Star Vikings (1850pts)

Space Wolves: Codex (2014) (Space Wolves Detachment) (1850pts)

Selection Rules

Acute Senses: If a unit contains at least one model with this special rule, and that unit arrives on a random table edge (due to Outflank, or other special rules), then you can re-roll to see which table edge they arrive from. (Warhammer 40k rulebook)

And They Shall Know No Fear: A unit that contains at least one model with this special rule automatically passes Fear and Regroup tests. When it Regroups, the unit does not make the 3" Regroup move, but can instead move, shoot (or Run) and declare charges normally in that turn. Furthermore, if a unit containing one or more models with this special rule is caught by a Sweeping Advance, they are not destroyed, but remain locked in combat instead. (Warhammer 40k rulebook)

Counter-attack: If a unit contains at least one model with this special rule, and that unit is charged, every model with the Counter-attack special rule in the unit gets +1 Attack until the end of the phase.
If, when charged, the unit was already locked in combat, the Counter-attack special rule has no effect. (Warhammer 40k rulebook)

Deep Strike: In order for a unit to be able to Deep Strike, all models in the unit must have the Deep Strike special rule and the unit must start the game in Reserve. When placing the unit in Reserve, you must tell your opponent that it will be arriving by Deep Strike (sometimes called Deep Strike Reserve). Some units must arrive by Deep Strike. They always begin the game in Reserve and always arrive by Deep Strike. (Warhammer 40k rulebook p36)

Drop Pod Assault: Drop Pods and units embarked upon them must be held in Deep Strike Reserves. At the beginning of your first turn, half your Drop Pods (rounding up) automatically arrive from Reserve. The arrival of remaining Drop Pods is rolled for normally. (Codex: Space Wolves p74)

Immobile: A Drop Pod cannot move once it has entered play, and counts in all respects as a vehicle that has suffered an Immobilised result that cannot be repaired in any way. This does not cause it to lose a Hull Point. (Warhammer 40k rulebook)

Independent Character: Independent Characters can join other units. They cannot, however, join units that contain vehicles or Monstrous Creatures. They can join other Independent Characters, though, to form a powerful multi-character unit!

Inertial Guidance System: If a Drop Pod scatters on top of impassable terrain or another model (friend or foe), reduce the scatter distance by the minimum required in order to avoid the obstacle. If a Drop Pod scatters off the edge of the board, it suffers a Deep Strike Mishap.

Psychic Discipline: Biomancy: PRIMARIS POWER
SMITE - Warp Charge 1
Smite is a witchfire power with the following profile:
Range 18" S4 AP2 Assault 4

1 - IRON ARM - Warp Charge 1
Iron Arm is a blessing that targets the Psyker. Whilst the power is in effect, the Psyker has +3 to his Strength and Toughness and he gains the Smash special rule.

2 - ENFEEBLE - Warp Charge 1
Enfeeble is a malediction that targets a single enemy unit within 24". Whilst the power is in effect, the target unit suffers a -1 penalty to both Strength and Toughness, and treats all terrain (even open ground) as difficult terrain.

3 - LIFE LEECH - Warp Charge 1
Life Leech is a witchfire power with the following profile:
Range 18" S6 AP2 Assault 2
If Life Leech causes at least one unsaved Wound, the Psyker, or one friendly model within 6" of the Psyker, immediately regains a Wound lost earlier in the battle (up to their starting number of Wounds).

4 - WARP SPEED - Warp Charge 1
Warp Speed is a blessing that targets the Psyker. Whilst the power is in effect, the Psyker has +3 to his Initiative and Attacks and he gains the Fleet special rule.

5 - ENDURANCE - Warp Charge 2
Endurance is a blessing that targets a single friendly unit within 24". Whilst the power is in effect, all models in the target unit gain the Eternal Warrior, Feel No Pain (4+) and Relentless special rules.

