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File 15685671756.png - (28.67KB , 445x513 , ask-me-anything.png )
1105 No. 1105
Hello, dear off-worlders!

We have gone through a lot of data on off-world relations in recent times - communication, language barriers, tourism, the long Asividan inactivity on this site, and so on.
In doing so, we have come to clearly see and identify many inefficiencies and unfortunate decisions, past and present.

So, given the present data regarding preferred methods of communication across worlds among the general public, we considered a more casual and, most of all, a more comfortably accessible approach for getting to know us and our world (for those who are interested in it), and for us to not just get to know more about you and your worlds, but also hear things from you that might inform our decisions regarding off-world relations and tourism a bit better than in the past.

And as controversial as the decision was at Etasa, this site honestly seems like the ideal place for that in our opinion!

So for a start, with this, we would like to simply start a kind of AMA thread.
You, dear off-worlders, may ask or bring up whatever you like (don't worry, we have no noble delusions about this staying civil or safe for minors), and any of us over here may feel free to chime in with whatever they have to say.

We hope you like this idea, and hope you will take part in any future threads or surveys we may put up.

Kind regards,
Salis Bureau for Tourism and Off-World Relations (SUOVE/SBTOR)

PS: We would actually like to couple this AMA thread with a simple question to all you off-worlders.
That being: Do you feel more comfortable with our convention of providing alternative English terminology for our locales, races and the like, or would you prefer us to simply use the original terminology in our native tongue (when speaking to you, in tourism info material, in travel guides, at the embassy in Xantesa, etc...)?
Thank you in advance for providing us with your feedback!
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>> No. 1116
....... you actually have hope that this will go well on this site and the first thing you do is losing your account to some basement dweller or some shit
i mean sure fuck lets go nothing to lose
ill get the popcorn
>> No. 1118
where to get laid
>> No. 1119
File 156856805927.png - (25.42KB , 112x112 , tsukihi.png )
Ladies and gentleman, the first and the last, the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end of everything - a question that no thing can exist without.
>> No. 1120
I mean... we have brothels of all kinds like any other world does
And if you're female and into weird shit there's always Lady Laputi's harem
>> No. 1122
> there's always Lady Laputi's harem
>> No. 1123
Well, technically, since fucking is required to preserve the race - yeah, you're right
>> No. 1124
Do I need a visa?
>> No. 1125
What's your time/date system
>> No. 1126
glad i brought popcorn
>> No. 1127
Doesn't "Laputi" mean "screwdriver"?
>> No. 1128
in what fucking language
>> No. 1129
File 15685686374.png - (252.87KB , 600x638 , 401.png )
ooooohohohoooooh yeas it does
>> No. 1130

There are no seasons, times of day, or anything of the sort in extrauniversal space in our world. On a more complicated scientific level, time doesn't technically exist in the usual fashion here to begin with.

Therefore, we simply use conventional time measurement (minutes, hours...) with days of twenty-four hours, weeks of seven days, months of four weeks (universally) and years of twelve months; we don't actually use names for those days or months, though, expressing them purely in numbers.

Expressed in text, it looks like this: "Year-Month-Day, Hour.Minutes" (expressed solely numerical)

I hope this answers your question in a satisfactory manner. : )
>> No. 1131
you forgot to say we EF and PF for years
its similar to BC and AD but is about the founding of salis
lavon adopted it too at some point because of inflated years
i think laed still keeps counting like before tho not sure
>> No. 1132
So you can enjoy a nice sunbath on whatever-12-31 23.59 huh
>> No. 1133
It depends.
The Xantesan Gate (we call it Xaneta; it's the place where gates to other worlds, like Xantesa, are located) is subject to security checks, but can be freely traversed. So it's useful for using Asivida as a stepping stone between worlds, as well.
Other than that, if you wish to leave the Xantesan Gate and traverse Asivida, you will need to get the right papers depending on where you want to go (Salis or Lavon; Laed doesn't like tourists) and why (tourism or immigration).
I'm not sure if there are actually any civilian tourists or immigrants accepted anywhere other than Salis or Lavon, but I think not.
>> No. 1134
some bigger cities or districts in em have simulated skies and times of day or even seasons and all that shit
but yeah mostly the sky above (or below) you is just a mostly blue or purply nothingness with colorful dots and streaks
kinda like youre inside a mostly blue nebula with a big fat purple core
>> No. 1135
i didnt like my last name hate hate hate hate hate it haaaate
so i changed a few letters and then it was laputi and i liiiiiike it <3
>> No. 1137
7x4 is 28 u dingus
>> No. 1138
math sucks
>> No. 1139
what do you mean, simulated
>> No. 1140
uh i guess youd call it an enchantment that makes it appear like theres a sky with clouds and a sun and stars and weather and all that shit
its especially popular around specialized vacation places and beaches
>> No. 1141
So you can't actually bath in the sun? What a shithole
>> No. 1142
But of course we do. For one, the mentioned simulated skies feel in every way real. Secondly, it is not at all a complication or bother to pick any given nearby universe, a nice era and place in it, and go on a vacation of any given length there.

