TABERU (400pts)

Tyranids: Codex (2014) (Combined Arms Detachment) (400pts)

Profile Summary


Name Unit TypeWSBSSTWIALdSave
Malanthrope Infantry3355453103+
Mucolid Spore Infantry--1333-3- White Dwarf 41
The Swarmlord Monstrous Creature (Character)9466564103+ Codex: Tyranids p59

Wargear Item

Name Description Ref
Regeneration At the end of each friendly turn, roll a D6 for each model with the regeneration biomorph that has less then its starting number of Wounds, but has not been removed as a casualty. On a 4+, that model regains a single Wound lost earlier in the battle. Codex: Tyranids p67
Toxic Miasma Once per game, in any Assault phase, a unit with this biomorph can unlease its toxic miasma. If it does so, at the Initiative 1 step, all enemy units engaged in close comabt suffer a number of hits equal to the number of models from their unit in base contact with any model from the Tyranid unit unleashing the toxic miasma. These hits are resolved at Strength 3 AP- and have the Poisoned and Ignores Cover special rules. Codex: Tyranids p67


Name RangeStrengthAPType Ref
Bone Sabres -User2Melee, Blade Parry, Instant Death Codex: Tyranids p59

Selection Rules

Alien Cunning: Whilst the Swarmlord is alive, you must add 1 to your Reserve Rolls. (Codex: Tyranids p59)

Blade Parry: (Codex: Tyranids p59)

Deep Strike: (Warhammer 40k rulebook p36)

Fearless: (Warhammer 40k rulebook p35)

Fleet: (Warhammer 40k rulebook p35)

Floating Death: (Codex: Tyranids p65)

Grasping Tail: At the beginning of the Fight sub-phase, the Malanthrope may issue a Challenge. If accepted, roll a D6: On 4+ the challengee has half its attacks (rounded down), and Initiative 1 for the duration of the Challenge. Glorious Intervention cancels this ability.

Living Bomb: (Codex: Tyranids p65)

Massive Floating Bomb: Each Mucolid Spore uses the Floating Death and Living Bomb rules that apply to Spore Mines
(see Codex: Tyranids).

All references to Spore Mines and Spore Mine Clusters in these special rules apply to Mucolid Spores also,
except that the hits inflicted when a Mucolid Spore explodes are Strength 8 AP3 rather than Strength 4 AP4.
Increase the Strength of the attack for additional Mucolid Spores as for Spore Mines. (White Dwarf 41)

Move Through Cover: (Warhammer 40k rulebook p40)

Poisoned (2+): (Warhammer 40k rulebook p40)

Powers of the Hive Mind: Primaris Power (Dominion) - WC 1 : Dominion is a blessing that targets the Psyker. Whilst this power is in effect the Psyker adds 6" to its synapse range. If the Psyker doesn't have the Synapse Creature special rule, it gains it for the duration of this power and has a synapse range of 6".

1. Catalyst - WC 1 : A blessing that targets the Psykerfs unit and up to one other friendly unit from Codex: Tyranids that is within 12". Whilst this power is in effect, the targets gain the Feel No Pain special rule.

2. The Horror - WC 1 : A malediction that targets a single enemy unit within 24h. The target must immediately take a Pinning test (as described for the Pinning special rule in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook) with a -2 modifier to their Leadership.

3. Onslaught - WC 1 : A blessing that targets a single friendly unit within 24". Whilst this power is in effect, the target unit can both Run and then shoot in its Shooting phase.

4. Paroxysm - WC 1 : A malediction that targets a single enemy unit within 24". Whilst this power is in effect, the target unitfs Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill are both reduced by D3 (roll once and apply the result to both characteristics).

5. Psychic Scream - WC 1 : A nova power with a range of 6". For each target unit, roll 2D6+2 and subtract their Leadership. That unit suffers a number of Wounds equal to the result. Armour and cover saves cannot be taken against Wounds caused by Psychic Scream.

6. Warp Blast - WC 2 : A witchfire power. Each time this power is manifested, the controlling player must choose which profile is being used, before the target is chosen:
Burst : Range - 24" | S5 | AP3 | Assault 1, Blast
Lance : Range - 18" | S10 | AP2 | Assault 1, Lance (Codex: Tyranids)

Prey Adaption: If a Malanthrope Brood is involved in any close combat which results in an enemy unit or units being destroyed in combat, it may not perform a Sweeping Advance but instead stops to feed on the dead. From the end of that phase onwards all friendly Tyranid units gain the Preferred Enemy (all units from the same Codex as the destroyed enemy unit) special rule while they remain within Synapse range of the Malanthrope Brood - Note this includes the Malanthrope Brood too.

Psyker: (Warhammer 40k rulebook p41)

Shadow in the Warp: All enemy units and models with the Psyker, Psychic Pilot or Brotherhood of Psykers
special rules suffer a -3 penalty to their Leadership whilst they are within 12" of one or
more models with the Shadow in the Warp special rule. (Codex: Tyranids p38)

Shrouded: (Warhammer 40k rulebook p41)

Skyblast: Mucolid Spore Clusters are allowed to assault Zooming Flyers or Swooping Monstrous Flying Creatures.

If they do so successfully then they will explode as described in the Floating Death special rule,
hitting the target automatically, with Strength and AP as described above.
Hits on Zooming Flyers are always resolved against the target modelfs side armour.

Spore Cloud: All friendly models from Codex: Tyranids that are within 6" of at least one
Venomthrope have the Shrouded special rule. (Codex: Tyranids p47)

Swarm Leader: At the beginning of your turn, choose either the Swarmlordfs unit, or
one friendly unit from Codex: Tyranids within 18" of the Swarmlord. Then, choose one of
the following special rules: Furious Charge, Monster Hunter, or Preferred Enemy. The
chosen unit has that special rule until the end of the turn. (Codex: Tyranids p59)

Synapse Creature: Models with the Synapse Creature special rule have a synapse range of 12". Friendly
Codex: Tyranids models within this synapse range, including the Synapse Creatures
themselves, have the Fearless special rule. If a unit from Codex: Tyranids is falling back
and at least one of the unitfs models is within a friendly Synapse Creaturefs synapse range
before the unit moves, the unit automatically Regroups. (Codex: Tyranids p38)

Very Bulky: Very Bulky models count as three models for the purposes of Transport Capacity.

Warlord Trait: Synaptic Lynchpin: The Warlordfs synapse range is 18". (Codex: Tyranids p38)

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