6 - HAEMORRHAGE - Warp Charge 2
Haemorrhage is a focussed witchfire power with a range of 18". The target must pass two separate Toughness tests or suffer a Wound with no armour or cover saves allowed for each test that was failed. If the target is removed as a casualty, randomly select another model (friend or foe) within 2" of him. That model must pass a single Toughness test or suffer a Wound with no armour or cover saves allowed. If that model is removed as a casualty, continue the process of selecting another model and taking a single Toughness test until a either a model survives or there are no more suitable targets within range. (Warhammer 40k rulebook)

Psychic Discipline: Daemonology: (Warhammer 40k rulebook)

Psychic Discipline: Divination: PRIMARIS POWER
PRESCIENCE - Warp Charge 2
Prescience is a blessing that targets a single friendly unit within 12". Whilst the power is in effect, the target unit can re-roll all failed To Hit rolls.

1 - FOREBODING - Warp Charge 1
Foreboding is a blessing that targets the Psyker. Whilst this power is in effect, the Psyker and his unit have the Counter-attack special rule and fire Overwatch using their full Ballistic Skill, rather than Ballistic Skill 1. Note that this does not allow weapons that could not normally fire Overwatch to do so.

2 - FOREWARNING - Warp Charge 1
Forewarning is a blessing that targets a single friendly unit within 12". Whilst the power is in effect, the target unit has a 4+ invulnerable save.

3 - PERFECT TIMING - Warp Charge 1
Perfect Timing is a blessing that targets the Psyker. Whilst this power is in effect, the Psyker and his unitfs weapons have the Ignores Cover special rule.

4 - PRECOGNITION - Warp Charge 1
Precognition is a blessing that targets the Psyker. Whilst the power is in effect, the Psyker re-rolls all failed To Hit and To Wound rolls. In addition, while the power is in effect, the Psyker re-rolls failed saving throws.

5 - MISFORTUNE - Warp Charge 2
Misfortune is a malediction that targets a single enemy unit within 24". Whilst the power is in effect, all attacks that hit the target unit have the Rending special rule.

6 - SCRIERfS GAZE - Warp Charge 2
Scrierfs Gaze is a blessing that targets the Psyker. Whilst the power is in effect, you can re-roll the dice when rolling for Reserves, Outflank and when any of your units identifies a Mysterious Objective. In addition, if the mission has the Tactical Objectives special rule, you can immediately choose to discard one of your active Tactical Objectives and generate a new one. (Warhammer 40k rulebook)

Psychic Discipline: Telekinesis: PRIMARIS POWER
ASSAIL - Warp Charge 1
Assail is a beam with the following profile:
Range 18" S6 AP- Assault1, Strikedown

1 - CRUSH - Warp Charge 1
Crush is a focussed witchfire power with a range of 18". Roll 2D6. The target model suffers a hit with a Strength equal to the result (a result of an 11 or 12 wounds automatically or, in the case of a vehicle, causes an automatic penetrating hit) with an AP equal to the result of a separate D6 roll.

Objuration Mechanicum is a malediction that targets a single enemy unit within 24". Whilst the power is in effect, all of the targetfs ranged weapons have the Gets Hot special rule. In addition, if the target is a vehicle (or vehicle squadron), each vehicle in the unit suffers a single Strength 1 hit with the Haywire special rule.

3 - SHOCKWAVE - Warp Charge 1
Shockwave is a nova power with the following profile:
Range 9" S4 AP- Assault 2D6, Pinning

4 - LEVITATION - Warp Charge 1
Levitation is a blessing that targets the Psyker. Unless the target is Zooming, Swooping or is locked in close combat, the Psyker and his unit immediately make a move of up to 12". This move cannot end up on top of another unit or impassable terrain, but ignores intervening units, terrain etc. Any model that starts or ends this move in difficult terrain must take a Dangerous Terrain test. The Psyker and his unit cannot charge in the same turn that they use this power, and all models count as having moved in the Movement phase for the purposes of shooting weapons in the Shooting phase

5 - TELEKINE DOME - Warp Charge 2
Telekine Dome is a blessing that targets the Psyker. Whilst the power is in effect, the Psyker, and all friendly models within 12" of the Psyker, have a 5+ invulnerable save against any shooting attack.

