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File 157468020078.jpg - (113.28KB , 626x626 , Raijin.jpg )
1900 No. 1900
Prepare To Cry edition

Slept with Dori: >>1013

Let's make a petition to rip Suzuko out of there and have a battle royale over her. I mean, we all know that that Princess woman does not deserve her and Suzu only shows her any affection because she was the first one to show her some kindness - I know I can protecc better and make better sandwiches anyway

Also, get for Iniya is going to ask to heal Shizu's leg, calling it first
Expand all images
>> No. 1902
>> No. 1903
Technically, her brother did
>> No. 1904
File 157468039097.png - (227.29KB , 354x500 , sha.png )
>> No. 1905
Okay, let me put it in simpler terms for you: The problem is not that she cannot satisfy some sort of desire for intimacy with Suzuko. The problem is the implied rejection itself, painting Suzuko in her mind as yet another person who is scared of and distanced from her.

You may wonder why I am so certain about this.
See, curiously - well, this is not classified knowledge: Suzuko does not actually exist in any other universes here in Asivida. And while Agahara indeed dies in all of them without the aid of Suzuko, she never actually does succumb to the Dark in the vast majority of them, or get as dangerously close to it as she is right now to begin with.
Therefore, the problem cannot be simply unsatisfied desire - that, after all, would exist even without Suzuko. Leaving only what I previously said as the logical conclusion.

And yes, I am aware of the tragic irony here. : (
All Suzuko wants is to help Agahara, and yet, the mere fact that they found to each other the way they did leaves the latter (at least mentally) worse off than she would have been otherwise, despite also objectively having more positivity in her life thanks to her.

People really are quite nonsensical and tragic creatures sometimes.
>> No. 1906
ok boomer
>> No. 1907
Well just stop being deppressed gee
>> No. 1908
> The problem is the implied rejection itself, painting Suzuko in her mind as yet another person who is scared of and distanced from her.

........ thats all you had to say yknow
>> No. 1909
I apologize for using too many big boy words. :p
>> No. 1910
File 157468225326.png - (56.79KB , 299x322 , inhale.png )
>> No. 1911
yea she dumb
>> No. 1912
Could you be as kind as to precise: who do you mean?
>> No. 1913
I want Dori to help me in the kitchen
>> No. 1914
>> No. 1915
its funny really
if you think about it mental health issues are the major reason were at war over here nonstop
so they invest resources in mental healthcare like crazy here xDDD
>> No. 1916
File 157478640929.gif - (702.39KB , 500x210 , pat.gif )
join the cult
find your happiness
>> No. 1917
>> No. 1918
I was already there.
>> No. 1919
>> No. 1920
>> No. 1921
*pat pat*
>> No. 1922
>> No. 1923
Somehow this turned into Heavens Feel
... I'm hungry
>> No. 1924
I want Dori to point knives at me
>> No. 1925
I want Dori to Dori
>> No. 1926
Just fuck already
>> No. 1927
which of them
>> No. 1928
File 157484167243.jpg - (140.55KB , 660x920 , sandwich.jpg )
Aww. Adorable sandwich
>> No. 1929
All of them
>> No. 1930
I want to hug Dori
>> No. 1931
Was about to say. What a retarded question
>> No. 1932
I dori Dori to Dori
>> No. 1933
dori.exe has stopped working
would you like to send a report
>> No. 1934
Would Dori dori to dori a Dori
>> No. 1935
> Also, get for Iniya is going to ask to heal Shizu's leg, calling it first

