Tau Empire: Codex (2015) (Tau Hunter Contingent) (1000pts)

Profile Summary


Name Unit TypeWSBSSTWIALdSave
Cadre Fireblade Infantry (Character)453333394+
Commander Jet Pack Infantry (Character)4554434103+
Fire Warrior Infantry233312174+
Firesight Marksman Infantry253312174+
MV1 Gun Drone Jet Pack Infantry (Drone)223414174+
MV7 Marker Drone Jet Pack Infantry (Drone)223414174+
Riptide Shas'vre Jet Pack Monstrous Creature236652392+/5++
Sniper Drone Jet Pack Infantry (Drone)223414174+
Stealth Shas'ui Jet Pack Infantry234312283+
Stealth Shas'vre Jet Pack Infantry (Character)234312393+

Wargear Item

Name Description
Blacksun Filter Night Vision and is immune to the effects of Blind.
Counterfire Defence System Overwatch at BS2.
Drone Controller Gun, Marker, and Sniper Drones in the unit use the bearer's BS.
Multi-tracker Fire an extra weapon in each Shooting phase.
Nova Reactor Declare an attempt to use the reactor at the start of each Movement phase. If using the reactor, roll a D6. On a 1-2, the Riptide fails and suffers a Wound (no saves allowed). On a 3+, you can choose an ability listed below to have (until the start of your next Movement phase). - Nova Shield: 3+ invulnerable save. - Boost: Rolls 4D6 for Thrust Moves. - Ripple Fire: Fire twin-linked Fusion Blaster, twin-linked plasma rifle, or twin-linked SMS twice. Still counts as firing one weapon. - Nova-charge: Can use Nova-charge profile on weapons.
Photon Grenades Defensive grenades, Wh40k rulebook pg62
Riptide Shield Generator 5+ invulnerable save.
Target Lock Can shoot at different target than his unit.


Name RangeStrengthAPType
Burst Cannon 18"55Assault 4
Fusion Blaster 18"81Assault 1, Melta
Ion Accelerator (Nova) 72"92Ordnance 1, Gets Hot, Large Blast, Nova-charge
Ion Accelerator (ovrchrg) 72"82Heavy 1, Gets Hot, Large Blast
Ion Accelerator (std) 72"72Heavy 3
Longshot Pulse Rifle 48"X5Rapid Fire, Sniper
Markerlight 36"--Heavy 1, Target Acquired
Pulse Carbine 18"55Assault 2, Pinning
Pulse Pistol 12"55Pistol
Pulse Rifle 30"55Rapid Fire
Smart Missile System 30"55Heavy 4, Homing, Ignores Cover

Selection Rules

Ambushes and Feints: Units from this Formation that are within 12" of this Formation's Commander or Cadre Fireblade at the start of the Shooting phase can Run or move Flat Out and then shoot in that Shooting Phase. Each unit must complete both actions before you move onto the next unit - otherwise the chance to make the second action is forfeit.

Fire Team: Whilst a unit with this special rule includes 3 vehicles or MCs, all vehicles and MCs in the unit have +1 BS.

Independent Character: (Warhammer 40k rulebook p39)

Infiltrate: (Warhammer 40k rulebook p38)

Shrouded: (Warhammer 40k rulebook p41)

Split Fire: (Warhammer 40k rulebook p42)

Stealth: (Warhammer 40k rulebook p42)

Supporting Fire: When an enemy unit declares a charge, all friendly models with this special rule in units within 6" of the charging unit's target can choose to fire Overwatch as if they were also targets of the charge. Note that a unit can still only fire Overwatch once each phase.

Target Aquired: Markerlights cannot directly cause damage or Wounds. Instead, each time a unit suffers a hit with this special rule, place a markerlight counter next to it (no saves can be taken against these hits). Markerlight counters remain next to their unit until the end of the current phase or until they are used (whichever comes first).

Immediately before a unit from the Tau Empire Faction shoots at a target that has any markerlight counters, it can declare it is using one or more of the markerlight abilities listed below. Each ability costs a number of markerlight counters - remove this number of counters from the target immediately when the ability is declared. A unit can combine any number of markerlight abilities - providing that there are enough counters.

Note that a unit cannot benefit from its own markerlights.

Destroyer: (Markerlight Cost 1+) For each markerlight counter expended on this ability, a single Destroyer Missile fired by the unit at the target changes its Strenght from 8 to D.

Pinpoint: (Markerlight Cost 1+) All models firing at the target as part of this shooting attack gain a bonus to their BS for the duration of the shooting attack. The size of this bonus is equal to the number of markerlight counters expended on this ability. Can increase the BS of Snap Shots and Overwatch.

Scour: (Markerlight Cost 2) All wounds, glancing hits and penetrating hits allocated to the target as part of this Shooting attack gain the Ignores Cover special rule.

Seeker: (Markerlight Cost 1+) For each markerlight counter expended on this ability, the unit immediately fires a single Seeker Missile (if it has one) in addition to any other weapons it is permitted to fire. A Seeker Missile fired in this way:
- Does not need line of sight.
- must be fired at the same target as the vehicle's other weapons.
- is resolved at BS5.
- has the Ignores Cover special rule.
- does not reduce the number of weapons a vehicle can fire at its full BS. (Codex: Tau Empire (2015) p122)

Unbreakable Bonds of Comradeship: Units from this Formation that have the Supporting Fire special rule can provide Supporting Fire to any other model in this Formation if they are within 12" of each other, rather than 6".

Very Bulky: (Warhammer 40k rulebook p35)

Volley Fire: If this model, and every model in his unit, remain stationary in the Movement phase, their pulse rifles and carbines each fire an additional shot in the Shooting phase.

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