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File 143429585585.jpg - (199.91KB , 768x667 , 1401966964397.jpg )
545 No. 545
Guess the alignment game!

Here, we use the old, rusty alignment system of ancient games to guess what sort or personality fits what character

I only saw a handful of'em recently, but my guesses are

>Gretel - True Neutral
>Esterina - Chaotic Stupid
>Terren - Lawful Stupid
>Hersanna - Chaotic Good
>Elly - Neutral Good
>Mr. All Smiles - Chaotic Hungry
>Horatio - Neutral Evil
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>> No. 547
pffrrrt yea, gretel isnt true neutral xD
and how in the actual fuck is rina stupid o.o
ill just throw these in:

gretel - chaotic-lawful... neutral...good...thing... ahdunno
esterina - lawful neutral
mara - way too nice for this world
nia - true stupid
red jerk - wtf
terren - true addict

heey, what am i, what am i?
judge me hard :D
>> No. 561
Honestly, Gretel is hard to judge even for me. Though I would say she goes as somewhat of a mix between chaotic and lawful neutral.

>terren - true addict
Thank you for brightening my day!
>> No. 573
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>Esterina - Chaotic Stupid
>Terren - Lawful Stupid
Fucking what m8
>> No. 580
I'd label the jellies but I can't tell them apart
Anyways here's my dream cast for another Vers-like game

>Louise DiPriere - Idiot Saint
>Zimmir - Very Good
>Raynee - Lewd Good
>Leotra - Lawful Beauti-feet-ful
>Mayonaissana - True Indifferent
>Hammie - Chaotic Retarded
>Briahne - Kinda Evil
>Tres - Fucking Evil
>Ralia - Chaotic Feasty
>> No. 581
dude, isnt it a bit of an overkill
>> No. 583
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>> No. 587
Terren is a saint you fucking dumbshit
>> No. 588
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Tres only ever works as a villain, though, this guy has less group skill than Deswald.

He was portrayed pretty well on Ekaterina.

It'd be nice to see an all-mage game, pic related.
>> No. 592
An all-mage game? Would you mind telling me of you mean that as in "all-magic-users"?
Or does "mage" refer to a specific type of person / magic-user in this case?
If the latter is the case, please elaborate.
>> No. 594
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That is a pretty wide statement, isn't it?

Well, I don't mind any of the following options
>Everypawn is constricted to wimpy wizard/sorcerer template
>The world supports magic user of all kinds, like muscle mages, nature mages and so on. Everypawn is a magic user, but they are varied. Max's game comes to mind, but taken from the perspective of a supernatural, and not supernatural hunter.
>Everypawn is so ridiculously powerful that the game is an exercise in childish imagination and arguing semantics (The only kakera I know that would work with this is called TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME WIZARDS)
>Everypawn is mad and madness gives them power and shows them the world hidden between the folds unnoticed before
>> No. 595
Sounds like just another day in the Pit
>> No. 596
Give me a game based on the Pit, then
>> No. 597
Your household.
>> No. 598
Eh, in our world magic IS based on creativity and imagination and willpower and stuff - that's why we're so powerful in the first place.
>> No. 599
Ha, yes, well - it's the reason we are powerful, sure. And it's also the reason that some Dark Witches are freaking steamrollers, even compared to Dos.
>> No. 601
Huh. Okay, I'll try.
Jedius - Ahdunno, that guy is weird
Terren - Either Lawful or Chaotic Neutral, maybe
"Smiley" thing - ... maybe Chaotic Neutral or Evil? Can't tell
Gretel - >>561 <- That
Six Sisters - Not all the same, but must of them are probably summed up well with Lawful Neutral or Chaotic Good / Neutral
Lorenza - (Very) Chaotic Neutral (/ Troll)

And you, Laputi? Uuh ya... Chaotic Evil.
I sort of don't think that's worth mentioning ^^
>> No. 602
Stop killing the mood, for fuck's sake
>> No. 604
Remember me talking about the ceiling?
>> No. 605
ahdun geddid
i mean, he basically said were all WEAK compared to them, right
hows that related to the high ceiling = "were so awesome" thing? o.o
>> No. 606
We did not build the High Palace the way it is to satisfy our egos or to show how great we are, I assure you of that.

We built it to be grand to show how much effort we put into it, and to make it the symbol of a strong, grand union.

