lololol (Warhammer 40,000 7th Edition v2013) (807pts)

Combined Arms Detachment (Chaos Space Marines: Codex (2012) v2010) (403pts)

Ideal Mission Commander, Objective Secured (Troops)

Combined Arms Detachment (Chaos Space Marines: Codex (2012) v2010) (404pts)

Ideal Mission Commander, Objective Secured (Troops)

Force Rules

Ideal Mission Commander: If this Detachment is chosen as your Primary Detachment, you can choose to re-roll the result on the Warlord Trait table. (BRB)

Objective Secured (Troops): A unit with this special rule controls objectives even if an enemy scoring unit is within range of the objective marker, unless the enemy unit also has this special rule. (BRB)

Selection Rules

Blood Feud: All units with the VotLW special rule re-roll failed To Hit rolls in every round of close combat when attacking Imperial Fists units. However, all Imperial Fists units have the Hatred (Iron Warriors) special rule.

Bulky: Bulky models count as two models for the purposes of Transport Capacity. (BRB)

Catatonic Trance: Any model that suffers one or more unsaved Wounds from Blissgiver must immediately pass a Leadership test for each Wound suffered or be removed from play as a casualty.

Champion of Chaos: A Model with this rule must issue and accept challenges. Where there are multiple models with this rule, the controlling player may decide.
Whenever a model with this rule kills a character, roll a D66 and consult the Chaos Boon chart. This boon remains for the rest of the game.

Daemon: Models with the Daemon special rule have a 5+ invulnerable save, and also have the Fear special rule. (BRB)

Daemon Weapon: At the start of the assault phase, roll a D6. On a 1, the bearer suffers 1 wound with no armour saves allowed, and is reduced to WS1 for that phase.
On a roll of a 2+, the bearer gains that many additional attacks.

Deep Strike: Deep Strike Mishap Table: D6 Roll

1: Terrible Accident! - The entire unit is destroyed!

2-3: Misplaced - Your opponent may deploy the unit anywhere on the table (excluding impassable terrain, but including difficult terrain, which of course counts as dangerous for Deep Striking units), in a valid Deep Strike formation, without rolling for scatter. Units embarked on a misplaced Transport can disembark during their Movement phase as normal.

4-6: Delayed - The unit is placed in Ongoing Reserves. (BRB)

Fearless: Units containing one or more models with the Fearless special rule automatically pass Pinning, Fear, Regroup tests and Morale checks, but cannot Go to Ground and cannot choose to fail a Morale check due to the Our Weapons Are Useless rule. If a unit has Gone to Ground and then gains the Fearless special rule, all the effects of Go to Ground are immediately cancelled. (BRB)

Feel No Pain: When a model with this special rule suffers an unsaved Wound, it can make a special Feel No Pain roll to avoid being wounded (this is not a saving throw and so can be used against attacks that state that ‘no saves of any kind are allowed’, for example those inflicted by Perils of the Warp).

Feel No Pain saves may not be taken against Destroyer attacks or against unsaved Wounds that have the Instant Death special rule.

Roll a D6 each time an unsaved Wound is suffered. On a 4 or less, you must take the Wound as normal. On a 5+, the unsaved Wound is discounted – treat it as having been saved.

If a unit has the Feel No Pain special rule with a number in brackets afterwards –Feel No Pain (6+), for example – then the number in brackets is the D6 result needed to discount the Wound. (BRB)

Fuelled by Sensation: Units that have the VotLW special rule have the Fearless and FNP (6+) special rules (units wiht an Icon of Excess instead have the Fearless and FNP (4+) special rules).

In addition, if a model that has the VotLW special rule is slain in the Fight sub-phase before it has made any Attacks that phase, it can make a single Attack at the end of the current Initiative step before being removed as a casualty.

Independant Character: Independent characters can join other units. They cannot, however, join units that contain vehicles or Monstrous Creatures. They can join other Independent Characters, though, to form a powerful multi-character unit! Independent Characters pass Look Out, Sir rolls on a 2+. A unit that contains one or more Independent Characters does not need a double 1 to Regroup if reduced to below 25% of its starting numbres, but instead tests as if it had at least 25% remaining.

Full details in BRB. Rule too long to copy verbatim. (BRB)

Iron Within, Iron Without: Units with the VotLW special rule has the FNP (6+) special rule.

It Will Not Die: At the end of each of your turns, roll a D6 for each of your models with this special rule that has less than its starting number of Wounds or Hull Points, but has not been removed as a casualty or destroyed. On a 5+, that model regains a Wound or Hull Point lost earlier in the game. (BRB)

Mark of Slaanesh: Grants +1 Initiative

Masters of the Kakophoni: Units of Noise Marines are Troops choices instead of Elites choices.

Obliterator Weapons: At the start of each turn, the obliterator unit MUST change all their weapons to the same weapon. The weapon choices are:

Assault Cannon
Heavy Flamer
Plasma Cannon
Twin-linked (TL) Flamer
TL Meltagun
TL Plasma Gun

Patrons of the Technovirus: Units of Obliterators and Mutilators are Troops choices instead of Elites choices.

Siege Masters: Units can re-roll armour penetration rolls against buildings that do not result in a glancing hit or penetrating hit, and add 1 to the result when rolling on the Building Damage table. In addition, units of Havocs, Obliterators, and Mutilators have the Tank Hunters special rule.

Slow and Purposeful: A unit that contains at least one model with this special rule cannot Run, Turbo-boost, move Flat Out, perform Sweeping Advances or fire Overwatch. However, they can shoot with Heavy, Salvo and Ordnance weapons, counting as stationary even if they moved in the previous Movement phase. They are also allowed to charge in the same turn they fire Heavy, Ordnance, Rapid Fire or Salvo weapons. (BRB)

Tank Hunters: A unit that contains at least one model with this special rule re-rolls failed armour penetration rolls against vehicles (both with shooting and in close combat) and can choose to re-roll glancing hits, in an attempt to instead get a penetrating hit – but the second result must be kept. (BRB)

Veterans of the Long War: Models with this rule have +1 Ld and Hatred (Space Marines)
This Hatred applies for the following books:
Codex: Space Marines
Codex: Dark Angels
Codex: Space Wolves
Codex: Blood Angels
Codex: Grey Knights

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