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File 157779363636.jpg - (121.92KB , 1032x693 , doridoridoridoridori.jpg )
2393 No. 2393
Lesbians everywhere edition

Got fingered and passed out >>2125

Cheer up for Dori! Don't back out of it, fight on~!
Expand all images
>> No. 2395
1st for collective hivemind
>> No. 2396
I believe she said "assassin" herself, may be wrong, can't re-watch it rn, work
>> No. 2397
I don't think she thought about that when she said "scissors"
>> No. 2398
Can we have a whole series about Shikae the Shank spanking the Vastician smugs until they stop being so smartass
>> No. 2399
>> No. 2400
wouldnt they like it?
>> No. 2401
N i c e .
>> No. 2402
I would
>> No. 2403
File 157779405998.jpg - (78.78KB , 800x450 , ohyou.jpg )
>> No. 2407
Can we have some guy on guy action for a change
>> No. 2408
But you only got one guy in the whole show
>> No. 2409
Yeah but is he a faggot like op
>> No. 2425
Jebus Crust, why are you bunch so hostile all the fucking time xD
Is it so important to you to prove how big your dicks are
Plus, I don't think any of you guys ever showed up to ANY tournaments so far (they're open for anyone who can show up, you know)
>> No. 2427
I want Shank's huge dick all the way down my throat
>> No. 2429
> why are you bunch so hostile all the fucking time
oooookay so it's not just me xD thats really a theme on this board just hub people being hostile over nothing every five seconds
>> No. 2430
Don't call me a hub person you fucking philistine
>> No. 2431
then "hub people and wherever youre from"
>> No. 2435
File 157779620938.jpg - (62.85KB , 608x854 , EKZ9uQJXkAAwRCt.jpg )
ok samefag
>> No. 2452
T h e y
a r e
m a g e s
t o o
>> No. 2454
I mean, so? Shika and Dori are no fighters, they might be fucked if they get attacked, and Suzu and Ara should seemingly stick together
>> No. 2460
Ahdunno, they were dealing with the bandit situation just fine until the brat got in the way with the needless violence
>> No. 2462
I mean... yeah. Two probably kind of starved and desperate fucks in rags with knives. xD
>> No. 2466
Come on, we're talking about scumbag Shika there, I don't think he'd just go to such a "meeting" without some underhanded trick prepared and just barge in like they did at that inn
>> No. 2473
I mean, I agree... but I also think Ara doesn't know the two well enough to just trust them to handle it, Iniya ESPECIALLY not
And I also think Ara just doesn't wanna load it all on those two, especially since she promised to keep them out of physical danger as best as possible
>> No. 2497
But she knows Suzuko well enough to know she'll handle it? xD
>> No. 2498
>> No. 2499
She goes along with Suzu and the twins tho?
>> No. 2508
Didn't Suzuko said something like "she won't take the way for revenge away from Ara" or something?
>> No. 2509
She did, but it was "I'm gonna bring the culprit to you so you can judge them" iirc
>> No. 2510
What dick
>> No. 2518
Wait, how is he a scumbag? If anything, from what we've seen, he seems like a nice guy
>> No. 2524
Less a scumbag
More a dick
>> No. 2527
File 157781071682.png - (200.39KB , 460x260 , elvenslut.png )
Dori said what she saw was indecent, but I bet she's the biggest slut of them all.
>> No. 2528
Pffft, maybe
Bet she's that hype and cuddly sorta girlfriend
>> No. 2529
so basically like ara when shes not acting all dignified you mean
and if suzu let her hug her i guess
cant cuddle without hugs
>> No. 2531
Is that the elven slave we were promised?
>> No. 2536