6 - PSYCHIC MAELSTROM - Warp Charge 2
Psychic Maelstrom is a witchfire power with the following profile:
Range 12" S10 AP1 Assault 1, Barrage, Large Blast (Warhammer 40k rulebook)

Psychic Discipline: Tempestas: Primaris Power
Living LightningcWarp Charge 1
Living Lightning is a witchfire power with the following profile:
Range 18" S7 AP- Assault 3, Shock
Shock: For each To Hit roll of 6 made with Living Lightning, the target suffers an additional 2 hits, unless those To Hit rolls were Snap Shots.

1. Storm CallercWarp Charge 1
Storm Caller is a blessing that targets the Psyker and his unit. Whilst the power is in effect, the target unit has the Shrouded special rule.

2. Tempestfs WrathcWarp Charge 1
Tempestfs Wrath is a malediction that targets a single unit within 18". Whilst the power is in effect, models in the target unit suffer a -1 penalty to their Ballistic Skill (to a minimum of 1) and treat all terrain, even open ground, as difficult terrain. In addition, unless they are Immobilised, all models in the target unit that have the Jump, Jet Pack, Jetbike, Flying Monstrous Creature, Flyer or Skimmer unit type must immediately take a Dangerous Test.

3. ThunderclapcWarp Charge 1
Thunderclap is a nova power with the following profile:
Range 12" S3 AP- Assault 2D6

4. Murderous HurricanecWarp Charge 2
Murderous Hurricane is a witchfire power with the following profile:
Range 18" S4 AP- Assault 1, Large Blast, Rending

5. Fury of the Wolf SpiritscWarp Charge 2
Fury of the Wolf Spirits is a witchfire power. Each time this power is manifested, the Psyker shoots using both of the profiles given below, one at a time, in any order. Both attacks must target the same unit.
Fury of Freki Range 18" S6 AP- Assault 4
Fury of Geri Range 18" S5 AP2 Assault 2, Precission Shot

6. Jaws of the World WolfcWarp Charge 2
Jaws of the World Wolf is a focussed witchfire power that targets a single non-vehicle unit within 18". A model hit by Jaws of the World Wolf must take an Initiative test. Monstrous Creatures automatically pass this test. If the test is passed, nothing happens, but if the test is failed the model is removed from play. (Codex: Space Wolves)

Psyker (Mastery Level 2): (Warhammer 40k rulebook)

Shield: (Codex: Space Wolves)

Space Wolf Tactical Objectives: (Codex: Space Wolves)

Venerable: If a Venerable Dreadnought suffers a penetrating hit, you can make your opponent re-roll the result on the Vehicle Damage table. You must accept the second roll, even if it is worse than the first. (Codex: Space Wolves p66)

Ward: (Codex: Space Wolves p52)

Warlord: (Warhammer 40k rulebook)

Warlord Trait: Space Wolves: D6 Warlord Trait
1. Saga of the Warrior Born:
When fighting in a challenge, the Warlord re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls.

2. Saga of the Wolfkin:
The Warlord, and all friendly units with the Space Wolves Faction consisting entirely of models with either the Beasts or Cavalry unit type, have the Stubborn special rule. In addition, if a friendly unit with the Space Wolves Faction is within 12" of the Warlord at the start of the Assault phase, all models with either the Beasts or Cavalry unit type in that unit have the Furious Charge special rule until the end of the phase.

3. Saga of the Beastslayer:
The Warlord has the Monster Hunter special rule.

4. Saga of the Bear:
The Warlord, and his unit, have the Feel No Pain (6+) special rule.

5. Saga of the Hunter:
The Warlord has the Outflank and Stealth special rules.

6. Saga of Majesty:
The Warlord, and all friendly units with the Space Wolves Faction within 12" of him, must re-roll failed Morale checks and Pinning tests. (Codex: Space Wolves p94)

Whirlwind of Death: The bearer of Black Death gains +3 Attacks for the duration of any Fight Sub-phase in which he is locked in a combat that contains more enemy models than friendly ones. (Codex: Space Wolves)

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