New Roster (1850pts)

Blood Angels: Codex (2014) (Combined Arms Detachment) (1850pts)

Selection Rules

And They Shall Know No Fear

Combat Squads


Feel No Pain

Furious Charge

Independent Character

Killing Strike: When a weapon with this special rule rolls a 6 To Wound, the target is wounded automatically, regardless of the target’s Toughness, and the Wound has the Instant Death special rule.

Liturgies of Blood: In a turn in which Astorath charges into combat, all Death Company Marines in his unit re-roll failed To Wound rolls in the Fight sub-phase. A model that has made a disordered charge that turn receives no benefit from Liturgies of Blood.



Repair: If a Rhino is Immobilised, then in subsequent turns, it may attempt to repair itself instead of shooting. To make the attempt, roll a D6 in the Shooting phase; on the roll of a 6, the vehicle is no longer Immobilised. Note that a successful Repair does not restore a Hull Point.

The Far-Seeing Eye: Once per game, as long as Corbulo has not been removed as a casualty, this ability may be used to do one of the following:
• Re-roll the dice to Seize the Initiative.
• Re-roll the dice to see if a unit arrives from Reserve.
• Re-roll a single dice used in a To Hit or To Wound roll, or a single dice used in a saving throw.
• Re-roll a single scatter dice.

Transport 10



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