The way our world is an open space containing a multiverse makes leisure and vacations highly accessible and individualized. It is always as easy as just a quick trip to anywhere in any desired era. : )
>> No. 1144
The hijacker has been found and arrested. We apologize for the inconvenience.

We also want to remind you, given how that part of the opening post is obscured in the initial view of the message, to please provide your feedback on our question in the PS.
Thank you!

Kind regards,
Salis Bureau for Tourism and Off-World Relations (SUOVE/SBTOR)
>> No. 1145
was the guy they fired last week lol
>> No. 1148
not speaking for anyone but it doesnt really matter use what youre used to cause were used to use our own names and i mean everyone has their own terminology we shouldnt be treated as one single subject in this matter
>> No. 1149
nah thats not what he or she was talking about
like uh good example
the place here most of you would know is the void right. or the white palace
thing is thats not what those are really called thats just english names they came up with for some reason for offworld people
...i think its dumb just makes it more confusing not less than just using the right name for something even if it sounds outlandish r whatever
>> No. 1150
I think the reason they did that was because of the naming conventions for places. It makes sense when you know where it comes from, but sounds like word salad if you don't.
I think that thought isn't 101 percent stupid, but it's still pretty nonsensical. When you think about someone's name - I don't know, Dave - you don't think how it makes sense for the person to be called Dave. They're just called Dave and you know that person with that face is Dave.
Hope that makes sense.
>> No. 1153
well but thats what i mean people are gonna use their own names in the end so just use whatever you want to be official for example that white palace might be called teethville or something in the end so thats why im saying not to worry about it
>> No. 1154
i mean called by the people not oficially of course most of us here are just dumb individualists haha
>> No. 1157
Learn to fucking write.
>> No. 1159
right dumb niggling individualists sorry
>> No. 1165
I never got on board with that
Might as well call Damaseda
"Big Major Witch City" or something then
>> No. 1166
can asividans ask people from elsewhere questions too here oir is this just one way around
>> No. 1168
questions about xantesa ? i can ask hera to open a new thread since she got the job as web informant and she looks bored there behind that bar haha
>> No. 1179
>tfw you get to prison for trolling online
>> No. 1180
i said arrested not prison and not for trolling but for breaking into a governmentr building lol
>> No. 1208
Why is the gate so goddamn fucking far away?
>> No. 1210
The gates to Xantesa and other worlds at Xaneta here in Asivida can be seen as tears in our world, so to speak.
Creating such tears is how people like Lady Dos or Lady Merana's servant Miss Yosuya travel instantaneously.

Problem here being that these gates, being such tears, could (to our current theoretical scientific knowledge regarding the subject matter) possibly be used as back doors. In simple terms: It would be like entering Asivida from Asivida, and due to the size of those gates (especially the gate to Xantesa), considerable numbers of hostiles could be able to suddenly flood in.

It is extremely unlikely to happen, especially given that preventive countermeasures are in place and that we are thus far unable to conclusively prove that doing this would be possible.
But given how catastrophic this would be were it to happen, even the extremely low possibility was enough for us to decide to build Xaneta in the outer reaches of Salis.
>> No. 1211
okay, but... uh... right. okay.
>> No. 1213
No, please. If something is unclear or does not make sense to you, I am very happy to explain. : )
>> No. 1214
... please don't try to explain Reovida and pre-wave theory. xD
>> No. 1216
please explain Reovida and pre-wave theory
>> No. 1217
i mean, how does increasing the distance prevent invasion?
>> No. 1218
Your funeral
I can hear her typing from here
>> No. 1219
isn't that part obvious :o
sooo obvious obvious obvious
if nasty people come popping out you don't want them aaaaaaall close to the capital or other places and all that stuff!!!!! never ever ever ever ever ever
sooooooo its secluded :o
>> No. 1220
well if someone's coming for your world i bet they'd be moving equally as fast or faster than your information transfer so you won't even know they're there before they are already at your gate right?
>> No. 1222
File 156863911194.png - (859.39KB , 1036x955 , Southeast Asivida.png )
Very well. I will have to first go into some aspects of Source Theory, though, so forgive the slight tangent.
(In all of the following, feel free to reference the provided map.)

