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File 144010606286.jpg - (129.90KB , 850x1133 , 1438735078108.jpg )
878 No. 878
Elf slave.

Wat do?
Expand all images
>> No. 879
File 144010618912.png - (83.85KB , 469x298 , notgay.png )
No matter the gender, remember the rule of pic related.
>> No. 880
File 144010650967.jpg - (45.86KB , 600x750 , CJfYcbHWUAAh6RC.jpg )
A lot depends on the breed, but the basics are pretty much all the same

>educate them, no good comes from an ignorant elf
>make sure they're obedient. Classic way would be a good beating once a month
>have fun!
>> No. 881
File 144010656151.png - (223.42KB , 550x700 , L0xyKWD.png )

Come on, we were supposed to be all civilised in here.
>> No. 882
File 144010678883.png - (175.39KB , 460x344 , B6sL33UCEAADI37_png large.png )
Since fucking when you pussy.
>> No. 883
File 144010701685.jpg - (34.13KB , 360x515 , elvesarescum.jpg )
Kill. Fuck beforehand, if you're into bestiality.

They aren't even human so it's not murder.

Hell, if the body is in good shape, you can even turn a profit by sending it to Qual'Doman.
>> No. 884
File 144014120044.png - (327.44KB , 667x536 , rubrub.png )
Pat the head tenderly.
>> No. 885
File 144014127399.jpg - (616.06KB , 1000x1166 , Wiectotak.jpg )
Donate to Ralia, gain reputation points.
>> No. 888
fag detected
>> No. 889
File 144025007992.jpg - (44.75KB , 625x414 , 6a3399f2fccd77eb5d9a39f2376007274b8732168b227fbf24.jpg )
>> No. 892
File 144028738234.jpg - (28.73KB , 345x290 , ef8637cb7cf668b3d5078a0098713ea62c5911d57600c9f5b0.jpg )
There's some people here who should ask themselves a very fundamental question about their lives.
>> No. 893
>butthurt knife-ears
>> No. 894
Dunno about the other one, could be an elf.
I just hate fucking racists tho
>> No. 895
Do you have a particular problem with pointy ears? I find them to be highly aesthetically pleasing.
>> No. 896
and that couldnt possible be cause you have pointy ears yourself
the koinkidinks are real
>> No. 897
They are, are they not?
>> No. 898
Free her!!
What is wrong with all of you? Are you that inhumane, racist and cruel!?

>>897 Begone, vampire scum! Immediately!
You are not wanted here!
>> No. 901
File 144078416658.png - (592.85KB , 1280x720 , 1431194335030.png )
>but that's racist!

Since when is the institution of slavery racist?

I'll have you know that I have plenty human and dwarf slaves, too. It's just the first elf I bought.
>> No. 904
Slavery is a really just a neat lil thing for people who need to compensate by feelin superior.
Me and my midget only have three servants(!) who get somethin out of doing their job
0x as likely to surprise-buttsecks ya.
>> No. 908
a) You told me you'd stop calling me a midget.
b) You know that I know everything that happens, including what you're up to.

a + b = c
c) You're a fucking idiot.
>> No. 909
Oh my. Judging from this hostility: Hello, person from Vaelen.
Who made the grave mistake of letting the likes of you in? I fear a stern talking is needed.
>> No. 910
>>901 Well, slavery might be normal for you, but it certainly is not in civilized worlds, rest assured!
Also, I was certainly not referring exclusively to you, but to the general horrible state of inhumanity and racism abound on this board!

>>909 Begone, scum!!
For the last time, be warned!
>> No. 911
File 144088978632.jpg - (25.30KB , 400x462 , 1422988000005.jpg )
>Well, slavery might be normal for you, but it certainly is not in civilized worlds, rest assured!
>> No. 912
>> No. 913
Nah, she actually likes it when I call her a midget, y'know
>> No. 915
Oh yes. I enjoy it so very much Thank that lazy-ass little shit of a god for having given you that brilliant idea, I enjoy it ever so much. -.-
>> No. 916
I know, that's why I said it
That's just how much I love ya, honey <3

PS: 'sit just me or do threads always derail more off topic than usual once we Vasty fags show up and start fighting with each other
>> No. 1334
Add some parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
>> No. 1357
so is necromancy legal in xantesa
>> No. 1358
is there are reasonb xantesans seem to hate elves
are xantesan elves just really fuckin shitty or something by nature or......?
we have elves from other worlds livin in asivida and most of em seem normal randomass people
>> No. 1359
> Most of them seem normal random-ass people
*Cough* Valen
That aside, yeah, was wondering about that too. Do elves over in Xantesa just have questionable personalities or behavior as a species, or something like that?
>> No. 1360
>> No. 1362
Shut your face, grammar Nazi
>> No. 1363
>> No. 1364
File 156869524449.jpg - (43.11KB , 640x640 , b5e3f103c93d57f2e3535f4ce8218409.jpg )
uuugh, same crap everywhere. fucking racists
>> No. 1368
Wait, what? Where did that come from?
>> No. 1369
Yeah fuck those elven sluts
>> No. 1370
Around elves watch yourselves
>> No. 1371
File 156872278444.jpg - (56.01KB , 1280x720 , maxresdefault.jpg )
justified question considering yer all a bunch of fucking racists round these parts
>> No. 1373
I mean, just look at Raidel
>> No. 1374
What, WHAT look at Raidel
You got rejected or something, you fucking manlet pussyboi? xD
>> No. 1376
yes but no
>> No. 1377
So... anyone actually gonna give a straight answer about the "y elf hate tho" or not
>> No. 1385
dey worse so dey hate
>> No. 1408

They're just prime merchendise
>> No. 1410
Want to get over here and talk that good shit to my face? Don't think I'm joking, I'll give you a time and place. Taking all volunteers, fun for your whole inbred family
>> No. 1412
Whoa careful
>> No. 1414
.....i mean if youre talking alk that racist shit and then someine of that race domes here yeha i guess theyll be angry lool
>> No. 1415
Holy shit, what sodding mother forgot to teach you how to write, poor chap
>> No. 1416
yours but why would she teach me writing while sucking my dick
>> No. 1417
I meant the other way around haha
Trip all you want, its the anons you should be wary of
Last time some did thing like above ended up with broken legs and some missing teeth so it actually ended up well
>> No. 1423
if LSV is who i think he is then
1 he's a trained soldier
2 he's serious
3 just ignore the fucker, he's a weirdo lol
>> No. 1424
Who's a fucker, huh? You wanna go for a round, you fucking dwarf?
>> No. 1425
go back to sleep, buddy
>> No. 1427
Yeah, I thought so.
>> No. 1428
What is this, I don't even
>> No. 1430
Why are you such a bitch lol
>> No. 1431
and stop using laine's nick lol

how am i a bitch
>> No. 1436
I believe the word usually means either selling your body as a service or being a female dog
>> No. 1438
uh yeah, and i don't do either so that's why i'm asking
>> No. 1439
Do you want me to bring chains or are you more into latex?
>> No. 1443
Ignore previous posts. And I don't think he likes either.
>> No. 1446
elf slaves
elf racism
angry elves
arguing elves
chains and latex
were on a journey ladies and gentlemen
>> No. 1447

>> No. 1448
uh did you mean to reply to the post below me lol
>> No. 1450

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