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File 14326888666.png - (296.96KB , 500x500 , Basilisk.png )
34 No. 34
A place for personal blogs and offending each other.
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>> No. 35
File 143268947721.png - (3.81MB , 2100x1400 , ImoutoEldar.png )
>Space Lolis vs Space Elves: The Retribution
>1850 points game,
>Maelstorm of War: Cleanse and Control

Adepta Sororitas: >>33

Eldar: Aspect Host (3x Fire Dragons) + Wraith Host (Wraithknight, Wraithlord, Wraithblades, 2x Wraithguard, Spiritseer as Warlord)

5(+1) turns, Eldar won the initiative. Rage SR for the Canoness as a Warlord Trait, Spiritseer got offensive re-roll.
>> No. 36
File 143268981933.png - (3.83MB , 2100x1400 , ImoutoEldar1.png )
After first turn:

Sororitas Command Rhino got wrecked and one of the Celestians died, but otherwise it wasn't that bad. Eldar losses were far more serious - Wraithknight got beaten down to 3 wounds, one of the Wraithguard squads lost both D-scythes and their Warlord died.

+1 VP for First Blood
= 1

Adepta Sororitas:
+1 VP for Slaying the Warlord
= 1
>> No. 38
File 143269067188.png - (3.86MB , 2100x1400 , ImoutoEldar2.png )
Wait, I had the Kingslayer (TO 61) there, so it was an additional +1 VP for Sisters. He had Storm & Defend: Secure Objective 2 (TO 32), with +1 VP for Eldar. 2:2 at the end of first turn.

End of Second turn:

Horrible losses on sisters side in the middle due to the D-scythes and Fusion guns. They tried to strike back and tied some in melee, but it was far from being successful. Some charges didn't even go through.

+2 for Supremacy (TO 45)
+1 for Psychological Warfare (TO 55)
+1 for Take & Hold: Secure Objective 6 (TO 26)
= 6

Adepta Sororitas:
+1 for Capture & Control: Secure Objective 6 (TO 16)
= 3
>> No. 39
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Correction againg: I had two TOs for capturing objective 6, so it's 4 total VPs for Sisters.

End of turn three:
The combat is still on. White squad manages to hold their ground. Sisters' Warlord gets slain. A lone Priest survives the rape.

+1 for Slay the Warlord
+1 for Combined Strike (Eldar TO 16)
= 7

+1 for Overwhelming Firepower (TO 51)
= 5
>> No. 40
File 143269217081.png - (3.90MB , 2100x1400 , ImoutoEldar5.png )
End of turn four:

Battle Sisters with a help of the lone priest finally managed to win the close combat and charget the Wraithblades who were smashing the vehicles. Other sisters got morale broken, but managed to regroup. Lucky set of cards got some sweet points for sisters with little effort.

+1 for Psychological Warfare (TO 55)
+1 for Secure Objective 4
= 9

Adepta Sororitas:
+1 for Blood and Guts (TO 52)
+1 for Secure Objective 1
+1 for Secure Objective 5
= 8
>> No. 41
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End of turn five and the game:
Nothing much happened. Even with Wraithlord joining the combat in the middle, the sisters with a lone priest held their ground, not allowing him the Eldar to secure their Objective 6. One Rhino died... somewhere. Two squads of sisters shot down the Wraithguard, effectively winning the game as a roll of 1 decided that there'd be no further turns.

= 8 Victory Points

Adepta Sororitas:
+1 for Overwhelming Firepower (TO 51)
+1 for No Prisoners (TO 53)
= 9 Victory Points

A damn close game I'd never hoped to actually win. Also shows how overpowered new Eldar are.
>> No. 42
File 143269410188.png - (393.43KB , 764x691 , 1429546470199.png )
Wow, I can't count for shit. It was 9 VPs to 10 VPs of course.

Also, urafaget and Eldar suck.
>> No. 43
>>35 >>36 >>38 >>39 >>40 >>41 >>42
A quick calculation says that Sisters had 397 points remaining on the map, while Eldar got 764 points left. Wow. I actually thought it was even worse. :P
>> No. 44
no u
Feel the rape.
Onii-chan, his Imouto-chan and Kurausu will return.
>> No. 45

Yuria-chan got a promotion and will definitely come back to bully you as an onee-sama.
>> No. 47
File 143280253766.jpg - (458.60KB , 1575x1050 , Orkz0.jpg )
>Cute Green Harem vs Space Elves: The Waaaaaaagh-a
>1850 points
>Maelstorm of War

Orkz: >>46

Eldar: CAD
- Farseer on a bike
- Spiritseer
- Rangers
- Rangers
- Wraithguard
- Wraithguard
- Wraithblades
>Heavy Support:
- Wraithlord
>Lord of War:
- Wraithknight

5(+1) turns, Eldar won the initiative AGAIN.
Orkz got two traits: +1 Strength for the Big Mek, and 3 units got the outflank (Actually only one squad of Boyz since Deffkoptas have it anyway)
Eldar got a re-roll of saving throws of 1.
>> No. 48
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End of turn one:

Eldar didn't really do anything that matters. Only a few Boyz died in their shooting phase. Orkz did a little better, since they killed one of the HQs (why was it runnin' around alone again?) and god some sweet objectives.

