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File 145097833511.jpg - (16.37KB , 300x400 , 26230-1-550x550.jpg )
985 No. 985
At least to those to whom it's Christmas right now; you know who you are.

Hope you three... or, well, you two (unless there's a fourth one I'm not aware of) have a good time.
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>> No. 986
It's fucking summer dumbass
>> No. 987
Oooh, thank youu!
>> No. 988
File 145191280031.jpg - (33.10KB , 398x307 , 1437228944865.jpg )
>> No. 989
fuck off tantann
>> No. 990
I suggest changing the board name to /trip/ - Tripfagdimensional
>> No. 991
wow that was awful
>> No. 992
Not as awful as your face.
>> No. 993
that was even worse
>> No. 994
And still better than your face!
>> No. 995
Repeating a joke doesn't make it better, man.

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