life or sentimental themes, and green is easily associated with sickness, venom, decay, what have you.
So that particular theory suggests that, as a result of these color-themed patterns emerging and persisting over eons in Endora users, the natural laws of our world (which are very much subject to manipulation and change under certain specific circumstances) might have adjusted to those "unconsciously manmade" patterns to become a default.

It is, though, so should be mentioned, perfectly possible to make one's Endora psionics appear however one wishes. It is merely that the corresponding color emerges when no effort is put towards deviating from it.
>> No. 3309
So the twins from the show are clearly evil and we know the culprit already?

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