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File 142612707718.png - (588.61KB , 733x733 , 1407870397103.png )
1 No. 1
A board for our friends from far away. Since they cannot into our common speech this is the language that will be used here.

No shitposting.
No insulting.
No I'm joking, do what you want :^)

Expand all images
>> No. 2
Hello guys! ;)
>> No. 3
File 142619998487.jpg - (42.95KB , 750x350 , Bait.jpg )
>Implying anything exists outside of known worlds
>implying they were hidden from everyone up until these times
>> No. 4
>> No. 5
>> No. 6
What? Who the fuck?
>> No. 7
>> No. 8
File 142620035357.gif - (3.86MB , 640x360 , PUNCH.gif )
>> No. 9
Alright, but why would we/they even need a board here?
>> No. 10
Actually, I think I saw someone new with the angrylesbo
>> No. 11
>friends from far away
>> No. 12
I thought they were castellumfags
>> No. 13
No. Kill yourself.
>> No. 14
What? When? Where?
>> No. 15
>you have to put the address in manually
ded board
>> No. 16
nth for more lesbos
>> No. 17
File 142660464599.gif - (1.41MB , 853x480 , yaaaay.gif )
More lesbos! More lesbos! More lesbos! More lesbos! More lesbos! More lesbos! More lesbos! More lesbos! More lesbos! More lesbos! More lesbos! More lesbos! More lesbos! More lesbos! More lesbos! More lesbos! :D
>> No. 18
Fuck off, Shinrae
>> No. 19
>> No. 20
y r u hiding this again
>> No. 21
im picking that pillow-chan
>> No. 22
The "Gumbledore Guy" looked more like a Santa Claus actually
>> No. 23
No, fuck you. He's a Dumbledore Guy.
>> No. 26
File 14284811676.gif - (756.00KB , 399x400 , 1394150966191.gif )
Wait, I got this, I know a dialect of a certain Kakera...

Burger? Burger burger! Burger lard burger guns muh freedom burger.
>> No. 32
>They still don't get it's a bait
>> No. 34
File 14285061413.jpg - (25.60KB , 540x540 , arentweall.jpg )
Seriously though, who are they/you? I've never seen anyone new other than that halfling junkie and the flipeyes
>> No. 35
Why don't you quote so we know who you're talking to, you humongous cockgobbler
>> No. 36
File 142850753452.png - (227.16KB , 1000x671 , 1427427198114.png )
>Implying it isn't Shinrae getting them all in the end
>> No. 38
Why don't you go fuck yourself
>> No. 39
I wish I could, man.
>> No. 45
You say there are some "new friends" but all I can see is a bunch of samefag shitposters
>> No. 46
pillow-chan huh
love it imma keep that
also lol @ post 1 "cannot into our common speech" learn speaking haha
>> No. 47
Well, you tried
>> No. 48
no u
>> No. 49
Okay, here's the list. You're one of the following:
And you should kindly get the fuck out.
>> No. 50
That wasn't me, you shitlord.
>> No. 51
Oh my. Haven't I got an idea who you might be...
>> No. 52
File 142852960096.gif - (71.98KB , 200x200 , b8.gif )
pics or gtfo
>> No. 54
File 142853001328.jpg - (19.20KB , 192x220 , 1428322796730.jpg )

There are people IN THIS THREAD who are believing Rikon's propaganda about any ascended civilisation existin outside of The Known Trio and some of them are even COOPERATING with him. A wise citizen should know better that it's impossible for any organised world to exist outside without Sariel or anyone from the higher-ups knowing about it for this long and should also abandon this board to not to fuel this absurd "troll".
>> No. 55
I see you even attached a picture of what do you look like
>> No. 56
You are aware though that the amount of at least notably developed planes of existence borders the ten thousands, are you not?
>> No. 57
File 142853021193.gif - (0.98MB , 500x268 , lesserthanthree.gif )
pillow-chan i love you
>> No. 58
I highly doubt it. This number is way too small.
>> No. 59
Fuck off
>> No. 60
Hey, don't be like that. That really hurt my feelings.
>> No. 61
sure here
>> No. 62
My money. It's not funny anymore. I want it back, faggot.
>> No. 63
File 142853069648.jpg - (95.34KB , 588x520 , 1427430546783.jpg )
>Posting a link to an image
>On an imageboard
>> No. 64
My radar picks off a newfag
The rumors might be true
>> No. 65
u wot m8
>> No. 68
but its finnier if they click if first and then see what it is u nub
leave laputi alonee
>> No. 69
this is ONLINE STUFF U IDIOT anonymity much for fucks sake
call me pillow-chan
>> No. 73
>> No. 74
Nobody asked you. Get your ass out.
>> No. 76
no u
i know its you kerth
>> No. 80
wtf no
thats not me
from her inability to write the simplest fucking thing tho id say its mimi
>> No. 81
Literally who
>> No. 82
Rikonke, stop this shit. We know it's you.
>> No. 84
ahdunno if im a pillow-chan then shes pillow-chan #2

