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File 156805281532.png - (162.40KB , 600x450 , mat.png )
1013 No. 1013
Bet you don't know, nippleheads, but there's a new transmission coming from the deadlands xD

A harem story, I'm calling it
Protag looks like a decent douchebag
Expand all images
>> No. 1014
omg someone posted
>> No. 1015
Rikon said this board is gonna get deleted if nobody posts anything before the next Ringing and YOU FUCKING KILLED IT
Go back to your shitstain of a world and FUCKING DIE THERE
>> No. 1016
Come on, can't you guys go along? There's nothing else worth interest going about in TV and hey, this thing looks kind of promising
>> No. 1017
I had a big TV screen once
I got smarter then and sold it
I don't have a big TV screen anymore
>> No. 1018
YOU couldn't go along with the plan to REMOVE THIS FUCKING BOARD FROM EXISTENCE
>> No. 1019
File 156808634572.jpg - (45.88KB , 900x851 , baka.jpg )
O hey, yeah, I've seen that. I'm not sure about the "promising" part, though. It's a typical setup for some cliche incest story and that other china chick is dumb as hell.

Will follow, but my expectations are very low.
>> No. 1020
I lost it at the "food included?" part xDDDDDD
>> No. 1021
>> No. 1022
...'twas lame tho
>> No. 1023
Yeah, China-chan got fucked up, what a disappointment
>> No. 1024
Hah, wanna see you try yourself in a skirmish against some trained soldiers
>> No. 1025
That's a problem? Dude, I faced tank squads alone, what can a goddamn chopstick man do?
>> No. 1026
File 15685572174.jpg - (47.81KB , 960x594 , 9oMUS1t.jpg )
Ara ara, motherfuckers
>> No. 1027
I'm calling it now, the "cargo" girl is an undead
>> No. 1028
It's a demon, mofo.
>> No. 1029
>> No. 1030
Fuck off, it's clear she's new to this and I think she did fine for her first time. Not great, it's not your typical "THE CHOSEN ONE DESCENDS ON THE BATTLEFIELD", but definitely above average. I mean, she cut a man THROUGH HIS SHIELD. That's not an everyday feat.
>> No. 1031
Firstly, I was not aware this was publicly broadcasted. Not entirely sure anyone actually authorized that.
Secondly, I forgot my password. Can I recover that somewhere?
>> No. 1032
Yeah right, tripstealing all the way
>> No. 1033
your kinda demon or our kinda demon?? still fucking retarded WHY do we call them demons, i get they make shit english friendly but cmon
>> No. 1034
File 156855843379.jpg - (67.22KB , 506x474 , oniichan.jpg )
Wow, what way to underestimate the backdoor techniques.
>> No. 1035
Backdoor is what your dad introduces you to every evening
>> No. 1036
sorry not him but what do you mean a demon is a demon right so how do you make kinds of demones its stupid
>> No. 1037
In Glorantha they call the elementals "daimons" so yeah
>> No. 1038
File 156855862556.png - (29.44KB , 157x132 , qr.png )
Hah, over a half of the thread off-topic
Never change, 9chan
>> No. 1039
I'm pretty sure that code violates the law.
>> No. 1040
File 156855875896.png - (972.03KB , 784x720 , 0e0533d36070f87e210694df5320b990.png )
I'm pretty sure your boyfriend violates your ass.
>> No. 1041
We gave our local species and locales English names, mainly for foreigners who may not take to well to our native tongue.
That said, the native extrauniversal species inhabiting our world is called "demon" in English. I must admit in hindsight that it was an unlucky choice of words, much as it seemed aesthetically fitting at the time.
We may have to reevaluate that choice sometime.
>> No. 1042
So, what is this story even about? Any guesses?