u suk
>> No. 1936
..... i mean i love my dad but yeah ofc i know he is a prick sometimes
isnt it normal to uuuuh kinda just learn that your parents arent superheroes as you grow up
>> No. 1937
Implying Suzuko is normal
>> No. 1938
ITT: Trying to imply Suzu's mommy ain't perfect
>> No. 1939
Why is that crappy Princess producing someone else's dick ad the best girl?
>> No. 1940
Because she wanted that
Also nice number you got there
>> No. 1941
>> No. 1942
are you a moron
>> No. 1943
>Not her power
>Overusing it
No need for thanks, just remember to leave a lit candle near your front door
>> No. 1944
wow they both dumb
>> No. 1945
Jedius fucking Bakka, how can anyone want to harm Suzuko, ever?
>> No. 1946
well, once again: she wants it herself
>> No. 1947
You're just as dumb as her xD
>> No. 1948
I want Dori to pout at me
>> No. 1949
I mean, they're both wrong
Ara should respect Suzu's preferences and habits more; if she can learn best a certain way, then Ara should probably give that some consideration
And Suzu should be more open to ideas and methods other than JUST the ones she's used to
... so, uh, actually TL;DR: They both need to be more open to how others think and do things
>> No. 1950
geez people just learn better in different ways
thats why kids in schools need some individual attention too right
because not everyone is as fast as each other and learns the same way and all that shit
so if those two were smart then princess-chan would teach suzu in suzus way and suzu would teach agahara in agaharas way
the teacher has to adjust not the student
can still put your own spin on it whats even the problem here aside from both of them being retards
>> No. 1951
Eh... to be fair, Agahara did come around to suggesting that they should find a compromise. Right now it's just Suzuko who's pouting like a preschooler
>> No. 1952
Thaaat's still missing the point, mate. Isn't the point that Suzu learns best when she's under a strict teacher, put under pressure, and gets to actively try until she succeeds? Thaaat's not even incompatible with Agahara's methods though... they just need to get their shit straight and stop being afraid of anything outside their little box
>> No. 1953
I mean, all I can see is one asking for a break and other acting against it

Not that such a break is necessary when all you got to do is to sit and try to think for a bit, but eh, anyone who opposes Suzuko should have their hands cut off
>> No. 1954
When will you mindless drones accept the fact that your nipponbrat has mental issues
>> No. 1955
Whoa! Bravo, bravo! Who would've thought - what a mind you are! Incredible!

Now go kill yourself
>> No. 1956
Come on, Agahara's right, you know
>> No. 1957
Only Dori's right, they should stop fighting and start learning other perks of the majicks.

They're going away from the front anyways.
>> No. 1958
File 157564626533.jpg - (223.65KB , 510x624 , 019bef86c4bb3d85a0ea0584ee54299d.jpg )
She does, and she knows about it, and she even apologized for it. That's why I feel bad for her. She even called herself ungrateful even though she tried.

The way I see it is, as someone noted above, she can't just do these things unless under pressure. Right now, there's none, and she said it herself - I can assume the reason her defence was so sloppy was because there was no danger anyways, she was clearly more proficient before. Also, right now, she asks for a moment to calm down (mind you, I'm sure she only pretends to be calm now) and then she's being asked to explain she kinda explained already - yes, she's not a good talker, but it still bugs me.

Not that Agahara's entirely in the wrong - I get what she is trying to achieve - giving a tool before continuing the task is correct - but the way she did that is wrong. Suzuko is don't @ me a kid, and Ara just took a bowl of sweet soup away from that kid, gave her a spoon and told her to learn to use it before she gives the soup back so she doesn't just drink it from the bowl. You could do one without taking the other away and it would be completely different and fine I think.
>> No. 1959
I'm really more amazed at the part "please let us be equals" said to a person who never did anything on her own accord xD
>> No. 1960
Or she could just stop fucking thinking up shit like "oooh I gotta feed the Oni" and fucking do what you would expect from any at least half-decent person and just continue trying, it's not rocket science
>> No. 1961
What part of the word "kid" don't you understand, you don't mature or change the way you were raised over two days
>> No. 1962
Yeah guys you keep spewing your bullshit theories or analysis, I'm gonna tell you how it's gonna be:

>Suzuko gets her time off and calms down
>Suzuko comes back and explain everything she felt and feels saying Agahara is too kind
>Agahara will say Suzuko is too adorable and repeat herself about a compromise
>Suzuko will say something about how she always had to think of a solution while trying to avoid getting her ass spanked
>They will commence a threesome of Komiyo trying to beat Suzuko while she tries to majick while Araragahara supervises or something similarly stupid
>It's not stupid if it works.png
>Dori will get bored enough to interrupt and ruin it all
>Shika will remain a beta
>> No. 1963
Shika's the most useful guy there xD
>> No. 1964
also the only guy there
>> No. 1965
What a refreshingly well reasoned and thought out post. : )
Thank you, it was a good read. And I am in agreement with you - though I also think that either of the two, most likely Agahara, will come to realize all this for long.
A little pseudo-spoiler here regarding Agahara's attitude: I know the person who trained Agahara personally, and that training was indeed quite harsh. So it is not that she does not know the effectiveness of training under pressure, or is opposed to such methods - she herself is quite used to that kind of training. Meaning, this is just her being a big softie again.
>> No. 1966
*"before long", of course. Excuse the typo. :S
>> No. 1967
im not big on kozu history buuut if my kozian doesnt fail me zaruba is a male name
and he sounds like some srs bsns big shot strong guy who knows might become important
was mentioned multiple times
>> No. 1968
Hien-Oruuki Boken mentioned it briefly to Omishika ni Kozu, I believe; Zaruba is the Hien-Ishoru of the Oreishu ni Kozu (their leader) during the time when the witnessed events take place.
>> No. 1969
>> No. 1970
who cares if he got no screentime
>> No. 1971
Okay you mouth-breather, I'll let you know that there was a certain brother of a certain royal figure mentioned or some big smithy boi if you are looking for males - but none of them got any enough screentime to be considered "useful" in terms of contributing to the story
>> No. 1972
Her age is already considered adult in those times in her country.
>> No. 1973
Somebody get rid of this faggot
>> No. 1974
Actually, even into much more modern times, adult age in Kozu isn't the more common 18 or 21, but 16.
>> No. 1975
depends on where in kozu actually theres also regions where its 18
>> No. 1976
  I'm gonna change the sibject because I found a footage of Ara's attack from Kansai perspective
>> No. 1977
And I said -her- country.
>> No. 1978
I know. Just thought of it and mentioned it for fun. I know you meant Japan.
>> No. 1979
More accurate representation
>> No. 1980
lol fucking noob not the whole url
>> No. 1981
Go Suzu! :D
>> No. 1982
Picking that sword up was simply cheating, not like nipponese needed it anyways
>> No. 1983
Ok what the
>> No. 1984
Stop samefagging
>> No. 1985
I want Dori to talk about eating swords
>> No. 1986
Komiyo needs more screen time
Komiyo needs more screen time with Suzuko
>> No. 1987
[REDACTED] needs more screen time with suzu
>> No. 1988
>> No. 1989
>> No. 1990
And who is [redacted] supposed to be?
>> No. 1991
fuck youre all slow lol
>> No. 1998
i dont get it
>> No. 1999
Just taking that 1999. Thank you. : )
My beaniest greetings to Jedius.
>> No. 2000
>> No. 2001
>> No. 2002
: (
>> No. 2003
Bet you spent days lurking. Just to get that.
... congrats.
>> No. 2004
That's kind of the point
>> No. 2005
>> No. 2007
Why, I know for a fact she did. Zekuri just so happens to be helping out with some cleaning at House Twelve at the time, and her goldiest Highness seems to have been quite taken with her computer of late.
>> No. 2009
Oh, shush, you.
>> No. 2010
Fancy seeing you here.
>> No. 2011
And why would that be? I would think an Asividan High Councillor following these events is all but expected, most of all when it falls directly under her authority... at least in half.
>> No. 2012
No reason :p
>> No. 2013
probably because people who know that would expect you to be around here more i guess
>> No. 2014
The lack of Dori's screentime disturbs me. Why is she suddenly a second-line character?
>> No. 2015
Because she never has anything interesting to say.
>> No. 2016
Wanna know how it's like to have your face disconnected?
>> No. 2017
I have no face.
>> No. 2018
But must you scream?
>> No. 2019
......i mean not to be an ass shes nice but thats kinda true
>> No. 2020
You're all faggots

I want Dori to say nothing interesting to me
>> No. 2021
File 157588374229.png - (136.28KB , 372x286 , yeeeeeaaaaaah.png )
Screw you, virgo

