1850 Salamanders and Flesh Tearers - Melt'n'Slash (Warhammer 40,000 7th Edition v2012) (1850pts)

Combined Arms Detachment (Space Marines: Codex v2008) (705pts)

Combat Docrines, Ideal Mission Commander, Ideal Mission Commander, Objective Secured (Troops)

BA Flesh Tearers Strike Force (Blood Angels: Codex (2014) v2002) (1145pts)

Force Rules

Combat Docrines: Several special rules allow units or Formations to enact one or more of the following Combat Doctrines. Whenever a rule allows this, it will note which units are affected and how many times per game the Doctrine(s) can be enacted. These are cumulative. You can enact a single available Combat Doctrine at the start of each of your turns.

Tactical: Affected models can re-roll To Hit rolls of 1 in the Shooting and Assault phases of this turn. Affected models in Tactical Squads, including any affected models with the Independent Character special rule that have joined those squads, can instead re-roll all failed To Hit rolls in the Shooting and Assault phases of this turn.

Assault: Affected models can re-roll To Hit rolls of 1 in the Assault phase of this turn. Affected models in Assault Squads, Bike Squads, Attack Bike Squads, and Centurion Assault Squads, including any affected models with the Independent Character special rule that have joined those squads, can instead re-roll all failed To Hit rolls in the Assault phase of this turn.

Devastator: Affected models can re-roll To Hit rolls of 1 in the Shooting phase of this turn. Affected models in Devestator Squads and Centurion Devastator Squads, including any affected models with the Independent Character special rule that have joined those squads, can instead re-roll all failed To Hit rolls in the Shooting phase of this turn. (Codex: Space Marines)

Ideal Mission Commander: If this Detachment is chosen as your Primary Detachment, you can choose to re-roll the result on the Warlord Trait table. (BRB)

Objective Secured (Troops): A unit with this special rule controls objectives even if an enemy scoring unit is within range of the objective marker, unless the enemy unit also has this special rule. (BRB)

Selection Rules

And They Shall Know No Fear: A unit that contains at least one model with this special rule automatically passes Fear and Regroup tests. When it Regroups, the unit does not make the 3" Regroup move, but can instead move, shoot (or Run) and declare charges normally in that turn. Furthermore, if a unit containing one or more models with this special rule is caught by a Sweeping Advance, they are not destroyed, but remain locked in combat instead. (BRB)

Assault Vehicle: Shrouded on the turn it arrives. This also confers to the Dreadnought if he remains on any part of the Drop Pod's structure.

Burning Retros

Chapter Tactics: When choosing an army, all models in the same Detachment or Formation must be drawn from the same Chapter. If a unit's datasheet contains a Chapter in brackets after the Chapter Tactics special rule - for example, "Chapter Tactics (Ultramarines)" - the unit must always be drawn from this Chapter, and therefore cannot be included in a Detachment or Formation with any units that are drawn from other Chapters. All models drawn from a given Chapter benefit from that Chapter's Special Rule. If a unit contains models drawn from two different Chapters, it counts as from neither Chapter, and thus benefits from neither Chapter Tactic. (Codex: Space Marines)

Chapter Tactics (Salamanders): When choosing an army, all models in the same Detachment or Formation must be drawn from the same Chapter. If a unit's datasheet contains a Chapter in brackets after the Chapter Tactics special rule - for example, "Chapter Tactics (Ultramarines)" - the unit must always be drawn from this Chapter, and therefore cannot be included in a Detachment or Formation with any units that are drawn from other Chapters. All models drawn from a given Chapter benefit from that Chapter's Special Rule. If a unit contains models drawn from two different Chapters, it counts as from neither Chapter, and thus benefits from neither Chapter Tactic. (Codex: Space Marines)

Combat Squads: A full strength, ten-man unit with this special rule can break down into two five-man units, called combat squads, considered to be two five-man squads of the same type. For example, a ten-man Tactical Squad can split into two five-man Tactical Squads using the Combat Squads special rule.

You must decide which units are splitting into combat squads, and which models go into each combat squad, immediately before determining your Warlord Traits. A unit split into combat squads therefore is now two separate units for all game purposes, including calculating the total number of units in the army and determining the number of units you can place in reserve. Then proceed with deployment as normal. In an exception to the normal rules, two combat squads split from the same unit can embark in the same transport vehicle, providing its Transport Capacity allows. Once you have decided whether or not to split a unit into combat squads, it must remain that way for the entire battle. It cannot split up or join back together later on in the battle, nor can you use a redeployment to split up a unit or join it back together.

