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File 143587980477.png - (323B , 480x480 , FFFFFF.png )
752 No. 752
This is not supposed to be anything particularly "fancy", and I do not have much time either.

But since people seemed to be disappointed by the fact that there would be no broadcasting, I decided to at least release some minor information here, at least every now and then.

For now, Terren, Hersanna, Elly, Smiley and Horatio began investigating the first murder case in the plot line of the game.

There has not yet been any major development in favor of any side.

I hope you will find this occasional information feed a bit interesting.
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>> No. 753
1st for everyone's gonna die
>> No. 754
but will they blend, anon?
>> No. 755
2nd for one hundred years behind niggers
>> No. 756
File 143593836735.jpg - (76.57KB , 670x503 , Look-Like-a-Deep-and-Philosophical-Person-Step-2.jpg )
But what IS the game
>> No. 757
You did not see the invitation?
It is a reasoning game about a tale that contains several crimes, which the players are to solve.
The goal is to find a truth, a message of sorts, in the tale by solving the mystery part of it and following the plot progression.
>> No. 758
File 143596548711.gif - (392.90KB , 640x360 , 1432884124629-2.gif )
>> No. 759
Well, in case no one is interested, then I will simply stop sharing any information.
It is the same to me. I simply thought people might like it... we will see if that thought was justified, I suppose.
>> No. 762
>> No. 763
Huh? I'm kinda with Laputi here, isn't being on your PC while you have guests a bit... impolite?
>> No. 768
disregard the game show titse
>> No. 769
like titse
>> No. 770
File 143629511843.gif - (0.95MB , 500x500 , 1433093494085.gif )
>> No. 771
>> No. 772
Well, aren't you a stuck up bitch. Nobody really cares about your shitty excuse for a game. I know that Rikon told you to feel welcome but I sure as fuck bet that he never thought you would shit this board up to knees with your pretentious tripcorde circlejerk circus.
>> No. 773
File 143629539411.gif - (68.95KB , 500x281 , 1433426356833.gif )
>No footage of Terren's bums
>No video recordings of our girl at action
>Just some plain boring text
Yeah nah
shit gaem
>> No. 804
Oh well.
I thought it was a good idea. But in that case, I will not post anything further here.

Overall, not using this board any further right now really seems to be the better idea.
>> No. 805
hey, dont be down now :/
theyre not your friends AND they dunno whats going on, so just ignore them

mine are small, but you can see mine if you want
see mine
>> No. 807
It is fine. To be honest, spending some time here, on this board, even especially at this time, is entertaining in a way and also a reminder of the colorful place that Xantesa is, and what I like about it.

So thank you for your concern, Laputi, but I am fine, really.
>> No. 808
Well, what are you waiting for? Post them!
>> No. 819
if youre a girl and cute then come over here and you can touch them :O
but only if i can touch yours
ill kill you if youre actually a guy or ugly tho, so dont come if youre not a cute girl

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