Source Theory says that Asivida came to be in a similar fashion to what Earthlings call the Big Bang Theory, at least conceptually.
It explains that all matter and every last bit of conceptual energy has its origin in Sovida. From there, at the beginning of time, two massive waves of conceptual energy and potential matter burst forth from Sovida to the southeast and northwest. (We are by now certain that it was two beings you would call "Creators" who caused this to happen.)
This is how the constellations you see on that map formed.
Those initial bursts still have active remains in Asivida to this day - Tonim and Trotim, streams transporting conceptual energy and souls to and from Sovida, and Tonimeva and Tromeva, the actual waves themselves which still ever, ever so slowly (but provably and observably) continue to travel forth into nothingness. (Tonimeva, as you can see on the map, is the big gold-colored wave-like constellation in the bottom right of the map.)

That mentioned nothingness is Reovida, which is where we move onto Pre-Wave Theory; it is called such because it pertains to Reovida (space yet unreached by the waves) and how it functions.
"Nothingness" is not absolutely accurate and our knowledge is not perfect regarding Reovida, but the gist of it is that there are no traces of matter, time or conceptual energy there, while the three-dimensionality of space does seem to still apply (possibly, more on this later).

The way people like Lady Dos or Miss Yosuya use Reovida to travel is to send forth destructive (or, in the case of Miss Yosuya, manipulative) force with very specific properties, a very specific travel distance, and two specific points of "impact".
The first impact creates a tear in Asivida that leads to some point in Reovida. From there, what with the lack of time or matter to collide with, that force travels the remaining intended distance in Reovida instantly, creating a second tear which leads to a spot within Asivida located away from the initial tear equal in distance and direction.
In simplified terms: Two instances of A-----B are created - one in Asivida, one in Reovida. A1 leads to A2, B1 leads to B2. And vice versa, naturally.

As for the parts we do not yet fully understand about Reovida and Pre-Wave Theory - well, as mentioned, time seems to be entirely nonexistent in whatever shape or form in Reovida, meaning a travel between the two points there should defy the laws of physics entirely.
Yet it works regardless; entering A, without fail, makes the traveller emerge from B immediately thereafter. Even the direction the initial tear is entered from does not seem to matter.
One theory we have regarding this is that distance and three-dimensionality do not actually apply to Reovida, and that it is instead the mere correspondence between tears and their entry points and conceptual signatures that makes this type of safe instantaneous Reovida-assisted travel work.

The other thing we have yet to find an explanation for is the fact that it seems impossible to use this method to "bypass" regions of Asivida that would not otherwise be directly traversable (Savnas at the top of the map, for instance, is not livable or traversable, and can also not be "moved past" by using tears to and from Reovida).
This is something we have yet to find any explanation for.

I think this should adequately cover the basics.
>> No. 1223
What have you done
>> No. 1224
i wanna fuck you so hard right now <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
>> No. 1225
Oh baby a triple
>> No. 1230
Wtf, you don't have cracks?
>> No. 1231
They don't have Genkar, you moron.
>> No. 1233
not every world works the same you know
>> No. 1237
What even are those dots, planets?
>> No. 1239
Do you mean the black dots with text?
They're not planets. They're structures, anything from entire cities to vessels to research stations to Xaneta.
Most of them have their own gravity fields so you can be there comfortably (Asivida has no natural gravity)
>> No. 1241
How the fuck do you build a city on some bright acid jelly
>> No. 1244
It is not "bright acid jelly". xD
Asivida is somewhat like a sphere in shape; that map is flattened for convenience. You can imagine it a bit like being inside a blue nebula with a purple core and a golden outer layer; that tells you what the sky there looks like, dotted with what you could visually compare to countless stars both near and far (universes; their presences are actually much more tiny in Asividan space than you would think).
Areas of Asivida are "colored" the way they are because of the type, flow and intensity of conceptual energy present there.
>> No. 1246
Do they just float in space on a sheet of concrete or what?
>> No. 1253
Someone decided on a "down" direction for gravity when they started building, and usually it is buildings, pathways and so on just floating there.
If you are asking if there is necessarily always some kind of foundation everything stands on, then no, not necessarily.
While this is a very popular style of architecture in Laed and parts of Lavon, most of Salis and Lavon architecture does not have a general foundation everything stands on; rather, cities are built not just in two dimensions, if you will, but in three. Damaseda (for capital of Salis), for instance, has as many towers pointing down as up, with roads, elevators and walkways leading every which direction necessary.
>> No. 1254
*"the capital". Excuse the typo.
>> No. 1255
So what, you can just walk up to the edge of the city and jump off?
>> No. 1256
Yes, you can. Not that it would matter; if you are here, then either because you are capable of doing so and thus capable of flying around freely, or - lacking the capability of such - because you are a guest whose existence is manually perpetuated by us, in which case the people responsible would know the second you fell off and would save you.
And even then places like Damaseda just automatically transport unfortunate fallers back up, just in case.
>> No. 1257
What Lady Gretel forgot to mention (and this will make what she just said make more sense) is that extrauniversal space in Asivida is purely conceptual. Meaning, y'know, you have to continuously think yourself into existence or just sort of... uh, die.
>> No. 1258
when did this become a science thread
>> No. 1260
Fuck, I wanted to kill myself in the most possibly stupid way.
>> No. 1269
Just shoot yourself
>> No. 1270
I wouldn't worry, mate
Places where they allow tourists are really safe, like she said
Even a normal human could survive in places like Damaseda or Avonma because they have people whose (literal, paid) job it is to keep 'em existing
This whole shit sounds pretty threatening from the outside, but it really isn't
Unless you decide to just fly off outside safe zones like a retard, then you get what's coming to you
>> No. 1272
But that's precisely what I want, I want to end myself but they won't let me
>> No. 1273
No you don't
>> No. 1274
>> No. 1277
can anyone just ask something funny or thats at least not science related for a hot sec
>> No. 1281

