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File 148280233465.png - (2.74MB , 1680x1050 , ZH3.png )
163 No. 163
You thought the SANCTUS SATANUM was safe...


Once retrieved from the safehouse, the artifact was briefly examined by the Chapter Master of White Eagles, PRESIDENTUS DUDUS. From what he managed to understand, SANCTUS SATANUM is the key to finding all three other artifacts; it does in fact contain a map to locations where all the others are hidden. However, there was no time to decipher the map itself, as the temporary base was being attacked by a swarm! PRESIDENTUS DUDUS was forced to escape along with the Strike Team PEACE in his trusty Land Raider TUPO LION. The heroes who delivered the artifact covered their escape with all their might, and only the Emperor knows how did that battle end...

The journey did not went without further complications, however. A powerful individual allied to DARTH PLAGUEIS, the Plague Watcher TAR ENSK used his mighty Birch-Tree Club to critically damage TUPO LION's engine. It managed to only work for a couple of hundred meters more before shutting down in the midst of a plague-ridden city in the middle of a desert.

Fortunately, there happen to be many workshops in this city that might just the parts needed to repair the engine. Therefore, it is up to Strike Team PEACE to move out in the field and prove their worth by collecting everything that's needed for TUPO LION to keep going. Meanwhile, PRESIDENTUS DUDUS will protect his vehicle, immediately using delivered parts do make repairs while directing the wrath of wounded Machine Spirit against every foe in sight. There's only hope his people can manage to complete their task in time... Because TAR ENSK is coming for them all!
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>> No. 164
File 148280542811.png - (2.79MB , 1680x1050 , ZH2.png )
Strike Team PEACE deploys within 9" of TUPO LION's Entry Points. Forces of TAR ENSK deploy using the "Go, my minions!" rule twice.

Strike Team PEACE has the first turn. Forces of TAR ENSK cannot Steal the Initiative.

There are no "units". Models use rules for Kill Team.

Strike Team PEACE wins if they collect all the spare parts from the city and bring them back to TUPO LION. To pick up a part, one model must be within 1" of it. Picking up is an action made instead of shooting or running.

Forces of TAR ENSK win if they wipe out Strike Team PEACE before all parts are collected or if they destroy TUPO LION.

If Strike Team PEACE kills TAR ENSK, his body connects to the Warp and spawns a single result from "Go, my minions!" special rule each turn.

Go, my minions! - At the beginning of every turn of Forces of TAR ENSK, roll a d6. The result is a number of following rolls you need to make; they will determine what models will spawn before movement phase:
1 - Nurgling
2-3 - d6 Zombies
4 - d2 Plaguebearers
5 - Plague Marine. Roll again: 1 is a champion, 2 is Plasmagun bearer, 3 is meltagun bearer, 4-6 are regulars.
6 - Roll again. On 1-3, treat it as the result above. On 4-6, TAR ENSK himself appears! If TAR ENSK is already in, then this result is always a Plague Marine.
After determinig what models will spawn, roll 4d6 for every group of them. This result will determine their entry point out of all 20 along the table edges.

Determination of Machine Spirit - TUPO LION cannot be exploded. Treat every "Explode!" result as an additional hullpoint loss.
TUPO LION can shoot three different targets every turn. Every weapon will always shoot at the closest target in its Field of Sight.

I wasn't trained for this! - while using a ladder, a model cannot shoot or run. Jumping from buildings requires a Dangerous Terrain test that no unit is immune to; jumping from a second floor gives -1 to the roll.

WS 5
BS 5
S 5
T 6
W 5
I 4
A 3
Ld 8
Save 3+/5++

Birch-Tree Mace
AP 3
Poisoned (3+), Armourbane

Daemon, Daemon of Nurgle, Daemonic Instability, Fear, Fearless, It Will Not Die (5+), Shrouded, Slow & Purposeful

Forces of TAR ENSK always move toward the closest model they can see or could see in the previous turn. They will shoot the closest unit, unles they are in range to shoot TUPO LION with a weapon that can damage it - they will do so instead. If they are within 9" of their target, they will attempt to charge (Plague Marines got Slow and Purposeful).
If they could never see any enemy units, they will proceed towards TUPO LION.

TAR ENSK always moves towards the Land Raider. He will only charge a model if he's within 9" of it after moving.
>> No. 165
File 148280750598.png - (2.58MB , 1680x1050 , ZH1.png )
> S T R I K E T E A M P E A C E

Strike Team PEACE can be made ONLY out of models from an Imperial faction.

Each player has up to 250 points at his disposal.
Each player can have up to two Characters, out of which only one can be an Independent Character.

Regular models can cost up to 25 points.
Characters can cost up to 40 points.
Independent Character can cost up to 60 points.

TUPO LION has room for a total of 40 people.

>The Best You've Got
Each model can purchase any upgrade available to his unit without limits.

>Calculating costs
If a unit can take additional models, use the cost listed per model.

If a unit has a fixed amount of identical models, divide its total cost by the number of models. Round up.
(For example: Sororitas Command Squad composition is 5 Celestians. 65/5=13. That price is different from Celestians from Elites (14), so use the price per model from a unit you get the upgrades from.)

If a unit consists of a fixed amount of different models, try to calculate the price of each using prices from different entries in the same Codex. If it's impossible, you cannot take those models.
(For example: Company Command Squad composition is 4 Veterans and 1 Company Commander. CCS costs 60 points, Veterans cost 6 per model. 60-6-6-6-6=36. This is the price of a Company Commander.)

Unit-wide upgrades are divided by the amount of members in a unit and then rounded up.
(For example: Veteran Squad can take a Grenadiers Doctrine upgrade for 15 points. Divided by 10 members, it's 1.5 - rounded up, the price is 2 points per model. Exactly the price from Company Command Squad, by the way.)


>Sole Survivor
The most expensive model in your list (choose one if there's a tie) is not a part of Strike Team PEACE. Instead, that model arrives at the battle stage at Turn 4, attracted by the commotion while being chased by the horde. That model is deployed using the same rules as "Come, my minions!" reinforcements.
Sole Survivor is THE ONLY model that can have a Jetpack upgrade!
>> No. 166
File DobraZmiana.html - (16.72KB )
>> No. 167
File 14832746969.png - (2.99MB , 1680x1049 , ZH4.png )

The mission did not go as planned. Strike Team PEACE proved unworthy of the faith that Chapter Master DUDUS had put in them. Even though they somehow managed to make some of the repairs, it was nowhere near enough. They gave in to the horde. TAR ENSK is dead, but so are they. SANCTUS SATANUM is lost to the horde. The fate of PRESIDENTUS DUDUS is yet unknown.

This failure is unacceptable. SANCTUS SATANUM must be retrieved as soon as we can pinpoint its location. However, we have another urging matter to focus on, as our forces recently revealed a powerful movement known as Zombie Liberation Army...

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