805 Tyranids - Papa Bug and the Gribblies (Warhammer 40,000 7th Edition v2012) (805pts)

Combined Arms Detachment (Tyranids: Codex (2014) v2003) (805pts)

Ideal Mission Commander, Objective Secured (Troops)

Force Rules

Ideal Mission Commander: If this Detachment is chosen as your Primary Detachment, you can choose to re-roll the result on the Warlord Trait table. (BRB)

Objective Secured (Troops): A unit with this special rule controls objectives even if an enemy scoring unit is within range of the objective marker, unless the enemy unit also has this special rule. (BRB)

Selection Rules

Bounding Leap: Units entirely composed of models with this special rule Run an additional 3" (this will
normally be D6+3"). (Codex: Tyranids p42)

Fearless: (Warhammer 40k rulebook p35)

Fleet: (Warhammer 40k rulebook p35)

Instinctive Behaviour - Feed: 1-3 - Cannibalistic Hunger: The unit immediately suffers a number of hits equal to
the number of models in that unit. These hits are resolved using the unitfs majority
Strength (if drawn, use the highest) and AP-. Wounds are allocated by the owning player
and armour saves (but not cover saves) may be taken. After resolving casualties (if any)
the unit can do nothing else until the end of its turn. Units consisting of only a single
model treat this result as Devour (below), instead.

4-5 - Devour: In the Shooting phase, the unit cannot shoot or Run. In the Assault phase,
if the unit is able to declare a charge, it must do so against the closest viable enemy unit.
If the unit cannot declare a charge, it does nothing in the Assault phase.

6 - Kill: This follows all the rules for Devour (above). In addition, the unit gains the Rage
special rule. (Codex: Tyranids p33)

Instinctive Behaviour - Lurk: 1-3 - Survive: The unit is treated as having failed a Morale test and must immediately
Fall Back.

4-5 - Seek Cover: In the Movement phase, the unit is not slowed by difficult terrain,
though its models must take Dangerous Terrain tests as normal. In the Shooting phase,
the unit can Run, but it can only shoot if it is in a building or area terrain (if the unit is
partially within area terrain, only those models within area terrain are allowed to shoot).
The unit cannot charge in the Assault phase.

6 - Stalk: This follows all the rules for Seek Cover (above). In addition, the unit gains the
Stealth special rule. (Codex: Tyranids p33)

Living Battering Ram: When this model charges, it inflicts D3 Hammer of Wrath Attacks, rather than just 1. (Codex: Tyranids p52)

Move Through Cover: (Warhammer 40k rulebook p40)

Powers of the Hive Mind: Primaris Power (Dominion) - WC 1 : Dominion is a blessing that targets the Psyker. Whilst this power is in effect the Psyker adds 6" to its synapse range. If the Psyker doesn't have the Synapse Creature special rule, it gains it for the duration of this power and has a synapse range of 6".

1. Catalyst - WC 1 : A blessing that targets the Psykerfs unit and up to one other friendly unit from Codex: Tyranids that is within 12". Whilst this power is in effect, the targets gain the Feel No Pain special rule.

2. The Horror - WC 1 : A malediction that targets a single enemy unit within 24h. The target must immediately take a Pinning test (as described for the Pinning special rule in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook) with a -2 modifier to their Leadership.

3. Onslaught - WC 1 : A blessing that targets a single friendly unit within 24". Whilst this power is in effect, the target unit can both Run and then shoot in its Shooting phase.

4. Paroxysm - WC 1 : A malediction that targets a single enemy unit within 24". Whilst this power is in effect, the target unitfs Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill are both reduced by D3 (roll once and apply the result to both characteristics).

5. Psychic Scream - WC 1 : A nova power with a range of 6". For each target unit, roll 2D6+2 and subtract their Leadership. That unit suffers a number of Wounds equal to the result. Armour and cover saves cannot be taken against Wounds caused by Psychic Scream.

6. Warp Blast - WC 2 : A witchfire power. Each time this power is manifested, the controlling player must choose which profile is being used, before the target is chosen:
Burst : Range - 24" | S5 | AP3 | Assault 1, Blast
Lance : Range - 18" | S10 | AP2 | Assault 1, Lance (Codex: Tyranids)

Psyker: (Warhammer 40k rulebook p41)

Shadow in the Warp: All enemy units and models with the Psyker, Psychic Pilot or Brotherhood of Psykers
special rules suffer a -3 penalty to their Leadership whilst they are within 12" of one or
more models with the Shadow in the Warp special rule. (Codex: Tyranids p38)

Smash: All of the close combat attacks, except Hammer of Wrath attacks, of a model with this special rule are resolved at AP2 (unless itfs attacking with an AP1 weapon). Additionally, when it makes its close combat attacks, it can choose instead to make a single Smash Attack. If it does so, roll To Hit as normal, but resolve the Attack at double the modelfs Strength (to a maximum of 10). Furthermore, a model making a Smash Attack can re-roll its armour penetration rolls, but must abide by the second result. (BRB)

Synapse Creature: Models with the Synapse Creature special rule have a synapse range of 12". Friendly
Codex: Tyranids models within this synapse range, including the Synapse Creatures
themselves, have the Fearless special rule. If a unit from Codex: Tyranids is falling back
and at least one of the unitfs models is within a friendly Synapse Creaturefs synapse range
before the unit moves, the unit automatically Regroups. (Codex: Tyranids p38)

Very Bulky: Very Bulky models count as three models for the purposes of Transport Capacity.

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