You know, usually people are aware that you need to drop your tripcode if you want to avoid embarassing yourself
>> No. 2537
>> No. 2548
I have no idea what you mean. And I don't particularly care either. You seem like just another moron trying to pick a fight.
>> No. 2554
Of course you don't :)
>> No. 2555
I don't do jokes. Hence, no, I don't.
>> No. 2556
... wait, Iniya is your mom?
>> No. 2557
Not this particular Iniya, but yes.
>> No. 2563
nice fives
>> No. 2564
Yeah, thanks. I grew them myself.
>> No. 2565
Ahahahahahahaha xD
>> No. 2566
i thought you dont do jokes
>> No. 2567
Dori, why xD
>> No. 2568
I want Dori to try food I like
>> No. 2569
Dori dori Dori to dori Dori Dori dori
>> No. 2570
did i miss a joke xD
whys it funny that she has a mom
>> No. 2571
Who are you and why do you keep doing that? xP
>> No. 2572
Komi is kind of metal right now and I don't know how to feel about it
"Let's make this go faster, HNNNNNNG"
>> No. 2573
its just reckless as fuck
>> No. 2574
Technically she has a point, if you're really damn ice-cold about it, I guess... forcing it like this gets her in "working state" again faster
But it's still really reckless
>> No. 2575
is she a masochist or smth
>> No. 2576
If she's so eager to get done faster then why don't Ara and Suzu just accelerate it
Boop, done lol
>> No. 2577
Somebody please stop Suzuko...
>> No. 2578
hey why right now shes trying to get the midget to rest
>> No. 2579
Aren't them all?
>> No. 2580
Ara tortures herself mentally, Suzu tortures herself physically, Dori tortures herself emotionally, Shika cockblocks himself, Komi also tortures herself physically... yeah, I guess!
>> No. 2581
... oh.
>> No. 2582
ITT: Another infant tantrum.
>> No. 2583
i mean the way she was so far IS unnatural and unhealthy and fixing that IS objectively healthier and the only reason to think its bad is "cuz not human"
>> No. 2584
Your biased opinion is not objective.
>> No. 2585
uh no for what she is thats objective
i mean you can think about it differently subjectively but thats just you then
>> No. 2586
I was going to make a clever metaphor here, but that's actually absolutely literally like saying having cancer is objectively better than not having cancer (or whatever other illness)
Because an illness is literally what Komi has, and she's literally fixing it right now
Did I say literally often enough lol
>> No. 2587
Do not take these kinds of comments all that seriously. They tend to be one half people online being people online, and the other half prejudice due to vampires being cursed undead humans in most worlds. (I suppose, if anything, this is yet another English equivalent to a part of our vocabulary that was, politely put, stupidly chosen.)
>> No. 2588
Stop shitposting.
>> No. 2589
I would say that to you, but you are not even good at it. x)
>> No. 2590
That is still your biased opinion with a twisted example made for comparison.
>> No. 2591
Where's the Dorifag now?
>> No. 2592
I want Dori to launch me in the air
>> No. 2593
Ah, there he is.
>> No. 2594
Not to be impolite, but no, he is correct. Purely objectively and scientifically speaking, Komiyo is not a human with a "mild case of vampirism", she is a vampire with a defect.
Again, I must mention here that Asividan vampires are not cursed or mutated or undead humans, but rather a rare "alternative result", if you will, of what every "human" in our world is born as: A mixture of human and evonna.
... I apologize for our awful translated English terminology. Just how nonsensical is it to come up with English translations for our terminology for people from outside Asivida, but then choose easily misunderstood for so many of them? >_>
>> No. 2595
tbf we have people in our own world (more out in the boonies southeast) who think it's a curse or something, so y'know
>> No. 2596
Not to be impolite, but bullshit. I did not say anything about no curse. I said it's not an improvement. She's acting against her role in this story.

Agahara fights utilizing a vast, open space that is only to be found outdoors and she ain't exactly nocturnal. Komiyo cripples herself with heliophobia. Go figure.
>> No. 2597
As ironic as it may be coming from me, why, I can actually understand the fear and prejudice. Well, to an extent, at least. After all, we feed very specifically on the blood of humans, yes? So a certain dislike of us only makes sense when you look at it that way. Oh well.
>> No. 2598
I mean... just cover her skin during daytime
Gloves, a mask, a hood, whatever. It's not that complicated
It's not like she'll just fuckin die outside, just wear clothes to block the sunlight out
>> No. 2599
And teach her the thing Ara taught Suzu, then you can even cover her entire face up because she won't need her eyes.
>> No. 2600
Yes, walking around constantly completely covered during the upcoming summer sounds like a splendid idea.
>> No. 2601
Now, do not dismiss the suggestion outright. That is actually very much what I myself did when I was still a mortal and could not counteract my weakness to sunlight as easily as I can now. I wore clothing that covered my body entirely, in addition to a hood; in battle I would eventually find that just a hood was not the best idea, so I started wearing a full helmet for those occasions.
>> No. 2602
I'm saying that it still creates a major inconvenience she was immune to, that can cost them a lot if her abilities are needed while she's not prepared. Be cause she surely will not wear it all the time.