Eldar VPs:
None at all

+1 for Assassinate (TO 64)
+1 for Storm and Defend: Secure Objective 5 (TO 35)
+1 for MORE DAKKA! (Orkz TO 11)
+1 for First Blood
= 4
>> No. 50
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End of turn two:

Wraithknight wrecked the Battlewagon. Wraithblades and a Wraithlord charged into melee after splitting the orange Boyz squad in two in shooting phase - after completely obliterating the right side, Wraithlord couldn't reach the other half so it broke out of combat. Too bad for it, as it got shot down by angry Flash Gitz coming out of their wrecked Trukk in the shooting phase. Sneaky Boyz squad got out of the reserves, so did the Deffkoptas. Some other Boyz died but nobody ever cared for them. What matters is MORE DAKKA MORE KILLA MORE POINTZ.

+1 for Combined Strike (Eldar TO 16)
= 1

+1 for Take & Hold: Secure Objective 4 (TO 24)
= 5
>> No. 58
File 143306788398.jpg - (795.53KB , 2100x1400 , Map---City---sniperprepared0.jpg )
>1850 points
>Maelstorm of War

>Adepta Sororitas + Inquisition + Officio Assassinatorum

>Chaos Space Marines + Chaos Daemons


I won the Initiative with Sisters and took the bottom deployment area. Chaos was second and took the top-left and Ork, as the last one, had the privillege to choose the top-left. For Traits I got the Tenacity (Feel no Pain) from Personal table, Chaos got Intimidating Presence (Enemies within 12" of the Warlord use their lowest Leadership) from Command table and Ork got Master of the Vanguard (+1" to Run and Charge moves withing 12" of the Warlord).

I deployed everything on the map right away.

Chaos kept Raptors with Chaos Lord, Bloodthrister and Bloodletters in reserves, all of them for deep-striking.

Ork kept one Boyz squad in reserves because he couldn't fit all of them in his deployment zone.
>> No. 60
File 143306830094.jpg - (792.44KB , 2100x1400 , Map---City---sniperprepared11.jpg )
Objectives for Sisters:
>Hungry for Glory (TO 54)
>Cap Objective 4 (TO 14)
>Cap Objective 4 (TO 34)

I had the most of luck to actually destroy Obliterators in the first turn, using Acts of Faith with Retributors to get Rending for my heavy bolters - And thanks to that, I got the First Blood. I foolishly moved forward with Sisters Repentia and the Inquisitor into the building near point 5.

>+1 for First Blood
Total: 1 VP

Total: 0 VP

Total: 0
>> No. 61
File 143306866849.jpg - (789.65KB , 2100x1400 , Map---City---sniperprepared12.jpg )
Objectives for Chaos:
>Supremacy (45)
>Overwhelming Firepower (51)
>Cap Objective 2 (32)

Cultist moved forward, proving to be the most effective Chaos unit in the game, as they got two points in one turn for completing the Supremacy Tactical Objective. Terminators shot the shit out of the Repentia, reducing the Eviscerator count from 8 to 1. Cultist shot at the Orkz and actually managed to kill two of them, but nobody gives a shit about Orkz.

Total: 1 VP

>+2 for Supremacy
Total: 2 VP

Total: 0
>> No. 62
File 143306888435.jpg - (791.95KB , 2100x1400 , Map---City---sniperprepared13.jpg )
Objectives for Orkz:
>Cap Objective 3 (23)
>Cap Objective 3 (33)
>Hungry for Glory (54)

Orkz ran. Battlewagon crew was stunned thanks to my Rending bolter fire so it couldn't move - Flash Gitz inside could still shoot the Cultists and they did so. Other than that, they didn't do anything special. They just ran a lot.

Total: 1 VP

Total: 2 VP

Total: 0 VP
>> No. 63
File 143306921322.jpg - (789.54KB , 2100x1400 , Map---City---sniperprepared21.jpg )
Objectives for Sisters:
>Hungry for Glory (TO 54)
>Cap Objective 4 (TO 14)
>Cap Objective 4 (TO 34)

Moving further and further. Assassin shot at the Nob in the Boyz unit and got a wound, though we later realised he actually has two wounds, so he survived. Repentia ran back, two Retributor squads focused their Heavy Bolter fire with a second use of Rending against Terminators and got a few, Psyker including. Battle Sisters squads failed to get the Objective 4 still.

Total: 1 VP

Total: 2 VP

Total: 0
>> No. 64
File 143306955643.jpg - (787.13KB , 2100x1400 , Map---City---sniperprepared22.jpg )
Objectives for Chaos:
>Supremacy (45)
>Overwhelming Firepower (51)
>Cap Objective 2 (32)

Deep Strike of Raptors failed and they got back to Reserves. Bloodthrister appeared in front of the Inquisitor, asking for it. Sisters survived the Shooting Phase, and so did Battlewagon, saving all the penetrations from a Predator.