>> No. 2022
Since when do the maids have time to watch anything? Shouldn't you work?
>> No. 2023
File 157588395040.jpg - (54.16KB , 474x676 , pheh.jpg )
Since big bois like you finally learned to take care of your own shit-stained ass.
>> No. 2024
You might have issues.
>> No. 2025
Is that hair color in those images identical to yours, dear? If so, is it natural? I must say I quite like it.
>> No. 2026
why would it be just because of some random manga image she uses
>> No. 2027
She uses images of that girl all the time. Stands to argue that maybe they look somewhat similar.
>> No. 2028
Oh hi, fancy seeing you here.
>> No. 2029
I do assume you are the same buffoon from before. I shall now begin ignoring it when you say that to me.
>> No. 2030
Stop bothering my mistress with your insolent pestering this instant. This is your first and final warning.
>> No. 2031
... Yosuya, sweetie, he is just an internet troll. I do think your reaction might be a tad exaggerated. Quite amusing, but exaggerated all the same.
>> No. 2032
File 157588512976.jpg - (74.16KB , 1100x618 , watch out.jpg )
>> No. 2033
Side note
Am I the only one who realizes what a problem it is to have Komi train like that
Increases her required blood intake by a ton - who the fuck is gonna feed her all that blood?
Ara and Suzu can be as STRONK as they feel like, anemia is still a thing
>> No. 2034
Just drink the blood of your enemies ffs
>> No. 2035
>> No. 2036
... dude wtf shes a lil girl can you really see her don that xD
>> No. 2037
Bell kills, halfling drinks. Is there really a problem?
>> No. 2038
Blood checkup as a cover for collecting blood for the sucker?
>> No. 2039
Wrong century
>> No. 2040
yknow yeeeeeeeeah i know the suzu love on 9chan is a bit...... much sometimes but i legit agree
shes not that classic type wise but more where shes that rare kinda "pure" and that makes her say things that are wise without it intended to be wise
>> No. 2041
Again but in human language please
>> No. 2042
Just let the little shit die.
>> No. 2043
Hey, what's your problem with the small one? :(
She's just a kid, one with a good bunch of her own problems, but still tries so hard to be good to everyone around her!
Are you just a massive prick or something? :/
>> No. 2044
I think he meant that Suzu is unique in that she says legitimately wise things not so much out of wisdom, but out of having a quite worldly innocent, pure way of thinking and seeing things.
>> No. 2045
arent you an edgy boi
>> No. 2046
Not sure if just edgy or just racist
>> No. 2047
No, I'm merciful. End the suffering of this half-living creature.

Glory to Cheroyi.
>> No. 2048
oh god this shit again xD
for the hundredth time the vampires over here arent undead theyre just a different humanlike species
>> No. 2049
Dear, do not attempt to convince the cognitively impaired of their own foolishness. The entire effort in itself is hilariously futile.
>> No. 2050
Glory to Teriyaki
>> No. 2051
File 157602055615.png - (1.26MB , 1200x1200 , supermaid.png )

"Oh no, Little Knight Komiyo... seems like we cannot afford feeding you..."
>> No. 2052
Okay, but wat do wen enemis not dere?
Seriously, it's not like they'll have someone to just fucking kill nearby all the time
And... okay, so, my knowledge about vampires isn't the best, I admit
But if this training will make her need anywhere near as much as a normal vampire, then Ara and Suzu can't provide that much
>> No. 2053
Just catch some criminals or whatever on the way, it's not rocket science
>> No. 2054
make more enemies
>> No. 2055
OR just stop putting the twelvethirteenwhatever year old through that kinda training just a thought
>> No. 2056
But she wants to
>> No. 2057
kids want all sorts of retarded shit
>> No. 2058
Yeah, like not being beaten. Fucking egocentric brats.
>> No. 2059
Any lil' girl who can already appreciate the value of food that scorches your mouth at that early an age can only be a good girl.
>> No. 2060
Or she just has no taste at all and has to hurt herself to feel anything
>> No. 2061
Hmm... vampires over here don't taste more or less, but differently
Wonder if that applies to half-vampires too
>> No. 2062
The spiciness of peppers is caused by the capsaicin therein, not by the pepper's taste. We experience it quite the same as others.
>> No. 2063
Somebody's not going to bear the sun soon
>> No. 2064
Told you killing her would simply be pity.
>> No. 2065
Gee, why are you even watching this?
>> No. 2066
I want the human swordsman to end everyone and drive off the invaders.
>> No. 2067
Komi kinda has a point there xD
They do the same fucking thing
>> No. 2068
Kinda... not?
>> No. 2069
File 157629618596.jpg - (334.46KB , 653x653 , 1576167053136.jpg )
>> No. 2070
oh fuck off
>> No. 2071
Just the whole fixation on yer goals thing and caring more about the people around ya than yerself, yunno
>> No. 2072
> Implying Suzuko is any more truly human than anyone else over here
>> No. 2073
Cheroyi is merciful and may bless her with humanhood once she proves herself.
>> No. 2074
File 157634697135.jpg - (46.45KB , 347x363 , 1576125243414.jpg )
Oh, right, and Ara's just like Hitler too, leading a nation she wants to see prosper, kills some people in the process and stuff
>> No. 2075
like who?
>> No. 2076
I mean
She's part human
And she'd be a moron to give up on the parts of her that aren't
>> No. 2077
Oh, but don't you understand, sweetie? Only pure-blooded humans are real people worthy of living... death and sickness to all those filthy other races, clearly. All the more if they fail to make a point of how they are so very special for how they intentionally make their own lives harder by any means they can.
>> No. 2078
Fascist guy who shows up in the 1940s in many worlds where there is the "typical" version of planet Earth; led his nation into a world war and committed unspeakable atrocities against untold millions.
Meaning, comparing Agahara to that person is... honestly WAY beyond just "tasteless". But hey, it's online - people always try to be edgy online because they think it makes them "cool". Not that they would ever actually say their insults to anyone's face, considering they usually always come from people who are and feel incredibly weak and unappreciated in real life.
>> No. 2079
i swear half the people here have some srs problems with racism and or their ego lol
>> No. 2080
>Planet Earth
What's next, moon Satellite? Star Sun? Comet Rock?
>> No. 2081
File 157642732743.jpg - (101.89KB , 1129x1063 , 1576117790649.jpg )
No more tasteless than your comparisons, idiots.
>> No. 2082
Mei <3
>> No. 2083
Yeah, keep fucking replying, morons
>> No. 2084
File 157645205815.png - (653.52KB , 800x600 , 1576130751669.png )
Planet Earth, Star Fire, Moon Ice, Comet Metal, Nebula Wind.
>> No. 2085
No, I'm dead serious, across all worlds I (or most people) know, a particular, very similar across worlds planet called "Earth" is legit the most common home and origin planet of humans.
"Earth". As in " d i r t " .
... okay, I guess in SOME worlds it's called "Terra" or something.
>> No. 2086
you act as if were any better over here XD
its the same here lol
that planet in this "story" were all watchin thats earth
>> No. 2087
Uh, you talking to me specifically? What comparisons even
>> No. 2088
File 157648629391.jpg - (48.76KB , 460x681 , peace and love.jpg )
come oooon don't get your feathers all ruffled over stupid stuff and culture differences again >.<
peace and love!!!!!
>> No. 2089
Everyone say one nice thing about a world other than your own, or about the people there
>> No. 2090
the hub has lots lots lots lots hot chicks :D
super fuckable!!
>> No. 2091
not what i think they meant but i guess it works
>> No. 2092
Both Asivida and the Hub alike are places full of people from all kinds of worlds and cultural backgrounds. Neither is one place or the other entirely ethically sound, nor can one place or the other be generalized for their black sheep.
I see plently of my fellow Asividans on this board pull the "Hub is full of ignorant racists!" card very quickly, for instance - but that's not an iota less racist (... worldist? Pff) or ignorant than the people they get so riled up about in the first place.