She should've waited at least until solving the Kansai issue. After that, if no further problem arises - sure, do whatever you want. But don't endanger your mission because you're "sick of it". You have only one job.
>> No. 2603
hm yeah thats a good point theyll have to find a solution for that
also her armor and clothes right since she has to put that stuff on despite the wings somehow
>> No. 2604
I do see your point, it is a fair one. Yet on the other hand, Komiyo's plain and simple worth as a fighter is multiplied manifold by her doing this now. So in purely practical terms, I would look at it as a trade-off rather than as an issue in its entirety.
>> No. 2605
hmm, but isn't the thing there that as what she was before..... y'know she was not even that useful? don't wanna sound mean, but she was exhausted really fast and couldn't use her powers
so guess what i mean is, yeeeeah, she didn't have the sunlight problem, buuuuuut she also didn't have the "abilities" that could be "needed"
And for stopping ara or giving ara her weapons she doesn't have to do anything but sorta just stand somewhere nearby, so I think there it doesn't even really matter one way or the other
>> No. 2606
The thing is, they don't need another warrior. They need people who don't stand out in the crowd. Vampire isn't one.
>> No. 2607
Additionally, if you may allow me to add, it is not like our kind cannot step into the sunlight at all. It is not pleasant, but very much bearable for at least a time. So in an absolute emergency, why, she could still act as needed for a time even in broad daylight.
>> No. 2608
ahdunno..... every allied superhuman warrior out there is probably a bunch of normal dudes who dont have to die fighting right
>> No. 2609
Not sure if I'm the only one here with the idea... but I'd totally involve Komi in the scare tactics that Ara and Shika used the other day
>> No. 2610
"Oh no, a flying midget!"
>> No. 2611
Ahdunno, man! If I was some random normal human and I saw a red-eyed midget with demon wings in the sky casting spells - I might be scared a bit
>> No. 2612
If I was some random normal human I wouldn't go to battle against some supernatural force that just mangled my forces a day ago, don't expect any realism from a directed TV show
>> No. 2613
tbf thats pretty much what iniya and agahara are sorta presuming anyway
that theyre licking their wounds and not showing up again too soon
makes sense i guess
>> No. 2614
I meant in general! Just whenever, in the future, whenever they're in some confrontation again, right? Then I'd go for the scare tactics again and involve the spoopy vampire girl in it
>> No. 2615
Whether they are to involve Komiyo or not, the general idea of relying on scare tactics and the like, as employed by Agahara and Omishika, is definitely a good one; much bloodshed can surely be avoided, if employed well.
>> No. 2616
Yeah. They're not fighting psychos. Or monsters. Those're just people. So, agreed.
>> No. 2617
"Just... racism"
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to yet another politically correctness show with even more buzzwords!
>> No. 2618
I mean... she's correct by the technical definition of the word
>> No. 2619
Stop scarin Dori, for fucks sake
>> No. 2620
She's not.

"prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."
>> No. 2621
Isn't that exactly the case though
>> No. 2622
"I don't care what people say, I wanna be me"
"I'm scared"
That's it, I'm out. I got enough of this shit where I came from.
>> No. 2623
> Implying racism is always malevolent
>> No. 2624
What the fuck is going on
>> No. 2625
they CANT involve this girl in anything O__O shes a danger to her own fuckin allies
>> No. 2626
Yeah, since they're dumb fucks who think that scaring the shit out of a magic user is a good idea

It's like none of them ever got a hint about gow the Dark ones are born or something
>> No. 2627
Dude, sorry, I know half 9chan wants to excuse ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING Dori does because they wanna protect and or fuck her, but let's be real here...
... she's a loose cannon and really unreasonable in many regards
>> No. 2628
were you born in a gutter or something? xD
>> No. 2629
........ are you implying its normal to attack people when youre scared
plus she wasnt even scared of shika she was just upset with him and fucking launched him
>> No. 2630
Imagine that - yes, it's normal not to think clearly when you're scared. Especially when you're overworked for the past two days. And after she briefly reflected on her actions and wanted to check up on her brother scared that something may have had happened to him, she was stopped and being scared even further. Wow. I'd say I'm glad Iniya doesn't have children, but it seems she does. No wonder her daughter looks for some foreign influence just to feel as much away from this country as she can.
>> No. 2631
I don't even like Dori, but don't you think they're goind a little bit too hard on someone who wants to avoid any conflict possible -and- is a person they themselves asked for help?
>> No. 2632
Iniya wasn't even doing anything to scare her. She just asked her to calm down and tell her what the hell is going on - fuck, in the end she even dropped THAT ONE and just asked her to calm down, she didn't do ANYTHING scary
Stop trying to defend anything Dori does no matter the cost, wtf
>> No. 2633
Can we all just agree that Suzuko is the best girl there?
>> No. 2634
>> No. 2635
I want Dori to destroy my home
>> No. 2636
who even asked or told her to go to komi and what did shika or iniya even do for her to attack them
komi literally told her to go away shika told her to go away and iniya only told her to calm down
geez dude
>> No. 2637
>Gal just fucking launched a human 10m away
>I'll just hold her firmly in place and order her to calm down as if she was a fucking soldier
Top IQ move
>> No. 2638
Right? I want a bubbly catapult in my home too