How many times can you skim a stone?
>> No. 1282
... skim a stone on some body of water, you mean? I don't know... I never tried to find out just how many times I can?
>> No. 1283
Then go and find out, it's about asking anything and getting an answer, right?
>> No. 1285
I am not sure why you care, but I can try it next time I am close to a sufficiently lengthy body of water. I do not feel like remodeling this place temporarily just to place a long pool of water in it for a moment. >.>
>> No. 1287
just tried think i counted 179 but im bad at it so lol
>> No. 1290
With enough power and at the right angle you can get hundreds upon hundreds of skips, it's totally pointless to count
>> No. 1293
yeah try no crutch magic fgt
>> No. 1296
Asking an Asividan to not use their powers is equivalent to asking them to stop using their muscles, or drop dead on the spot.
>> No. 1302
Pffffft xD
Fuckin' A, mage junkies
>> No. 1304
she meant that literally
>> No. 1308
Yeah me too
>> No. 1309
Right, so:
literal mage junkies
>> No. 1310
Magic (which is at least the word often used for it, though it is more similar to psionics) comes as natural to the two species of Asivida's extrauniversal space as breathing or thinking.
It is not something we can just turn off or, to begin with, view as a crutch to our other capabilities.
That is not how we function.

You can feel free to dislike or mock that, but in turn we may feel free to dismiss it as superstitious and uninformed rambling.

To each their own.
>> No. 1312
stop trying to samefag me, fag
>> No. 1313
Yeah okay
Beidrakk said she can't exist without fire and yet she was yelling louder than ever when the Purgers threw her into the water
It was a nice shitshow btw, but she escaped in the end, still a comedy until then
>> No. 1314
What might also be misunderstood is that our "magic" is not an external crutch. It doesn't rely on any external source of power (mana, for instance).
It's the act of using your willpower to make your imagination real, without the use of external resources, tools or assistance.
Meaning it comes purely from personal effort and skill, and nothing else.
So calling it a crutch seems rather out of place, rationally speaking.
And yes, that does mean psionics is the better term. Blame the same people who decided to call Adovida "the Void" for foreigners, I suppose.
>> No. 1316
so your boss's coleagues and the people who made this thread?
>> No. 1317
I don't even know the terms, nor do I care for them, you know, I'm an engineer, not mumbo-jumbo gal
>> No. 1319
Which is why I explained it.
>> No. 1344
I just heard you got some Rikon portrait or whateverin the castle, what?
>> No. 1356
Jedius? Yeah, the man saved one of our rulers and greatest heroes, Her Highness Great Lady Gretel of House XII.
Nobody really knows the specifics of what he did, but apparently it made her decide on an older body, and she herself says it's true that he saved her life.
So they declared him a national hero and hung his portrait with those of our rulers up at Etasa.
>> No. 1365
he gave her a soul. aren't you from asivida? pff, why do i know that and not you
>> No. 1366
He what??? xD
>> No. 1367
thats what i heard too
why does that sound weird tl you
>> No. 1372
Yeah his feats being something other than ramming a tram wagon into a 70th floor of a tower because "he didn't want to walk up the stairs" is really... unusual
>> No. 1375
Only... few people in Asivida are aware of that side of his. Most people here know him only as a fabled hero. And given that I know him decently well, that is as amusing to me as it likely is to you. : P
>> No. 1381
omg what? when? why? why did i never hear of this?
>> No. 1382
I cannot tell you how long ago it was in your timescale, but in ours it was 1,713 years ago.
>> No. 1384
wtf that's kind of a long time
>> No. 1386
i mean its 17607 pf atm so its not THAT long
>> No. 1390
i mean im 52 ant thought i was old
>> No. 1393
The oldest person here in Salis should undoubtedly be Archlord Alistair V. Hartford; he will tell no one his exact age, but it should be in the ballpark of 45,000 years.
There are people in Lavon who are older than even that, though, to my knowledge.
I myself am a youthful 16,335 years old. :^)
>> No. 1395
well fuck me im gonna get killed way before that
>> No. 1398
So you are a hag then
>> No. 1406
So was I, many times. But what do you do.
>> No. 1407
The magnitude or severity of me being a hag is no larger than the amount of your social skill, dear keyboard warrior. : )
>> No. 1418
I am this many
>> No. 1429
>> No. 1434
I am more than less.
>> No. 1437
That was an awful joke.
>> No. 1444
What about that was a joke?
>> No. 1455
Triples asked a question, you better respond
>> No. 1458
The part where I am years old
>> No. 1461
yeah fuck you kid
>> No. 1462
But I am
>> No. 1486
Since that was mentioned what are your known races
>> No. 1495
udans, evonnas, stistas
also gods i guess or creators or whatever
>> No. 1496
ok what
>> No. 1498
Oh dear. A good opportunity to clear up the misleading "witch", "demon" and "magic" terminology, I suppose.
And just to make reading easier: Asividan pronunciation is very English-esque, and we pluralize words with s/as, while n/an often indicates using a word as an adjective.

