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File 144457193039.jpg - (1.05MB , 2700x2000 , OperationKrzyż.jpg )
101 No. 101

Two attackers
One or two defenders

2500 + 2500 for each attacker (10000 total)
6000 + 3000 for defender(s) (9000 total)

Duration: 9 turns.

Main objectives: Capture (Attackers) or protect (Defenders) four critical structures.
>Bastions are captured when defenders have no viable scoring units inside or on top of the building, and attackers have at least one scoring unit inside or on top of it. "Objective Secured" special rule applies.
>Skyshield Landing Pad is captured when thre are no viable defenders' scoring units on top of it and attackers have at least one there. "Objective Secured" applies.
>Krzyż is captured like a capture point (3" distance) and "Objective Secured" also applies.
Bastions and Landing Pad yield 2 Victory Points each for the controlling player at the end of the game. Krzyż yields 5 Victory Points.

Secondary Objectives: "Slay the Warlord", "First Blood", "Through Attrition, Victory"

Players deploy within their deployment zones. Defenders can deploy up to 6000 points of units at the start. Each attacker can deploy up to 2500 points each and only in his own deployment zone (either top or left one). Everything else is placed in reserves. "Top" attacker deploys his reserves anywhere from the top edge of the table. "Left" from left edge. Those edgs are also the edges their units run off to when falling back, respectively. Defenders can deploy their reserves from bottom and right edge of the table within 24" of the bottom-right corner. Their "falling back" edge is bottom.
Reserve rolls:
Turn 2 - 6+
Turn 3 - 5+
Turn 4 - 4+
Turn 5 - 3+
Turn 6 - 2+
Turn 7+ - automatically in

There's Night Fighting rule in play. On the begining of Defenders' turn 3+ roll a die - on a 4+, the sun rises and there's no Night Fighting anymore.

>Dirty Ground: Nobody can deploy Eldar units.
>Half-Life: Each team can only deploy up to two Lords of War.
>Hasty reaction: Defenders deploy first and have the first turn.
>Ka-boom!: Each ORLEN cistern count as a stationary vehicle with AV 11 on all sides, and 3 HP. When it is destroyed in any way, it then explodes, hurting everything caught in the blast. Range 2d6", Strength 6, AP 1+d6 (7 means no AP).
>River Assault: The "left" and "right" edge of the table for deploying Outflank Reserves are right and bottom ones respectively. Attackers cannot deploy Outflanking units further than 12" from the river, though.
>River maneuver: The "left" and "right" edge of the table for deploying Outflank Reserves are left and top ones respectively. Attackers cannot deploy Outflanking units further than 12" from the river, though.
>Ten Krzyż to apel: All psykers within 12" inches of Krzyż can re-roll all dice for one failed Psychic Test each Psychic phase.
>That's wobbly: Jumping/deep striking on top of any building require taking a Dangerous Terrain test.
>This is not Assassins' Creed: Jumping down also requires Dangerous Terrain test.

Map Legend:
>AEGIS DEFENCE LINE: 4+ cover save. Going To Ground behind the frotification and within 2" from it grants +2 bonus to cover save instead of one. If the shooter is within 2" of the same part of the line covering the unit being shot at, there is no cover save granted by the line.
>BASTION: AV 14 on all sides. Transport capacity: 12 models. Models inside can either fire from the fire points (2 on each "front" and "back" side) or use the mounted Heavy Bolters at their own BS. Everything mentioned here have 90 degrees firing arc. Units on top of it have 4+ cover save. Emplacement weapons' stats below. To have the emplaced weapon shoot, one model must "use" it instead of performing any other action in the Shooting phase. To use that weapon the model must be in base contact with it. The weapon shoots at the model's BS.
>BRIDGE: Open Terrain unless you try to enter it from the side instead from any end - it's Difficult Terrain then.
>ORLEN: See "Ka-boom!" rule above.
>RIVER: Dangerous Terrain and can only be crossed by infantry, walkers and Monstrous Creatures. Chimeras' Special Rule allows them to cross the water without taking any tests. Super Heavy thingies ignore the river completely.
>SKYSHIELD LANDING PAD: It has two modes. Each player can change the mode during movement phase if he has at least one unit on top of the landing pad and the enemy has none. Changing the mode does not count as a moving action.
>>Shields up: All units on top of the SL Pad have 4+ invulnerable save against all ranged attacks coming from outside of the pad. Barrage blast with its center on the surface of the pad counts as being inside the pad and this rule does not apply against a hit like that.
>>Shields down: All of the Defenders' units Deep Striking on top of the landing pad do not scatter.