Imagine a pillowfight
>> No. 2639
Oops, party split
>> No. 2640
Nah, Suzuko will come and say some stupid shit and everyone will go "daawww" again.
>> No. 2641
where's your cheer now?
>> No. 2642
ITT: Everyone angry as fuk
>> No. 2643
cept iniya, shes disturbingly chill as always lol
>> No. 2644
This is so childish
>> No. 2645
wtf is going on xD
>> No. 2646
  this be like
>> No. 2647
Come on, don't be this hard on Agahara. she's not exactly calm right now.
>> No. 2648
... the only one whining like a bitch and making dumb remarks right now is Shika
Like. Literally
>> No. 2649
>> No. 2650
hes basically asking for special treatment..... except when its offered to him then he declines
>> No. 2651
No, no, no, Dori! Shika didn't want the new family because BUT MUH PRIIIIDE
>> No. 2652
Are you wrong in your head or something? xD
>> No. 2653
more like cause overprotective oniichan who never allowed his imouto chan to grow up
>> No. 2654
are you?
>> No. 2655
tbf... how in the frick is that NOT what he's doing?
>> No. 2656
Unless he's just being clever and pulling something with Dori
>> No. 2657
What the fuck am I even reading here in this thread, it's more amusing than the show itself
>> No. 2658
> Don't worry about it. With such a closed circle, they won't even notice us gone. Without us, there will be no "racists", no one to bother them, no one to "keep away from danger". They won't mind.

Mmmhm. Definitely not childish or any BUT MUH PRIDE at all
>> No. 2659
Samefag here dropping in to say: Told you he's being cheeky with something
>> No. 2660
I want Dori to give up her status for me
>> No. 2661
I came to laugh, not to feel.