... there will be a TL;DR at the bottom that skips all the explanations. :^)
Thus, no worries; if a quick overview is all you want, simply scroll down.

First of all, rather than using the incorrect term "magic", I will use the Asividan term "Endora"; it is the proper term coined for the innate powers of Asividans, derived from the words for "imagination" and "willpower".

So then. There were originally just two native species in Asivida:
- Humans (Asividan: Udans), native to the universes contained in Asivida; not naturally capable of utilizing Endora despite their powerful imagination due to lacking the required willpower
- Evonnas, native to extrauniversal space in Asivida; a separate term for a matured Evonna capable of using Endora to its full potential is "Arna"; naturally capable of utilizing Endora; look like humans except for their pupils, which look like those of a snake; the misleading English term you may know them as is "demon"

Here is where things get a tad more complicated.
Due to a change made to the laws of nature by Archlord Alistair V. Hartford in the ballpark of 40,000 to 70,000 years ago, a long time before even the founding of Salis, pure humans are actually extinct in all of the livable / traversable regions of southern Asivida (Arvida, Osrevida, Tovravida, Rivida, Adovida, Imvida, Irgevida, Movida and the region now known as Acnova, assuming any life still exists in the latter).
(The reason this affected only the mentioned regions is the fact that most kinds and magnitudes of conceptual energy, and thus most of any effects of Endora, cannot pass through Asivida's unlivable / impassable regions.)

Instead, humans born in all those regions are born as part-Evonna. These humans can then awaken to their Evonnan side and the heightened willpower that comes with it (which is in most cases triggered by an extremely heightened emotional state, psychological trauma, or something along those lines), allowing them use of Endora.
This part-human part-Evonna species, when fully* awakened that way, is referred to as "Stista"; this is the dominant species here in Salis, the one you may have previously heard of under the misleading term "witch".
Here too we have a separate term for a matured Stista fully attuned to their use of Endora, that being "Arsta".
Stistas are generally capable of using much higher-magnitude Endora than Evonnas due to having both the powerful imagination of humans and the great willpower of Evonnas.

* Humans can also awaken to merely a portion of their Evonnan side. We still refer to those as humans, despite them being capable of utilizing low-magnitude Endora.
(The Japanese warrior Fujiwara Suzuko and Crown-Princess Agahara of Kozu, in that sequence of events currently taking place in one of Asivida's countless universes which you may or may not be observing for entertainment, are two such humans, for instance. There is a thread about said events here on 9chan, if you are interested.)

In that sense, Archlord Alistair V. Hartford is generally seen as the originator of most or all Stistas, and likely the first of our kind.

Lastly, there is extrauniversal life present in the northern parts of Asivida as well; there is a sizable portion of livable extrauniversal space there that we can say for certain does exist (we even mapped it out precisely), but we have yet to find any way of actually going there due to being cut off from there by impassable regions in between.
It might be populated by Evonnas, it might be populated by something entirely different. We do not know anything about the extrauniversal inhabitants of those regions outside the fact that they have a strong conceptual signature not unlike Evonnas, meaning they too are users of Endora.
We also suspect that they might have much more advanced scientific knowledge about our world than we do, due to the fact that one livable / traversable region in the north, an offshoot of the Trodevida region designated TDV-4, borders directly on Sovida, which is a luxury we in the south do not have (the closest we can get to Sovida is the westernmost parts of Arvida).

