EXCESS (1500pts)

Chaos Daemons: Codex (2013) (Combined Arms Detachment) (1140pts)

Chaos Space Marines: Codex (2012) (Allied Detachment) (360pts)

Profile Summary


Name Unit TypeWSBSSTWIALdSave
Alluress Infantry (Character)54331537-
Daemonettes of Slaanesh Infantry54331527-
Keeper of Secrets Monstrous Creature (Character)966651069-
Lucius the Eternal Infantry7544363103+/5+
Noise Champion Infantry (Character)444415193+
Noise Marine Infantry444415183+


Name BSFrontSideRearHPType
Chaos Rhino 41111103Vehicle(Tank, Transport)

Wargear Item

Name Description
Armour of Shrieking Souls 5+ Invul save. Model that cause the would suffer S 4 AP 2 hit with Ignore Cover rule
Gift of Mutation Before deployment, roll on the Chaos Boon table. Ignore Spawnhood and Dark Apotheosis results.
Icon of Excess Slaanesh Icon: The unit has Feel No Pain
Lash of Torment -1 A to all enemy model in base contact. Give Lucius Shred special rule.
Rapturous Standard Once per game, for one Fight sub-phase, all models locked in combat with the unit have -D3 WS. Daemons of Slaanesh/Mark of Slaanesh are immune.
Searchlight Night fighting only. It can illuminate a target it has fired at. Illuminates itself in the process (illuminated units loses Night Fighting benefits)
Smoke Launchers Once per game, instead of shooting or flat out movements/running, the vehicle can activate smoke launchers. May not fire its weapons that turn but recieves a 5+ cover save until next player turn. Unaffected by weapon destroyed, crew shaken and crew stunned results.


Name RangeStrengthAPType
Assault Grenades 8"3-Assault 1, Blast
Bolt Pistol 12"45Pistol
Boltgun 24"45Rapid Fire
Close Combat Weapon -User-Melee
Combi-Bolter 24"45Rapid Fire, Twin Linked
Doom Siren Template53Assault 1
Krak Grenades 8"/ -64Assault 1/ -
Power Sword -User3Melee
Sonic Blaster 24"45Salvo 2/3, Ignores Cover

Selection Rules

5+ Invulnerable Save

Additional inches when Run, Flat Out moves

Champion of Chaos: A Model with this rule must issue and accept challenges. Where there are multiple models with this rule, the controlling player may decide.
Whenever a model with this rule kills a character, roll a D66 and consult the Chaos Boon chart. This boon remains for the rest of the game.

Daemonic Instability

Deep Strike

Duellist's pride: When in a challenge, his attack characteristic is equal to the opponents WS.

Exalted Rewards

Excess Discipline




Greater Magic Weapons

Greater Rewards

Hatred (Daemon of Khorne)

Hellforged Artefacts

Icon of Chaos

Independent Character

Mark of Slaanesh: Grants +1 Initiative

Preffered Enemy (Eldar & Dark Eldar)




Transport Capacity: Rhino: Can transport 10 models. Terminators may not be transported.

Veterans of the Long War: Models with this rule have +1 Ld and Hatred (Space Marines)
This Hatred applies for the following books:
Codex: Space Marines
Codex: Dark Angels
Codex: Space Wolves
Codex: Blood Angels
Codex: Grey Knights

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