Icarus Lascannon: Range 96", Strength 9, AP 2. Heavy 1, Interceptor, Skyfire.
Quad-gun: Range 48", Strength 7, AP 4. Heavy 4, Interceptor, Skyfire, Twin-linked.
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>> No. 102
File 144457229485.jpg - (64.04KB , 677x600 , 1328128216686.jpg )
Oh, and:

BARBARA WIRE: Dangerous terrain for infantry. edge-tanktraps are impassable for everything but Heavy and Superheavy vehicles or Monstrous Creatures, and yield 5+ cover save for infantry and walkers if the unit being shot at is behind it and within 2" of it.
>> No. 103
File 144458207681.jpg - (150.56KB , 680x960 , latest.jpg )
I'm so in.

Too bad 'nids suck dyucks.
>> No. 104
File 144459433281.jpg - (89.67KB , 1158x819 , 1384223911187.jpg )
I'd kindly disagree. The Terror of the Warp ain't feelin' down this edition.

They just require thinking
>> No. 105
Can I post here now? ._.
>> No. 106
I can! Magnificent! xD
Well, yeah, now ahdunno what to say though, already having said nearly everything on Skype already.

... but, uh... I am looking forward to it, gentlemen?
>> No. 108
File 144500682122.jpg - (40.84KB , 600x620 , 99120199016_SkyshieldLandingPadNEW01.jpg )

Skyshield Landing Pad:
>The pad is located above the ground. Therefore, no driving vehicle can move on top of the pad from below. Going down from the top would require a Dangerous Terrain test with a -3 modifier. Skimmers, Walkers and other vehicles with the Jump ability can move up and down as they like only making a regular Dangerous terrain test. Non-vehicles treat the border of the pad as a difficult terrain. Jumping (as in, using jetpacks or wings) on top of the pad or jumping down from it require a dangerous terrain test. Like every impassable building.

Because it is above the ground, the pad AND EVERY UNIT ON TOP OF IT does NOT block LoS of any unit. You can shoot through it, with the defender getting a 5+ cover save.
>> No. 109
File 144500758833.jpg - (47.52KB , 600x620 , 99120199018_ImperialBastionNEW01.jpg )
Oh, and also since SLP is a Battlement, every unit on top of it also gains a 4+ cover save.

>Bastion is a medium building. Following the 7th ed Rulebook, it has 4 HP, transport capacity of 20 units and all penetrating hits must roll on the Building Damage table. Bastion blocks the Line of Sight. It's top is a Battlement, giving a 4+ cover save.

Bastion is tall. Units on top of it can fire and be fired at if they're within 2" of the edge (along the firing line). Of course, Zooming and Swooping flyers can fire at them and be fired at as they like. This rule applies to all the other "no LoS" buildings.
>> No. 110
File 144500869751.jpg - (1.08MB , 2700x2000 , Outflanksi.jpg )
River AssAult/River maneuver:
Outflanking works as shown in the picture. 12" from the river or the corners.

Players in one team treat each other's armies as Allies of Convenience.
>> No. 111
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>Every psychic phase, one of the active players rolls for the number of warp charges. Every player then adds a sum of all their mastery levels (but none of their allies). That's their Warp Charge Pool for the phase. Active players can then manifest psychic powers as normal, in any order, following all the rules from the rulebook.

>To deny a psychic power, passive players must first both decide if they try to deny the power and how many dice they spend BEFORE any of them rolls. The psychic power is denied only if either of them gets enough successes; their results DON'T add up.

For example, if one of the active players casts invisibility and gets three successes; passive players both try to deny, one of them gets one success and the other gets two successes - the power is NOT denied, because neither of them got enough successes to dispel the power.
>> No. 113
File Defendtheriver.html - (192.53KB )
Mah list
>> No. 114
File 4495_Tyranids_-_Pure_Rape_(and_nothing_else).html - (106.79KB , 4495 Tyranids - Pure Rape (and nothing else).html )
>> No. 115
File redone.html - (133.37KB )
>> No. 116
File 14469973801.png - (242.87KB , 449x297 , Steven-Seagal.png )
I'm looking forward for the next episode
>> No. 126
File 145358627793.png - (4.10MB , 2100x1400 , Deadrons.png )
: )
>> No. 127
File 145358813574.jpg - (1.27MB , 2700x2000 , THE-END.jpg )

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