TL;DR: Both sides have idiots, get over it
>> No. 2093
>> No. 2094
Eh...... not sure why you mention the hub and our place specifically
Buuuuut I guess that's where most people on this board are from so I gueeeeess it checks out
>> No. 2095
Watch her innocently try to clean her between the legs
>> No. 2096
come on mate even suzu isnt that oblivious xD
>> No. 2097
you were saying
>> No. 2098
>> No. 2099
someone forgot to tag this thing nsfw
>> No. 2100
It's alright, only the maids watch these while working and they're used to such acts anyway
>> No. 2101
Wait, you... you didn't actually say that.
>> No. 2102
This? A get?
>> No. 2103
File 157652916185.png - (51.65KB , 300x314 , hoesmad.png )
I did, though. It's true, isn't it?
>> No. 2104
oh shit whaddup
>> No. 2105
Finally someone sees. We should get rid of these lazy literal asses.
>> No. 2106
Sage this thread and forget about the >>2100 fucker
>> No. 2107
The Art of Thread Derail.
>> No. 2108
... I mean, this is literally happening right now. Like, this is not a TV show or something, that's literally going on right now between those two real people
Should we feel... bad about kind of just watching this, or, uuuh... xD
>> No. 2109
it is time!! :D
ive been waiting for this for AGEEEEEES took waaaaay too loooooong way way way :D
no feeling bad no none no time to get on with the kinky shit!!
>> No. 2110
the harem owner has spoken i guess. leave your dignity at the entrance before you get in
>> No. 2111
I am not sure if doing it with a tree log qualifies as "kinky"
>> No. 2112
Wow, what a slut
>> No. 2113
i feel filthy for peeping in on this
doesnt mean ill stop tho
>> No. 2114
>> No. 2115
I mean, nice - they masked the porn as adventure movie by giving it some unusually long intro
>> No. 2116
It wasn't supposed to *leak* at first, but as it did, they now go with the *flow*
>> No. 2117
they should really get to the leaking and flowing already YES!!!! should
>> No. 2118
Does it matter? This thread is at the top anyway
>> No. 2122

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