Bright Devils (1405pts)

Dark Angels: Codex (2015) (DA The Lion's Blade Detachment) (1405pts)

Selection Rules

And They Shall Know No Fear: Automatically regroups, can act normally on the turn it regroups. Not killed by Sweeping Advances. Immune to effects of Fear. (BRB 2014 p157)

Anti-grav Upwash: With at least 3 Ravewning Land Speeders, a Speeder can move an additional 6" when moving Flat Out.

Bulky: Counts as two models for transport capacity. (BRB 2014 p159)

Combat Squads: A 10-man unit with this rule can break down into two 5-man units.
You must decide which units are splitting into combat squads, and which models go into which combat squad BEFORE deployment, for all purposes they are considered to be two separate units.
Note: two combat squads split from the same unit may share transport space in the same transport vehicle.

Ravenwing Bike Squads are at full strength with seven models and may split into three combat squads: two units of three models and a single Attack Bike (Codex: Dark Angels 2015 p148)

Company Support: If The Lion's Blade includes 2 Demi Battle companys, whereas one includes a Company Master and the other a Chaplain, all Rhinos, Razorbacks and Drop Pods for units in a Demi Battle Company are free. Cost for upgrades still has to be paid.

Concussive: A model that suffers one or more unsaved Wounds from a weapon with this special rule is reduced to Initiative 1 until the end of the following Assault phase. (BRB 2014 p163)

Deathwing: A model with this special rule has the Fearless and Hatred (Chaos Space Marines) special rules. (Codex: Dark Angels 2015 p148)

Deathwing Assault: All unit must be placed in Deep Strike Reserve. Make secret note after determining Warlord Traits. Deathwing Redemption Force in your army to arrive your turn 2,3 or 4. All units in the formation arrive at the start of the chosen turn. Venerable in Drop Pod automatically arrives at the start of the chosen turn, and ignore normal rules that determine when a Drop Pod arrives.

Deep Strike: (Read the BRB, it's too complicated to explain in a small space.) (BRB 2014 p162)

Fear: At the start of the Fight sub-phase, a unit in base contact with this model must take a Fear test.

If the test is failed then the unit has it's WS reduced to 1 for the remainder of the sub-phase.

Models with "And They Shall Know No Fear" and "Fearless" are immune to this rule. (BRB 2014 p163)

Fearless: Automatically pass all Pinning-, Fear- and Regroup tests and Morale checks. Cannot go to ground or use the "Our Weapons Are Useless" rule. (BRB 2014 p163)

Force: Psyker also has Force power: Warp Charge 1 Blessing, Psyker's unit's weapons with this rule gain Instant Death for a turn. (BRB 2014 p164)

Grim Resolve: A model with this rule has Stubborn and therefore ignores negative Leadership modifiers. In addition they may never choose to fail a morale check. Allows overwatch to be resolved at BS2. (Codex: Dark Angels 2015 p148)

Hatred (Chaos Space Marines): Reroll all misses in the first round of each close combat.

Icon of old Caliban: All friendlies within 6" have Fear and Stealth. Units beginning their assault phase within 6" are not subjective to Overwatch. (Codex: Dark Angels 2015 p127)

Independent Character: Independent Characters can join and leave other units that do not contain vehicles or Monstrous Creatures. Independent Characters may join with other Independent Characters to form a powerful multi-character unit.
An Independent Character counts as having joined a unit if he ends his move within 2" of them, if he is within 2" of more than one unit you must declare which unit he is joining.
An Independent Character may leave his unit and join another one in the same movement phase, but he may not join a unit in any other phase.
An Independent Character cannot join or leave a unit that is locked in combat or falling back, he also may not leave a unit that has gone to ground.

Look out Sir is taken on a 2+.

If a unit with an Independent Character in it has fallen to below 25% strength they test as if they had 25% remaining.

When an Independent Character joins a unit he looses all special rules that the unit does not have unless the rule says it applies to the unit (e.g. Stubborn) and vice versa.

If the unit is suffering from ongoing effects (eg blind, soul blaze) and the Independent Character leaves the unit, he is still suffering from those effects as well, but they to not transfer to a new unit he joins. (BRB 2014 p166)

Interceptor: (BRB 2014)

Jink: When a unit with any models with the Jink special rule is selected as a target for a shooting attack, you may declare that it will Jink. The decision must be made before any To Hit rolls have been made. If the unit Jinks, all models in the unit with this special rule gain a 4 + cover save until the start of their next Movement phase, but they can only fire Snap Shots until the end of their next turn. (BRB 2014)

Mastery Level 1: Generate 1 Warp Charge per turn, choose 1 power from: Interromancy (Dark Angels p 156), Divination, Pyromancy, Telepathy, Telekinesis or and/or Demonology

No sweeping advances: This model or unit can never make sweeping advances.

Outflank: When this unit arrives from reserves roll a die. On a 1 or 2 it comes in on your left, on a 3 or 4 it comes in on your right and on a 5 or 6 you choose right or left. (BRB 2014 p168)

Rapid Fire: Has one extra attack while in/below half range. (BRB 2014 p42)

Ravenshield: May fire overwatch if another Ravenwing unit within 24" is being assaulted. To fire a template weapon, they must be within 6" of the charged friendly unit. (Codex: Dark Angels 2015 p142)

Ravenwing: Reroll failed cover saves when jinking. (Codex: Dark Angels 2015 p148)

Relentless: Counts as stationary for firing Heavy, Salvo, or Ordenance weapons. May charge after firing any type of weapon. (BRB 2014 p170)

Repair: If a Rhino is Immobilized, you may during the shooting phase roll a D6 instead of shooting; on a 6 the Rhino is no longer immobilized. (Codex: Dark Angels 6th p38)

Restrictions: Venerable Dreadnought Units may only include a single model and must have purchased a Drop Pod as Dedicated Transport. Independent Characters need to have purchased Terminator Armour.

Scout: After all deployment but before first turn a unit with this rule may redeploy. If it is Infantry, Artillery, Walker or a Monstrous Creature it may redeploy anywhere within 6", all other unit types may redeploy anywhere within 12", and all must remain 12" away from enemy units.
Any unit that redeploys with this rule may not charge on the first turn.
If held in reserve, the unit gains Outflank. (BRB 2014 p171)

Shrouded: Counts it's cover save as 2 better than normal (Combines with Stealth) (BRB 2014 p170)

Split Fire: A single model may fire at a different target than the rest of the unit. (BRB 2014 p172)

Stealth: Counts it's coversave as 1 point better than normal (Combines with Shrouded) (BRB 2014 p172)

Strafing Run: When shooting assault, heavy, rapid fire or salvo, gains pinning. Also if the target is Artillery, Beast, Bike, Cavalry, Infantry, Monstrous Creatures and non-flyer/non-skimmer vehicles gains +1 BS

Support squadron: All vehicles in this detachment form a single unit. If it is completely destroyed, it counts as 2 units for that purpose.

Supreme Fire Discipline: Unless jinking, all units in this formation with the Grim Resolve Special Rule fire Overwatch at full BS.

Unwieldy: A model attacking with this weapon Piles In and fights at Initiative step 1, unless it is a Monstrous Creature or a Walker. (BRB 2014 p174)

Vengeful Strike: Weapons are Twin-Linked on the turn this Deathwing model deep strikes. (Codex: Dark Angels 2015 p154)

Zealot: Automatically pass all Pinning-, Fear- and Regroup tests and Morale checks. Cannot go to ground or use the "Our Weapons Are Useless" rule.

Unit re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls during the first round of each close combat (BRB 2014 p174)

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