- Humans (Asividan: Udans), native to universal space; pure humans exist only outside our explored and lived in regions, the rest are part-Evonna
- Evonnas (Matured: Arna), native to extrauniversal space, presumably the oldest species in Asivida, founding and majority species of the nation Lavon, founding and sole species of the nation Laed
- Stistas (Matured: Arsta), aforementioned hybrids after awaking to their Evonnan side, presumably the youngest species in Asivida, founding and majority species of the nation Salis
- Possibly one or more other species in northern Asivida that, should they exist, we know next to nothing about

And that should cover everything. : )

PS: Yes, there are two types of Creators in Asivida.
We call them Odsas (lower-tier, seemingly any Asividan, or at the very least any Stista, can become one) and Irstas (higher-tier, it seems only two of them exist), but thus far we have no evidence that either genetically differs much or at all from Stistas, so we do not technically count them as separate species of their own.
The only distinguishable differences are that Irstas have white pupils and seem to give off no sign of conceptual energy radiation that others (or at least non-Creators) could sense / perceive.
>> No. 1499
Holy fucking shit on a flying sandwich, just the TL;DR would've been fine
>> No. 1500
Wtf Gretel
>> No. 1501
What seems to be the problem? I provided a TL;DR, and anyone else interested can read the rest.
Also, way to waste the 1500, Aki. :^)
>> No. 1502
Shut up >_>
>> No. 1504
...... i got nothing
>> No. 1506
>wErE cReAtOrS
>> No. 1507
holy shit ok calm down its an image board not a text board
>> No. 1509
Ok so humies fairies and half-fairies with some Denehia shit possibly existing got it
>> No. 1511
The fuck's an Ervanite
>> No. 1513
I do not know what you are referring to, but the two mentioned types of beings do indeed qualify as actual Creators - however few of them there are.
Now that I think about it, I am not all that aware of how common or uncommon Creators are in other worlds. I merely know a scant few by name.
>> No. 1514
Irstas are Creators
Odsas are wannabes
>> No. 1517
fuck you :p
>> No. 1518
Haa, haa.
>> No. 1524
who gives a fuck about creators not like they matter lol never do anything from what i can tell
>> No. 1525
what do they even do
are they like gods
>> No. 1526
I think
>> No. 1529
An Ervan user duh
>> No. 1531
Just because you can create a cup and chug tea out of it doesn't mean you're a creator lmfao
>> No. 1532
I give a fuck, one owes me money.
>> No. 1534
Oh dear edge lord I though we're centuries past learning the difference
MAUSS get your slutty ass over here and explain
>> No. 1535
Fuck off.
>> No. 1536
I called for the shitrat not for you.
>> No. 1537
File 156879169411.png - (124.76KB , 256x259 , mmhm.png )
Fuck off.
>> No. 1538
I am very much aware of what a Creator is and is not, thank you very much. : P
>> No. 1539
Yes, I am aware.
>> No. 1541
No, gods are are powerful and can do a lot of things
Creators don't use power or even do things to make things happen
They're what happens when you take away the "because" and just leave "is" and "is not"
... I know that's a shit explanation, but I'm sleepy
>> No. 1542
im not sure thats how that works
that doesnt even make sense
>> No. 1544
> Doesn't make sense
Yeah, not like that's literally what I just said or anything
>> No. 1545
i dont think anyone said so lol
otherwise id be one
>> No. 1546
that doesnt make it make any more sense lol
>> No. 1547
Just... nevermind
>> No. 1548
If a Creator wanted you to stop existing right this given moment, you would stop existing.
Note how I said "you would stop existing", not "they would make you stop existing".

It is a very crude and simplistic example, but it should get the point across.

Imagine the director of a movie deciding to get rid of a character in the script. They would not have to kill that character or use some arcane miracle to make it so they never existed. Rather, they just have to remove the character from the script, or insert a scene where the character dies.
So the director did not "do" anything within the confines of the movie.
That is the best analogy I can think of.
>> No. 1549
but were not in a movier lol
>> No. 1550
Yeah, THAT was definitely the takeaway here xD
>> No. 1551
Creators get ?+1 from 0
That's all you had to say
>> No. 1553
Yeah I can get you my +1 if you know what I mean
>> No. 1554
I'm into chicks
But thanks for the offer? >_>
>> No. 1557
Yeah how do you explain Tres then
>> No. 1558
omg haha
>> No. 1559
a lazy director?
>> No. 1560
Well... whether they use their powers or not, that wouldn't really change what they are
A bird that doesn't fly is still a bird
>> No. 1562
Yeah the creators brag about being able to do anything and everything but none of them proves they can erase themselves completely
>> No. 1563
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>> No. 1564
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> creator erasing themselves
goodbye, cruel world
>> No. 1567
We're better of without them.
>> No. 1568
yea but what can you do
>> No. 1575
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>> No. 1615
I just realized, if you're on space disk cities floating in nothingness, where do you get food from? What about waste? Electricity?
>> No. 1617
Our cities actually look more like spheres or sometimes pillars comprised of many towers from far away. That is the best blanket visual description I can provide. Come on vacation sometime and see for yourself. : )

As for your questions...

