Defend the river! (4500pts)

Astra Militarum: Codex (2014) (Combined Arms Detachment) (3260pts)

Grey Knights: Codex (2014) (Nemesis Strike Force) (753pts)

Inquisition: Codex (2013) (Inquisitorial Detachment) (197pts)

Officio Assassinorum: Dataslate (2014) (Officio Assassinorum Detachment) (150pts)

Officio Assassinorum: Dataslate (2014) (Officio Assassinorum Detachment) (140pts)

Roster Rules

Ideal Mission Commander (Combined Arms Detachment): (Warhammer 40k rulebook)

Objective Secured (Combined Arms Detachment): (Warhammer 40k rulebook)

Selection Rules

Absorbed Warp Charge: When firing an animus speculum, first add up the combined mastery levels of all Psyker units, friend or foe, that are within 12" of the Culexus Assassin, and pick up that many dice. You can then add up to 3 more dice to this hand by removing them from your own Warp Charge pool. The total number of dice in your hand is the number of shots the animus speculum now fires.

Adamantium Will: Model's unit gets +1 to Deny the Witch. (BRB 2014 p157)

And They Shall Know No Fear: (BRB 2014 p157)

Artillery Bombardment: The Master of Ordnance may make a shooting attack: Infinite Range, S9, AP3, Ordnance 1, Barrage, Large Blast. If scatter die rolls hit, scatter 2D6" anyway. scatter 3D6" if an arrow rolls. Reduce scatter by BS if within LoS. (Codex: Astra Militarum)

Awaken the Machine: May give a single friendly Astra Militarium vehicle within 12" Power of the Machine Spirit until end of turn. (Codex: Astra Militarum)

Banishment: Daemonology (Sanctic) Psychic Power

Blessing of the Omnissiah

Blessings of the Omnissiah: Instead of shooting, may repair a friendly vehicle embarked or in base contact. Need 5+, adding +1 for each Servitor with servo-arm in unit. Success restores hull point, or repairs destroyed weapon, or repairs Immobilised. (Codex: Astra Militarum)

Bolster Defences

Bulky: Counts as two models in Transport (BRB 2014 p159)

Combat Squads: Ten-man unit may permanently split into two five-man units just before rolling Warlord Traits. Both may embark upon same Transport. (Codex: Grey Knights)

Combined Squad: May combine Infantry Squads just before rolling for Warlord Traits. (Codex: Astra Militarum)

Concussive: A model that suffers one or more unsaved Wounds from a weapon with this special rule is reduced to Initiative 1 until the end of the following Assault phase. (BRB 2014)

Crack Shot: Can re-roll armor penetration. Also bonuses for weapons:
* Battle Cannon, Vanquisher, Demolisher, Eradicator: re-roll To Hit
* Exterminator or Punisher: Rending
* Executioner: may fire 36" S7 AP2 Heavy 1, Large Blast, Blind, Gets Hot (Codex: Astra Militarum p59)

Daemonbane: While Force is in effect, re-roll To Wound and Armour Penetration against models with Daemon rule. (Codex: Grey Knights)

Daemonology (Sanctic)

Deadshot: All successful To Hit rolls made by a Vindicare Assassin, excluding Snap Shots, have the Precision Shots special rule.

Deep Strike: (BRB 2014 p162)


Doctrine: Forward Sentries: (Codex: Astra Militarum p38)

Exitus Ammo: Each time a Vindicare Assassin fires a weapon with this special rule, choose one of the three following types of ammunition and apply the chosen ammunitionfs rules to that shot:

? Shield-breaker: Invulnerable saves cannot be taken against Wounds, glancing hits, or penetrating hits from a shield-breaker round.

? Turbo-penetrator: Against vehicles, shots from a turbo-penetrator round count as Strength 10. Against all other targets, shots from a turbo-penetrator round inflict D3 Wounds, rather than just 1.

? Hellfire: Shots from a hellfire round always wound on a 2+



Force: Any Psyker that has one or more weapons with this special rule knows the Force psychic power in addition to any other powers they know:

Force - Warp Charge 1

Force is a blessing psychic power that targets the Psyker and his unit. All of the targetsf weapons that have the Force special rule gain the Instant Death special rule until the start of your next Psychic phase. (BRB 2014)

Hammerhand: Daemonology (Sanctic) Psychic Power

HQ Battlefield Role (up to one Techmarine for each HQ choice)

I've Been Expecting You: If an enemy unit arrives from reserves within 12" of Coteaz and within his line of sight, Coteaz and his unit can immediately make an out-of-sequence shooting attack against it. There is no limit on how many times the ability can be used in a turn.

Independent Character: (BRB 2014 p166)

Independent Operative: A model with this special rule can never be joined by another character. If a model with this special rule is your armyfs Warlord, it never has a Warlord Trait.