A pair of not!twins goes around the country trying not to fight, transport some materials/weapons and now people trafficking, while some outsider jumps right in ignoring obvious signs and gets hit like a moron only to go through a deus ex machina and already reach what she was trying to get to at the beginning of the story - I mean, how does the two even connect?
>> No. 1043
It's a short - twins deliver the girl, turns out it's the Princess' girfriend, they thank each other, the end.
>> No. 1044
Yeah, "we", right.
I didn't vote for that
>> No. 1045
How am I supposed to read a QR code displayed on my phone with my phone
>> No. 1046
File 156855924343.png - (104.93KB , 315x315 , shouldimakelifealittlebiteasierforyou.png )
Yeah, and in Lasteria they call the psions "magicians"

I mean come on, don't expect various worlds to use the same terminology, that's stupid xD
>> No. 1047
actually can xyou believe lavon and laed governments AGREED on that name for their own fucking race
>> No. 1048
They're actually Denkos, or Supers, they aren't affected by phylicitostaxium.
>> No. 1049
Oh fuck me, 9chan scientists came
>> No. 1050
Right? The best thing is they hid the existence od other worlds from us for over a thousand of years, only making it public when they could no longer hide the visitors.
>> No. 1051
File 156855960150.jpg - (87.08KB , 404x300 , xd.jpg )
>> No. 1052
As I said, on topic as fuck :')
>> No. 1053
Meh. Not the issue. Issue is that "demon" is just inaccurate. Same for "witch". It's just wrong when you think about what "demon" and "witch" mean. That's not what that is.
I voted against it. On both. Just for the record.
>> No. 1054
I can gladly fuck you
>> No. 1055
who hid worlds
>> No. 1056
You know who. I won't say it 'cause I don't want a raid on my place but it was very obvious since, well, always. Just think for a bit, about various weird occurences and how they're connected.
>> No. 1057
so hows your tin foil hat?
>> No. 1058
I mean, you're not exactly on topic either
>> No. 1059
i dont even know where youre from and who you think hid what from who you superhero
here in salis we heard about xantesa and house of the dead and that other place whatever it was called really early
i mean fuck that jedius dude is a celeb here
in lavon too
..... and i mean laed is laed who gives a fuck
>> No. 1060
>Protag looks like a decent douchebag
Who even is the protag there? I'd say it's the plane-hime, introduced through some other characters eyes, but then the twins&stranger trip doesn't make much sense
>> No. 1061
Sure, you heard about it. Recently. But you seem to have no idea for how long it had influenced us all before.
>> No. 1062
As a member of Salis' governmental body, I have legitimately no idea what you are talking about. Off-world tourism has been commonplace at least in Salis well before contact with Xantesa and directly or indirectly related worlds was established, and it was mere weeks after the first encounter with Xantesa and its residents that said occasion was made public knowledge.
>> No. 1063
theres two protags and four sidefags so far
learn to read between lines idiot
>> No. 1064
File 156856068783.png - (30.01KB , 128x128 , animesmug.png )
>a member of Salis' governmental body
>on 9chan
>> No. 1065
> Weeks
>> No. 1066
>> No. 1067
...I thought there's four of them? The three on the wagon and Agahara?
>> No. 1068
> Random asshole on the webs
> "I'm someone really important and you can trust me"
>> No. 1069
protags princess and nippon chan
sidefags mystery girl and notrelatedbyblood i mean twins
>> No. 1070
oh and the iniya chick forgot that one
okay maybe haana and icanthitanyoneguy too so for to six sidefags
>> No. 1071
>The three on the wagon
I mean, that autism girl, sure, but the twins are obviously just some sides that are gonna die in an ambush or something for the shujinko motivation

As for the battle, I believe the immigrant can be a proteg too, because, you know, she wears a mask and it's red
>> No. 1072
File 15685611387.png - (33.21KB , 112x112 , angryboye.png )
Fuck your discussion, who the hell cares who's a protag

