Can you hear the sniper? (1850pts)

Adepta Sororitas: Codex (2013) (Combined Arms Detachment) (997pts)

Inquisition: Codex (2013) (Inquisitorial Detachment) (653pts)

Officio Assassinorum: Dataslate (2014) (Officio Assassinorum Detachment) (150pts)

Fortifications and Stronghold Assault (2013) (Fortification Detachment) (50pts)

Selection Rules

Act of Faith: A unit with the Act of Faith special rule can attempt to use its Act of Faith immediately before it acts during a phase; i.e. immediately before the unit moves in the Movement phase, shoots (or runs) in the Shooting phase, or before any blows are stuck (either by friend or foe) in the Assault phase. To do so the unit must take a Leadership test.

If the test is failed, nothing happens and that unit cannot attempt to use that Act of Faith again for the rest of the battle. If the test is passed, the Act of Faith is successful; unless stated otherwise, all models in the unit will immediately gain a special rule until the end of the current phase. The special rule gained will be listed in that unitfs Act of Faith entry, along with which phase(s) the Act of Faith can be attempted in.

Unless stated otherwise, a unit can only attempt to use an Act of Faith once per game and a unit cannot attempt to use more than one Act of Faith in the same phase. A unit can only attempt to use an Act of Faith if it is entirely comprised of models with either the Act of Faith or War Hymns special rules.

Assault Vehicle



Deadshot: All successful To Hit rolls made by a Vindicare Assassin, excluding Snap Shots, have the Precision Shots special rule.

Empyrean Brain Mines

Exitus Ammo: Each time a Vindicare Assassin fires a weapon with this special rule, choose one of the three following types of ammunition and apply the chosen ammunitionfs rules to that shot:

? Shield-breaker: Invulnerable saves cannot be taken against Wounds, glancing hits, or penetrating hits from a shield-breaker round.

? Turbo-penetrator: Against vehicles, shots from a turbo-penetrator round count as Strength 10. Against all other targets, shots from a turbo-penetrator round inflict D3 Wounds, rather than just 1.

? Hellfire: Shots from a hellfire round always wound on a 2+



Frag Assault Launchers

Grimoire of True Names

I've Been Expecting You

Independent Character

Independent Operative: A model with this special rule can never be joined by another character. If a model with this special rule is your armyfs Warlord, it never has a Warlord Trait.


Lightning Reflexes: A model with this special rule has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, they do not suffer the penalty to their Initiative for charging enemies through difficult terrain.

Lord of Formosa

Martyrdom: If a model with the Martyrdom special rule is your Warlord, and that model is removed as a casualty during the battle, all friendly units wholly comprised of models with the Act of Faith special rule automatically pass all Leadership tests until the end of your next turn.

Move Through Cover

Neural Shock: Against non-vehicle units with a Leadership of 8 or less, a Neural Whip has the Shred special rule. If there are different Leadership values in the target unit, use the majority value.

No Escape: Enemy characters suffer a -2 penalty to their Look Out, Sir tests against any Wounds inflicted by a model with this special rule.

Power of the Machine Spirit

Psyk-out Grenades

Psyker (Mastery Level 2)


Shield of Faith: Models with the Shield of Faith special rule have a 6+ invulnerable save and the Adamantium Will special rule.

Spy Network


Storm Shield: 3+ Inv Save


Uncanny Reflexes: 5++ invulnerable save

War Hymns: A model with this special rule can take a Leadership test at the beginning of each Fight sub-phase in which he is locked in combat. If the test is successful, choose one of the following war hymns to immediately take effect.

The Emperor Protects: The model and his unit re-roll all failed armour and invulnerable saves until the end of the phase.

The Emperorfs Strength: The model has the Smash special rule until the end of the phase.

The Righteousness of the Emperor: The model and his unit re-roll failed rolls To Wound until the end of the phase.


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