YoRHa Type-O Machine Tier 3? -/-/- O for Operator [Intel] As long as this Unit is fielded, you can see your enemy's entire hand
YoRHa Type-B http://danbooru.donmai.us/data/__yorha_no_2_type_b_nier_series_and_nier_automata_drawn_by_dashu_shushu__5a0679ee46b941bb2cd12e742e0cebaf.jpg Machine C/F/- Tier 5 Just generally stronk Kharret B for Battle [Equipment Reconstruction] Any time Type-B loses equipment due to it being stolen or destroyed, make a copy of the lost card and equip it. Obrazek w linku więc daję ładną cosplayerkę
Póki co: Dia de Muertos – Scene http://ustraveler.com.mx/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/ustravelerdiademuertos.jpg Tier 3? Deployment and activation of every Undead character costs 1 Creation less. Has no effect on Skeletokens. Zombie https://png.pngtree.com/element_origin_min_pic/16/09/11/1857d52f2a6567d.jpg Tier 1/2 Undead C/-/- Low Hit, High STR No arcana The dumb masses Message too long. Click here to view the full text.