Where are the doujins
>> No. 1073
The words of a saint have been spoken
>> No. 1074
>> No. 1075
I'd like a lesbian orgy one, thank you dear drawfags!
>> No. 1076
Oh shut the fuck up, you're trying to summon the turboles and that pillowfuck
>> No. 1077
i am everywhere always bitch <3
>> No. 1078
>> No. 1079
>> No. 1080
>> No. 1081
File 15685615151.png - (12.23KB , 559x297 , leslewds.png )
Screencapped for future
>> No. 1082
you can always come jooooooooin my harem i promise its fun <3 funfunfun
>> No. 1083
So, anyone's going for a bingo yet?
>> No. 1084
Agahara or Iniya nudes are worth it
If you're into chicks with abs
Don't know about the others
>> No. 1085
Who was the fuckhead who leaked this shit to begin with? And how the shit did they even do that? Can just any random asshole leak full broadcasts of confidential shit like it's afternoon TV now, or what
>> No. 1086
Eh? Why was there a "this was based on a true story" then?
>> No. 1087
Hey, don't forget about the Kaminari!
>> No. 1088
Not her name tho
>> No. 1089
... it's not like they leaked the sector and index or something. So what does it matter.
>> No. 1090
... why would it be confidential if it was just fiction?
Yeeeah, sure doesn't matter when our security is apparently styled after Swiss cheese
>> No. 1091
I said I don't know about the others
The others being
Suzuko, Omidori, Haana
>> No. 1092
File 156856255534.png - (58.39KB , 504x601 , cozybingo.png )
Here you go
>> No. 1093
Why would you need to give that information to people who are supposed to be some closed circle of brown-nosers?
>> No. 1094
we dont have elves lol
>> No. 1095
>Kozians are chinese
>> No. 1096
Probably the usual, but I better shut my mouth
>> No. 1097
i dun get that one either
also it seems like the kozians are already the good guys of the story so that is a lame free space there
>> No. 1098
File 156856290393.png - (56.31KB , 504x601 , cozybingo.png )
I meant Kansai!

Here, fixed
>> No. 1099
>> No. 1102
Fuck off, all elves should die.
>> No. 1104
Lesbians look like a free space to me
>> No. 1106
our government is full of em...
>> No. 1107
yeah burn those fuckers
>> No. 1108
this story is shit
>> No. 1109
It seems to have been hijacked.
>> No. 1110
your mum is hijacked you fag
>> No. 1111
... our government, ladies and gents and everything in between. Our government at work
>> No. 1112
You can't be serious.
>> No. 1113
suck my dick
>> No. 1114
File 156856755870.jpg - (8.34KB , 200x200 , 49807517.jpg )
>> No. 1115
Nice ones m8
>> No. 1117
1v1 me irl bro
also i bet the princess dies in the end
>> No. 1121
File 15685681546.png - (26.48KB , 647x407 , int.png )
Screencapping again
>> No. 1136
You keep fighting the good fight, there.
>> No. 1143
Sooo... who's gonna die first? Let's have some bets here. I say Omishika. Not a fighter, but would probably try anyway.
>> No. 1146
the queen
>> No. 1147
Too soon.
>> No. 1151
I don't think anyone ever found one where she survives, which is kinda weird
Not even in other regions
>> No. 1152
no it was they didnt find one where shel ives and the rest also happens......i zthink
>> No. 1155
...Which one of the two was it, again?
>> No. 1156
The better one
>> No. 1158
shika was the dude
>> No. 1160
fareast earth names kinda fuck me up
some of the male onmes sound female and some female ones sound male. still get it wrong sometimes
>> No. 1161
Fareast? What's that next to Sarkhizimakvenarielablarghfuckyourfacethielanderdeneraliel
>> No. 1162
.... no idea what the fk i just erad
>> No. 1163
Why so negative? I wish them all good luck. Especially Iniya. Knights never die!