Note that Bike Squads count as being at full strength when they have eight Space Marine Bikers and one Attack Bike. If split into combat squads, one combat squad will have five Bikers, the other will have three and the Attack Bike. (Codex: Space Marines)

Drop Pod Assault

Fearless: Units containing one or more models with the Fearless special rule automatically pass Pinning, Fear, Regroup tests and Morale checks, but cannot Go to Ground and cannot choose to fail a Morale check due to the Our Weapons Are Useless rule. If a unit has Gone to Ground and then gains the Fearless special rule, all the effects of Go to Ground are immediately cancelled. (BRB)

Feel No Pain: When a model with this special rule suffers an unsaved Wound, it can make a special Feel No Pain roll to avoid being wounded (this is not a saving throw and so can be used against attacks that state that eno saves of any kind are allowedf, for example those inflicted by Perils of the Warp).

Feel No Pain saves may not be taken against Destroyer attacks or against unsaved Wounds that have the Instant Death special rule.

Roll a D6 each time an unsaved Wound is suffered. On a 4 or less, you must take the Wound as normal. On a 5+, the unsaved Wound is discounted ? treat it as having been saved.

If a unit has the Feel No Pain special rule with a number in brackets afterwards ?Feel No Pain (6+), for example ? then the number in brackets is the D6 result needed to discount the Wound. (BRB)

Flamecraft: Salamanders models have the Feel No Pain (4+) special rule against Wounds caused by flamer weapons (as defined in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules). Furthermore, when using flamer weapons, Salamanders models can re-roll failed To Wound rolls and armour penetration rolls that do not result in a glancing or penetrating hit. (Codex: Space Marines)

Furious Charge: In a turn in which a model with this special rule charges into combat, it adds +1 to its Strength characteristic until the end of the Assault phase. A model that has made a disordered charge that turn receives no benefit from Furious Charge. (BRB)


Independant Character: Independent characters can join other units. They cannot, however, join units that contain vehicles or Monstrous Creatures. They can join other Independent Characters, though, to form a powerful multi-character unit! Independent Characters pass Look Out, Sir rolls on a 2+. A unit that contains one or more Independent Characters does not need a double 1 to Regroup if reduced to below 25% of its starting numbres, but instead tests as if it had at least 25% remaining.

Full details in BRB. Rule too long to copy verbatim. (BRB)

Inertial Guidance System

Linebreaker Bombardment: If a unit contains three Vindicators that can fire their cannons the unit may fire a Linebreaker Bombardment instead. One Vindicator fires its cannon as Apocalyptic Blast, instead of Large Blast, and gains Ignores Cover. (Angel's Blade p100)

Master Artisans: During army selection, each Salamanders character may upgrade one of his weapons (even one purchased as an upgrade, but not a Chapter Relic or Relic of Nocturne) to have the Master-Crafted special rule (Codex: Space Marines)

Master-crafted: Weapons with the Master-crafted special rule allow the bearer to re-roll one failed roll To Hit per turn with that weapon. (BRB)

Melta: Ranged weapons with this special rule roll an additional D6 when rolling to penetrate a vehiclefs armour at half range or less. If the weapon is more than half its maximum range away, it rolls to penetrate as normal.

If a weapon has both the Melta and Blast special rules, measure the distance to the centre of the blast marker after it has scattered. If this is half the weaponfs range or less, all hits caused by the blast marker roll an addition D6 when rolling to penetrate a vehiclefs armour. If the centre of the blast marker is more than half the weaponfs maximum range away after scatter, roll to penetrate as normal. (BRB)

None Can Stay My Wrath: Ignores the effect of Crew Shaken or Crew Stunned.

One Use Only/One Shot Only: A weapon or ability with this special rule can only be used once during the course of a battle. (BRB)

Psyker: A Librarian generates his psychic powers from the Sanguinary, Biomancy, Daemonology, Divination and Pyromancy disciplines.

Rage: In a turn in which a model with this special rule charges into combat, it gains +2 Attacks for charging, rather than +1. A model that has made a disordered charge that turn receives no benefit from Rage. (BRB)

Relentless: Relentless models can shoot with Heavy, Salvo or Ordnance weapons, counting as stationary, even if they moved in the previous Movement phase. They are also allowed to charge in the same turn they fire Heavy, Ordnance, Rapid Fire or Salvo weapons. (BRB)

The Angel's Virtue: If this Detachment is chosen as your Primary Detachment, you can re-roll the result when rolling on the Warlord Traits table in Codex: Blood Angels.

The Forgefather: If Vulkan He'stan is your Warlord, all meltaguns, combi-meltas, and multi-meltas fired by models in his Detachment have the Master-crafted special rule. (Codex: Space Marines)

The Red Thirst: In a turn in which a model from this Formation charges into combat, the model adds 1 to its Initiative characteristic until the end of the Assault phase. A model that has made a disordered charge that turn receives no benefit from the The Red Thirst.

Two-Handed: A model attacking with this weapon never receives +1 Attack for fighting with two Melee weapons. (BRB)

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