ahdunno what this rikonke is, but it sounds phallic
>> No. 87
ya right u cnall me by my name but say stuff bout anomimity tht makes sense lol... -.-
>> No. 88
File 142853301889.jpg - (96.06KB , 520x355 , 1427374053988.jpg )
>ahdunno what this rikonke is, but it sounds phallic
>> No. 89
>ahdunno what this rikonke is, but it sounds phallic
We told you to stop abducting lolis, man
>> No. 90
>ahdunno what this rikonke is, but it sounds phallic
>> No. 91
Wow, really funny
Where can I subscribe?
>> No. 94
File 142853339568.png - (254.21KB , 613x559 , 1427312644190.png )
Wait, that's true? Where do they live? What creatures do they eat? Are they barbaric? Will they try to invade and hurt us? I'm worried.
>> No. 95
And here I thought this might be an interesting way of speaking with people from other planes of existence... but all I see is a lot of nonsense and people yelling at each other.

In case there might be someone helpful out there though, could you tell me how this username feature works?
I do not really intend to post anonymously.

Thank you in advance.
>> No. 96
File 142853351554.jpg - (38.93KB , 514x506 , 1426547011145.jpg )
>> No. 98
Name, hashtag, password. Without spaces.
>> No. 99
It's always like that in here. Since people aren't using their faces, they tend to let all their acid out. Better this than brawling in the hub every day over every simple matter.

You just put your name/nickname in the field, followed by a password starting with a #. Like, Name#Password. No ned to register anything, just think of a password unique enough so nobody can guess it or think of the same one by accident - it will display as a tripcode generated through a key from that password and it will be your proof of being the same person all along. Just like mine is !gvddFYqzmM up there.
>> No. 100
>The Known Trio
>Whoever the fuck made the nun in the Huntards kakera

You need to update your lexicon, bruh
>> No. 102
They're coming to eat you
>> No. 103
Oh, I forgot to add - Welcome!
>> No. 104
File 142853404547.gif - (386.92KB , 269x270 , 142594697947.gif )
S-stop ;_;
>> No. 106
>Implying they're real
Wake up, dude.
>> No. 108
Well, it seems there is a minimum of one reasonable person to be found here. Thank you for your help. :)
>> No. 109
>tripfagging before you even lurked

I would puke but it'd be a waste unless you'd be in my close vicninity.
>> No. 112
File 142853438963.jpg - (16.18KB , 400x388 , 1r0si9hg_vichan.jpg )
I got 100, fuck you, gets=truths

Expand your reactionpic folder, package sealed-chan. First one's on me.
>> No. 113
First ninetynine of the board wasted on a pukeworthly friendly post like this

You've done it, Mike
I'm proud of you
>> No. 114
I assure you we are not barbaric and we will not eat you. Why would you think that...? :O
>> No. 116
How cute.
>> No. 121
File 142853475344.jpg - (83.38KB , 599x829 , CB8dcKzW8AAbkEc.jpg )
We already have a bloodthirsty, sentient colony of pack-mentality cockroaches running around freely.

And there's, like, an emissary of QD working in the Hub. A skeleton, lich, koshchey or whatever the fuck he is. I'm pretty sure he eats souls for breakfast just like the guy he works for.

It's a pretty normal concern, here in the Spherewebs.
>> No. 125
Emonsei did nothing wrong faget
>> No. 126
I was more referring to the fact that many of us visited Xantesa, some of us multiple times, and that many of the locals seem to know that as well.

So I was a bit confused about why someone would (still) think we mean harm... :O

Oh, and... Jedius, in case you are reading this (I would assume yours is post number one): How are those beans serving you?

