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File 143534128524.jpg - (27.03KB , 500x304 , 1424107411198.jpg )
662 No. 662
>Group from Belanaria asking where can they get laid around here
>Point them at Vastician Embassy
I'm waiting for the summary.
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>> No. 665
... wow, what the hell. It's insanely annoying when I don't get something. Like... wow. ._.
Tell me what that's even supposed to mean.
>> No. 669
File 14353418215.jpg - (61.89KB , 715x365 , 1409656740052.jpg )
>The Light of People, greatest minds of Belanaria
>Get rewarded a visit to the higher plane
>First thing they ask around there is where to get laid
I fucking love them already
>> No. 671
...so what happened?
>> No. 675
Ask Vastifags
>> No. 682
Wow. Since when're we a cathouse over here?
... I mean - I guess they COULD ask Laputi... but still, what the actual fuck.
>> No. 683
if theyre girls and look good ill be waiting at the front gate
>> No. 684
File 143535518973.jpg - (331.01KB , 700x850 , 25933b3c787ab036a7a0943064ad7cd0.jpg )
They'll just redirect them to your mom's house

>> No. 685
You fail even at shitposting
>> No. 692
Oh, redirecting them to someone else is actually a magnificent idea! I suppose I will do that!

... that is, if there was not the problem that the gate between Vasticia and Xantesa is closed right now due to increased war activities near the gate!
>> No. 693
what!? oh right, they wont even make it here!
but i wanted cute girls!! :(
>> No. 957
someone did come to the embassy, yeah
fucking asshole
>> No. 970
i like assholes

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