Chaos1000p (1000pts)

Chaos Space Marines: Codex (2012) (Combined Arms Detachment) (1000pts)

Selection Rules


Champion of Chaos: A Model with this rule must issue and accept challenges. Where there are multiple models with this rule, the controlling player may decide.
Whenever a model with this rule kills a character, roll a D66 and consult the Chaos Boon chart. This boon remains for the rest of the game.

Daemon: 5+ Invunerable, Causes Fear

Deep Strike


Independent Character

Mark of Tzeentch: Improves invunerable saves by +1 (to 3++). Confers a 6+ Invunerable if no existing save is present.

Obliterator Weapons: At the start of each turn, the obliterator unit MUST change all their weapons to the same weapon. The weapon choices are under the Obliterator profile in Codex: Chaos Space Marines

Slow and Purposeful


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