>> No. 1164
For a normal hummin she's pretty badass, I like her :D
>> No. 1167
Aren't Haana and Daechi knights too
Agahara seems like one too
>> No. 1169
Yeah but those eyes, man
>> No. 1481
Where do I tune in btw
>> No. 1482
ckackwhore.ct.ks had a link iirc
>> No. 1508
i read that as crackwhore
>> No. 1520
I honestly do not even know. We never actually decided to broadcast this one... >.>
>> No. 1521
Leaked like we're at Delora's, eh
>> No. 1522
omfg no why
>> No. 1523
... I just audibly retched. Please remove yourself from this site.
>> No. 1527
what is deloras
>> No. 1533
Sounds like some person i'd like to be acquainted with
>> No. 1540
Depends, are you a freak
>> No. 1556
That's such an overused term
>> No. 1565
Or you just hear it that much because you are one
>> No. 1611
What I don't get is how and why this was leaked to the Hub first, and Asivida second
>> No. 1612
it just shows who's got bigger security issues
>> No. 1613
Or rather, better Breakers.
>> No. 1638
Hey guys, does that qualify as a legendary sword for my bingo?
>> No. 1639
not yet.
>> No. 1640
I say yes
>> No. 1641
Suzu bezt girl
>> No. 1642
Suzu best girl.
>> No. 1643
Ok, I agree.
>> No. 1644
The Waifu Council, through the majority of voices decides:
Suzu best girl.
>> No. 1645
I mean, I still like Iniya more, but I guess I'm okay with that too
>> No. 1646
Wait, can I take my vote back? She's actually a huge idiot.
>> No. 1647
Huge idiot with a huge heart!
>> No. 1648
this is so cliche
>> No. 1649
This is hilarious
>> No. 1650
... I have no words
>> No. 1665
does anyone else think that moment when she was left alone in the infirmary was cute as heck? :)
>> No. 1671
it was. need to pat and feed snacks
>> No. 1675
Yeah, that's why she was granted my vote.
>> No. 1731
I think all the major grills so far are pretty good waifu material
>> No. 1735
I want Dori to make me some fish
>> No. 1741
I swear there's one short camera angle where Shika is holding a sheet warming pan instead of a frying pan
Found my first easter egg
>> No. 1750
that's either really wholesome or some perverted joke i'm missing
>> No. 1754
...what? why?
>> No. 1756
cause it's either of those things
>> No. 1763
There really is no in between when it comes to this site, so I see were she(?) is coming from xD
>> No. 1764
oh come on
>> No. 1768
I want Dori to tell me to calm down
>> No. 1769
girls got a heck of a right hook lol
>> No. 1770
Shika best boi~!
>> No. 1771
Yeah spot any other boi there genius
>> No. 1772
File 156960913344.jpg - (17.93KB , 400x400 , G7aOI_XV_400x400.jpg )
>> No. 1773
harem series confirmed
>> No. 1774
Looks like Daechi missed his appeal too xD
>> No. 1775
>> No. 1776
Good now drop her
>> No. 1777
File 15696151856.png - (80.02KB , 211x295 , nopeacenotranquility.png )
By the power of triples, I command you to die.
>> No. 1778
welp, you know the rules
>> No. 1779
Safe killing yourself, mate. We will not miss you.
>> No. 1780
safe death pal
>> No. 1781
... I feel so sorry for her right now
>> No. 1782
I don't, I feel happy for her instead
>> No. 1783
I do too now <3
She's adorable
>> No. 1784
Okay, I managed to give it a fap.
>> No. 1785
Get out
>> No. 1796
someone give bomber lady a hug
>> No. 1797
Suzu did tho, quite a long one too
>> No. 1798
a real hug, man
>> No. 1799
Everybody hugging everybody!
I want a hug too
>> No. 1800
>> No. 1801
>> No. 1802
someone play iniya off with some heavy metal
ten times the man than 90 % of men i know
>> No. 1803
Don't, Briahne will come
>> No. 1804
File 157048733960.png - (187.24KB , 345x345 , Suzuko.png )
You know, Suzu's the best.