Thank the almighty Zenas there's enough retards here on 9chan.
>> No. 2662
Near, far
Wherever you are
I believe that the Dori does
Dori ooon
>> No. 2663
"Hey, wanna hang out before we both leave? c:"
- "Sure. Let's talk about war"
Oh Shika, you lovable goof. Never change.
>> No. 2664
is it me or is shizu really nice and "tame" rn
shes almost kinda cute
>> No. 2665
He's the best one around there, yeah
>> No. 2666
There, I said it, I got a get, all clear
>> No. 2667
File 157864416678.png - (181.44KB , 259x300 , 1576154448558.png )
muh nigga
>> No. 2668
From fighting to arguing to the feels to the snuggles... welp, at least it's entertaining to watch
Just hope Dori and Shika know what they're doing - trading / smuggling through hostile territory is dangerous already, but directly meddling in a war is a different caliber
Wish them the best
>> No. 2682
File 157877075581.jpg - (19.53KB , 600x315 , 44759947dd82367a403ee5dc637dd652.jpg )
Are we going to see any brother/sister wincest anytime soon?
>> No. 2687
i want to fuck gertel
>> No. 2690
Oh yay, the neckbeards are invading... I'll show myself to the lurker seats
>> No. 2693
W e a k l i n g
>> No. 2698
I think Shika already has the hots for Lady Merana's girltoy's aunt, sadly.
>> No. 2699
Assuming you are male, I think even with your penis you make for a better girltoy than me.
>> No. 2700
File 15787721208.png - (5.77KB , 225x225 , Nope.png )
Are we ever going to see any proper action, not braindead drama and random sex scenes?
>> No. 2701
Based get
>> No. 2702
you act as if there's been some sorta long time where nothing happened, but
weren't suzu, iniya and the rest of the base involved in a kansai assault just two or three days ago xD
>> No. 2703
I'm interested
>> No. 2704
To be fair, most people here seem to observe merely for entertainment. From that perspective, considering we are simply observing everything in real-time (unlike a directed and cut show of some sort), I do see why they would say that.
>> No. 2705
gretels milkies
>> No. 2706
Yes, yes... my breasts. I am not quite sure why 9chan seems so fascinated with them of late.
>> No. 2707
There was this faggot
And he had a faggot buddy
And the faggot buddy was really into porn
And then the porn he wanted was you
And then the basement dwellers showed up
>> No. 2709
But if they like tits are they really faggots?
>> No. 2713
If I learned anything
Anything at all over the millennia
Then it's you don't have to be gay to be a fucking faggot
>> No. 2714
When somebody finally lets Suzu unleash the beast
>> No. 2715
They're gonna head out in... uuuh, was it two days? Just tune back in then
>> No. 2716
Not really, because muh investegetien
Suzu would just kill everyone the prince dude and then subdue him if she was let alone there
>> No. 2718
Going at this from the logic of a show, Haro being the killer would be too easy
But going at it realistically... yeah, who else would it be
>> No. 2720
File 157877353758.png - (46.22KB , 660x751 , Gretel.png )
>> No. 2722
My chest is sized more modestly, I am afraid, and I am more brunette than blonde. I would revise it a bit if I were you.
>> No. 2723
what even is this thread anymore lol
>> No. 2725
Not sure, but right now it's my lunch break entertainment.
>> No. 2728
File 157877416911.png - (60.17KB , 660x751 , REALGretel.png )
Yas kween
>> No. 2729
Show tits
>> No. 2730
See? Much better.
Thank you for the offer, but I do not wish to see your breasts.
>> No. 2731
mmmmm manboobs
>> No. 2733
tbh if this pic was going to be accurate it would have needed a smol dick otherwise it's not gretel
>> No. 2734
I am sorry to disappoint in case this is a fetish of yours, but I am afraid I have a vagina where you seem to think I have a penis. : /
>> No. 2736
is this thread just 100 percent nonsense now
just make a new one for your bullshit
>> No. 2737
I know your d is so smol but I don't think anybody could mistake it for a vagina dear
>> No. 2739
you too seriously why do you play along
>> No. 2740
File 15787748522.png - (212.82KB , 638x354 , Yay.png )
Can I see it please
>> No. 2742
Prove it. Post pics with a timestamp
>> No. 2743
Why not? Everyone involved seems to be having a good chuckle with it. And since I have come to the realization that the purpose of this board is exactly this kind of nonsense and nothing else, I may as well play along and have some fun with it rather than being hostile about it. : P
>> No. 2752
Vixfag detected
>> No. 2755
That's mostly where they all suddenly came from
>> No. 2756
so when will there be some actual adventuring
>> No. 2757
Fuck adventuring, where's the killing
>> No. 2758
I'm sure one will include the other
>> No. 2759
how did she do that o.o
>> No. 2760
What, sleeping? Don't worry, it's easy
>> No. 2761
no, looking into the future
>> No. 2762
Viewing a universe unrestricted by time, even in a limited fashion as Suzuko did, is a feat humans do not usually achieve.
>> No. 2763
They usually not teleport or fly either
>> No. 2764
Fair. I meant it is something even humans like her usually do not manage to achieve.
>> No. 2765
Ara: "Okay, I'll head out!"
Suzu: "No, wait, you idiot!"
Ara: "Oh right, you go then."
Suzu: "Okay, bye!"
Ara: "No, wait, you dumbass!"

It's like Dumb & Dumber trying to prevent each other from being dumb, and it's kinda cute xD
>> No. 2766
Just Suzu being Suzu
>> No. 2767
I want Dori to shoot apples at me
>> No. 2768
>> No. 2769
is it just me to whom it's kinda surreal to see shizu flip kicking people and showering people in knives while wearing that kinda spy assassin gear
she's always so lolsy and cheerful
this is surreal right, it's not just me
>> No. 2770
Well, if you listened to what they said, you wouldn't be this surprised
>> No. 2771
ITT: 2 angry womyn tryin' to save a cute guy with freckles
>> No. 2772
i'm not surprised i know it's her job since she said so
it's still weird to see
>> No. 2773
Also ITT: Random thug getting all sorts of objects thrown at him until he screams for it to stop
>> No. 2774
I want Dori to throw lightnings at me
>> No. 2775
i want you to stop
>> No. 2776
Who even is this guy xD
>> No. 2778
new thread, new get

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