Blood for the blood god (1850pts)

Codex: Khorne Daemonkin (Formation Detachment) (1850pts)

Selection Rules

Blood for the Blood God!: A Khorne Daemonkin army generates Blood Tithe points that the player keeps track of (up to a max of 8 Tithes). These Blood Tithes are earned by:

1. A unit containing this rule either being completely destroyed, or completely destroying an enemy unit.
2. A Character with this rule is either slain, or slays an enemy character in a challenge.

At the start of the player turn, the player may choose to spend the Blood Tithes (Blood Tithe chart is found in Codex: Khorne Daemonkin). The remaining Blood Tithes are then lost as part of the purchase. The player may still continue to harvest Tithe after all purchases.

Blood Sacrifice: If a cultist unit fails a morale check, you can choose to remove the remaining models as casualties.

Boon of Khorne: When you choose a Blood Tithe result on the table, select a second Tithe (that is both under 4 Tithe's and under the original Tithe reward) and that Tithe is applied as well. The second Tithe affects all units in the formation and lasts until end of turn.

Chosen of Khorne: If this formation is the Primary detachment, you may re-roll the result of the Warlord Traits table.

Daemon of Khorne: Confers Furious charge, Daemon and Hatred (Slaanesh) to its models. Hammer of Wrath from chariots are resolved at Strength 7.

Daemonforge: Once per game, at the start of any shooting or assault phase, the model may activate its Daemonforge.

Until the end of that phase, the model in question may re-roll all its failed to-wound/armour penetration rolls.
At the end of the phase in which this is used, roll a D6. On a 1 the model immediately loses a Hull Point with no save allowed.

Decapitating Blow: Any roll of a 6 on the to-wound chart confers Instant Death

Deep Strike



Independent Character

It Will Not Die!

Mark of Khorne: Confers Rage and Counter-attack to the model.

Skulls for the Skull Throne!: Model must issue and accept challenges. If multiple models have this rule then the controlling player chooses.

Vessels of Chaos: At the start of each fight sub-phase, roll a D3 on the mutation table provided in Codex: Khorne Daemonkin for each friendly Possessed unit locked in combat. The unit (and all models in it,) recieves the corresponding result until the end of the Game Turn.

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