I recently started growing different ones; I am sure you will enjoy them.
I will give them to you the next time we meet. Why do you not simply pay me a visit and I make a delicious soup for you?
(Oh yes, I very much still enjoy this more than I should.)
>> No. 128
You should be aware that this is a place where a majority of the users are basement-dwellers.
>> No. 130
jokes on you, so is she
(srsly, she plays mmos all the time)
>> No. 133
... I do NOT play MMOs "all the time"... -__-
>> No. 135
File 142853608032.png - (187.53KB , 424x470 , Beans.png )
Your posts, my dear friend, are missing something important pyon. A really, really important word pyon.
>> No. 136
But our agreement was about me having to say it, not type it, was it not? And... as you are aware... I do keep my promise about saying it. -__-
>> No. 138
File 142853634773.gif - (2.37MB , 480x270 , 1391869406383.gif )
Why don't you just go to Messy Hole
Sit down
And blog somewhere fucking else.
>> No. 141
We might bump into you, mate.
>> No. 142
watch out we have ka badass over here
>> No. 143
i memtn him
>> No. 144
>> No. 145
Learn to fucking type faggot
>> No. 146
Hm... I only slept for a few hundred years, but this time it seems I really missed out on a lot of stuff.

So what's this? Like, a board for random people from different worlds so they can bury each other in shitposting and memes?

That's a new one.
Eh, whatever. I'll join in.
>> No. 147
>slept for few hundred years
Mayo lady? That you?
>> No. 148
go fuck orself ^^
>> No. 149
Nah. I dun think you know me
>> No. 150
I fucking wish she were
>> No. 158
>sleeps for hundreds of years at a time

wow you sound like the most boring person ever
>> No. 160
pillow-chan please love me
>> No. 162
of course i love you :D
>> No. 167
im so happy i could die right now
i guess its time to finally kill myself
>> No. 168
Eh, there's a difference between boring and bored
>> No. 169
File 142853929737.jpg - (96.84KB , 678x720 , 1424051932367.jpg )
Oh yeah, do it.
>> No. 170
File 142853937842.jpg - (29.00KB , 581x581 , nike-just-do-it.jpg )
>> No. 171
Well, it'd be pretty entertaining I guess
>> No. 173
Oh wow!
Just when did this place turn into a spamfest?
>> No. 175
When you were fuddly-cuddly with your sister, you gay
>> No. 177
Oh hey, I love you too! :*
>> No. 178
Get back to the mansion NOW or you'll be missing some limbs.
>> No. 181
Oops! I've been caught. ;)
Coming back now, don't you worry, my sweetie.
>> No. 183
Incest lesbos get the fuck out
>> No. 194
hey that you shinrae? :D
hi, howve you been? its been a while
>> No. 210
She won't answer you anytime soon, the angrylesbo is riding her right now

>> No. 213
Oh dear... I now kind of regret posting here.
>> No. 216
File 142854148839.png - (74.69KB , 391x317 , 1424047938705.png )
Too late now.
>> No. 247
File 142854409467.jpg - (271.20KB , 500x494 , 1427384755736.jpg )
A very nice effort, with all the threads, posts and trips, but it's pretty pointless. Give up, Rikon. We all know it's a big fake. There are no "new friends". Only the suffering of being alive.
>> No. 248
Haha, so what, then I'm not real? Thanks for telling me. I had no idea.
>> No. 250
File 14285443884.jpg - (45.96KB , 500x375 , its-time-to-stop-posting.jpg )
>> No. 252
Stop posting? I woke up just recently, and I get bored again already. No way in hell am I gonna stop posting here, it's far to hilariously stupid at times.
>> No. 253
File 142854480017.png - (3.48KB , 600x600 , manage_page.png )
You got me. I was totally bothered to fabricate all this stuff.

Hey, you wanted to know a bit of our culture. This is a significant part of it. :^)
>> No. 254
Yes, I suppose so... maybe I am just a little moody lately. There have not been any significant happenings ever since the times when we first met.

Maybe I am just getting bored.
>> No. 255
Why is /9/ a /0/
>> No. 259
Dun' be, lest you turn into a Tres. Or Genkar will find you again.

Because you ask too many questions.
>> No. 268
Haha, don't worry. I'm already on it.
>> No. 275
Whatever that might mean and whoever you might be.
>> No. 276
File 14285481471.png - (2.74KB , 184x172 , 1273971452856.png )
>This entire board
>> No. 279
File 142854859485.jpg - (184.05KB , 1280x1444 , 1317405308811.jpg )
>> No. 285
Oh, now I got it. You failed to reply correctly, just as you fail as a creator, a person, and a being who should be allowed to live.
>> No. 286
File 142858661857.gif - (896.87KB , 320x240 , oh_snap.gif )
>> No. 303
File 142861706127.png - (121.14KB , 240x249 , 1273970582026.png )
>> No. 455
File 142913358998.gif - (180.48KB , 404x416 , 1371663061980.gif )
Check out my dubs, newfags.

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