This faithful, calm and kind soul. She is well aware of where she's lacking and she takes no offence in that, ever - it just makes me want to praise her even more. She's still incredibly wise, always thinks before acting. She's a perfect person to have at your side.
>> No. 1805
I still want Dori to hug me.
>> No. 1806
>> No. 1807
Well, duh?
Truly a guardian angel.
>> No. 1808
I am dying. This is the best.
>> No. 1809
Agahara-chan and Suzu
Someone make a moe slice of life outta that
>> No. 1810
But it is a slice of life already
>> No. 1811
I want Dori to make amused faces at me
>> No. 1812
Glad Agahara and Suzuko met; seem like they could use exactly someone like each other.
Also curious why Agahara will ask Omidori and Omishika to follow(?) them, as Komiyo said; there has to be some kind of reason. Guess because they're Mages and those are rare? Throw some theories around. Might be fun. Let's see who's right in the end.
>> No. 1813
i wanna ask that girl out. she's cute
>> No. 1814
I wanna hug her
And then she can make fish for me
Bet she makes squeaky toy noises during both
>> No. 1815
Need to sacrifice three mages for an ascension ritual
>> No. 1816
I want Dori to squeak at me
>> No. 1817
Hey, now that would be some plot twist
>> No. 1818
and chinatown would agree without asking
>> No. 1819
> ascension ritual
wat xD
>> No. 1820
I want Dori to keep interrupting me
>> No. 1821
What would happen if Dori would interrupt you fishing?
>> No. 1822
World would end. But it's fine.
>> No. 1823
>> No. 1824
well thats fine since i cant find her anywhere
>> No. 1825
spacetime.exe encountered a fatal error
The program will now shutdown
>> No. 1826
Shika, stop, reason is not allowed there
>> No. 1827
Just kill all the fuckers and go home
>> No. 1828
Oh my creator, Suzu, please, stop talking
>> No. 1829
I want Dori to protect me from meanies
>> No. 1830
yyyeah that was painful
>> No. 1831
File 157232325410.jpg - (463.32KB , 1023x724 , nomoreflying.jpg )
First you get royally hugged, then you get royally kissed, and then you get royally fucked by your crippling disability to communicate with people.
>> No. 1832
File 157232914122.jpg - (43.02KB , 640x453 , crying_komi.jpg )
Let's take bets: Will Suzuko redeem herself?
>> No. 1833
Well, she did nothing wrong, so yeah
>> No. 1834
I say yes
>> No. 1835
Well I say no, and it's a draw
>> No. 1836
Suzu is a good person, she just doesn't always know how to show it xD
Good that Ara has such godlike patience with her and tries to explain to her how people... work
>> No. 1837
I want Dori to show me the Dori way
>> No. 1838
sounds fishy to me
>> No. 1839
>> No. 1840
I think Suzu would enjoy being wrecked.
>> No. 1841
We officially just watched an episode of some shounen
>> No. 1842
"yea I'm just playing along, I could've won"
>> No. 1843
considering how unfair the matchup was she did extremely well
dont be lettin no one say otherwise
>> No. 1844
File 157320551772.jpg - (700.67KB , 939x1254 , pat.jpg )
>> No. 1845
Yeah I don't think she has the same opinion herself
>> No. 1846
thaaats the problem yup
>> No. 1847
File 157320787891.png - (162.89KB , 393x220 , fist.png )
Imagine wasting all your life on training to inherit a power from over a thousand years ago only to get wrecked by somebody who got a pat on the shoulder from some weird UFO guys a year ago
>> No. 1848
File 15732081428.png - (47.29KB , 400x300 , qres.png )
>> No. 1849
File 157321240124.jpg - (257.29KB , 646x427 , Irony.jpg )
To be honest though
I think that thought bothers Agahara more than Suzuko
>> No. 1850
>> No. 1851
I want Dori to faint for me
>> No. 1852
Doesn't seem like it does
>> No. 1853
You serious? Suzuko is always just busy with herself
She seems like she could give two shits where Agahara got her powers from, all she cares about is "GOTTA KEEP UP"
>> No. 1854
Saged, btw, but nobody cares since nothing else is alive
>> No. 1855
yeah not like we ever really have much interverse shit going on... this is pretty much the only thing goin on right now
also #cantfindsuzuko
>> No. 1856
Can't find the twins either
They're all ghosts
>> No. 1857
spooky scary omitons
>> No. 1858
Anyone know if they even checked on that yet
>> No. 1859
Send fishies down your spine
>> No. 1860
>> No. 1861
Swimming carps will shock your soul
>> No. 1862
lol yea knowing their beurocracy sure they did
house twelve probabyl busting a nut
>> No. 1863
Your spelling is physical assault as far as I'm concerned
>> No. 1864
I'm very sorry, oh eloquent sir among sirs, that some of us have a job and can't always pay a lot of time and attention to every little mundane comment we post somewhere.
lol... what a muppet
>> No. 1865
I want Dori to... where's Dori's screentime?
>> No. 1866
Cut her some slack : (
She did real good, helped Agahara, and now she's dorinapping
>> No. 1867
shes just raising her power level behind the scenes
>> No. 1868
Hand-holding... it's disgusting that they're showing it to children.
>> No. 1869
Yeah, if I wanted to watch porn, I'd just visit Myrial
>> No. 1870
This is an outrage, the Princess is willingly making a child touch her and talk to her softly while nobody else is looking
>> No. 1871
yer a horrible person :(
>> No. 1872
The fuck is goin' on thar
>> No. 1873
Two people who met each other YESTERDAY immediately hooking up before even having ANY TIME to notice that they're COMPLETELY FUCKING INCOMPATIBLE with each other because they're both mentally injured in the EXACT right way for that