I really do feel sort of bad about people badmouthing our hard work...
>> No. 607
Seriously, just by how new you are on the webs it's sorta easy to tell who you are.
>> No. 610
Nobody who went through seriously hard shit and lived to tell the tale would call themselves powerful for no other reason than bragging about their ego on the webz. ;^)
>> No. 611
File 143462262469.jpg - (29.47KB , 299x275 , 1431736841154.jpg )
Yeah, effort
"Let there be a palace!"
And then there was one
>> No. 613
File 143462585314.gif - (885.08KB , 480x270 , 1429099777882.gif )
>Aler - Lawful Good
>Armir - Lawful Evil
>Anabeth - Chaotic Neutral
>Briahne - Lawful Evil
>Borthmil - Neutral Evil
>Burton - Chaotic Neutral
>Caiqua - Neutral Good
>Cherry - Lawful Neutral
>Chielai - Chaotic Neutral
>Cillna - Chaotic Neutral
>Cylan - True Neutral
>Dabbleyn - Lawful Neutral
>Della - Neutral Good
>Denzaren - Chaotic Good
>Devolia - Lawful Good
>Dylarius - Chaotic Good
>Dyson - True Neutral
>Elly - Neutral Good
>Elisaee - Lawful Neutral
>Emonsei - Chaotic Neutral
>Enit - Lawful Neutral
>Ernest - Lawful Neutral
>Espan - True Neutral
>Essrea - Neutral Good
>Esterina - Chaotic Neutral
>Eton - Lawful Neutral
>Genkar - True Lewd
>Gisvabilatarya - True Neutral
>Gretel - True Neutral
>Gruimey - Chaotic Good
>Hamescus - Chaotic Neutral
>Hersanna - Chaotic Good
>Hittris - Lawful Neutral
>Iokka - Neutral Evil
>Jedius - True Neutral
>Kassin - Chaotic Good
>Kether - Lawful Neutral
>Kilen-kil - Chaotic Evil
>Kresta - Lawful Neutral
>Larlekmaskieterel - Chaotic Neutral
>Leotra - True Neutral
>Leiva - Neutral Evil
>Leuve - Chaotic Neutral
>Lierouxvasmohri - True Neutral
>Lika - Neutral Good
>Lime - Neutral Good
>Lomo - Chaotic Good
>Louise - Lawful Good
>Lucretia - Lawful Good
>Mayelana - Chaotic Neutral
>Maximilian - Lawful Neutral
>Melemn - True Neutral
>Michael - Neutral Good
>Mico - Chaotic Neutral
>Miego - Lawful Good
>Mile-malan - Neutral Evil
>Minkoo - True Neutral
>Moki - True Neutral
>Momo - True Neutral
>Nattie - Neutral Good
>Nim - True Neutral
>Nina - Chaotic Good
>Niyappi - Chaotic Neutral
>Oaiz - Lawful Good
>Oghab - True Neutral
>Orange - Chaotic Neutral
>Paritirielieres - Chaotic Good
>Pelek - Lawful Neutral
>Peroigrirrysaklasnihir - Neutral Good
>Raidel - Chaotic Evil
>Ralia - Chaotic Evil
>Raynee - I don't wanna die
>Relias - Chaotic Neutral
>Repia - Lawful Good
>Reshna - Chaotic Neutral
>Rin - Lawful Evil
>Ryuusami - Lawful Good/Evil
>Sanner - True Neutral
>Sarhizilmakvenariel - True Neutral
>Seripsa - Lawful Good
>Shalissa - Lawful Neutral
>Shan'nas - True Neutral
>Shikae - Lawful Good
>Shinrae - Chaotic Neutral
>Shix - Neutral Good
>Sico - Neutral Good
>Sirly - Chaotic Good
>Sophie - Neutral Good
>Sky - Chaotic Good
>Strifer - Chaotic Evil
>Tantann - Chaotic Good
>Talisvandelith - Chaotic Evil
>Tashi - Lawful Good
>Tay - Chaotic Neutral
>Tedi'vuphotrezlassa - Neutral Evil
>Teresa - Neutral Good
>Terren - Lawful Good
>Tevlin'sithi - Chaotic Neutral
>Teyarr - True Neutral
>Treasorie - Chaotic Evil
>Uarien - Neutral Good
>Vivy - Chaotic Good
>Wafi - Neutral Good
>Weri - Lawful Neutral
>Yena - Chaotic Neutral
>Yeshit - Chaotic Neutral
>Zemhart - Neutral Good
>Zenas - Neutral Evil
>Zimmir - Lawful Good
>Zylher - Chaotic Neutral

