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File 142854066328.png - (14.59KB , 400x400 , blud pliss.png )
190 No. 190

I only recently, about a hundred years ago, ascended from being locked into my universe of origin and found out about worlds beyond the one I know, and now I found this neat inter-world message board.

Seeing as how there are countless different races throughout different worlds, I would like to ask if anyone, of course preferably of a non-human, interesting race, would be interested in donating their blood for taste-testing.

And, of course, if your particular blood tastes good, it would be appreciated if you were to be available as a permanent donor.
A reward or payment for your donations would then be discussed individually.

My thanks in advance to anyone interested."

- Yosuya Souku, Witch of Trickery and Agent / Ambassador of the Pale Moon Realm
On behalf of Merana Pelaluna, the the Vampire-Witch of Chaos and Mistress of the Pale Moon Realm
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>> No. 195
File 142854084079.jpg - (248.47KB , 679x675 , 1427079584416.jpg )
I could donate a few pints of this and that, but I'd need to make a trip home first. How urgent is it?
>> No. 196
>> No. 199
File 142854098057.jpg - (94.37KB , 320x480 , 1424050637166.jpg )
>More bloodsuckers
Oh fuck no why
>> No. 200
File 142854100852.png - (315.47KB , 454x500 , 3rMBMzz.png )
It's good for you and your gains.
>> No. 201
The get has spoken
>> No. 202
Does it hurt?
>> No. 204
It would be enough if you prepared your blood donation in a fitting container, preferably imbued with magic to make it non-perishable.

One of the Pale Moon Realm's servants will come to collect it.
>> No. 206
>Does it hurt?
Why don't you ask that Sei slut
>> No. 208
Yeah, okay, I was supposed to get some snacks and refreshments for myself anyway. Might as well ask Mr Treasorie if he can spare a vat or two.

Any taste preferences?
>> No. 212
A strong, full taste would generally be appreciated.
>> No. 214
File 142854140597.jpg - (116.73KB , 608x1000 , 1393233821277.jpg )
I'll see what I can do
>> No. 215
File 142854141116.gif - (904.25KB , 500x532 , 1424042339261.gif )
I can't believe any of this is real
>> No. 218
Why don't you try it yourself? :^)
>> No. 219
Be sure that none of this is meant to say you will be bitten; you will be requested to properly prepare a container with your donation and hand it over to the servant that will come to collect it.
>> No. 221
File 14285420755.jpg - (216.45KB , 1797x1482 , 1428304917474.jpg )
Hey, I second all of this. Why don't we hold a meeting, an intercultural blood exchange? I'm sure there are many people that would gather. Am I right?
>> No. 222
File 142854218233.jpg - (133.27KB , 638x1250 , 1410873242783.jpg )
>blood exchange
>in a live meeting

Well, this is a fascinating idea but I'd have some issues with it
They rhyme with "I'm a fucking skeleton"
>> No. 223
Yeah but you cold suckers would be all who'd come

Actually why won't you gather like that so I can prepare some stakes and take care of the problem
>> No. 225
The Mistress generally doesn't meet up with or grant audiences to people, I am afraid.
>> No. 228
Why don't you all get a job instead of relying on others
>> No. 231
Because of no monetary currency nigger
>> No. 232
yep, good luck with that! bring some crucifixes while you're at it xD
"the power of christ compels you"
>> No. 233
Stop posting nonsense and get back to work. I will check the gates soon. I don't have to tell you what happens if you're not there.
>> No. 237
File 142854326477.jpg - (88.62KB , 431x495 , 1426601183353.jpg )

I can't wait for Raynee to hear about this thread and have a look at it

I love seeing all the hemos being put back in their place
>> No. 239
come over here and say that to mera's face, i wanna see that :D
>> No. 241
How is it to be so pitiful, weak and helpless yourself?
>> No. 242
a) That's "Merana".
b) That's "Mistress".
c) Get. Back. To. WORK.
>> No. 249
File 142854428619.jpg - (93.25KB , 1280x720 , 1427374771953.jpg )
P-please come to ninechan
T-there is some dealer shit going on
>> No. 251
Oh, come on. Even you people are here? Seriously? Let's wait and see if some Dark Witches show up.