Total: 1 VP

Total: 2 VP

Total: 0
>> No. 65
File 143306990118.jpg - (771.06KB , 2100x1400 , Map---City---sniperprepared23.jpg )
Objectives for Orkz:
>Cap Objective 3 (23)
>Cap Objective 3 (33)
>Hungry for Glory (54)

Boyz came from the reserves. The Green Tide advances forward. Battlewagon turned towards the Bolters, and Flash Gitz forced one Retributors squad to Go To Ground. A Charge at Land Raider failed.

Total: 1 VP

Total: 2 VP

Total: 0 VP
>> No. 66
File 14330704014.jpg - (756.78KB , 2100x1400 , Map---City---sniperprepared31.jpg )
Objectives for Sisters:
>Hungry for Glory (TO 54)
>Cap Objective 4 (TO 14)
>Cap Objective 4 (TO 34)

Remaining Repentia with Priests and an Inquisitor charged at the big Daemon and thanks to all the Daemon-slaying rules they wrecked his sorry ass in a ROCK-OFF challenge and told him to remain from which he came until he was complete again. One of the priests joind the Retributors arlier, to automatically save them from the Go To Ground effect and make them able to fire at full BS. They shot at the Boyz that recently came in from reserves. Along with the Sniper-Assassin, they removed the Claw-nob from that unit. Battle Sisters finally managed to get to Objective 4. Squad that got out of the Land Raider charged at the boyz, but the Painboy just kept running away from a challenge.

>+1 for Hungry for Glory
>+1 for Cap Objective 4
>+1 for Cap Objective 4
Total: 4 VP

Total: 2 VP

Total: 0 VP
>> No. 67
File 143307079244.jpg - (745.32KB , 2100x1400 , Map---City---sniperprepared32.jpg )
Objectives for Chaos:
>Supremacy (45)
>Overwhelming Firepower (51)
>Cap Objective 2 (32)

Chaos STILL DIDN'T kill those poor Battle Sisters, though one of them is running away already. The Bloodletters appeared on the map, suprisingly in the middle of it instead of someone's deployment zone. The Battlewagon got some more hits from Predators, but is still standing. Raptors got on the map, but out of the range to the Battlewagon for meltaguns.

Total: 4 VP

Total: 2 VP

Total: 0 VP
>> No. 68
File 143307108719.jpg - (745.55KB , 2100x1400 , Map---City---sniperprepared33.jpg )
Objectives for Orkz:
>Cap Objective 3 (23)
>Cap Objective 3 (33)
>Hungry for Glory (54)

Orkz moved again. Battlewagon did pivot a bit. Painboy was still running away from a challenge like a lil' bitch he is. Shootas and Flash Gitz did enough DAKKA to obliterate the Raptors squad along with the Chaos Lord, granting him a point for Slay the Warlord secondary objective.

Total: 4 VP

Total: 2 VP

>+1 for Slay the Warlord
Total: 1 VP
>> No. 69
File 143307170488.jpg - (739.06KB , 2100x1400 , Map---City---sniperprepared41.jpg )
Objectives for Sisters:
>Overwhelming Firepower (51)
>Cap Objective 5 (35)
>Cap Objective 1 (31)

Repentia with Inquisitor tried to charge the Bloodletters, but failed, accidentally capturing Objective 5 and giving me a victory point. Leftmost Retributors squad finally used up their last use of Rending and wrecked the Battlewagon, getting another point for Overwhelming Firepower. Only one Flash Git from the squad died due to other Heavy Bolter fire. Stupid Land Raider got immobilised in the ruins, rolling a double one.

>+1 for Overwhelming Firepower
>+! for Cap Objective 5
Total: 6 VP

Total: 2 VP

Total: 1 VP
>> No. 70
File 143307186071.jpg - (736.29KB , 2100x1400 , Map---City---sniperprepared42.jpg )
Objectives for Chaos:
>Supremacy (45)
>Overwhelming Firepower (51)
>Cap Objective 2 (32)

Bloodletters came closer but couldn't make the charge. Terminators STILL FAILED to kill the Battle Sisters. Predators did some fire on the Orkz, but it wasn't really effective since slow weapons are never affective against hordes.

Total: 6 VP

Total: 2 VP

Total: 1 VP
>> No. 71
File 143307212738.jpg - (732.66KB , 2100x1400 , Map---City---sniperprepared43.jpg )
Objectives for Orkz:
>Cap Objective 3 (23)
>Cap Objective 3 (33)
>Hungry for Glory (54)

Shoota Boyz finally got close enough to get Objective 3. Flash Gitz shot at Retributors, killing a few, even with Going to Ground again. Boyz on th left shot some other Retributors down, but decided not to charge since the distance was too great and the risk of Overwatch fire too high (because Orkz are really expensive, you know). The combat in the middle still continues, and the Painboy is running away from a challenge all the time.

Total: 6 VP

Total: 2 VP

>+1 for Cap Objective 3
>+1 for Cap Objective 3
Total: 3 VP

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