For one, we do not require food to survive. The only food we eat is eaten for the pleasure of, well, eating it.
On one hand we can of course just create whatever food we please on the spot.
But we still have restaurants or bars and such - this is because you can be more or less proficient at creating or doing certain things with Endora than others. As such, there are those who specialize in a certain discipline (such as creating delicious food) and make it their job.

Non-Endora Food
Lastly, we do have certain cultural circles who prefer, say, actually raising animals and slaughtering them to then obtain meat that way, and there are people who do it this way and sell the results.
The problem here is twofold.
Firstly, there are many complications; animals, plants and so on do not naturally occur in extrauniversal Asividan space, and of course they cannot utilize Endora, meaning they cannot keep existing here normally.
So people who produce, sell and consume food that way encounter numerous complications and additional steps necessary in procuring and sustaining the existence of animals, plants and the like.
Secondly, due us being able to simply create things, many (or even most) people here see it as barbaric to unnecessarily raise animals and plants only to slaughter and destroy them for nothing but sentimental preference (or, put more harshly, decadence).
Many, me included, also find it hypocritical and self-defeating. The reason is simple: Yes, the food was not created using Endora, but to even make it possible to procure and sustain those animals or plants, Endora is necessary either way.
(And yes, not even the final piece of meat or bread would keep existing in Asividan extrauniversal space were it not for someone imbuing those objects with the property of "keeps existing".)

This is a simple one: Wherever we do require electricity, it is simple to just imbue objects with it. As with most things else, there are people who specialize in imbuing objects with long-lasting and reliable electricity-producing properties, making it their job to create them.

Well, here too the answer is rather obvious, is it not? We have nowhere to dump and make any use of our waste, so we either simply make it disappear, or we imbue objects (such as toilets) with the property of doing it. Here too people especially proficient at imbuing objects with long-lasting, reliable and efficient functions of this kind make it their job to create and sell them.

PS: Of course any one person could do all this by themselves - create their food, produce electricity, dispose of their waste - without noteworthy effort.
So paying others for these things, or for anything else, is done merely for the luxury of benefiting from services and products provided by those who are especially skilled at doing so. Read, it is merely for the luxury of an improved "user experience", if you will.
>> No. 1618
Lil' addendum: Since we made contact with Xantesa, we actually have way more non-Endora food and services than before, especially in tourist locations.
Y'know, cultural courtesy.
>> No. 1620
i own a farm in lower damaseda. our clients are many restaurants with lots of tourists.

can confirm it's a pain in the ass... it's not just about keeping animals alive and keeping plants existing - you need sunlight and other stuff as well for many kinds of food production.

so if you ever wondered why food made this way is more expensive than other food here, there's your explanation.
>> No. 1621
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>create whatever food we please on the spot
ok nvm
>> No. 1622
It actually seems to be quite a fashion everywhere nowadays
>> No. 1623
Dude, why don't you just, you know - fly the hell out of the acid-colored space jelly and start your business in any one of the Sarieltillion worlds out there?
>> No. 1624
>There problem, what do
...Really? That's... seriously disappointing.
>> No. 1625
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>Raising your food with love and care because you are what you eat - barbaric
>Living in a literal shithole that wants to eat you - civilised
>> No. 1626
Actually, even as dumb as the second anon is, they do have a point.

Why don't you move out of that place?
>> No. 1627
So, just so I get this right - you want untold billions of people to just abandon their homes and all they built in it to more or less invade some other world and make a new home there, and also bring the inherent danger there that our races sadly are?
Ahdunno, doesn't sound like the best idea, mate.

I mean, we can explain to you a million times that it's not magic, it's just something we can and have to do just like, ahdunno, a human can and has to breathe.

Like, you make your stupid lil' comments, but you're aware that half of the people you make them about are of a race that never even originated from a place with food available or even necessary, right?

