CzaryMary (401pts)

Chaos Daemons: Codex (2013) (Combined Arms Detachment) (401pts)

Selection Rules

Blue Horrors: When a Pink Horror is slain in close combat, place a counter next to its unit. At the Initiative 1 step, an enemy unity that is (or was) locked in combat with the Pink Horror unit this phase takes a S2 AP- hit for each counter.

Brotherhood of Sorcerers

Daemon: 5+ Invunerable Save and causes fear.

Daemon of Tzeentch: Daemons of Tzeentch have the Daemon and Hatred (Daemons of Nurgle) special rules. When manifesting psychic powers, Daemons of Tzeentch have a +3 modifier to their Leadership. In addition, Daemons of Tzeentch re-roll all saving throw results of 1.

Daemonic Instability: Cannot join (or be joined by) models without this special rule. Automatically pass Fear, Pinning, and Morale tests.

When a unit with the Daemonic Instability special rule loses an assault, it takes a Daemonic Instability test at the Check Morale step of the Fight sub-phase. This uses the following procedure:

1) Take a Leadership test. if the dice roll is a double 1 or double 6, the Daemon's presence fluctuates:
Double 1 - Reality Blinks: All Wounds suffered by the unit this phase are restored. Any models from this unit killed this phase return, in coherency, at least 1" from enemy models. If the returning modell's unit is locked in combat, the model Piles In.
Double 6 - Banished!: Remove the entire unit from play as casualties. If locked in combat, the enemy consolidates.

2) Now, if a double 1 or double 6 wasn't rolled, compare the roll to the Daemon's Leadership, including modifiers. For each point they fail by, the unit sufffers an additional Wound, with no saves of any kind.

Deep Strike


Hatred (Daemon of Nurgle)

Independent Character

Magic Made Manifest: A unit of 11-15 generates 2 Warp Charge points; a unit of 16-20 generates 3 Warp Charge points.

Psyker Discipline - Change

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