ChujowoNaTakieMalePunkty (404pts)

Chaos - Khorne Daemonkin (Combined Arms Detachment) (404pts)

Selection Rules

Blood for the Blood God!: A Khorne Daemonkin army generates Blood Tithe points that the player keeps track of (up to a max of 8 Tithes). These Blood Tithes are earned by:

1. A unit containing this rule either being completely destroyed, or completely destroying an enemy unit.
2. A Character with this rule is either slain, or slays an enemy character in a challenge.

At the start of the player turn, the player may choose to spend the Blood Tithes (Blood Tithe chart is found in Codex: Khorne Daemonkin). The remaining Blood Tithes are then lost as part of the purchase. The player may still continue to harvest Tithe after all purchases.

Daemon of Khorne: Confers Furious Charge, Daemon and Hatred (Slaanesh) to its models. Hammer of Wrath from chariots are resolved at Strength 7.

Decapitating Blow: Any To Wound rolls of 6 made with this weapon have the Instant Death special rule.

Deep Strike


Mark of Khorne: Confers Rage and Counter-attack to the model.

Skulls for the Skull Throne!: Model must issue and accept challenges. If multiple models have this rule then the controlling player chooses.

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