Don't really give a shit if you live in a place where you have to do weird dick measuring contests or show how awesome and special you are by... uh, randomly electing to just straight up not use some natural ability your mind or body has, but that doesn't mean you get to judge others for not playing along with your lil' game of "who can be the most conceited".
... I mean, you can do that, just means yer an ignorant and entitled lil' shit, but eyyy, you do you. :^)
>> No. 1628
> raise with love and care
yyyeah im sure the cow really cares that you were all loveydovey about it before you lobbed its head off
look mate i dont judge people who kill and destroy because they have to do it to survive but if you just do it for shits and giggles because of some weird conceited ideal of yours then go fuck yourself xD
>> No. 1629
I am also not quite sure where the idea comes from that utilizing Endora to achieve things takes no effort. I do not think anything that was explained about it in this thread should give the impression that it does not.
>> No. 1630
Why would we leave? To acquiesce to your preference for us to do things your way? :p
>> No. 1631
Well, some do. But as a civilization, migrating entirely to a different world would be pointless. The nature of our existence would not suddenly change. Not to mention the only bad thing about our world is the war we are caught up in, and that is not something we can escape; we would just bring the danger of the Dark to whatever world we would migrate to.

Thus, there is absolutely no reason for us to leave. If anything, this world - given the modifications we manually made to it - is very much tailor-made for beings like us.
Not to mention many of us feel a responsibility to protect and nurture this world we live in. Sentimental, I know, but given you too have your own very blatantly purely sentimental values, I am sure you can understand.
>> No. 1632
> not sure where the misconception comes from
uh, hint: how many worlds and their people do you know that are like asivida and its people
>> No. 1633
doesnt mean you gotta judge first ask later lol
>> No. 1651
why not?
>> No. 1652
>the only bad thing about our world is the war we are caught up in
Ahdunno, having to rely on some dipshit to think about you when you get knocked out or whatever comes to mind
>> No. 1653
Yeah, I bet you mourn every sperm cell after a fap too xD
>> No. 1654
I'm sorry, but that just sounds like a stupid excuse.
Just because said human has to breathe doesn't mean he/she has to blow the air. I mean, I get it, you live in your little* imagined world where everything is imaginary, but don't try to claim it's not a convenience.
>> No. 1655
So we can never see you again
>> No. 1658
Of course it's convenient. What I don't get is how that's a bad thing. What exactly is the benefit or value in electing to not use a natural ability you have?
>> No. 1660
... that wouldn't be different if we went elsewhere, mate
not sure why ya think what we are would change just because we go elsewhere
>> No. 1662
>> No. 1663
Xantesans dislike using crutches. Outside help to solve your problems.
I halfway agree with that. What is misunderstood here is that our powers aren't an outside crutch.
>> No. 1664
well, uh

this sounds like a flaw of the place, not people
>> No. 1667
i mean no thats just how we are
if we go to somewhereelse that doesnt just stop being a thing xD
>> No. 1668
The point there was more that living in Asivida makes this an issue even for visitors.
>> No. 1669
>> No. 1673
Wait, so you just need to disrupt the thought processes of some people and suddenly pop, you disappear?
'Raynee''s gonna be ecstatic xDD
>> No. 1674
Well, it sounded like it was an issue of the world or whatever.
Wow, then, you guys are seriously flawed.
>> No. 1676
I mean, kinda, yeah? It's more of a passive mental thing for almost all of us, needs no active focus on it
Not to mention it's really fucking hard to just casually negate that
Though I heard of newbie lesser Stistas who left their universes and had to actually focus on not disappearing xD
>> No. 1677
You learn more about a thing when you try different methods, tools and conditions. Also, the more time you spend on it, the more time you have to spot details otherwise unnoticeable.

Also things like muscle memory that are useful even outside one task.

That, and, you don't look like a goddamn moron who can't even use a spoon xD
>> No. 1678
not like its an issue yknow
because uh okay this is gonna look like flexing but yeah because were generally really damn powerful and the way we keep existing IS by using that power
so at the end of the day we asividans are MUCH HARDER to kill than most anything else i ever heard of
>> No. 1679
Saged, somebody create a new one
>> No. 1680
Yeah, all good and nice until you meet some dedicated brainfucker
>> No. 1683
Yeah. That's the misunderstanding here. Endora isn't magic. We don't have spells for everything that just do shit for us. It's manual and takes effort.
Thinking of a good way to say it...
Think of a "version" of magic or psionics that's subject to all that. Doing it manually. Muscle memory (equivalent, not literally). Different methods. Practice. Proficiency at different tasks. Gets better results if it's complex, so effort and practice and taking your time = better results.
Kinda like that.
>> No. 1685
I said iT'S SAGED
>> No. 1686
i mean we can make spells that do one REALLY specific thing which is more efficient then
but thats obviously not very universal
more like a tool to make a task go better
>> No. 1688
Dude, calm down. lol
Fellows at SUOVE will make a new one soon enough
>> No. 1740
New wan because these morons can't fucking link

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