New Roster (250pts)

Adepta Sororitas (Left40k Detachment) (250pts)

Selection Rules

Independent Character: (40k BRB)

Paragon of the Faith: A Palatine or Canoness may choose a different faith power from the rest of their detachment. This choice must be made at the start of the Sisters players turn and affects any unit they join for as long as they remain attached. A unit may only benefit from a single faith power at a time. If more than one Palatine or Canoness is attached to the same squad the Sororitas player must choose which faith power is active at the start of each Phase.

Shield of Faith: Models with the Shield of Faith special rule have a 6+ invulnerable save and the Adamantium Will special rule. (Codex: Adepta Sororitas p16)

Sanctified All attacks made with the Sactified special rule wound on a roll of 6+ unless a lower roll would be required. In addition, when making saves against Sanctified attacks, a roll of 1 or 2 will always fail.


War Hymns: A model with this special rule can take a Leadership test at the beginning of each Fight sub-phase in which he is locked in combat. If the test is successful, choose one of the following war hymns to immediately take effect.

The Emperor Protects: The model and his unit re-roll all failed armour and invulnerable saves until the end of the phase.

The Emperorfs Strength: The model has the Smash special rule until the end of the phase.

The Righteousness of the Emperor: The model and his unit re-roll failed rolls To Wound until the end of the phase. (Codex: Adepta Sororitas p25)

Zealot: (40k BRB)

Acts of Faith:

SPIRIT OF THE MARTYR The Sistersf prayers steel their bodies against the weapons of the enemy. They will die when the Emperor is ready to accept their souls, and not a moment before. Whilst this Act of Faith is in effect, all Faithful non-vehicle models add +2 to any Feel No Pain rolls they make. Nonvehicle models without the Feel No Pain special rule instead gain Feel No Pain (5+).

DIVINE GUIDANCE Guided by the will of the Emperor Himself, the shots and blows of the faithful shatter their enemiesf armour with contemptuous ease. Whilst this Act of Faith is in effect, any roll of 6 to wound with a shooting attack (including overwatch) by a Faithful model automatically wounds regardless of the targets toughness value. These wounds are resolved with an AP of 1. Divine Guidance has no effect on vehicles or buildings or attacks made with emplaced or automated weaponry.

THE PASSION The faithful leap and weave through the chaos of melee, striking at their foes with a speed born of their holy fervour. Whilst this Act of Faith is in effect, all Faithful models gain the Fleet special rule and ignore the penalties for making disordered charges. Should a Faithful unit win or draw combat in the Assault phase and remain locked in combat they count as charging in the subsequent Assault phase. This benefit is lost if a different Act of Faith is chosen for the unit in the subsequent turn.

LIGHT OF THE EMPEROR The Sisters are filled with the knowledge that the only thing they need fear is failing the Emperor of Mankind. Armed with such faith, the enemy holds no terror for them. Whilst this Act of Faith is in effect, all Faithful models gain the Fearless and Preferred Enemy special rules.

HAND OF THE EMPEROR As the Sisters recite rites of destruction, every shot and strike becomes a mortal blow. Whilst this Act of Faith is in effect, all Faithful models have +1 Strength and the Slow and Purposeful special rule.

ASCENSION The faithful channel their righteous wrath into holy fire and crackling energy, calling upon the Emperor to deliver them from the daemonic and the unclean. Whilst this Act of Faith is in effect, all attacks made with the Sactified special rule wound on a roll of 5+ unless a lower roll would be required. In addition, when making saves against Sanctified attacks, a roll of 3 or less will always fail, even if the target's Save characteristic is 3+ or better. At the start of the next Sororitas turn, before rolling for Reserves, the Sororitas player gains a free unit Avenging Angels (see page 63) containing D3 models plus one additional model for every Faithful unit that was completely destroyed in the last turn. This new unit is placed into ongoing reserves and may be deployed immediately. The new Avenging Angels may not take any additional Wargear options, and considered a part of the same Detachment or Formation that summoned them.

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