Instant Death: If a model suffers an unsaved Wound from an attack with this special rule, it is reduced to 0 Wounds and is removed as a casualty. (BRB 2014)

It's for Your Own Good: Commissar executes Pyskers who suffer Perils of the Warp (after resolving its effects). (Codex: Astra Militarum)

Leman Russ Commander: (Codex: Astra Militarum)

Life Drain: Armour saves cannot be taken against Wounds inflicted by a Culexus Assassinfs close combat attacks. Any close combat attack inflicted by a Culexus Assassin that rolls a 6 To Wound has the Instant Death special rule. Any close combat attack inflicted by a Culexus Assassin that is allocated to a Psyker has the Instant Death special rule.

Lightning Reflexes: A model with this special rule has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, they do not suffer the penalty to their Initiative for charging enemies through difficult terrain.

Master-crafted: Weapons with the Master-crafted special rule allow the bearer to re-roll one failed roll To Hit per turn with that weapon. (BRB 2014)

Mindlock: (Codex: Astra Militarum p35)

Move Through Cover

Night Vision: (BRB 2014 p168)

No Escape: Enemy characters suffer a -2 penalty to their Look Out, Sir tests against any Wounds inflicted by a model with this special rule.

Orders: Bring it Down!: (Codex: Astra Militarum)

Orders: Fire on my Target!: (Codex: Astra Militarum)

Orders: First Rank, FIRE! Second Rank, FIRE!: (Codex: Astra Militarum)

Orders: Forwards, for the Emperor!: (Codex: Astra Militarum)

Orders: Get Back in the Fight!: (Codex: Astra Militarum)

Orders: Move! Move! Move!: (Codex: Astra Militarum)

Orders: Smite at Will!: (Codex: Astra Militarum)

Orders: Suppressive Fire!: (Codex: Astra Militarum)

Orders: Take Aim!: (Codex: Astra Militarum)

Preferred Enemy (Daemons): (BRB 2014 p169)

Preferred Enemy (Psykers)

Psi-shock: Random Psyker in hit unit suffers Perils of the Warp. (Codex: Grey Knights p57)

Psychic Abomination: Psykers, friend or foe, within 12" of a Culexus Assassin have -3 Leadership, do not generate any Warp Charge (i.e. they do not add dice to their owning playerfs Warp Charge Pool in the Psychic phase) and only harness Warp Charge points on a 6. A Culexus Assassin can never be targeted or affected by psychic powers ? other units in the Culexus Assassin's vicinity that are hit by beam or nova powers, or by Witchfire powers that use templates, are hit/affected normally. Any blessing or malediction psychic powers affecting a unit immediately cease to be in effect if the unit moves within 12" of a Culexus Assassin or vice versa.

Psychic Discipline: Biomancy: (Warhammer 40k rulebook)

Psychic Discipline: Daemonology: (Warhammer 40k rulebook)

Psychic Discipline: Divination: (Warhammer 40k rulebook)

Psychic Discipline: Pyromancy: (Warhammer 40k rulebook)

Psychic Discipline: Telekinesis: (Warhammer 40k rulebook)

Psyk-out Grenades

Psyker (Mastery Level 2): (Warhammer 40k rulebook)


Purity of Spirit


Relentless: (BRB 2014 p170)

Senior Officer: (Codex: Astra Militarum p30)

Servo Skulls

Specialist Weapon: A model fighting with this weapon does not receive + 1 Attack for fighting with two weapons unless it is armed with two or more Melee weapons with the Specialist Weapon rule. (BRB 2014)

Spy Network: Coteaz allows you to re-roll the dice to Seize the Initiative, or force your opponent to re-roll his.


Stubborn: (BRB 2014 p172)

Summary Execution: (Codex: Astra Militarum p33)

Tank Orders: Full Throttle!: (Codex: Astra Militarum p32)

Tank Orders: Gunners, Kill on Sight!: (Codex: Astra Militarum p32)

Tank Orders: Strike and Shroud!: (Codex: Astra Militarum p32)



Terminator Armour: May not make Sweeping Advances

The Aegis: Model's unit re-rolls 1's to Deny the Witch (Codex: Grey Knights)

Unwieldy: A model attacking with this weapon Piles In and fights at Initiative step 1, unless it is a Monstrous Creature or a Walker. (BRB 2014)

Voice of Command: (Codex: Astra Militarum p28)

Volcano Cannon Penetration: (IA1 2nd Ed p100)

War Hymns: The Emperor Protects: (Codex: Astra Militarum p34)

War Hymns: The Emperor's Strength: (Codex: Astra Militarum p34)

War Hymns: The Righteousness of the Emperor: (Codex: Astra Militarum p34)

Warlord: (Warhammer 40k rulebook)

Warlord Trait: Astra Militarum: 1 Grand Strategist
2 Old Grudges
3 Draconian Disciplinarian
4 Implacable Determination
5 Bellowing Voice
6 Master of Command (Codex: Astra Militarum)

Warlord Trait: Old Grudges: (Codex: Astra Militarum)

Zealot: Fearless and Hatred (BRB 2014 p174)

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