Eldar Kill Team (290pts)

Eldar Craftworlds: Codex (2015) (Unbound Army (Faction)) (290pts)

Selection Rules

Acrobatic: A unit that consists entirely of models with this special rule adds 3" to its maximum move distance when it Runs and when it makes charge moves. Furthermore, models with this special rule do not suffer the Initiative penalty for charging enemies through difficult terrain. (Codex: Craftworld Eldar (2015))

Ancient Doom: A model with this special rule has the Hatred special rule against Deamons of Slaanesh or models with he Mark of Slaanesh. Furthemore, when making Fear test, a unit containing at least one model with this special rule suffers a -1 penalty to its Leadership if it is engaged in combat with a unit that contains at least one model with the Mark of Slaahesh or the Deamon of Slaanesh special rule. (Codex: Eldar (2013) p25)

Banshee Mask: A model equipped with a banshee mask causes Fear. In addition, models cannot fire Overwatch against units that contain at least one model equipped with a banshee mask.

Battle Focus: A unit that contains only models with the Battle Focus special rule can either shoot and then Run, or Run and then shoot in the same Shooting phase. The unit must complete both actions before you move onto the next unit - otherwise the chance to make the second is forfeith.
A model can not Run if it fired a Heavy wearpon during the same Shooting phas unless it has Relentless special rule. Similary, a model that has Run cannot then fire a Havy wearpon in the same Shootinh phase unless it has Relentless special rule. Models that cannot Run gain no benefit from the Battle Focus special rule. (Codex: Eldar (2013) p25)

Defense Tactics: When chosen as the target of a charge, a unit that consists entirely of models with this special rule can either choose to fire Overwatch at Ballistic Skill 2, or gain the Counter-attack and Stubborn special rules until the end of the phase (in which case it cannot fire Overwatch)

Fleet: A unit composed entirely of models with this special rule can re-roll one or more of the
dice when determining Run moves and charge ranges. (Warhammer 40K Rulebook)

Flickerjump: When a unit with this special rule is chosen as the target of a shooting attack, it can immediately make a Warp jump, moving 2D6" instead of 6+2D6", so long as it is not Falling Back. The firing unit cannot choose a different target, even if the target unit is now out of range or line of sight. A unit that makes a Warp jump in this way cannot make a Warp jump in its following Movement phase

Hit & Run: (Warhammer 40K Rulebook)

Monofilament: When rolling To Wound for a weapon that has this special rule, use the targetfs Initiative instead of its Toughness (note that the modelfs Toughness is still used to determine whether an attack has the Instant Death special rule). In addition, if a 6 is rolled To Wound when attacking with a weapon that has this special rule, the Wound is resolved at AP2 unless the weapon is AP1.

Plasma Grenades: Models equipped with plasma grenades donft suffer the penalty to their Initiative for
charging enemies through difficult terrain, but fight at their normal Initiative step in the
ensuing combat. (Warhammer 40K Rulebook)

Warp Jump Generator: A model equipped with a Warp jump generator gains the Jet Pack unit type as described in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules. In the Movement phase, a unit composed entirely of models equipped with Warp jump generators can choose to either move as Jet Pack Infantry or make a Warp jump. If making a Warp jump, it immediately moves up to 2D6+6" in any direction (roll once per unit each turn), ignoring all intervening terrain and models. This move ignores dangerous terrain. If the 2D6 roll is a double 1, one member of the unit (randomly determined) is removed as a casualty. Warp jump cannot be used when the unit is Falling Back.

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