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Necrons: Codex (2015) (Combined Arms Detachment) (1190pts)

Necrons: Codex (2015) (Decurion Detachment) (3810pts)

Roster Rules

Ever-living (Decurion Detachment): Models in this Detachment with the Reanimation Protocols special rule receive a +1 bonus to Reanimation Protocols rolls. Models in this Detachment with the Living Metal rule ignore the effects of Crew Stunned and Crew Shaken (but still lose a Hull Point).

Selection Rules

Amalgamated Targeting Data: When a Doom Scythe from this Formation fires its death ray at an enemy unit, add 2 to its Ballistic Skill for each other Doom Scythe from this Formation that has shot at the same enemy unit this turn.

Deep Strike: 1. Unit destroyed.
2-3. Opponent may deploy the unit anywhere.
4-6. Unit goes back to Ongoing Reserves.

Divert Power: A vehicle can only fire a weapon with this rule if it remained stationary in its preceding Movement phase.

Enhanced Reanimation Protocols: You can re-roll Reanimation Protocols rolls of 1 for the Overlord from this Formation (or the model taken in place of the Overlord) and units from this Formation that are within 12" of him.

Entropic Strike: If a model has this special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has this special rule, a To Wound roll of a 6 wounds automatically, regardless of the target's Toughness. Against vehicles and buildings, an Armour Penetration roll of 6 that does not cause a penetrating hit automatically causes a glancing hit.

Eternity Gate: At the start of each friendly turn, you may choose one friendly unit with the Necrons Faction consisting entirely of models with either the Infantry or Jump Infantry unit type that is in Reserves, Ongoing Reserves, or is on the table and not locked in combat. If the chosen unit is in Reserves or Ongoing Reserves, it automatically arrives this turn (no dice roll is required) and it is placed as if it were disembarking from the Monolith's portal at the start of the Movement phase. If the chosen unit is currently on the battlefield, it is first removed from the table and then placed as described above. Any models that cannot be placed are removed as casualties, but the unit is otherwise treated exactly as if it were disembarking from a Transport vehicle.


Fearless: The unit automatically passes Pinning, Fear, Regroup and Morale-checks but cannot Go to Ground or choose to fail a Moral Check.

Gauss: When firing a weapon with this special rule, a To Wound roll of a 6 wounds automatically, regardless of the target's Toughness. Against vehicles and buildings, an Armour Penetration roll of a 6 that does not cause a penetrating hit automatically causes a glancing hit.

Independent Character

Independent Targeting: A weapon with this special rule can fire at a different target to the vehicle's other weapons, but cannot target a unit forced to disembark as a result of a prior shooting attack made by the same vehicle during the same Shooting phase.

Living Metal: A model with this special rule ignores the effects of Crew Shaken (but still loses a Hull Point). At the end of each of your turns, roll a D6 for each of your Heavy or Super-heavy vehicles with this special rule that has less than its starting number of Hull Points, but has not been destroyed. On a roll of a 6, that model regains a Hull Point lost earlier in the game.

Lord of Technomancy: Illuminor Szeras and all friendly models with the Reanimation Protocols special rule in units within 6" of him, including his own unit, receive a +1 bonus to Reanimation Protocols rolls.

Mechanical Augmentation: Before deployment select a unit of Warriors or Immortals and roll a D6.
1-2 Unit has T5
3-4 Unit has BS5
5-6 Unit has S5

Move Through Cover: Unit is not slowed when charging through Difficult Terrain and may roll an additional D6 when moving through it.
Automatically passes Dangerous Terrain-test.

Reanimation Protocols: When a model with this special rule suffers an unsaved Wound, it can make a special Reanimation Protocols roll to avoid being wounded. This is not a saving throw and so can be used against attacks that state ‘no saves of any kind are allowed'. Reanimation Protocols rolls may even be taken against hits with the Instant Death special rule, but cannot be used against hits from Destroyer weapons or any special rule or attack that states that the model is ‘removed from play'.

Roll a D6 each time the model suffers an unsaved Wound, subtracting 1 from the result if the hit that inflicted the Wound had the Instant Death special rule. On a 5+, discount the unsaved Wound - treat it as having been saved. Certain special rules and wargear items can provide modifiers to this dice roll; these are cumulative, but the required dice roll can never be improved to be better than 4+.

If a unit has both the Reanimation Protocols and Feel No Pain special rules, you can choose to use one special rule or the other to attempt to avoid the Wound, but not both. Choose which of the two special rules you will use each time a model suffers an unsaved Wound.

Relentless: May fire Heavy, Salvo or Ordnance after moving.
May charge after firing Heavy, Ordnance, Rapid Fire or Salvo.

Repair Barge: At the start of each friendly Movement phase, this model can repair fallen Necron Warriors. To do so, nominate a friendly unit of Necron Warriors that is either within 6" of this model or embarked upon it, and roll a D3. Add a number of Necron Warriors to the unit equal to the result - this cannot take the unit beyond its starting size nor, if it is currently embarked in the Ghost Ark, beyond the vehicle's Transport Capacity (any excess are destroyed). These Necron Warriors must be placed within 6" of the Ghost Ark, or if the unit is currently embarked in the Ghost Ark, within it. If a model cannot be placed for any reason, it is destroyed. Necron Warriors repaired in this manner can move and act normally this turn.

Supersonic: Moves Flat Out between 18 and 36"

Swarms: When two models are tied for the closest model, always allocate to the model with the least amount of Wounds left.
For Blasts and Templates each unsaved Wound is doubled unless it would cause Instant Death.
A unit with only Swarms-models is not slowed by Difficult Terrain.

Tesla: When firing a weapon with this special rule, a To Hit roll of a 6 causes 2 additional hits on the target. Snap Shots never cause additional hits as a result of this special rule.

Transport Capacity (Ghost Ark): Ten models. It can only carry Necron Warriors and Necron characters with the Infantry unit type.

Wailing Cacophony: All enemy units that are within 12" of at least two Doom Scythes from this Formation have -1 Leadership.

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