I don't know the others (enough).
You're welcome.
>> No. 614
File 143462593212.jpg - (75.69KB , 751x546 , 1430629676969.jpg )
Sasuga autisumo da
>> No. 615
File 143462623755.jpg - (177.77KB , 1672x937 , 1432405423963.jpg )
>> No. 616
I wasn't there yet at the time, but they built it by hand back then. There's a huge photo album about it in the entrance hall and stuff
>> No. 618
Autism overwhelming
>> No. 621

Firstly, >>616 <- That. We built it by hand. There's a copy of that photo album in the embassy in Xantesa, give it a look.

Secondly - y'know, ahdun think it's really that hard to get the idea, but you ARE aware you can put effort into magic too, right?

Like, the difference between thinking of a piece of bread and thinking of every single molecule of that piece of bread and giving it a detailed past, an origin and so on.

Ahdunno if this difference is a thing where you come from, but it is here.
>> No. 622
Dude what the fuck
>> No. 623
File 143466241725.jpg - (37.53KB , 302x452 , lgpp31676+play-dead-skeleton-rock-poster.jpg )
>Max - Lawful Neutral

I thought bards can't be lawful tho.
>> No. 624
>> No. 625
... we need to go to Xantesa more.
Then maybe I'd get the jokes.
>> No. 626
I know someone who's probably gonna ask about it.
>> No. 627
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According to a certain maido from Q'D, he was a musician before he got skellingtofied, but apparently still plays sometimes.
You guys need to step up your intel game.
>> No. 628
In their defense tho - they're kinda busy with intel and spying on those Dark Witches, and it's not like the whole Xantesa-QD-VC-thing is the only inter-world relation stuff they got going on.
>> No. 629
aaaaaaand you are...?
>> No. 635
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As much as I understand the "Immediate threat > Delayed threat" thing

You'd think that a Creator-devouring madman amassing an army of undead would raise at least some alarm flags on the ever-paranoid Spherenet.
>> No. 637
>> No. 639
... we actually didn't really hear about anything like that.
Y'know, it's totally not like we have an embassy in Xantesa so both sides can inform each other about shit like that...
>> No. 640
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>> No. 643
That's not how it works, mister Tripfag
>> No. 644
>> No. 645
i so like it when he fails hard, but uuh
isnt that kinda why that embassy was built in the first place, so we can exchange info? info.

i mean
otherwise wed have to ask each other every, like, five minutes if somethings up

all the offense, thatd be stupid as fuck
>> No. 646
I can say, beyond a sliver of a doubt, that this must be the most reasonable thing I have heard you say in what must be thousands of years.

On a serious note - I must agree with her. As far as I know there has not been even a single occasion when Xantesa was not informed when, for instance, there were military operations near the gate.

Freely exchanging such vital information should be a given, shouldn't it?
At least as far as I am concerned.
>> No. 648
if youre trying to make fun of people then you shouldnt really say stupid shit like you HEAR someone on a web forum you fucking idiot xD
>> No. 649
To be honest, even I freely exchange important information with the High Council without being asked.

And the fact that people tend to blame me and the Pale Moon Realm in general for shutting ourselves off should draw you a lovely picture of why I am telling you that.
>> No. 655
*Checks them*
>> No. 656
wow we totaly TOOK this bord haha :D
>> No. 657
Hmm, there's still Aki09.
But we shall take it yet!
>> No. 658
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Oh the sight of a still-crawling society with high ideals and people agreeing with each other
>> No. 659
> people agreeing with each other
Haha. Hahaha. Ha.
>> No. 660
I'm from Vasticia too.
By the way - Vasticia? That's a damn horrible pun on the Void.
>> No. 661
get out !!
this s our bord now :D
>> No. 663
I know, right. It's very amusing to watch at times.
>> No. 664
File 143534135352.jpg - (143.66KB , 580x710 , 1424052487804.jpg )
It sure is!
>> No. 667
You're a board.
>> No. 673
shes flat as a board, yeah

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