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File 143629563546.jpg - (11.34KB , 280x340 , Adex.jpg )
777 No. 777
If thos post is a trip Gretel showa us her exposed tits or gtfos this board forever
Expand all images
>> No. 778
>> No. 779
File 143629568028.gif - (948.56KB , 301x300 , 2dde7540937ba526f6b968cb07fd8987_jpg.gif )
>> No. 780
oh shi-
>> No. 781
File 143629575717.gif - (494.60KB , 200x272 , DO IT.gif )
>> No. 782
>> No. 783
File 14362958774.gif - (143.83KB , 699x393 , Yum.gif )
>This thread
>> No. 784
Come on
Come on
>> No. 785
File 143629635794.png - (79.31KB , 343x221 , 1419046006674.png )
Well, no helping it now, rules are absolute
>> No. 786
File 143629636327.jpg - (46.82KB , 500x500 , haruhi1.jpg )
Literally the best get on this board
>> No. 787
File 143629649780.gif - (3.18MB , 359x202 , mfw.gif )
>> No. 789
File 143629669356.gif - (652.19KB , 216x288 , 1430233231445.gif )
>scrolling thru da neinchin before sleep
>dis thred
so delivry when
>> No. 791
postin in epic thread
>> No. 792
File 143629753981.jpg - (19.94KB , 315x301 , nice trips fgt.jpg )
>> No. 793
Everything according to keikaku
>> No. 794
File 143629763547.gif - (1.33MB , 180x180 , 1429478229352.gif )
>> No. 797
I wonder who tried to teach you manners when you were young. My guess is that it was most likely no one.

Now, in case your limited mental capabilities do not make this clear for you: I politely decline.
>> No. 798
a) why do you even reply if you think its stupid...
b) srsly, arent you busy right now, already done with the game or what!? srsly
>> No. 800
Oh, do not be so upset, love. They are just having some fun, love.

I understand you well! Could I not have that body of hers, my life would surely feel very incomplete.
>> No. 801
Stop making fun of me and stop playing along with them, please!!
>> No. 802
you stole her from me bitch
>> No. 806
More importantly, how are you posting here? You know what I mean. Are you not doing something right now?
>> No. 887
still waitin'
>> No. 890
So... basically, you admit you're THAT starved for it, huh
>> No. 899
Misogynistic scum!
You should be ashamed of yourselves; I hope proper justice reaches every single one of you scoundrels!
>> No. 900
get for valkies gtfo
>> No. 902
File 144078434721.jpg - (18.60KB , 480x360 , 0.jpg )
>enjoying female beuty is misogyny
>> No. 905
Thing is
Yer right. That person IS a moron :)
>> No. 906
Sexual harassment is supposed to be enjoyment of female beauty? In the lands that I call home, misogynistic scum such as yourself would never be tolerated.
May justice reach you yet!
>> No. 907
gtfo, we need nude gretel
>> No. 917
Great Lady Laputi, is that not you? Have you no disdain at all for these foul beings? Gretel is your ally!

Should you not be furious over her, a person of such noble stature, being so humiliated?
>> No. 918
>>917 look
we just want tits. so if you got no tits to show gtfo tits
>> No. 919
Soo... no tits?
>> No. 920
Guess not. Darn shame.
>> No. 921
File 144451464319.png - (1.66MB , 1053x1070 , 1443542266668.png )
>> No. 922
Oldee butt goldee.
>> No. 923
Test, test.
>> No. 924
Seems to work. Don't know what you mean. Maybe it's just /w40k/.
>> No. 925
There's a wordfilter in place that Rikon can't get rid of. Try changing up some swears or something.
>> No. 926
... why are you telling ME that? I'm not the one who asked in the first place. I just checked for him... and one of those other two told him what you said.
And aren't you one of those other two? Kinda funny talking to you, but - breaking the fourth wall much?
>> No. 927
Srsly, why're we even tryin' when one of THOSE guys of all people comes along and breaks right through dat shit xD
>> No. 928
If some Xantesa, QD or VC people get it, that would actually be kind of funny... and it's not like any Vasty people can find out, so whatever. We can say what we want as long as Ru and I are around.
>> No. 929
Okay! On it, gimme a sec
>> No. 938
Seems I was wrong. Well, I hope someone feels stupid about their post now.
>> No. 942
Not really, still fun
And hey, you found the love of yer life in Jedifag that way
>> No. 943
a) That joke only works when the person making it isn't the wife of the person the joke is about.
b) I prefer blue over red.
>> No. 944
> I prefer blue over red.

I love you too
>> No. 945
get a room
and a chat client
i mean, seriously, what the fuck.
>> No. 946
No chance. These two will never change.
>> No. 950
Yeah, you'd probably assume that people dun really change anymore after some million years, cabbun ovvus
>> No. 951
I changed my hairstyle lately. Don't throw me in the same pot as you two.
>> No. 952
File 144633918820.gif - (1.14MB , 640x360 , 0mKXcg1.gif )

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