So, you know. What Iniya said:
>> No. 1874
thats totally incorrect, how dare you
they met each other the day before yesterday
so they took a whole day to hook up. huuuge difference
>> No. 1875
What are you on about? They're a perfect fit, this is awesome. Pass the popcorn
>> No. 1876
They should break up, change to a purely professional relationship, and stop letting this nonsense get in the way of their mission. How shameful and childish.
>> No. 1877
You're one to talk lol
>> No. 1878
shes right tho
>> No. 1879
I must disagree, Lady Yosuya.

While your suggestion is, in theory, logically viable and even self-evident, the obvious issue (at least obvious to any extrauniversal Asividan) is Agahara's mental state.
It borders rather dangerously on territory where usage of her powers might well lead to her succumbing to the Dark against her will.

Given how necessary usage of her powers evidently is - well, you see my point. Should that happen, even with Komiyo's restraining powers, it could easily end in a catastrophe for not just those in Agahara's immediate vicinity, but the entire nation.

This leads to the logical conclusion that betterment of Agahara's mental state is urgently necessary. Of course, from a cold-hearted perspective, a breakup might be a viable solution here; after all, no romantic relationship means no romantic expectations.
But a breakup would not facilitate the sudden erasure of existing feelings (however juvenile and rushed those feelings may be). Meaning, all a breakup would cause is more heartbreak and unfulfilled longing, thus only increasing the likelihood of Agahara losing herself.

So, if anything, I can merely agree with your suggestion in the sense that even beginning a romantic relationship in the manner they did was foolish from the outset - all the more considering their social immaturity and deficits, especially Suzuko's.
>> No. 1880
I agree, just in way fewer words
>> No. 1881
another suzu bully
get em
>> No. 1882
She should've chosen Dori
>> No. 1883
...that's like... her cousin.
>> No. 1884
File 157460321026.png - (36.94KB , 128x199 , yesand.png )
>> No. 1885
< Just one thing she needs to do
>> No. 1886
... I mean, to be fair, I think she wouldn't have this much of an issue with feeling alone or unloved because of the lack of physical contact if she wasn't... uuuh you know.
Cripplingly depressed. xD
>> No. 1887
.... dude i think she just minds so m,uch because shes so fucking cepressed xD
>> No. 1888
Dunno man
Even if yer not depressed... sometimes you GOTTA tap dat booty when it calls for ya
>> No. 1889
... can't someone just give her a hug and help her?
I've suffered from depression in the past, it's really not fun :(
>> No. 1890
cmon man dont be a dick
shes nut asking for fucks
shes just asking for hugs
>> No. 1891
adoptive mommy, step mommy, stop fighting
>> No. 1892
They're not fighting
Just... being damaged in horrible unison
>> No. 1893
ya i know right
>> No. 1894
Oh right, I was at this net-scientists meeting too, they were talking about how touch is necessary to cure deppression and does so immediately

I've been through this too, I was very deppressed and wanted to kill myself but my mom cam and slapped me yelling to get back to work and then I was no longer deppressed
>> No. 1895
oh come on mate xD
she even said that shes really happy with how suzu is there for her in other ways
some people just be like that
some people just need the snugs especially wherntheyre feeling down
>> No. 1896
Well, Agahara's depression and desperation stem from the burden she puts on herself in the many acts of violence and killings she commits. She seems to feel awfully inhuman and distanced from everyone around her.
On one hand, yes, she gets to fight this one way by being there for her daughter. But more than just not (fully, in all ways) getting to fight this the other way around with Suzuko, I feel the thing that makes it even more problematic is that Suzuko actively feels in a negative way about Agahara's wish to be close to her; it is a form of rejecting affection, a subconscious implication of fear or dislike of Agahara's "neediness".
Mind you, Suzuko cannot be blamed for it, surely. But that does little to make it much better.
>> No. 1897
Excuse me what
Want me to go all over the footage of her saying "it's fine, use me" or whatever and post it here for you?
>> No. 1898
i mean it just attentionwhoring right she could see that other chick trying to overcome it and shes still like uwu nobody lowes me i want touch
>> No. 1899
Are you a functioning retard?
>> No. 1901
new thread ye bongal moshnas

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