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File 143534141254.jpg - (83.34KB , 554x635 , 1409722535333.jpg )
666 No. 666
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>> No. 668
you're ranking pretty high in both shitposting and crappy gets lists
>> No. 670
File 143534198599.jpg - (43.32KB , 500x594 , 1409709235825.jpg )
>Tfw Yena was hidden from public as the Inqis special weapon
>They planned to destroy us all with moe
I'm not sure if I should be mad.
>> No. 672
I like Yena. She's really entertaining. I wanna meet her someday.
>> No. 674
File 143534499988.jpg - (96.15KB , 525x615 , MetalDemonCutie.jpg )
>> No. 676
Oh, so I see you guys finally created the BEST thread on the entire site
>> No. 677
Too bad she's actually a psycho
>> No. 678
File 143534561049.jpg - (698.66KB , 900x1272 , If Yena was a magical girl.jpg )
But that makes it even better, dear anon, right?
>> No. 679
>> No. 680
Yena is a weird black-haired girl who's a psycho to a degree that seemingly rivals Laputi.
(The latter is our resident psycho over here in Vasticia.)
>> No. 681
It does.
>> No. 686
What even is this image
>> No. 733
DAT girl in DAT image is fucking hot °-°
>> No. 736
>Never saw Yena forced to clean up and wearing a skimpy outfit
If there's one single thing I might tolerate Rikon for, it's this
>> No. 737
Pics or it didn't happen
>> No. 738
...just how dense can you get
>> No. 741
never really met that yena
only heard shes reeaally crazy, she sounds fun
>> No. 743
No, you met her. The one that was there when we went from that Umineko / Higurashi world (the one with the Witches and games) to Xantesa some-hundred years ago.
>> No. 749
really?? why dont i remember that
>> No. 776
File 14362955789.jpg - (32.97KB , 340x311 , 2VZw8fyWsKw.jpg )
>Betas here never saw her with glasses
>> No. 868
File 143999807875.png - (71.32KB , 200x200 , bump.png )
>> No. 869
File 143999841835.png - (278.10KB , 400x400 , 200.png )
I bet you all fratboys posting random pictures don't even know that she's got a friggin' rotten eye and half a brain
>> No. 870
File 143999890334.png - (260.65KB , 400x400 , BS.png )
So? Does that bother you?
If you wanted to shine with knowledge, dear Anon, you need to try harder. Also, I have fixed your picture.

PS. I want to lick her smelly feet. Preferably in dirty stockings.
>> No. 871
File 14400038445.png - (321.29KB , 777x777 , DOM.png )
she qt dou
>> No. 872
Oh my... I think I know someone else with only half a brain.
Ah, but do not misunderstand. This does not refer to you.
At least I do not think it does... that is something I would have to verify first.
>> No. 886
She doesn't have an eye there though
>> No. 940
>> No. 941
ur kewt
>> No. 947
id tap that
im so gonna tap that
>> No. 954
That just makes her more adorable though, right?
>> No. 998
Praise our goddess!
>> No. 999
>literally fucking Satan

Apply yourself
>> No. 1000
satan get
>> No. 1001
All wasted...
>> No. 1002
File 148625681386.jpg - (106.98KB , 320x480 , satan-chan.jpg )
yer faces whats gonna be waster m8
>> No. 1005
Learn to spell.
>> No. 1006
i know a fuck your face spell is that right
>> No. 1007
File 148631607084.jpg - (0.99MB , 900x900 , 123456789.jpg )
Did you know that...
...is actually very preetty?
>> No. 1008
>> No. 1009
>> No. 1174
I wish to penetrate Yena's empty eyesocket.
>> No. 1175
Ok, but you need to die first
>> No. 1176
...what's with this board and a sudden popularity spike of the worst of Purgers?
>> No. 1177
That's not even a purger though, just a tool of one
>> No. 1178
still the worst
>> No. 1182
who is this yenna chick anyway
>> No. 1185
literally a slab of iron with conscience
>> No. 1186
I'm not sure about that conscience.
>> No. 1188
That's very informative
>> No. 1194
imagine a girl possessed by a fragment of a demonic god
imagine a slab of iron
imagine transferring girs mind to the slab
imagine killing said god so the slab girl inherits the power
imagine giving the slab shapeshifting powers so it can look "cute"
imagine this is all true and made for "science"
imagine the slab hunting for people who [spoiler]'Raynee' doesnt like[/spoiler]
>> No. 1195
haha, broke your censor
>> No. 1199
Wait, what? I thought it's just that Hern bitch that changed her name
>> No. 1206
It is, you moron, just fused with the metal, what don't you understand?
>> No. 1207
I don't understand how
>> No. 1528
That sounds like an arbitrarily complicated way to... make a person
>> No. 1530

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