Hey, that girl looks a little bit like a teenage version of me. ... a little bit.
>> No. 256
>Implying that's not Yena
>> No. 257
File 142854526117.png - (204.20KB , 597x405 , 1424209622344.png )
Yeah, that dirty masochistic one-eyed slutbitch sure is similar to the best NEET girl ever

Except she's not
>> No. 258
Literally who
>> No. 261
Oh dear, YOU are here...? Well, that is a bit... unexpected.
It has been a while... how have you and your Mistress been?

Yena is... interesting, I would say.
>> No. 265
Sure. Especially with her going full ahegao upon calling her a bitch.
>> No. 266
... ill have to try that out next time i see her
>> No. 267
File 142854668751.png - (101.67KB , 321x326 , 1399514801808.png )
I find it ___cute______
>> No. 270
So, are there any donors? Or did this devolve into a group of people spouting nonsense?

We have been fine, thank you. The Mistress would like to drink tea with you and the other Council members again sometime soon, by the way.
>> No. 271
File 142854752910.jpg - (16.49KB , 480x270 , D.jpg )
It's more like this.
>> No. 272
Stop fucking comparing them
>> No. 273
You chose a bad place for this. If you wanted serious offers only, you should have posted on /hub/ since shitposters rarely bother to go there. Being here is just asking for dumb shit.

There's a different language in use though.
>> No. 274
Well, as far as I am aware, this section was made specifically for people like us who are not from the same world(s) as you.

So it looked like the best place.
>> No. 278
There's no thing like a best place

Nowhere is safe

Abandon all ships
>> No. 280
  >Discussion like this being treated seriously
>> No. 281
>not enjoying the delicacy that is blood

What are you, gay?
>> No. 282
File 142858074248.jpg - (232.18KB , 508x800 , 1399574431914.jpg )
That reminds me.

I've never been to the Hub. Is there a sun over it or some sort of day-night cycle? My skin reacts poorly to sunlight, I'm afraid
>> No. 283
Why don't you go there and find out yourself?
>> No. 284
It's not such a burning matter for me to risk it.
>> No. 288
File 142858685530.gif - (373.42KB , 191x150 , stop.gif )
Heheheheheheh, funny.
>> No. 384
wow yo, did mera see this yet?
i bet she's gonna punish you if she sees this mess, hehe
>> No. 393
>Thread isn't locked yet
Wow, the mods really are working in favor of those monsters. I can't believe that. In my time this wouldn't ever happen.
>> No. 399
My, aren't you an adorable one. I feel like putting you beside my throne. And sometimes I would tickle your chin and throw you a treat.
So adorable.

Why yes, I did indeed see it already, my sweet little Zekuri.
Why do you think Yosuya didn't show up at work today?
>> No. 428
File 142889022037.png - (150.62KB , 440x205 , 1409962399532.png )
See? This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. Mods?
>> No. 445
File 142889094911.png - (283.55KB , 600x558 , 1420210977600.png )
>This thread
>> No. 447
Oh, don't be so negative.
Tell me how to brighten your day, sweetie.
>> No. 450
Well, I don't know. Why don't you just, like, die?
>> No. 451
she just left without me :(
if you see a short winged vampire in xantesa, then tell her i hate her :|
>> No. 452
whoever you are
>> No. 453
i guess i'd be called the gatekeeper of the pale moon realm
tho it's kinda pointless; back in the mansion there were sometimes vampire hunters i would kill or so, but here - nothing, i just sit around all day
not complaining tho xD just a bit boring sometimes

and hey
if you see yo with mera when they arrive in xantesa... yo looks a bit beat up to say the least, don't rub it in her face... ._.

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