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File HELZOMBIES.html - (16.66KB )
141 No. 141
Prepare to be zombified!
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>> No. 142
File 147715003782.png - (4.86MB , 2700x1400 , YnerasTonitoEvirah.png )
It seems like we know what they're here for. They came to reclaim our for HOLY ARTIFACTS that hold the secrets of GET YOUR GUTS TOGETHER and KILLING YOUR OWN KILLER... how fitting for ZOMBIES. Of course, we need to stop the plague from getting any of them - even if that means cooperating with vile XENOS and WITCHES.

One of the artifacts, the SANCTUS SATANUM, is located inside a temple near the village WDZYDZE. People evacuated long ago, leaving the town empty and quiet. A quiet before the storm, since the horde is almost here. Thanks to the intelligence retriever by our men from the previous episode, our IMPERIAL NAVY got the coordinates and is already on the way to drop multiple, simultaneous and devastating defensive orbital BOMBARDMENTS, but it will take time for them to arrive. It is up for a bunch of FREAKS, SCUM and VILE HORDES to hold the plague up until our ships arrive and our guns are set.

Survive. The defenders need to be the last men standing.

Also, don't let any enemy unit within 3" of Sanctus Satanum. If you do, you have failed the Emperor.

On the beginning of turn 5, roll a die. On a result of 4+, the attackers get no more reinforcements. Before Defenders' turn, place a Large Blast marker on every Zombcult unit (even in combat or inside a building) and roll for scatter as normal. The blasts are S10 AP1 Barrage. Units inside the building get their cover save; otherwise, Ignore Cover.

Defenders can deploy anywhere up to River Tonito. Attackers deploy within 12" of the western table edge.

The chapel has two doors. Each of them is treated like a Vehicle with AV-11 HP-1. Windows are for infantry only to fit, everyone else (including Jump Infantry) has to go through door. Zombist can destroy the door if they cumulate six sixes on a Penetrate roll. Nobody can simply "open" the door, because they are wedged and everybody forgot to take pliers.

A target doesn't get 4+ cover from shooting through the window only if the shooter is within 2" of it and the target isn't.

Trucks are impassable, but you can shoot through them.
>> No. 143
File Sanctus_Satanum.html - (35.62KB , Sanctus Satanum.html )
Fire Caste, Fire!
>> No. 144
File Sanctus_Satanum_Alt.html - (29.90KB , Sanctus Satanum Alt.html )
alternative version
>> No. 145
File SatanumSanctus.html - (26.01KB )
Hack, Necrons, slash!
>> No. 146
>> No. 147
The zombies lost this battle, but not the war. As we cleaned up remaining xeno forces, small group of ELITE WARRIORS OF FREEDOM moved close to the chapel to retrieve the artifact. They got it without fail, but the hard part is still before them - our ships have no amunition left, and they got to reach the extraction zone...

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